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Writing a coursework, especially in a complex subject like mathematics, can be a challenging task for

many students. The intricacies of the topic, the need for precision, and the requirement for logical
reasoning can make the process quite demanding. The difficulty is often compounded when dealing
with specific problems or scenarios, such as the "Fencing Problem" in mathematics.

The "Fencing Problem" typically involves optimizing the dimensions of a fenced enclosure to
maximize or minimize a certain variable, considering various constraints. This requires a deep
understanding of mathematical concepts, problem-solving skills, and the ability to communicate
findings effectively.

For those finding it challenging to navigate through such coursework, seeking assistance is a prudent
decision. Services like ⇒ ⇔ can provide valuable support. They offer a platform
where individuals can hire experienced and qualified writers to tackle their coursework, ensuring
high-quality and well-researched content. This not only saves time but also guarantees a
professionally crafted document that meets academic standards.

It is important to note that seeking help is not a sign of weakness but rather a smart choice to ensure
academic success. These services often employ experts in various fields, including mathematics, who
can provide a fresh perspective and deliver a coursework that reflects a deep understanding of the
subject matter.

If you find yourself struggling with your Maths Coursework, especially the Fencing Problem,
consider reaching out to ⇒ ⇔ for assistance. Their team of skilled writers can
alleviate the burden, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your education while ensuring you
submit a coursework that meets or exceeds your academic expectations.
An example is shown below in a regular pentagon with sides of 200m. Students studying in Class 4
can easily download in Pdf format and practice the questions and answers given in the above
practice worksheet for Class 4 Mathematics on a daily basis. These shapes are both regular polygons
and the two shapes have given us the largest area from their family groups. This will decrease the
height, which means the area will be smaller. Because every isosceles triangle can be split into 2
right-angled triangles, I can work out the area of the triangle, using trigonometry. Below is the
formula and area when using a base of 200m. Because I am increasing the sides by large amounts
and they are not changing I am going to see what the result is for a circle. I have used this formula to
work out the area when the base is different heights. This is achieved by experimenting with different
shapes. I have shown the formula that is used to calculate the area of the above circle below. After
solving these you should also refer to Class 4 Mathematics MCQ Test for the same chapter. She
wishes to fence of a plot of land that contains the maximum area. Tow ork out the height I can use
Pythagoras’ Theorem. I shall half the interior angle to find this angle. Students can download and
save or print all the printable worksheets, assignments, and practice sheets of the above chapter in
Class 4 Mathematics in Pdf format from studiestoday. For the Rectangles the maximum area I got
was 62500m. This can be found by excluding 180 0 from the exterior angle. Usually, however, the
means the length of the circle, and the interior of the circle is called a. I shall find the length of side
of the triangle by dividing the total perimeter by the number of sides that the shape consists of. I
have shown the shape that I shall be investigating during this part of the coursework below. I have
decided that shall use Pythagoras’s theorem to discover the height. I shall be taking the same
procedures that I took before. After I had finished the regular polygons I guessed that because it was
the only shape I had not done the shape with the most maximum area will be a circle. To find the
height a formula must be made using trigonometry. I shall multiply this figure by the number of
triangles present within the hexagon. This means the shape that can have the largest area must have
infinite sides. The trigonometry function TAN shall be used to find the height, which can also be
known as length of opposite. The following are the five main quadrilaterals that I shall be
scrutinizing. In my investigation I am going to work on different shapes. I have shown the results
below in a tabulated form.
I have decided that shall use Pythagoras’s theorem to discover the height. Below are 2 rectangles
(not drawn to scale) showing how different shapes with the same perimeter can have different areas.
The results have been shown below in a tabulated form. How much wire will be needed for fencing
around is 3 times. Both of these equations rely on the fact that every post except the last has 4 rails
attached. To find the area of a triangle I used triganometry. This can be found by excluding 180 0
from the exterior angle. I also know that each side is 200m long, so the base of the triangle will be
100m. Practice worksheets play an important role in developing an understanding of Fields And
Fences in CBSE Class 4. Free chapter wise worksheets with answers have been designed by Class 4
teachers as per latest examination pattern. Below is the formula and area when using a base of 200m.
Because I will split it into two, I will need to halve the top angle and the base length. All study
material for Class 4 Mathematics students have been given on studiestoday. After solving these you
