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Writing coursework, especially on a specific topic like PE coursework on basketball, can be a

challenging task. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, research skills, critical
thinking, and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly. Here are some challenges students may face:

1. Technical Knowledge: PE coursework often demands a solid understanding of the sport, its
rules, techniques, and strategies. This requires in-depth research and practical knowledge,
which can be time-consuming.
2. Time-Consuming: Crafting a coursework project is a time-consuming process. It involves
research, planning, drafting, revising, and editing. Balancing coursework with other academic
and personal responsibilities can be daunting.
3. Research Skills: Effective coursework requires thorough research to support arguments and
provide a comprehensive understanding of the chosen topic. Finding relevant and credible
sources can be a challenge.
4. Writing Skills: Articulating thoughts and ideas in a coherent and engaging manner is a skill
that takes time to develop. Many students struggle with structuring their coursework and
expressing their ideas effectively.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed, seeking assistance from reputable academic help
services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a viable solution. These services often provide
professional writers with expertise in various subjects, including PE coursework on basketball. When
considering external help, it's essential to choose a reliable service that guarantees plagiarism-free
content, adheres to academic standards, and delivers on time.

However, it's crucial to remember that using such services should be approached with caution.
Academic integrity is paramount, and students should use external help as a learning aid rather than
a shortcut. Always ensure that the service complies with ethical standards and provides guidance that
helps you understand the subject better.
I will arrange the time of the circuits to ensure I have either an ample recovery period after a match
or rest before a match. The game starts with all players lined up in a straight line at the free throw
line. This game is good for warming you up because it includes a lot of running in the game. I missed
the post-test but if you add up all my results from the weeks that I was there I started on the pre test
with 126 and improved to finish with 141, so I improved by 15. My best performance evidently
came in week 1, from which I remember taking nine shots and scoring all nine of them. The other
benefits I got out of the course was the ability to make my own training programme, which will help
me to plan sessions for junior basketball players in the future. Writing on the back of the sheet how
we thought that we had don’t that week was a good source of motivation and it really helped on the
weeks where I wasn’t so motivated to actually see how I had felt the week before. I can simply hand
over the provided plans and be on my way. Firstly, if it were raining it would not be advisable to
train outside, as the surface could become slippery, causing players to sustain an injury. This unit of
work can also be applied to KS3 with Year 7 and 8 pupils with slight modification. See other similar
resources ?2.00 1.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. My
scores started to show some kind of pattern towards the end, though it was not very clear form the
results. The warm-up and cool-down both went well and I really noticed a difference in my
flexibility over the course of the PEP. I try to behave well in practical lessons as if I am not, I could
cause myself or even worse a fellow classmate a serious injury. If you want to take your P.E lessons
to the next level, this basketball sports resource is the best place to start. I love the range of sports
available which means you can really personalise your own PE curriculum to meet the needs of all
your children. Post not marked as liked 4 How to Teach Physical Literacy within Physical Education
82 0 5 likes. Then finally for the last two weeks we will carry out the repetitions for 45 seconds for
each activity. This will show the difference in my scores over the six sessions. In the future I think
this may help me because it would assist me to develop a harder course to set myself and to add
more interest for the development of future courses. It is important to hold this stretch for 15-20
seconds in order to make it effective. If a player picks up the ball or loses it, the player is out of the
game. What an opportunity for them to take on a leadership role in your class and mentor other
classmates. The only illness I am currently suffering from is mild asthma, which is under control.
This will help to improve the movement in your arms and will help prevent injury whilst taking part
in physical activity. To increase the stretches push your hips into the floor. There will be eleven
activities which I will need to complete, each of which will last exactly one minute. It gives you a
clear idea of what to cover in a basketball unit of work. A better place for this would have possibly
have been after the press-ups or before the lay-ups. As this fitness programme is only a temporary
one and isn’t going to be a regular occurrence in my everyday life, the results won’t show a vast
increase in results every week it will only differ slightly.
