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✦ Researchgate, Pg.

9. Most useful laboratory investigation before

tonsillectomy is (Surg 16 Aug 2022 (A.N)) - ID: 82497

Ⓒ Throat swab Ⓓ TSH

Ⓐ Coagulation profile analysis ☛ ( INR, APTT, platelets and

fibrinogen ) recommended before adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy or
ventilation tubes insertion in children.

10. Venous blood is higher to arterial blood in: (Med 22 Feb

2023 (A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 34006

Ⓐ Oxygen Ⓑ Hemoglobin
1. Iron-binding protein (Anesth 23 May 2023 (M) +1 in past) - ID: Ⓒ Hematocrit Ⓓ Platelets

Ⓐ Haptoglobin Ⓑ Transferrin Ⓒ Venous blood ☛ has significantly increased haematocrit (3.1%)

Ⓒ Hemoglobin Ⓓ Ferritin compared to arterial blood.

11. For Patient with Christmas disease.factor 9 is not

Ⓐ Haptoglobin binds free hemoglobin released from erythrocytes with
available. What is best substitute for it (Gynae 22 Feb 2023 (M)
high affinity ➜ prevents loss of iron through kidneys and makes it +7 in past) - ID: 9647
available for reuse.
Ⓐ Cryoprecipitate Ⓑ FFP
3. Bradykinin is formed by (Med 16 May 2022 (E) +6 in past) - ID: Ⓒ Whole blood Ⓓ Salt free albumin
Ⓑ Fresh frozen plasma is a blood product made from liquid portion of
Ⓐ Platelets Ⓑ Action of kallikrein whole blood. It is used to treat conditions in which there are low blood
Ⓒ Neutrophils Ⓓ Macrophages clotting factors or low levels of other blood proteins.

Ⓑ Kinins ( including bradykinin ) ☛ generated from protein precursors 12. Child exposure in sun develop rash and urine and fecal
called kininogens by action of kallikrein. problems. Dx ? (Gynae 16 Feb 2022 (M) +1 in past) - ID: 36294
✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg.
Ⓐ Acute intermittent porphyria Ⓑ SLE
4. Blood osmolality is (Radio 16th Feb 2021 (A.N) +5 in past) - ID: Ⓒ Alkaptonuria Ⓓ Sideroblastic Anemia
Ⓐ and
Ⓐ Similar to 0.9 % N/S Ⓑ Similar to 0.5 % Dextrose
Ⓒ Similar to 5% dextrose 13. Intrauterine Mid Trimester Erythropoiesis (Surg 24 May
Ⓓ Similar to 3% hypertonic saline 2023 (A.N) +1 in past) - ID: 31325

Ⓐ Yolk sac Ⓑ Bone marrow

Ⓐ 0.9% Normal Saline ☛ Best suited for parenteral replacement of
Ⓒ Spleen Ⓓ Liver
chloride losses that exceed or equal sodium loss.
✦ N.I.H USA, Pg.
Ⓓ Correct Ans
5. Most common organ damage in abdominal trauma is
which of following if patient presents in shock ? (Gynae 16 14. correct composition of blood is? (Radio 23 May 2023 (A.N)
+8 in past) - ID: 34481
Nov 2022 (M) +4 in past) - ID: 20389

Ⓐ Spleen Ⓑ Pancreas Ⓐ 55% plasma and 45 % Blood cells

Ⓒ Bone Ⓓ Vessels Ⓑ 50% plasma and 50 % Blood cells
Ⓒ 45% plasma and 55 % Blood cells
Ⓐ Ruptured Spleen ☛ Internal bleeding ➜ ↓ Blood Pressure ➜ Shock
➜ restlessness, anxiety, nausea and paleness. Ⓐ Blood ☛ made up of 55% plasma and 45% formed elements (
✦ WebMD, Pg. RBCs, WBCs and platelets ).

6. Heme binds ? (CPSP Demo +8 in past) - ID: 24730 15. In pregnancy ☛ ↑ TIBC (↑ ferritin and transferrin )
16. Factors inhibit Endothelin 1 secretion ☛ Anxiety, Fear and Awake
Ⓐ Hemopexin Ⓑ Haptoglobin
Ⓒ Oxygen Ⓓ CO
17. Hematopoiesis mid Trimester in fetus ☛ Liver
Ⓐ Hemopexin ☛ binds and transports free heme to liver ➜ 18. Cryoprecipitate contains ☛ Anti-hemophilic factor
internalized and degraded ➜ prevents heme-mediated oxidative
19. Low in female comparatively to male ☛ Low by low plasma
stress and heme-bound iron loss.
✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg. 20. Fibrinogen alternate ☛ Cryoprecipitate

7. Blood in 5kg neonate: (Gynae 1 Dec 2021 (E) +5 in past) - ID: 21. Law that applies to high-velocity flow in a vessel ☛ Poiseuille's law
26634 22. Change of flow from laminar to turbulent is independent of ☛
Ⓐ 420ml Ⓑ 350ml
Ⓒ 500ml Ⓓ 600ml 23. Low Hb, hct, MCV, platelets and wbc low with weakness, defect in
☛ Bone marrow (Aplastic anemia )
Ⓐ Neanate have avg og 85 ml/kg , 5 ✖ 85 = 425 24. Taut hemoglobin has reduced affinity for ☛ O2
✦ W.H.O, Pg.
25. Iron binds in its ferrous form with ☛ Transferrin
8. Sample for ABGs prepared in ? (Med 31 August 2021 (A.N) +10 26. Cause of cyanosis: ☛ Increase conc. of deoxygenated
in past) - ID: 20469
hemoglobin (Blueness of skin)
Ⓐ Heparinized arterial blood Ⓑ Unheparinized arterial blood 27. Factor VIII production occurs in ☛ Liver (Also non hepatic cells)
Ⓒ Warfirinized arterial blood Ⓓ None of above
28. Solution to be used instead of blood ☛ Haemaccel solution (Plasma
volume replacer )
Ⓐ Heparin ☛ only anticoagulant used to prepare samples for blood-
gas analysis.
Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Hematology

29. Circulating blood flows in capillaries, can be differentiated into axial Ⓑ Chloride Shift ☛ mediated by anion exchanger 1 ( AE1; formerly
and peripheral stream, peripheral stream contain ☛ Only plasma - called Band 3 ), a major membrane protein in red blood cell.
smaller particles are peripherally located in blood ✦ Ganong, Pg. 612

