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ROLL NO. 218

PRN : 1062210973


Q1 UN Goal Number 6: Ensuring Access to Water and Sanitation for All


UN Goal 6 emphasizes universal access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene, fundamental
for human health and well-being. Despite progress, billions worldwide remain without these
vital services. This report delves into the challenges, strategies, and initiatives in the pursuit
of achieving this crucial goal by 2030, highlighting the significant roles played by Namami
Ganga and the Swachh Bharat Mission.

Global Water Crisis and Challenges

The escalating demand for water, driven by population growth and industrial needs, has led to
severe scarcity, exacerbated by climate change. A staggering half of the world’s population
faces water scarcity annually. Consequently, 2.2 billion lack safely managed drinking water,
and 3.5 billion lack safely managed sanitation, revealing pressing challenges in fulfilling this
basic human right.

Positive Progress and Strategies

Progress has been made; however, concerted efforts are essential to bridge the gap.
Investments in infrastructure, sanitation facilities, and ecosystem preservation are crucial.
Notably, between 2015 and 2022, access to safely managed drinking water increased. To
sustain this momentum, increased investment, innovation, and cross-sectoral collaboration
are imperative.

Role of Namami Ganga and Swachh Bharat Mission

Namami Ganga focuses on cleaning and rejuvenating the Ganges, a lifeline for millions.
Simultaneously, the Swachh Bharat Mission targets improving sanitation by promoting toilet
construction, fostering cleaner environments, aligning with UN Goal 6’s objectives, and
making strides toward universal access to sanitation.

Linkage Between Water and Climate Change

Climate change exacerbates water scarcity, impacting health, productivity, biodiversity, and
sustainable development. Sustainable water and sanitation services are vital strategies in
mitigating climate change.

Call to Action
Civil society involvement, investment in research, and inclusive governance are pivotal.
Active participation in World Water Day and World Toilet Day campaigns can foster
awareness and inspire action, contributing to achieving Goal 6.


The pursuit of UN Goal 6 is an imperative global endeavor, entailing collaborative efforts,

innovative solutions, and inclusive actions. Namami Ganga and the Swachh Bharat Mission
exemplify India’s commitment towards achieving universal access to water and sanitation,
contributing significantly to this collective global objective.

Q2 Importance of Ethics and Morality for Social and Economic Development


Ethics and morality are foundational pillars crucial for the holistic progress of societies and
economies globally. Their influence extends beyond individual conduct to shaping
institutions, policies, and the overall socio-economic landscape.

Ethics in Social Development

Ethics guide human behavior, fostering social cohesion and trust among communities.
Respect for diversity, human rights, and dignity forms the basis for inclusive societies,
encouraging cooperation and reducing social disparities. A morally conscious society
promotes empathy, compassion, and solidarity, vital for addressing societal challenges.

Ethics in Economic Development

Ethical practices in business and economics contribute to sustainable economic growth. Fair
and transparent trade practices, adherence to labor rights, and responsible environmental
stewardship bolster long-term economic stability. Ethical conduct cultivates consumer trust,
encourages investments, and enhances market competitiveness.

The Need for Responsible and Transparent Systems

Countries require robust and accountable systems and institutions to ensure equitable and
sustainable growth. Transparent governance systems prevent corruption, fostering trust
between governments and citizens. Accountability mechanisms hold institutions responsible
for their actions, ensuring fair distribution of resources and opportunities.

Equitable Growth for All

Ethics and morality pave the way for inclusive development, ensuring that marginalized
communities are not left behind. Transparent institutions prioritize equitable distribution of
wealth, access to education, healthcare, and basic amenities, promoting social justice and
reducing inequalities.

Sustainability and Ethics

Responsible environmental practices are integral to ethical development. Sustainable resource
management and conservation efforts preserve ecosystems for future generations. Ethical
considerations in policymaking prioritize sustainable practices, mitigating the adverse effects
of climate change and environmental degradation.

Strengthening Systems for Sustainable Growth

Strong and responsible institutions uphold the rule of law, protect human rights, and foster a
conducive environment for economic prosperity. Implementing and enforcing ethical codes
of conduct in governance, businesses, and social institutions are pivotal in achieving
sustainable and equitable growth.


The integration of ethics and morality into the fabric of society and its institutions is
indispensable for fostering inclusive, sustainable, and equitable development worldwide.
Countries must prioritize the establishment of transparent, accountable systems and
institutions to ensure that ethical principles guide decision-making processes at all levels.

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