I do suffer from asthma, although it isn’t really that bad I do have to make sure I carry round an
inhaler just in case. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave
some feedback. This is allowing us to confidently offer a broader selection and build our children’s
skills and enjoyment. I will need to keep the level of physical exercise more or less the same as well
as my diet and any other things that will affect my results greatly in order to obtain more accurate
results. My anaerobic will also be improved, as I shall be carrying out the exercises for short, sharp,
intense periods of time. Because I was getting tired I found I had to focus on the technique and I
have started to transfer this to the game situation which has helped my skill performance. It is
important to hold this stretch for 15-20 seconds in order to make it effective. It can be more
important on the court to stamina and speed because the netball court itself is not that large and there
isn’t much continuous long distance running involved with the nature of the game. This may take a
lot of time and effort and can result in making the chosen sport too expensive and not accessible.
The other benefits I got out of the course was the ability to make my own training programme, which
will help me to plan sessions for junior basketball players in the future. For example a gymnast would
usually peak, at which they perform the best in there early teenage years and as they grew older into
their twenties they would digress. To use the resource, simply follow the framework and modify to
suit the needs and abilities of your pupils. Then we need to make sure that we progress and develop
out training. I also have coloured the activities that I didn’t do in purple. P.E.P. The aim of this P.E.P
is to build up my muscles and physique for a g. I coped quite well with the recovery between the
circuits, but the reduction in time made a difference. Warming down prevents soreness and muscle
fatigue by keeping the blood circulating and providing oxygen for the muscles after the activity to
reduce the amount of lactic acid that can occur. This day is a great opportunity to offer your children
the chance to discover new books, learn about all their favorite authors, and participate in a range of
activities that promote reading and literacy. This game is good for warming you up because it
includes a lot of running in the game. Hopefully by incorporating some of these activities and games,
your mosquito slappers of the class have some fun, too. Even though basketball is a competitive
sport, it’s important to remember that the main priority is to have fun. Training for tennis may not
help improve hockey skills, but may help certain aspects of basketball, such as quick reflexes, quick
thinking and fast footwork. The game starts with all players lined up in a straight line at the free
throw line. Click here for Grades 3 - 6 Basketball Unit of Work Dribble Wars. Although I play other
sports including football and tennis, I have played basketball for the longer duration, approximately
eight years. As you can see my recovered rate was very much lower in the fourth week than the first
week, showing that I had improved in my fitness. A huge choice to enable us to offer skills
development throughout their time at school. An effect that I found most was boredom because the
course was repetitive. Lie flat out and bend your knees, placing the sole of your feet on the floor. I
have seen a difference in my fitness levels and enjoyed seeing the improvement.
However, on the whole I am very happy and enjoyed myself during the whole experience and have
gained valuable information along the way. P.E.P. The aim of this P.E.P is to build up my muscles
and physique for a g. I feel the upper body exercises could now be made slightly harder, as I am
coping much better and completing them without stopping, especially the pull-ups. In out fitness
programme gender is of no importance, as male and female will be doing the same activities. I do
however; have one complaint about this activity. I will arrange the time of the circuits to ensure I
have either an ample recovery period after a match or rest before a match. Plus, the actual layout of
warm ups, main teaching, cool downs - is all there in one place. The passive stretching seems to be
really helping the range of movement in my lower back and hamstrings. Put the sole of the foot of
leg (a) on the floor and hug the knee towards the chest. The exercises at each station should remain
the same. Overall I have achieved what I wanted to get out of this whole experience and I have
noticed a change in my game play. This will help with the prevention of injury whilst taking part in
physical activity. This is lower than the first week but it means that because my starting beat count
has decreased by 9 beats per minute that I have gained in my fitness and my heart rate is overall
lower. If this were to be timed, I could see if I had improved on my starting time, which would show
me that my speed had also improved. I also need to make quick passes and dodges, especially at the
centre pass. Ensure the flats of your feet remain in contact with the floor at all times. My best week
in this activity was week 6, and this was most likely down to the fact that I was motivated and had
high levels of energy. The plan was very much accustomed to what I wanted to improve. I felt the
reduction in the recovery time was fine, and the walking between the circuits could have actually
stayed as a jogging recovery. The person in line will start to shoot and the second player can shoot as
soon as the first player takes their shot. Remember, those mini professionals you have in your class
most likely have pathways and programs outside of school. Keep your knees together and your head
in line with your spine whilst performing this exercise. I found the exercises quite easy with the
amount of recovery time allowed, but my hamstrings and calf muscles did tighten a little in the last
circuit. Bundle PE Units of Work for Years 5 and 6 10 easy to use PE units of work for pupils aged
from 7-14 years and specifically for year groups 5 and 6. This was harder for me as there was no one
for me to compete against, and so I pushed myself too hard. Training for tennis may not help
improve hockey skills, but may help certain aspects of basketball, such as quick reflexes, quick
thinking and fast footwork. For an optimal experience, please switch to the latest version of Google
Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Apple Safari or Mozilla Firefox. To make this stretch effective you need to
hold it for 15-20 seconds and if any previous injury has been specifically to the calf muscle you may
want to repeat these steps more than once. In the future I think this may help me because it would
assist me to develop a harder course to set myself and to add more interest for the development of
future courses. Bend one leg (a) and place it over the top of the straight leg (b).