30. Most common cause of Central Cyanosis in adult ☛ Pulmonary (In 9. RBC shape and membrane integrity is attributed to ?
Neonate ➜ TGA) (Surg 16 Nov 2022 (A.N) +17 in past) - ID: 20605
31. White Blood Cells originate from precursor cells in ☛ Bone marrow
Ⓐ Spectrin Ⓑ Selectin
(B and T-Cells)
Ⓒ Gladilin Ⓓ None of above
32. Vessel containing max amount of blood is ☛ Veins (Capacitance
vessels) Ⓐ Spectrin and Ankyrin ☛ maintain shape and flexibility of red cell
33. About hematopoiesis in humans ☛ T lymphocytes are produced membrane.
✦ Ganong, Pg. 525
more than B lymphocytes (80%)
34. Very thin wall tube with endothelium and smooth muscle 3-4 layers 10. Mature RBCs ☛ Do not have nucleus, mitochondria, or endoplasmic
☛ Arteriole reticulum (Have enzymes)
35. After blood Loss structure least affected is ☛ Skeletal muscle 11. RBC ☛ no nucleus (Remnant absorbed)
36. Spleen - White Pulp is associated with antigen collection from ☛ 12. RBC has rigid cell membrane which protein is absent ☛ Spectrin
Blood stream (Optimal environment) (Maintain flexibility )

RBCs 13. Polychromasia in RBCs is due to ☛ Hb and ribosomes (Bluish color

of reticulocytes )
Erythropoiesis 14. Chromophilic erythroblast appears on H n E because of ☛
RibOSOmes and H b (Basophilic )
1. Which one of following inhibits erythropoietin secretion
(Med 7 July 2020 +6 in past) - ID: 2953 15. RBCs are piled up when stand in tube ☛ Rouleaux
Formation (Stacking)
Ⓐ Cobalt Ⓑ Hypoxia
Ⓒ Theophylline Ⓓ High altitude 16. RBC red-stained due to ☛ Hemoglobin (Heme groups)
Ⓒ Theophylline ☛ attenuates production of erythropoietin in both
normal subjects and patients with erythrocytosis after renal 17. Last to come to normal after heamorrhage ? (Radio 21 Feb
transplantation 2023 (M) +10 in past) - ID: 21806
✦ Pubmed USA, Pg.
Ⓐ RBCs Ⓑ Wbc
2. Sedimentation of erythropoietin increase reason (Gynae Ⓒ Both of these
22 Feb 2023 (M)) - ID: 83451
Ⓐ normal daily production of red blood cells (RBC) in a healthy adult is
Ⓐ Temp Ⓑ Roulex about 0.25 mL/kg and average lifespan of cells is about 120 days,
Ⓒ Protein whereas that of transfused RBCs is about 50–60 days and can be
significantly shorter in presence of factors reducing their survival.
Ⓑ Rouleaux formation ☛ In inflammatory conditions ➜ high levels of
fibrinogen and immunoglobulins ➜ increase stickiness of RBCs ➜ RBCs 18. Large time taken (Med 18 Nov 2022 ( M)) - ID: 83104
stack together like a roll of coins (rouleaux formation) ➜ settle out of
Ⓐ RBC in peripheral smear Ⓑ Platelets
plasma more quickly ➜ thus increasing ESR.
3. Gamma globulin (Med 18 Nov 2022 (A.N)) - ID: 83253
Ⓐ RBC ☛ Takes longer in peripheral smear than platelets and WBCs
Ⓐ Facilitate roulex formation Ⓑ Decrease ESR
Ⓒ Thrombosis 19. At which stage RBC nuclei is disappeared (Radio 23 May
2023 (A.N) +11 in past) - ID: 1005
Ⓐ ✪ RBCs normally remain separated via ㊀ charges
Ⓐ Erythroblasts Ⓑ Late Normoblast
➊ Inflammation ➜ ↓ ㊀ charge ➜ ↑ RBC aggregation ➜ ↑ ESR
Ⓒ Early normoblasts Ⓓ Reticulocytes
➋ Denser RBC ➜ aggregates more ➜ ↑ ESR
➌ ↑ Plasma protein ➜ ↑ RBC Rouleaux formation ➜ ↑ size ➜ Ⓑ Orthochromatic / Late normoblast ☛ Nucleus is expelled
↑ ESR before cell becomes reticulocyte.
✦ Goljan, Pg. 66 ✦ Wikipedia, Pg.
4. Stimulated due to Hypoxia, which one of following 20. Life of RBCs ☛ 120 days (Before destruction)
further stimulates erythroid stem cells to proliferate and
21. 2 weeks old blood mainly contains ☛ RBCs (~120 days survival)
differentiate (Eye 23 May 2023 (M) +6 in past) - ID: 6637
22. Neonatal RBC's life span is☛ 60 to 90 days
Ⓐ Erythropoietin Ⓑ Growth factors
23. Breakdown of RBC yield ☛ bilirubin, iron and amino acids (Not
Ⓒ Growth hormone Ⓓ Androgen
Ⓐ Hypoxia ➜ stimulates Erythropoietin ➜ stimulates erythroid stem 24. Breakdown of erythrocytes ☛ High yield bilirubin bound plasma
cells to divide ➜ ↑ O2-carrying capacity of blood. protien taken to liver (RE System)
✦ Goljan, Pg. 315
25. Old RBCs are removed in: ☛ Capillaries and red pulp (Trapped by
5. Erythropoiesis does not occurs in ☛ Kidney (In Yolk sac, Liver, trabeculae)
Spleen, Bone marrow) 26. Old erythrocytes are removed by ☛ Pulp sinuses and veins
6. Stage in RBC synthesis includes ☛ Pro-erythroblast 27. Old red blood cells are destroyed in ☛ Red Pulp spleen
7. Function of Erythropoietin ☛ Increase Hemoglobin (↑ RBCs) RBC Indices
28. Packed cell volume (Hematocrit) is related to ? (Med 25
8. Which protein is involved in Bicarbonate chloride shift in Feb 2020 +7 in past) - ID: 19784
RBC (Med 16 June 2021 (E) +4 in past) - ID: 785 Ⓐ WBCs Ⓑ RBCs
Ⓐ Spectrin Ⓑ Band 3 Ⓒ Blood cells Ⓓ Plasma cells
Ⓒ Ankyrin Ⓓ None of these
Ⓑ Hematocrit ☛ proportion of a blood sample that is RBCs ( packed
RBCs ), measured as a percent of whole blood.

