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detox with castor oil packs

How to do
Castor Oil
No synthetic fabric. Cut into a square or rectangle 4 times
the size of area being treated.


An electric heating pad is ideal

You can find castor oil at most health stores or Amazon,
look for organic, cold-pressed, and hexane-free.


Fold the flannel cloth twice to fit the size of the area you wish to
treat. Soak the flannel cloth with the castor oil.

Place the folded cloth on the treatment area, cover with plastic
wrap, then apply heating pad or hot pack. Castor oil stains so lay
on an old towel to avoid stains.

Lay with pack on at least 20 minutes to an hour. Overnight is ideal.

Monitor heat pack. Castor oil packs can be safely used on children
as well.

Once treatment ends you can store flannel cloth in a container to

reuse. You can add a few teaspoons of oil to cloth when reusing.

To cut the oil, wash skin or towel in a solution of 3 tablespoons

baking soda/qt of water

Castor oil is strongly anti-inflammatory and pain relieving. Castor oil packs can be used
for headaches, migraines, constipation, colic, arthritis, sore joints, aches and pains,
warts, menstrual cramps and more. Never apply a castor oil pack to areas of broken

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