should also refer to Class 4 Mathematics MCQ Test for the same chapter. Tyson’s drawing is
designed to help the students to visualise a short cut for counting rails. I shall now calculate the
height by drawing a line near the edge of the trapezium to form a right-angled triangle. Mathematics
Coursework - Fencing Introduction: A framer has a farm that he needs to fence, and I need to
investigate and look for the largest area of a plot with the perimeter of 1000 meter. I shall multiply
this figure by the number of triangles present within the nonagon. I have shown the shape that I shall
be investigating during this part of my coursework. A diagram has been shown below which
represents the circle. Download printable Mathematics Class 4 Worksheets in pdf format, CBSE
Class 4 Mathematics Fields And Fences Worksheet has been prepared as per the latest syllabus and
exam pattern issued by CBSE, NCERT and KVS. I have shown the steps that shall be taken into
consideration alongside with how the stage shall be considered in calculating and besides this I have
shown the formula. Considering we know the side opposite the angle and want to find out the side
adjacent to the angle and also knowing the angle itself, Tan must be used to solve the height. I think
the farmer should use the shape circle to fence his 1000 meter land. I shall half the interior angle to
find this angle. The following shapes shall be examined during this section of the coursework. I shall
be taking the same procedures that I took before. The diagram in question 1 shows that a fence with
3 sections has 4 posts and 9 rails. To find out the exterior angles we would as following. I will first
investigate isosceles triangles because triangles such as scalene have more than one different variable
so there are millions of possible combinations.
If you have 75 feet of fencing material available, what dimensions should the sides of the yard be to
maximize the amount of area for the yard. I am only going to use isosceles triangles only because if I
know the base then I can work out the other 2 lengths because they are the same. But to prove that
the above triangle is a right-angled triangle I shall use the Pythagoras’s theorem. I have shown the
diagram that I shall be investigating during this segment of my coursework below. According to the
table and the graph, the rectangle with a base of 250m has the greatest area. I am going to fix a base
and then draw numerous triangles off this base. The students of Class 4 can be assured that the
answers have been also provided by our teachers for all test paper of Mathematics so that you are
able to solve the problems and then compare your answers with the solutions provided by us. If the
base is 200m long then I can subtract that. This final graph tells me that 250m is the maximum peak
of a rectangle. According to the table and the graph, the rectangle with a base of 250m has the
greatest area. In other to calculate the area of any rectangle I shall need the following formula. For
the base the formula was the previous cell plus 10. I will multiply this number by 10 because the 10
segments are all the same size. As the height is unknown, we shall discover the height before the
investigation is continued. The diagram in question 1 shows that a fence with 3 sections has 4 posts
and 9 rails. Because I only measured to the nearest 10m, I cannot tell whether the graph is true, and
does not go up just to the sides of 250m. I have only showed you up to the 32 sided shape and if I
continue my research I am sure that I will find the limit. I am going to investigate which shape can
provide her needs. This is what a general triangle looks like for each shape. This can be found by
excluding 180 0 from the exterior angle. According to the table and the graph, the rectangle with a
base of 250m has the greatest area. To find the height a formula must be made using trigonometry. I
shall be investigating many kinds of rectangles. I have noticed some patterns that come from the
shapes I have studied, if I was to put all the shapes into a circle then as the number of sides increase
so does the amount of space that they take up inside the circle. If the base is 200m long then I can
subtract that from 1000 and divide it by 2. She is not concerned about the shape of the plot but it
must have a perimeter of 1000 m. I have completed my research on scalene triangles; I will start a
new investigation on pentagons. The following shape is an octagon and I shall be investigating the
shape during this segment of the coursework. In my search I went down by 50 for the Width and up
by 50 for the length so that the width and length add up to 1000 meters. I am going to have to half
all the measurements in the triangle so that it leaves me with a right-angle triangle.
This time however, the triangle has no known lengths other than the base. As you can see in the
digram a lot of spcae is wasted from the triangle and the circle. Therefore I dropped a perpendicular
to form a right-angled triangle where the missing side length was in fact the height of the Isosceles.
For the Rectangles the maximum area I got was 62500m. This means that the area of the hexagon is
72,168.8cm 2. Free chapter wise worksheets with answers have been designed by Class 4 teachers as
per latest examination pattern. If the triangle were folded on any axes of symmetry, it would produce
two identical right-angled triangles. Therefore I predict that the maximum area from a shape with a