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Hematology

✦ Goljan, Pg. 9
38. Which one of following is present in RBCS in venous
29. ESR is Increased due Increase in ? (Gynae 17th Feb 2021 blood (Surg 17th Feb 2021 (M) +4 in past) - ID: 6615
(A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 19998
Ⓐ Increase Cl- content Ⓑ Increase HC03
Ⓐ Albumin Ⓑ Fibrinogen Ⓒ Decrease Cl. concentration Ⓓ Decrease Na
Ⓒ RBCs Ⓓ None concentration

Ⓑ ✪ Fibrinogen ☛ ↑ in inflammation ➜ RBCs stick eachother ➜ ↑ Ⓐ As blood passes through capillaries ➜ ~70% of HCO3- formed
density ➜ RBCs settle faster ➜ ↑ ESR. in red cells enters plasma ➜ excess HCO3- leaves red cells in exchange
✪ ↑ Albumin ☛ ↑ viscosity of erythrocyte suspensions ➜ ↓ ESR. for Cl- ions ➜ ↑ Cl- content of red cells in venous blood.
✪ ↑ RBCs ( polycythemia ) ☛ ↑ blood viscosity ➜ ↓ ESR. ✦ Ganong, Pg. 612
✦ First Aid, Pg. 214 ✦ Pubmed USA, Pg.
39. Iron in body is stored as: (Surg 30 Nov 2021 (E) +12 in past)
30. Mean HCT of a newborn: (Gynae 16 May 2022 (M) +4 in past) - ID: 12974
- ID: 24893
Ⓐ Hemosiderin Ⓑ Transferrin
Ⓐ 45 Ⓑ 55% Ⓒ Ferritin Ⓓ All of above
Ⓒ 35%
Ⓒ Storage of iron ☛ principally as ferritin mainly in reticuloendothelial
Ⓑ Hct in newborns ☛ usually higher ( 51 ± 7% ) compared to older system and liver parenchymal cells.
children and adults. ✦ Guyton, Pg. 450
✦ Medscape, Pg.
40. Hb is 10g, O2 saturation 90%, PaCh 60mmhg,
31. Haematocrit in infant/neonate: (Gynae 16 May 2022 (M) +2 calculate oxygen content (Med 22 Feb 2023 (A.N) +10 in past) -
in past) - ID: 25707 ID: 35988
Ⓐ 36 Ⓑ 54 Ⓐ7 Ⓑ 10
Ⓒ 40 Ⓓ 45 Ⓒ 13 Ⓓ 21
Ⓔ 20 Ⓔ 50

Ⓑ Neonates ☛ Have physiological polycythemia e HCT 42-60% in cord Ⓒ O2 content = Hb g/dl ✖ 1.34 ➜ 10 ✖ 1.34 = 13.4✔
blood ✦ Goljan, Pg. 14
✦ Oxford Hematology, Pg. 428
41. RBCs are protected from oxidative stress due to? (Gynae
32. In comparison with arterial blood what is more in 17 Nov 2022 (M) +7 in past) - ID: 23791
venous blood (Surg 22 Feb 2023 (A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 6632
Ⓐ Anaerobic metabolism Ⓑ HMP shunt
Ⓐ PCV Ⓑ Sodium Ⓒ Ankyrin and spectrin
Ⓒ Bicarbonate Ⓓ Pao2
Ⓑ ✪ Oxidative stress, hypoxia or acidosis ➜ ↑ erythrocytes ➜ ↑
Ⓐ Venous blood has more packed cell volume because fluid leaks glucose metabolized through HMP shunt ( upto 10- to 20-fold ) ➜ ↑
through small pores of capillaries in interstitial spaces so fluid will amounts of reduced glutathione.
decrease and PCV will increased ✪ Coupling of glutathione metabolism with HMP shunt protects
RBCs from oxidative stress.
33. Hematocrit 30% , which deficiency ? (Med 17 Nov 2022
✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg.
(A.N) +1 in past) - ID: 79242
42. Which of following increases in pregnancy? (Med 23 Feb
Ⓐ Abnormal production of Hb Ⓑ Cytoskeletal
2023 (M) +5 in past) - ID: 33802
Ⓒ Vitamin deficiency Ⓓ Mineral deficiency Ⓐ Transferrin saturation Ⓑ Red cell mass
Ⓒ MCH Ⓓ Iron absorption from gut
Ⓐ Reduced hematocrit ☛ decrease in number of RBCs
Abnormality in production of Hb ➜ RBCs cannot mature properly ➜ Ⓑ During Pregnancy ☛ Changes in blood volume, RBC mass and
either destroyed or not produced in adequate numbers ➜ reduced HCT hematocrit occur.
✪ RBC mass ☛ ↑ 110%.
34. Hematocrit 41 % means : (Med 18 Nov 2022 ( M) +32 in past) ✪ Blood volume ☛ ↑ 150%.
- ID: 23841
✪ % Transferrin saturation ☛ ↓ in pregnancy.
Ⓐ 41 % of of formed elements are RBCs ✦ Researchgate, Pg. ✦ First Aid, Pg. 419
Ⓑ 41 % of formed elements in blood comprise of RBCs, WBCs, 43. Regarding Hematopoiesis (Patho 15 Nov 2022 (M) +2 in past)
Platelets - ID: 72179
Ⓒ 41 % of Blood is Plasma
Ⓓ 41% formed element in blood is WBC Ⓐ Long bones causes cell formation after 20years
Ⓑ Sternum stops hematopeisis after 21 years
Ⓐ Hematocrit ☛ Proportion of Blood That Is Red Blood Cells. Ⓒ 75% myleoid stem cells Ⓓ 75% erythroids stem
✦ Guyton, Pg. 177 cells

35. Mean corpuscular volume for RBCs ☛ 80–100 fL Ⓒ Hematopoiesis ☛ 75% of cells in marrow ➜ white blood cell
36. Premature infant: Hematocrit 25% dietary advice ☛ 2% milk/iron producing myeloid series and 25% ➜ maturing red cells
containing formula (Ferrous sulfate) Age relation ☛ hematopoiesis doesn't stop after certain age in
----- sternum or other sites ➜ continues throughout adulthood
✦ Ganong, Pg. 554
37. If patient has flank mass, proteinuria and hematuria,
44. 45% HCT means (Patho 17 May 2022 (M) +1 in past) - ID:
then what you suspect clinically (Med 24 May 2023 (A.N)) - ID:
Ⓐ 45% formed element RBC
Ⓐ Hypo Ca 2+ Ⓑ Inc erythropoietin
Ⓒ Inc RBC mass
Ⓐ Hematocrit test ☛ simple blood test ➜ measures percentage of red
blood cells in blood.
Ⓒ signs of kidney disease ☛ Flank mass, proteinuria, and hematuria
➜ kidneys produce erythropoietin in response to hypoxia ➜ increased
erythropoietin stimulates production of more red blood cells.

