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I would like to take a moment to appreciate the parents and guardians of

these ranking students. Without your unconditional support, guidance, and

encouragement, their achievements would not have been possible. Your
continuous involvement in their education and your constant motivation
have played a crucial role in their success.

To my G10 -St. Thomas students,I want y’all to remind that success is not
limited to academic achievements alone. While it is vital to strive for
excellence in our studies, true success lies in the ability to pursue our
passions, be compassionate individuals, and contribute positively to
society. It is essential to maintain this drive, enthusiasm, and hunger for
knowledge, not only for academic pursuits but also for personal growth and

Keep aiming high, believe in yourselves, and never stop learning.

Congratulations once again, and may you all continue to shine brightly in
all your future endeavors!

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