perimeter of 1000 would be produced in a circle. The area of the base triangle change as the number
of sides changes. I have discovered the area of six different polygons. I am going to investigate
which shape is best for this and why. So a fence with 6 posts can be visualised as having 5 posts
each attached to 4 rails. I also know that each side is 200m long, so the base of the triangle will be
100m. According to the table and the graph, the rectangle with a base of 250m has the greatest area.
Circles are, dividing the plane into an interior and exterior. However, there are many gaps left
between the shape and the circle. All this information is enough to find the area for every triangle
within the polygons using the same methods as before. I shall multiply this figure by the number of
triangles present within the decagon. Therefore I will get the overall area of the 250-sided Shape. To
find out the height of the triangle (so I can ultimately calculate the area), I will split the triangle into
two right-angles triangles and will find the height of one of them using trigonometry. The students
will be using this rule to find the number of palings in question 5b, even though they are not using
the algebraic notation to express it. As the height is unknown, we shall discover the height before the
investigation is continued. It looks like the greatest area will be when all the sides are exactly equal
just like it was for the four-sided shapes. I am only going to use isosceles triangles because if I know
the base I can work out the other 2 lengths because they are the same. Once again areas of these
shapes shall be found and recorded on a table. I will multiply this number by 10 because the 10
segments are all the same size. Tan 180 7 71.42857143 71.42857143 Next is to work out the two
brackets. 0.4815746188 71.42857143 148.3229569 N ext work OR 71.42857143 X 148.3229569
this brackets. 10594.49692 However, this is not the final bit of the formula, because there was 7
triangles in the heptagon so we have to times our answer (10594.49692) by 7 to get the area of the
whole heptagon. The area for a quadrilateral was found to be considerably larger than the area for a
triangle. This means that I can work out both the other angles by subtracting 72 from 180 and
dividing the answer by 2. Because I am dealing with angles here, I will need to create many tables to
test out all possible combinations of lengths, widths and angles.
Why does an equilateral triangle have a larger area than an icosoles triangle. I need it to be a right-
angle triangle because I can then use trigonometry on it to find out what the height is. I shall be
taking the same procedures that I took before. Using a spreadsheet and formula I have created a
table that shows my prediction is right. Below are 2 rectangles (not drawn to scale) showing how
different shapes with the same perimeter can have different areas. I shall look at an isosceles triangle
simply because they are easiest to calculate out of all the triangles. This means that I can work out
both the other angles by subtracting 72 from 180 and dividing the answer by 2. A shape with more
sided will have a larger area and conclusively the shape with the most area under the restriction of
thousand meter perimeter is the circle. If I added more sides to the square the area filled by the shape
would increase and would look more like a circle. In other to calculate the area of any rectangle I
shall need the following formula. According to the table and my graph, the rectangle with a base of
250 meters has the largest area. The values in this table can be used to create a quadratic graph
which proves that the maximum area occurs when the length is regular. This proved that I was right
as the decagon had a bigger area than the equalateral triangle. I shall multiply this figure by the
number of triangles present within the hexagon. GnJr27sHS from GnJr27sHS student GnJr27sHS
central GnJr27sHS co GnJr27sHS uk. I have shown the shape that I shall be investigating during this
part of my coursework. A Scalene triangle has three different sides and angles. From this table I can
tell that there are two triangles with the same maximum area of 48112m. After solving the questions
given in the practice sheet which have been developed as per the latest course books also refer to the
NCERT solutions for Class 4 Mathematics designed by our teachers. But to prove that the above
triangle is a right-angled triangle I shall use the Pythagoras’s theorem. Because every isosceles
triangle can be split into 2 right-angled triangles, I can work out the area of the triangle, using
trigonometry. This is the shape that I shall be examining during this segment of my coursework. I
need to make it a right-angled triangle so that I can use trigonometry to find out what the height is.
Because the last 2 shapes have had the largest areas when they are regular, I am going to use regular
shapes from now on. I shall divide the shape into triangles, which shall give me ten triangles. This
means that I can work out both the other angles by subtracting 72 from 180 and dividing the answer
by 2. I shall multiply this figure by the number of triangles present within the nonagon. This would
also be a lot easier as many of the other shapes have lots of different variables. The regular triangle
seems to have the largest area out of all the areas but to make sure I am going to find out the area for
values just around 333. Therefore I will get the overall area of the decagon.

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