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Hematology

46. RBC ☛ Carry gases ✪ HbF ☛ Fetal Hemoglobin.

47. Pt with Hb 6.5, WBCs normal range, platelets 120.000. PT is 13 ✪ HbA2 ☛ Present in small amounts.
✦ First Aid, Pg. 404
second, APTT 35 second, which blood component will be recommended
☛ Red cell concentrate 7. A type of adult hemoglobin? (Surg 16 Aug 2022 (A.N) +2 in
48. RBCs would swell in ☛ Urea 300 mm past) - ID: 35628

49. Antigen appears on RBC at ☛ 20th Week Ⓐ Is HbF

50. Central cynosis occurs if Hb is reduced more than ☛ 5 (> 5 Ⓑ Is 10% HbAl (2 alpha 2 gamma chains)
grams/100 ml deoxygenated Hb) Ⓒ Is 96% HbA (2 alpha 2 beta chains)
Ⓓ Is 3% HbA2 (2alpha 2 gamma chains)
51. Excessive RBC breakdown will result in ☛ Unconjugated
bilirubinemia Ⓒ In a normal adult, distribution of haemoglobin is as under ☟
52. Removal of entire colon will lead to ☛ Decrease urinary ✦ HbA (a2b2) ➜ 95-98%
urobilinogen (No enterohepatic circulation ) ✦ HbA2 (a2d2)(a minor variant of HbA) ➜ 1.5-3.5%
53. R.B.C destroyed ☛ Iron go back for utilization ✦ HbF (a2 g2) ➜ less than 1%
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 297
54. RBC breakdown will result in ☛ Release of iron which can be
reutilized 8. Hemoglobin molecule ☛ 4 chains ➜ Alpha 141 beta 146 (2 Alpha+
2 Beta)
55. configuration of hb has: ☛ Decreased affinity for O2
9. Quaternary Structure Is present in ☛ Haemoglobin
56. Shelf life of blood in blood bag ☛ 35 days (↑ morbidity)
10. Most commonly adult Hb: ☛ Hb A2 3% (alpha delta) (Minor
57. Most abundant cell in bone marrow ☛ Myeloid (75%)
58. Least in Blood ☛ Pluripotent stem cell (0%)
11. Globulin absent in Intrauterine life ☛ Beta (HbF: alpha and gamma)
59. In resting, oxygen consumption is ☛ 20% (∼ 49 ml O2?min)
60. Required by donor in cross match ☛ RBCs (Recipient's Serum is
Matched ) 12. Hb ☛ Iron is present in ferrous form (Kept by enzymes)
61. Erythrocytes ☛ Increase viscosity (↑ Hematocrit ) 13. Dietry iron ☛ Haem iron absorb readily than Non Haem form (15%
to 35%)
62. Correct about stored blood ☛ Platelet deficient
14. Hb M ☛ binds with ferric form of iron (Methemoglobin)
15. Human blood ☛ Iron is mainly in haemoglobin (65%)
Synthesis 16. Highest binding of iron is seen with ☛ Hemoglobin (O2 transport)
1. At which stage of Erythropoiesis, HB formation starts? 17. Iron is necessary for ☛ Heme synthesis
(Gynae 30 Sep 2020 ( A.N ) +5 in past) - ID: 19933 18. Regarding Methemoglobin ☛ Defective Fe (↓ O2 saturation)
Ⓐ Proerythroblasts Ⓑ Basophilic erythroblast HbF
Ⓒ Reticulocyte Ⓓ Granuloctes
19. Which of following is least likely to be found in fetal
Ⓐ Synthesis of hemoglobin ☛ begins in proerythroblasts hemoglobin: (Surg 2 May 2018 (A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 15172
and continues even into reticulocyte stage of RBCs.
Ⓐ Delta chains Ⓑ Alpha chain
✦ Guyton, Pg. 449
Ⓒ Beta chain Ⓓ Gamma chain
2. Hb synthesis during yolk sac development: (Surg 18 Nov
2022 (M) +1 in past) - ID: 83953 Ⓐ ✪ Fetal ( HbF ) ☛ 2 Alpha+ 2 Gamma chains ➜ completely
replaced with Adult HbA1 ( 2 Alpha + 2 Beta chains ).
Ⓐ HbA Ⓑ Portland Hb
✪ No Delta chain found.
Ⓒ HhF Ⓓ HbA2 ✦ First Aid, Pg. 404
Ⓔ Gower Hb
20. Fetal Hb has which characteristics (Surg 24 May 2023 (M)
Ⓔ During yolk sac development, ☛ embryonic Hbs such as Gower +6 in past) - ID: 4045
(Hb Gower 1 and Hb Gower 2) and Portland are produced.
Ⓐ 2 Alpha and 2 gamma chains Ⓑ 2 Alpha and 2 beta
HbF (fetal hemoglobin)☛ produced later during fetal development,
primarily in liver and then in bone marrow.
Ⓒ 2 Beta and 2 gamma chains Ⓓ 2 Beta and 2 delta
3. At which stage Hb start appearing at ? (Radio 23 May 2023 chains
(A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 22516
Ⓐ ✪ Fetal ( HbF ) ☛ 2 Alpha+ 2 Gamma chains.
Ⓐ Early normoblast Ⓑ Pronormoblast ✪ Adult ( HbA1 ) ☛ 2 Alpha + 2 Beta chains.
Ⓒ Intermediate normoblast Ⓓ None of above ✪ Adult ( HbA2 ) ☛ 2 Alpha + 2 delta chains.
✪ Sickle ( HbS ) ☛ 2 Alpha + Reduced Beta chains ( mutant HbA ).
Ⓒ Intermediate and late normoblast ☛ show scanty ragged rims of ✦ First Aid, Pg. 404, 422
poorly hemoglobinized cytoplasm indicating that Hb has started
appearing. 21. Alongwith HbF ☛ 2,3 BPG contributes to O2 delivery to fetus (↑
✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg. O2 affinity )

