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Thei = God/religion, Ist = Follower

Theist = one who believes in god

Atheist = one who doesn’t believe in god.
Monotheist= one who believes in one god.
Polytheist = one who believes in many gods.
Pantheist = one who believes in all gods
across all religions.
Thei = God/religion, Ist = Follower

Theist = one who believes in god

Thei = God/religion, Ist = Follower

Atheist = one who doesn’t believe in god.

Thei = God/religion, Ist = Follower

Monotheist= One who believes in one god.

Mono = one

Monotheist= One who believes in one god.

Mono = one

Monopoly = Control by ‘one’

Mono = one

Monologue = Speech given by ‘one’ person

Mono = one

Monotonous= Of using ‘one’ tone only

Mono = one

Monarch = ‘One’ ruler

Mono = one

Monorail = A train which uses ‘one’ rail

instead of two tracks.
Mono = one

Monotheist= One who believes in one god.

Monopoly = Control by ‘one’
Monologue = Speech given by ‘one’ person
Monotonous= Of using ‘one’ tone only
Monarch = ‘One’ ruler
Monorail = A train which uses ‘one’ rail
instead of two tracks.
Poly = many
Polytheist = One who believes in many gods.
Poly = many
Polychromatic = Having many different colors
Poly = many
Polyclinic = A hospital that treats many kinds
of diseases
Poly = many
Polyglot = A person who knows how to
speak, read, or write many languages
Poly = many
Polygon = A two-dimensional figure that has
‘many’ sides and angles
Poly = many
Polymath = Person who knows ‘many’ things
Poly = many
Polygamy = The marriage practice of having
‘many’ mates
Poly = many
Polynesia = Geographical area which has
‘many’ islands
Poly = many
Polytheist = One who believes in many gods.
Polychromatic = Having many different colors
Polyclinic = A hospital that treats many kinds
of diseases
Polyglot = A person who knows how to
speak, read, or write many languages
Polygon = A two-dimensional figure that has
‘many’ sides and angles
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Zoophobia = Fear of animal
Androphobia = Dislike or fear of boys.
Gynophobia = Dislike or fear of girls.
Pedophobia = Dislike or fear of children.
Demophobia = Fear of Public Speaking.
Anthropophobia = the fear of people and human
Theophobia = fear of religion
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Zoophobia = Fear of animal
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Androphobia = Dislike or fear of boys.
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Gynophobia = Dislike or fear of girls.
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Pedophobia = Dislike or fear of children.
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Demophobia = Fear of Public Speaking.
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Anthropophobia = the fear of people and human
Phobia = Fear or Dislike
Theophobia = fear of religion
Andro = men, male
Polyandry = The practice of having more than 1
husband at the same time.
Psychandric = A reference to the mind of a man or
Android = Resembling a human/ human-like
Misandry = Hatred towards men.
Androcracy = The political rule by men or males.
Androcentric = Centred or focused on men.
Andro = men, male
Polyandry = The practice of having more than 1
husband at the same time.
Andro = men, male
Psychandric = A reference to the mind of a man or
Andro = men, male
Android = Resembling a human/ human-like
Andro = men, male
Misandry = Hatred towards men.
Andro = men, male
Androcracy = The political rule by men or males.
Andro = men, male
Androcentric = Centred or focused on men.
Cracy = govt /system, -acy = forming nouns of state
Democracy - demo+cracy means govt of
Cracy = govt /system, -acy = forming nouns of state
Democracy - demo+cracy means govt of
Autocracy - auto+cracy means
dictatorship/kingship (when one person rules
the whole government or system)
Cracy = govt /system, -acy = forming nouns of state
Democracy - demo+cracy means govt of
Autocracy - auto+cracy means
dictatorship/kingship (when one person rules
the whole government or system)
Theocracy - Theo+cracy means when
government is of religious people like priest,
bishops etc.
Cracy = govt /system, -acy = forming nouns of state

