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To quote Sri Aurobindo ,For more than three thousand years India has been creating
abundantly and incessantly, avishly with an inexhaustivle many
and all kinds of monuments, palaces, temples, public works, communities, societies, religious
orders, laws, codes and rituals, of yoga, system of politics, administration, arts spiritual, arts
worldly, trades, industries, fine crafts the list is enless. This is the honest word to vouch for
the creativity of My India. There are many factors of India. Which have attracted different
times. For all these things, I Love My India.


Why is creativity important in every day life? Simply put, It is because it makes life
infinitely interesting and fulfilling .creativity is a way of living life that embraces originality
and makes unique connections between seemingly disparate ideas.
Creativity is about living life as a journey into seeing and communicating the extra-
ordinariness of the simplest most every day acts

The word is changing so rapidly now that just learning a specific skill set and
following it exactly won’t get us very far. what prepares students for life beyond the
classroom is learning how to be more creative, which includes flexibility in perception and
execution of tasks
School have started acknowledging the importance of creativity in classrooms. Cources
in creativity are now provided by academia because it is now common knowledge that only
creativity can help students succeed in the 21st century.
Creativity is no longer relegated in the classroom to subjects like English, Arts, or Music.
TEACHERS AND PROFESSORS are beginning to emphasize Creativity in the sciences, as
“Creativity involves breaking out of Expected patterns in order to look at
things in a different way.”

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