4. Max Hb synthesis during ☛ Late normoblast 22. Age at which there is a low concentration of Hb in infants ☛ 3
5. Max concentration of Hb in RBC occurs at ☛ Reticulocyte (~ 34% )
23. Fetal Hemoglobin minimum at ☛ 3rd-month (Breakdown started)
24. Most initial place of Fetal Hb production ☛ Yolk sac (3-8 weeks)
6. Normal Hb in human is (Med 16 June 2021 (A.N) +4 in past) - -----
ID: 6624
25. Oxygen carrying capacity of blood depends upon ? (Surg
Ⓐ HbA Ⓑ HbF 16 Nov 2022 (A.N) +3 in past) - ID: 20406
Ⓐ HB concentration Ⓑ WBC number
Ⓐ ✪ HbA ☛ Adult hemoglobin ➜ most common human hemoglobin Ⓒ Retic count Ⓓ None of above

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Hematology

Ⓐ ✪ Oxygen binding capacity of blood is basically oxygen binding -----

capacity of Hb.
✪ Normal value ☛ 1.34ml/g of Hb. 9. Myelocytes are differentiated through (Med 17 May 2022 (E)
+6 in past) - ID: 15623
✪ Average Hb conc. ☛ 15g/100ml of blood.
✪ 100 ml of blood has capacity to bind 20.1 ml of oxygen ( 15 x 1.34 = Ⓐ Nucleus morphology Ⓑ Staining of granules
20.1 ). Ⓒ Cytoplasm staining Ⓓ RER shape
✦ Guyton, Pg. 530

26. In hemolysis hemoglobin (Hb) binds with: (Med 25 May

Ⓑ Specific granules ☛ synthesized during Myelocyte stage.
✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg.
2023 (M) +9 in past) - ID: 34497
10. Ameboid locomotion is seen in ☛ WBCs
Ⓐ Haptoglobin Ⓑ Hemopexin
Ⓒ Albumin Ⓓ Ferretin 11. Part of blood to be sent for matching histo compatibility of recipient
and donor blood ☛ WBC
Ⓐ Haptoglobin ☛ Binds free Hb
Hemopexin ☛ Binds heme
✦ Ganong, Pg. 563
2. Normal platelet function is related to (Med 19 Nov 2022 (A.N)
27. Person living at a high altitude has ☛ Increase Hemoglobin (More +15 in past) - ID: 3464
oxygen carried.)
Ⓐ Clot formation Ⓑ Clot organization
28. Hemoglobin Saturation increases in ☛ Increase P02 (O2 saturated
Ⓒ Clot retraction Ⓓ Clot stabilization
29. Hb acts as a buffer because ☛ It accepts H+ (Binds free H+) Ⓒ ✪ Clot retraction is best parameter to see platelets both qualitative
30. Most common finding In all type of anemia Is ☛ Dec Hb and quantitatively
✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 903
31. Diagnosed case of hepatitis B,nurse pricked on her hand handling
pt. First to appear in blood ☛ HbsAg 3. Endothelium repair substance produced by? (Surg 22 Feb
2023 (A.N) +3 in past) - ID: 24542
Ⓐ Platelet Ⓑ Vitamin C
Granulocytes Ⓒ RBCs
1. Specific granules are produced in ? (Gynae 1 Dec 2021 (E) +7
in past) - ID: 23211
Ⓐ ◉ Adhesive glycoprotien for ECM produced by Platelets
'Thrombospodins' inhibit attachment of fibroblast and endothelial cells
Ⓐ Myelocyte Ⓑ Promyelocyte ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 170
Ⓒ Metamyelocyte Ⓓ Osteocytes
4. Platelets ☛ Are formed from precursor cells in bone marrow (Cannot
reproduce )
Ⓐ ✪ Primary ( azurophilic ) granules ☛ appear during
promyelocyte stage. 5. Platlets are given at room ☛ To optimize their function (Otherwise
✪ Secondary ( specific ) granules ☛ synthesized during cleared )
Myelocyte stage. 6. Platelets contribute to hemostasis by liberating ☛ Serotonin
✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg. (Constriction)
2. In granulopoiesis, 1st cell that appears having granule 7. Most appropriate about Platelets ☛ Increases after splenectomy
(Eye 21 Feb 2023 (M) +2 in past) - ID: 83395 (Thrombocytosis)
Ⓐ Promyelocyte Ⓑ Myelocytes 8. Clotting occurs because platelets ☛ Attach to Collagen (Via
Ⓒ Metamyelocyte Ⓓ Band cells interactions with vWF.)
9. Factor helps in platelet adhesion ☛ Damaged endothelium
Ⓐ Granulopoiesis : first cell that appears having granules is
promyelocyte Blood Groups
3. Granulocyte cell is ☛ Neutrophil Rh
4. Calssification of leucocyte ☛ based upon granular staining they show 1. Mother RH positive, baby RH negative most suitable (Med
(Flow cytometric assays) 18 Nov 2022 (A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 77961
5. ICAM and VCAM ☛ Leucocyte adhesion Ⓐ Baby antigen will enter maternal circulation
Agranulocytes Ⓑ Baby antigen will be affected
Ⓒ Needs serious counseling
6. Mononuclear phagocyte are derived from ? (Surg 16 Aug Ⓓ No Rh antibodies will be formed
2022 (M) +8 in past) - ID: 23073

Ⓐ Bone marrow Ⓑ Osteocytes Ⓓ Once mother is RH +ve ➜ No antibody , no reaction, no worry