Plutocracy - Pluto means wealthy so plutocracy

means when government is controlled by wealthy
people like industrialist.
Cracy = govt /system, -acy = forming nouns of state

Plutocracy - Pluto means wealthy so plutocracy

means when government is controlled by wealthy
people like industrialist.
Oligocracy - Oligo means selected few so oligocracy
means when selected few runs the government.
Cracy = govt /system, -acy = forming nouns of state

Plutocracy - Pluto means wealthy so plutocracy

means when government is controlled by wealthy
people like industrialist.
Oligocracy - Oligo means selected few so oligocracy
means when selected few runs the government.
Mobocracy - Mob means crowd so mobocracy
means when crowd takes over government or in
other words lawlessness.
Demos = people

Demagogue: A leader of a popular faction or of

the mob (negative)
Demos = people

Demagogue: A leader of a popular faction or of

the mob (negative)
Democide: Killing of a mass/people
Demos = people

Demagogue: A leader of a popular faction or of

the mob (negative)
Democide: Killing of a mass/people
Democrat: One who supports the rule by the
Demos = people

Demagogue: A leader of a popular faction or of

the mob (negative)
Democide: Killing of a mass/people
Democrat: One who supports the rule by the
Demoeconomy: Demographic economy,
related to statistics about people
Demos = people
Demogenic: Based on citizenship rather than
kinship of people (society or community)
Demos = people
Demogenic: Based on citizenship rather than
kinship of people (society or community)
Demography: Branch of sociology that deals with
statistics of populations (for example: that is births,
deaths, marriages)
Demos = people
Demogenic: Based on citizenship rather than
kinship of people (society or community)
Demography: Branch of sociology that deals with
statistics of populations (for example: that is births,
deaths, marriages)
Demonym: A word that indicates native people of a
particular place (Tai for Tailand, German for
Oligo- = containing a relatively small number of units.

Oliganthous - Having a very limited number of

Oligo- = containing a relatively small number of units.

Oliganthous - Having a very limited number of

oligemia - A deficiency in the amount of blood in
the body or any organ or tissue.
Oligo- = containing a relatively small number of units.

Oliganthous - Having a very limited number of

oligemia - A deficiency in the amount of blood in
the body or any organ or tissue.
Olighydria - A state of decreased water content.
Oligo- = containing a relatively small number of units.

Oliganthous - Having a very limited number of

oligemia - A deficiency in the amount of blood in
the body or any organ or tissue.
Olighydria - A state of decreased water content.
Oligoaerobic - A reference to organisms that grow
in conditions of low oxygen concentration.
Oligo- = containing a relatively small number of units.

Oliganthous - Having a very limited number of

oligemia - A deficiency in the amount of blood in
the body or any organ or tissue.
Olighydria - A state of decreased water content.
Oligoaerobic - A reference to organisms that grow
in conditions of low oxygen concentration.
Oligcarpous - Having few carpels or fruit.
Ambul = Walk,move
Amble- to walk in a slow, relaxed way
Ambulant- walking or moving
Ambulance- a vehicle that moves a patient
Funambulist: A tightrope walking
Perambulate- To travel over or through especially on
Somnambulant: Walking or having the habit of walking
while asleep.
Somnia = sleep

Somniferous - ferrous means things causing something

so somniferous are the things that cause sleep like pills
Somnambulist - som+amb+ist here som means sleep
ambu means walk so somnambulist means the one who
walk while sleeping.
Somniloquist - loquist means talking so somniloquist
means the one who talks while sleeping.
loqu = speak
Loquacious - loquis means talking so loquacious
means the one who talks a lot
Blandiloquent: Talking in a sweet voice
Circumlocution: Using more words than necessary
in a talk
loqu = speak
Colloquialism: A word that is used in an informal
Colloquium: A conversation or a talk
Elocution: The art of speaking/talking clearly
Eloquent: One who talks fluently.
Circum = Around, about
Circumjacent: Surrounding, being around
Circumlocution: A roundabout; indirect way
of speaking
Circumlunar: Around the Moon
Circummigration: moving around from place
to place
Circum = Around, about
Circummure: To build a wall around
Circumnavigate: To go around
Circumplanetary: Around a planet
Circumspect: Cautious about everything
Blandus = alluring or flattering
blandishments = flattery intended to coax or cajole
Cogn = know

cognition: ‘learning’ process

recognize: ‘learn again’
cognizant: ‘learned’
precognition: ‘learning beforehand’
cognoscenti: those ‘having learned’
incognito: ‘not learned’ about by others
cognitive: ‘pertaining to learning’
Scent = to feel, perceive, sense

