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Jeff Lorenzo G.


Section: T090 7:30- 8:30AM

PE 4

The recent volleyball match between Team UB and Opponent Team whereas the
Team BIT was a thrilling display of athleticism and teamwork. As a passionate team of UB ,
the victory held a special significance for me, not only because of my allegiance but also due
to the intense competition and camaraderie exhibited throughout the game.
From the nail-biting rallies to the thrilling of match point, my emotions rode a
rollercoaster of excitement and tension. Every serve, block, and spike gain cheers from the
crowd, creating an electrifying atmosphere that resonated with the passion of the players
and fans alike.
Throughout the match, it was evident that Team BIT, operated as a strong team, with
seamless communication and trust among players. I can conclude that the leadership of
the team captain was instrumental in rallying the team during crucial moments and
maintaining focus amidst pressure.
Beyond the final score, the victory served as a reminder of the power of teamwork and
perseverance. The victory in the volleyball match was not merely a triumph on the
scoreboard but a testament to the unwavering spirit and commitment of each and every
The camaraderie and respect displayed, even amidst fierce competition, was truly
inspiring. Witnessing players congratulate each other on good plays, offer encouragement
after mistakes, and shake hands at the end of matches, emphasized the values of fair play
and mutual respect inherent in sports. As I reflect on the match, I am filled with pride for
each team and gratitude for the shared experience of witnessing sportsmanship at its finest.

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