Ⓒ WBCs Ⓓ None of above ✦ Levinson, Pg. 554

2. blast form of red blood cells are most likely to be

Ⓐ Bone Marrow ☛ Precursor cell of myeloid lineage ➜ give rise to present in blood in: (Surg 22 Feb 2023 (M)) - ID: 84214
Monocytes ➜ circulate in blood ➜ recruited into tissues in inflammatory
reactions ➜ mature into macrophages ➜ Phagocytosis Ⓐ Aplastic anemia Ⓑ Folic acid deficiency
✦ Goljan, Pg. 68 Ⓒ Iron deficiency anemia
Ⓓ Patients having acute blood loss
7. Largest cell in blood vessel (Med 25 May 2023 (A.N) +33 in
Ⓔ Rh + babies of Rh - mothers
past) - ID: 16578

Ⓐ Mast cells Ⓑ Platelet Ⓔ Erythroblastosis fetalis ☛ Rh- pregnant woman with Rh + fetus ➜
Ⓒ Eosinophils Ⓓ Monocytes mother's immune system may develop antibodies against fetus's Rh+
red blood cells ➜ No problem in a first pregnancy ➜ in subsequent
Ⓓ Monocytes ☛ largest of white cells ➜ 12–20 μm diameter, irregular pregnancies, antibodies can cross placenta ➜ destruction of fetus's
nucleus and occasional cytoplasmic vacuoles. RBCs ➜ severe anemia ➜ compensation by fetus's bone marrow ➜
✦ Davidson, Pg. 917 start to release immature "blast" RBCs in circulation
8. Regarding monocytes ☛ Develop from same precursor as that of
neutrophils (Myeloblasts)

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3. In RH incompatibility which immunoglobulin agglutinins Ⓐ Anti B antibodies Ⓑ Anti A antibodies

are present in blood against ABO antigens ? (Surg 24 May 2023 Ⓒ Anti A and B antibodies Ⓓ No antibodies
(M) +9 in past) - ID: 4046
Ⓐ A Blood Group ☛ A antigen on RBCs membrane and Anti B
Ⓐ Predominantly IgM Ⓑ Predominantly IgG
Antibodies in serum.
Ⓒ Also called hemolysins ✦ Guyton, Pg. 477
Ⓓ Don’t cross placenta during 1st trimester
16. In which blood group No blood Agglutinins are present
Ⓑ Agglutinins ☛ antibodies that cause coagulation (Gyn 16 Aug 2022 (M) +7 in past) - ID: 2198
✪ Anti-D agglutinins ☛ predominantly IgG.
✪ Anti-A and Anti-B agglutinins ☛ predominantly IgM
Ⓒ 0+ Ⓓ O'
✦ First Aid, Pg. 405

4. Mother Rh +Ve and father is Rh -ve what’s risk? (Med 25 Ⓑ AB+ blood ☛ both A and B antigens on RBCs surface ➜ no Antibody
May 2023 (M) +7 in past) - ID: 35374 to cause antigen-antibody reactions as Rh antigen is also present.
✦ Ganong, Pg. 528
Ⓐ All babies will be effected Ⓑ Needs serious counseling
Ⓒ Rh antigen will leak into mother circulation 17. About blood group Antigens which is appropriate:
Ⓓ Rh antibodies will be formed, (Gynae 16 May 2022 (A.N) +7 in past) - ID: 4059
Ⓔ No Risk
Ⓐ Are enzymes Ⓑ Called Agglutinins
Ⓒ Secreted in saliva Ⓓ None
Ⓔ ✪ Mother and baby both RH -ve ➜ so No Reaction
✪ Mother +ve ➜ No risk
Ⓒ ✪ ABO antigens:
✪ Mother -ve and baby +ve ➜ immediately give anti-D
◉ Present in Saliva and all body fluids except CSF.
✪ History of haemolytic disease ➜ Memory cells already formed ➜
◉ Mainly glycoproteins.
reaction will occur after wrong trasfusion anyway ➜ Giving Anti-D is
✪ Agglutinins ☛ Antibodies.
useless. ✦ N.I.H USA, Pg. ✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg.
✦ Levinson, Pg. 554
18. Mother's blood group is A. Child's blood group is O. Another child's
5. To prevent RH incompitibility in 2nd child of Rh negative mother and
blood group is AB. Fathers BG ☛ B
Rh positive father, Anti D immunoglobulin should be given ☛ After
delivery (Stops Igs sensitization) 19. Severe blood group reaction does not occur due to ☛ MNS blood
group system (Anti-M and anti-N )
6. Anti D is given to Rh -ve women in ☛ Every pregnancy (↓
erythroblastosis fetalis) 20. False positive anti D result from ☛ Rouleaux
formation (Misinterpreted agglutination )
7. Rh Agglutinins in Rh blood group system ☛ Are absent in Rh
negative mother in first pregnancy with Rh positive baby (Little blood 21. Platelets to be given in pt with AB+ve blood ☛ AB -VE
crossing) 22. ABO antigen are not present in ☛ CSF (In all other fluids)
8. RH –ve mother gives birth to O- baby. ☛ No acute or long term 23. Man with blood group A -ve can’t receive blood from ☛ A+ve
complication will occur (No mixing )
24. Blood group that can give platelet to Group A ☛ A and O (O(No Ag)
9. Woman has given birth to Rh +ve fetus, best way to prevent Rh and A (A Ag))
isoimmunisation ☛ Rh immunoglobulins (Masks antigenic sites)
25. AB is universal recipient but it can't be donated to all except ☛ AB
10. Rh agglutinins ☛ Present on RBCs surface (Rh antigens on surface (No Antibody)
of RBCs)
26. ABO antigen ☛ glycoproteins (Codominance)
11. When Rh negative female marries a Rh positive male who is
27. A male with A+ (DD) Blood group, married to a female having B+
homozygous. All children will be ☛ All Positive (DD X dd ➜ Dd + Dd )
(Dd) blood group. Children can not have ☛ AB -ve (All Positive)
ABO 28. Universal Recipient blood group is ☛ AB+ (No Antibody )
12. Anti sera agglutinates with A and D and plasma has 29. Blood group of mother is O - and father is AB + ☛ O could not be
Anti B antibodies what’s blood group? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) blood group of child (One Allele from each Parent)
+10 in past) - ID: 33715
30. H Antigen is present in ☛ O (Least in AB.)
Ⓐ A -ve Ⓑ A + Ve Bombay
Ⓒ O –ve Ⓓ B +Ve
31. Anti H antibodies are present in blood group ? (Gynae 15
Ⓑ ✪ Blood Group A ☛ has Anti B antibodies and agglutinates with A June 2021 (M) +8 in past) - ID: 20066
Ⓐ Oh Ⓑ A positive
✪ Rh +ve ☛ agglutinates with D agglutinins.
Ⓒ O positive Ⓓ AB positive
✦ Guyton, Pg. 477,479, 477,479, 477,479

