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In today's world, it is reasonably undeniable that advertising is everywhere: on

TV’s, social media, billboards...etc, using different ways, materials, and platforms to
showcase a product or a service. However, with everything being advertised,
advertising became a business on its own, and in my judgment, nowadays,
advertising encourages us to buy things we do not really need.

To begin with, advertising encourages consumption mechanisms, and stimulate

our brains indirectly to spend more and more. In fact, we are continually exposed to
some sort of advertising without even being aware of it. The display of merchandise
in supermarkets is a compelling illustration of this: How specific aisles lead to each
other, for example baking ingredients to kitchen utensils, or how weirdly aesthetically
pleasing is the color coordination. All of this in order to encourages us to overspend.

Furthermore, advertisements are not usually the reflection of the truth. In other words,
advertising tend to be deceiving, overemphasizing non existing qualities and
attributes, selling the consumer dreams more likely than actual functioning products.
For instance, a few months ago, fouled by a commercial, I bought an automatic
machine that is suppose to chop vegetables quickly and cleanly. To my surprise, it
essentially just pressed everything together, got clogged up, and took forever to clean,
turns out the ad misdiscribed the product a bit. Based on this experience, I got to
realize that advertisements do not tell us about new products that may improve our
lives, but most of the time tricks us into believing so.

In conclusion, I strongly believe that advertising is in fact encouraging us to buy

things we don’t really need, with its strategic marketing and mislead, and will
potentially continue to do so in this profit-centered world we live in.

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