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Fear =

Phobia =
What are you most afraid of?
I am afraid of …

Cat person
Dog person
Polar bears = a kind of a bear that lives in
the north pole

Crowd = so many people in one place

The subway was crowded last night.
Subway = metro

Crossing the road

Road = yol
To cross the road = to go from one side of
the road to the other side

Brave = has no fears = afraid of nothing

Insects = hasarat
Spider, fly, cockroach
What is the difference between fear and
Phobia -> it doesn’t make sense also it is not
reasonable or it is not rational
Reasonable = rational
Stairs = pelekan
Fear -> it includes danger
Scared = afraid of
I am pretty scared of heights
Pretty scared = very scared
I am pretty happy
Kind of = used to talk about something
when you are not sure
I am kind of scared of heights.

Guess = to give an answer or opinion about

something without having all the facts
Fact = truth
My far right = to my right side
Individual = one thing or one person
Refuse = to say that you will not do or
accept something
She refused to look at the clown.
Realize = to know = to understand
To force = macbur etmak
Actually = in fact
Circuses are usually in a tent
Tent = chader
On a scale of one to ten
Scale = the size or level of something
On a scale of one to ten how much is your
On a scale of one to ten how much you love
your friends
To point out = to tell someone a fact
Affect = influence
To affect = tasir etmak
How bad are you afraid of hasharat?
I am afraid of hasharat a little (or very
On a scale of one to ten how much are you
afraid of hasharat?
Trust me = believe me
A bunch = some
To puke = to vomit = to throw up
Puke = vomit
I feel nauseous = I want to vomit = I want to
throw up

Ache = pain

I am cool with something = I am

To borrow = to take and then give back
Anxiety (n) = stressed
Anxious (adj)
Stuff = things
Sweaty hands
To overcome= to win
Till 3:12 (watch it again pls)

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