13. Prevalance of O blood group in Caucasian population is Ⓐ ✪ Anti-H Antibodies ( Oh Antibodies ) ☛ Abnormal Antibodies ➜
? (Gynae 16 Nov 2022 (M) +15 in past) - ID: 21233 present only when Antigen H is Absent ➜ in Oh ( Bombay Blood Group
Ⓐ 47% Ⓑ 56% ✦ Sceincedirect Elsevier, Pg.
Ⓒ 43% Ⓓ 74%
32. Bombay Phenotype ➜ H Antigen Absent (hh or h/h or Oh )
Ⓐ In Caucasians: 33. Mother O, Father A, baby AB, worTied patient, best possible test to
✪ O Positive ☛ 37 % ✪ O Negative ☛ 8 % ✪ 38 + 7 = 45%. diagnose ☛ Bombay phenotype test (No H antigen.)
✦ Reference, Pg.
34. OH antibodies in ☛ O (Bombay Group )
14. Mother A+ Father B+ Baby have blood group (Dent 16 Transfusion
Nov 2022 (M)) - ID: 83580
35. Which of following Transfusion will cause a hemolytic
Reaction? (Med 19 Nov 2022 (A.N) +6 in past) - ID: 22006
Ⓐ A to AB Ⓑ AB to A
Ⓓ confirm with EXPLANATION Ⓒ B to AB Ⓓ O to AB
15. A positive blood group have which antibodies in serum
Ⓑ ✪ AB ☛ can receive All types of Blood groups BUT it can only be
(Surg 16 Aug 2022 (A.N) +4 in past) - ID: 6616
given to person with blood group AB+

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Hematology

✪ If AB given to A ☛ B antigens present in AB ➜ Acute Hemolytic Ⓐ O- To A- Ⓑ A+ To AB+

Transfusion Reaction. Ⓒ A- To AB- Ⓓ O+ to O-
✦ First Aid, Pg. 405
Ⓓ O+ to O- ☛ anti-Rh antibodies develop against Rh
36. Hemochromatosis (May 2023 (A.N)) - ID: 67930
factor ➜ agglutination of transfused cells ➜ cells then hemolyzed
Ⓐ Multiple blood transfusions or hereditary HFE ( transfusion reaction ).
Ⓑ No risk for Heart Failure ✦ Guyton, Pg. 479

43. Which blood group is transfused successfully without

Ⓐ Mutation in HFE gene or multiple blood transfusions occur ➜ reaction and can be used? (Gynae 22 Feb 2023 (M) +4 in past) -
Excessive absorption and accumulation of iron in body ➜ Heart failure, ID: 72191
"bronze diabetes", and an increased risk of hepatocellular carcinoma
due to iron overload. Ⓐ O Negative to A Negative Ⓑ AB Positive to A
37. most suitable component for a patient with Blood Ⓒ AB Positive to B Positive Ⓓ B Positive to O Negative
group "B Positive" is: (Gynae 22 Feb 2023 (M) +1 in past) - ID:
59588 Ⓐ O-ve is universal donor and can be safely transfused with A-ve
✦ First Aid, Pg. 405
Ⓐ "O Negative" FFP
Ⓑ "AB Positive" plateletconcentrates 44. Most severe reaction occurs in which blood transfusion
Ⓒ "O Negative" granulocteconcentrates (Patho 15 Nov 2022 (M) +17 in past) - ID: 6649
Ⓓ "O Negative" whole blood Ⓔ "O Positive" Whole
blood Ⓐ A+ to O+ Ⓑ A+ to AB+
Ⓒ O+ to A+ Ⓓ A- TO A+
Ⓓ O negative ☛ Absent A, B or Rh antigens ➜ universal donors
Platelets also carry ABO antigens on their surface ➜ ABO compatibility Ⓐ A+ ( A antigen ) when transfused to O ( No antigen ) ☛ ABO
is preferred for platelet transfusions. incompatibility ➜ servere hemolytic reaction.
✦ Guyton, Pg. 477
B Positive ☛ has B and Rh antigens + anti-A antibodies.
AB+ve ☛ has both A and B antigens ➜ transfusing AB Positive 45. Cross-matching of blood is done as ☛ Antigen of donor should
platelets into a B Positive recipient could potentially lead to a reaction match with recipient's serum
due to A antigens present in AB Positive platelets.
46. Suitable plasma donor for a female with AB+ve blood ☛ AB -ve
38. O negative blood transfused with AB positive. What is 47. Mismatched transfusion ☛ Donor blood agglutinated and hemolysis
a secondary blood transfusion reaction? (Surg 18 Nov 2022 (M) (Transfusion reaction)
+8 in past) - ID: 36452
48. Patient had post surgical bleeding and massive blood transfusions
Ⓐ Anaphylaxis Ⓑ Hemoglobinuria were made, complications ☛ Hypocalcemia
Ⓒ Billirubinuria Ⓓ Febrile reaction 49. After massive blood transfusion ☛ Left shift of Oxyhemoglobin
dissociation curve, Hypothermia ( cold blood products ), Hypocalcaemia
Ⓑ EXPLANATION and Hyperkalemia ( ↑ K in stored blood )
39. Female having severe hemorrhage and her blood group 50. Used with minimal reaction to transfuse blood to B positive patient
is AB positive. Which of following blood group FFPs can be ☛ Packed cells O+ve (Universal donor )
transfused (Med 15 Nov 2022 (A.N) +9 in past) - ID: 4038 51. Pt with O-ve blood group transfused O+ve blood ☛ Raised IgG (Rh
Ⓐ AB negative Ⓑ O negative hemolytic disease)
Ⓒ O positive Ⓓ B positive -----

