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Decision making is one of the toughest things an individual would face in its daily
life. Furthermore, as human beings, we have to face different decisions which
would have quite an impact on our lives, for better or for worse. It is believed that
decisions such as what college someone is going to chose to study or even moving
to another different place from your birthplace would mean making a big change in
people's lives. However, I do consider that making decisions at a young age, would
be one of the hardest things to do considering that the majority of young adults do
not take into account which would be the consequences of such decisions.

To begin with, deciding to respect school affairs is one of the most arduous choices
to make. At the age of eighteen, before attending the university, I faced one of the
most difficult decisions in my life, either taking a gap year or not for the sake of
failing an English exam, which not only is one of the main requirements for
applying at the university, but also it tests applicants' English level.

Having taken a gap year, at the very beginning of my decision, I thought that I was
not on the right path. Notwithstanding, my parents, sisters and friends gave me
some pieces of advice such as never give up on life as well as keep on working
harder directed toward pursuing my dreams. Consequently, after one year of
studying hard, I passed the English exam, and I do not regret having made that

Bringing up rear, I believe that making decisions is one of the most difficult tasks
an individual may face, because their life may depend on either making the right or
wrong decisions. Finally, if people who have struggles would have the support of
their relatives or friend to be given useful pieces of advice.

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