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Frontal Lobe - Capacity to plan, organise, consciousness, communication, memory,


Parietal Lobe - sensory perception (5 senses) and coordinate those senses and
integrate information from it
● Temporal parietal lobe junction - empathy compassion

Temporal Lobe - Understanding language, memory acquisition, face recognition, object

recognition, perception and processing auditory information
● Amygdala - flight or flight response
● Hippocampus - Learning, memories, spacial orientation

Occipital Lobe - visual perception, including colour, form and motion

Cerebellum - Coordinate voluntary movements like walking, posture, balance, eye


Benefits of mindfulness
- Mindfulness increased grey matter in temporal parietal junction and
hippocampus, better cognitive function (according to the beautiful science video)

- Amygdala decreased in grey matter which meant less stress for the people with
people who practiced mindfulness, did a similar test with mice which showed how
mindfulness actually changes the brain (TED talk sarah lazar)

1. Mental health and social media

a. In a 2021 study, nearly half of Americans surveyed reported recent
symptoms of an anxiety or depressive disorder, and 10% of respondents
felt their mental health and worsened during the course of the pandemic
b. A 2018 British study by the university of edinburg tied social media use to
decreased, disrupted, and delayed sleep, which is associated with
depression and memory loss
c. says that in a span of a decade, mental
health issues like anxiety had doubled in number since 2010 and
depression among teens has increased drastically
2. Personal Tech use
a. I don’t feel taht I overly use technology but I do sometimes see it
becoming an impulse where I have to pick up my phone and that I often
spend way too much time on it where time just passes by without me
knowing. My daily usage of my phone is an average of 3 hours per day
which i dont think is too bad. I have tried to make steps to cut down by
stopping youtube on my phone and puting a screen time reminder every
30 mins
3. Mindfulness social media
a. I think it can really help to keep me grounded in what is important in the
present and help with managing the naixety I face when going on social
media. It can also help a lot with self control
4. My mindfulness meditation habits have been on and off. Sometimes I am very
eager to do it and am enthusiastic about it and other times I get to lazy and am
not committed. I feel like taht my attention has pimroved a lot and I can
concentrate for longer after meditations. Fitting in the time has been a challenge

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