Ⓐ ✪ Plasma Donor ☛ Either it can be AB ( free of Antibodies ) or 52. A 20-year-old AB-negative male needs emergency
Exactly same Blood Group. transfusion in a remote area. Unfortunately, same blood
✪ AB Blood Group ☛ neither anti-A nor anti-B antibodies in plasma ➜ type is not available in blood bank. Which of following
can receive plasma only from AB Positive or AB Negative because any blood types will most likely be given to this patient? (Med 2
other group Plasma will be having Antibodies in it. Dec 2021 (M)) - ID: 55150
✦ Guyton, Pg. 477
Ⓐ A negative Ⓑ AB positive
40. A patient is in an emergency with PPH and there is no Ⓒ B positive Ⓓ Positive
time for cross-match. Which blood would be transfused
which is also referred to as universal donor? (Radio 15 Nov Ⓐ AB-negative is universal recipient of RBCs , A- have anti-B Ab is safe
2022 (A.N) +7 in past) - ID: 20767 for transfusion
✦ First Aid, Pg. 405
Ⓐ A negative Ⓑ B positive
Ⓒ AB positive Ⓓ O negative 54. Patient presented with RTA severe bleeding occur
whose blood group is B-ve No cross match available
Ⓓ ✪ Type O individuals ☛ lack A and B antigens ➜ ABO immediately which blood group can be given? (Surg 22 Feb
incompatibility ➜ can be given to anyone without producing a 2023 (A.N) +5 in past) - ID: 72244

transfusion reaction ➜ universal donors. Ⓐ A+ Ⓑ B+

✪ Rh-negative ☛ no D antigen. Ⓒ AB+ Ⓓ AB-
✦ Ganong, Pg. 528, 530
Ⓔ O-
41. Crossmatching is? (Surg 16 Nov 2022 (A.N)) - ID: 83069
Ⓔ O-ve is a universal donor so less chance of transfusion reaction
Ⓐ Red cell of recipient with donor serum ✦ First Aid, Pg. 405
Ⓑ Serum recipient with donor RBC
55. O-ve blood group dont agglutinate due to
Ⓒ Platelets recipient with donor Serum
characteristic: (Med 17 Aug 2022 (E) +7 in past) - ID: 33613
Ⓓ Donor serum with recipient serum
Ⓐ No A and B Antigen Ⓑ No A and B Antibodies
Ⓑ Cross match ☛ Plasma of recipient and donor RBCs Ⓒ Universal Acceptor Ⓓ Can receive blood from A+Ve
42. Blood transfusion reaction occurs in which of following
? (Radio 30 Nov 2021 (A.N) +6 in past) - ID: 16426
Ⓐ blood type O− is called universal donor blood because erythrocytes
have neither A nor B antigens on their surface

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | Physiology - Hematology

56. True about Blood group Antigens: (Surg 16 May 2022 (A.N) 11. lymph nodes are sensitive to ☛ Radiation
+7 in past) - ID: 15750
12. Regarding lymph vessels: ☛ Drains tissue fluid back
Ⓐ Equally Immunogenic Ⓑ Present on Cell Membranes 13. Lymphoid structure in which lymphatics are received in subcapsular
Ⓒ Present on Hb surface Ⓓ Glycolipids sinus ☛ Lymph node (Afferent lymphatics)
Ⓔ Autosomal Recessive
14. Lymph filtration in spleen occurs in ☛ Trabeculae (Filters antigen)
Ⓑ ✪ Antigens are present on Red Blood Cells Membranes and 15. Lymph flow from foot is ☛ Increased by massaging foot (Releases
Antibodies in Serum ✪ Some antigens are more immunogenic than pressure)
others and Reason is yet unknown. Other than antigens in ABO system,
Rh (D) is most immunogenic red cell antigen. Giblett approach
calculates immunogenicity of an antigen ✪ Antigens of ABO blood
group are Sugars. Antigens of Rh blood group are Proteins ✪
Autosomal Codominance inheritance pattern in blood group genetics ➜ ALL NEW FCPS PAPERS
if both A and B alleles are inherited, then both A and B antigens are
expressed on RBC (blood group AB).( N.I.H USA + Guyton ) Available on MediCall App
57. Least likely reaction when B+ blood transfused with ☛ Packed RBC
O+ (Universal donor) ------------
58. Severe incompatibility reaction occurs when ☛ A Positive
transfused to B positive
59. Patient with blood grp a+ cannot be given other blood groups due
to presence of ☛ Duffy antibody
60. People with blood group-A have ☛ Type B agglutinins on their cell

1. Lymphatic organ which have no nodule (Med 17 May 2022
(E) +14 in past) - ID: 15358

Ⓐ Thymus Ⓑ Marrow
Ⓒ Liver Ⓓ Inguinal LNs

Ⓐ Thymus ☛ lacks nodules and afferent lymphatic vessels ➜ no

humoral immune responses.
✦ Medscape, Pg.

2. Lymphoid follicles are present in (Patho 15 Nov 2022 (M) +4

in past) - ID: 15432

Ⓐ Thymus Ⓑ Cortex of lymph node

Ⓒ Spleen Ⓓ Medulla of lymph node

Ⓑ ✪ B cells ☛ mainly found in outer cortex of lymph node ➜ clustered

together as follicular B cells in lymphoid follicles.
✪ T cells ☛ mainly in paracortex.
✦ Ganong, Pg. 66

3. Factor VIII is produced by (Surg 17 Nov 2022 (M) +2 in past) -

ID: 55516

Ⓐ Hepatocytes Ⓑ Endothelial Cells

Ⓒ Bone marrow Ⓓ Kupffer cells
Ⓔ Thymus

Ⓑ Factor VIII is produced in liver ➜ Endothelial cells of liver are

major site of biosynthesis.
✦ Medscape, Pg. ✦ Williams Hematology, Pg. 1925

4. Lymphoid organ which has paracrine action? (Med 25 May

2023 (M) +8 in past) - ID: 72388

Ⓐ Lymph node Ⓑ Spleen

Ⓒ Thymus Ⓓ Tonsil
Ⓔ Palatine tonsil

Ⓑ Spleen ☛ Secondary lymphoid organ can produce antibodies

5. Lymph flow is increased by ☛ Sk. muscle contraction (Vessel
6. Fluid which has 5 Gram/dl protein is ☛ Lymph (~7 g/dL)
7. Most basic function of lymphatics ☛ Drainage (From interstitial
spaces )
8. Lymph ☛ Absorbs lipids (Lacteals)
9. Proteins that escape into tissues from blood vessels ☛ Reabsorbed
by lymphatic system (Lymphatics return proteins)
10. Lymphatics enter lymph node through ☛ Afferent Lymphatics
(Afferent lymphatics)

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | May 2023 Papers

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