Evanescent: tending to vanish like vapor; evanescent

Candescent: glowing from great heat
Adolescent: being of the age 13 through 19
Opalescent: having a play of lustrous rainbow-like
Meta = change, after, beyond, between
Metabolism: Chemical processes that occur within a
living organism in order to maintain life
Metachrosis: The ability to change colour of skin (among
Metacognition: Understanding of one’s own thoughts
Metaconversation: A conversation after and about a
Metacriticism: A criticism of another criticism
Meta = change, after, beyond, between
Metafiction: A genre in which the author goes
beyond the conventions of novels and narrative
Metafile: Stored information that can be passed
between computers or systems
Metagame: A game about other games
Metagrammar: A grammar that explains all possible
Eu= good, beautiful
Euphemism: A mild or pleasant word, or phrase, which is
used in place of one that might be considered too direct, too
harsh, too unpleasant.
Euphonic: The descriptive word for a pleasant sound.
Euphony: Pleasing or sweet sound.
Euphoria: A feeling of great happiness or well-being.
Eupnea: Easy, free respiration.
Euthermic: At an optimal temperature.
Eu= good, beautiful

Eubiotics: The study of living in a healthy state.

Eumorphism: The preservation of or protecting the
natural form of a cell.
Eudemon: A good, or benevolent, demon or spirit.
Eudemonia: A state of pleasant well-being.
Eudipsia: A normal thirst.
Euesthesia: The normal or good conditions of the
sensations or feelings of the body.
phono = sound

phonograph: a record player.

symphony: an elaborate musical composition for full
phonogram: a symbol representing a vocal sound.
megaphone: a large funnel-shaped device for
amplifying and directing the voice.
euphony: the quality of being pleasing to the ear.
Phēmē = speech
Heterophemy: The unconscious saying, in
speech or in writing
Morpheme: The smallest units of speech that
convey meaning.
Tachyphemia: An abnormal rapidity of speech.
Grapheme: A letter of an alphabet.
Blaspheme: To speak of (God or a sacred entity)
in an irreverent, impious manner.
Dipsia = a sensation, often referred to the mouth and throat

Adipsia: The abnormal absence of thirst

Adipsous: Serving to quench thirst; such as, a
food or beverage.
Dipsetic: Marked by a feeling of thirst.
Dipsogen: An agent that induces or produces a
Dipsomania: The pathological excessive use of
of alcohol.
Mori, Mort = die
Mortuary: a room or building in which dead bodies are
kept, for hygienic storage or for examination, until burial
or cremation.
Moribund: (of a person) at the point of death.
Immortal: living forever; never dying or decaying.
Moratia: Cause of death or a reference to death.
Amortize: To deaden, render as if dead, destroy.
Admortal: Moving toward damaged tissue; applied to an
electric current.
Greg = a group or a herd

Egregious: Standing out from the group in favorable

Segregative: Tending to separate, to set apart
Segregationist: One who believes in segregation
Antisegregationist: One against segregation
Desegregate :To do away with segregation
Aggregator: Someone or something which aggregates.
Aggregation :A collection; a union into a mass
Migr = moved, shifted
Commigrate: To migrate in a group
Emigrant: Someone who leaves one country to settle in another
Emigrate: To leave your country in order to move to another
Emigration: A movement of people from their own country to
another one
Emigrative: Being willing to emigrate
Emigree: One who has to emigrate due to some political
Immigrant: One who has moved to live in a country

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