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Intermediate English Test

Section 1: Vocabulary and Synonyms

Instructions: Choose the synonym that best fits the context.

1. Ambitious: a. Lazy b. Hardworking c. Careless d. Shy

2. Contribute: a. Withdraw b. Donate c. Complain d. Ignore

3. Meticulous: a. Careless b. Precise c. Hasty d. Shabby

4. Eloquent: a. Inarticulate b. Fluent c. Reserved d. Shy

5. Obsolete: a. Modern b. Outdated c. New d. Current

Section 2: Grammar

Instructions: Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. The questions cover various
grammar points.

6. My sister and I ________ going to the mall later. a. is b. am c. are d. be

7. If it rains, we ________ the picnic indoors. a. have b. had c. will have d. would have

8. She sings so ________ that everyone stopped to listen. a. beautifully b. beautiful c. beauty d.

9. John, along with his friends, ________ the new movie last night. a. watch b. watching c.
watched d. watches

10. The teacher asked us to complete the assignment ________. a. careful b. carefully c. careless
d. carelessly

Section 3: Reading Comprehension

Instructions: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

The following passage is about the benefits of reading.

People who read regularly enjoy numerous benefits. Firstly, reading enhances vocabulary and
language skills. Secondly, it reduces stress and provides a form of escapism. Lastly, reading fosters
empathy by allowing readers to understand different perspectives.

11. What is one benefit of reading mentioned in the passage? a. Increased stress levels b.
Improved language skills c. Limited perspective d. Lack of escapism

12. According to the passage, how does reading foster empathy? a. By limiting perspectives b. By
reducing stress c. By enhancing language skills d. By allowing readers to understand different

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