An extreme Ectomorph would be very well suited to become a goal shooter in netball. All the hard
work has been done so you don't have to, and your class will get so excited for their next PE lesson
each week. Post not marked as liked 4 How to Teach Physical Literacy within Physical Education 82
0 5 likes. However, on the whole I am very happy and enjoyed myself during the whole experience
and have gained valuable information along the way. I also need to focus and concentrate on
completing a full range of movement on the few upper body exercises I struggled with on the final
circuit. The whole school curriculum map is broad, balanced and coverage is superb allowing time for
exploration and collaboration. It tends to be the quicker your heart rate returns too normal the fitter
you are. These improvements have allowed me to be more effective in the matches I am playing and
I am starting to make fewer mistakes in my passing and shooting skills. Reach as far forward as
possible. (Avoid locking out the elbows) Feeling the stretch in the upper portion of the back. The
plans are visually laid out well and easy to follow even for those of us who lack confidence when
teaching PE. We also only spent short amount of time on each of the different activities so as soon as
you were became bored of the activity it was already time to change to the next one. Also in the
larger porting events, men and women don’t compete against each other because man and women
with obtain very different results. However, in week 3 I was working against Sylvester so I see no
reason for me to score poorly. Also recording all the results on one sheet week after week as
motivating because it was interesting to see if we had improved or not and I if so by how much.
Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content guidelines. By shuffling
around the course, I am simulating a game situation, in which I am shuffling in and out of defenders
and other players. I tried my hardest very week but was somewhat put off my the pain in my ankle in
some of the more strenuous activities which meant that I wasn’t as focused or a s motivated as I
could have been and therefore wouldn’t have obtained accurate results. I have seen a difference in
my fitness levels and enjoyed seeing the improvement. However I kept the work rate high until the
end of each exercise including the upper body exercises. It is therefore for this reason that I think I
scored lower in the burpees than in any other event throughout the entire circuit. This resource hasn't
been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have purchased this
resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. You
need to tuck a leg in towards the body and hold for 10-15 seconds to find it effective and repeat if
necessary. Grip below the knee joint to increase the stretch. (Avoid griping the joint of the knee). In
order to engage students to get involved, there are many basketball games and drills that will help
them develop and refine their skills. A better place for this would have possibly have been after the
press-ups or before the lay-ups. Get this resource as part of a bundle and save up to 17% A bundle is
a package of resources grouped together to teach a particular topic, or a series of lessons, in one
place. Bundle P.E Year 7 Basketball - Lesson Plans for a complete half-term This bundle contains 6
Lesson Plans for Year 7 Basketball. Before following this PEP is used to only spend time warming
up. For goal defence I need to be able to move easily around the court. It also helps in the recovery
of the muscles and heart rate and other tissue through the removal of waste products. My best week
at this activity was week 2, and this is where I scored some of my best scores of the whole circuit.
Setting up a program like this will give your students a sense of accomplishment as they not only get
to practise crucial dribbling, passing and shooting skills, but also learn to work together in a team
environment. However, this plan backfired as I was starting to tire by the fifth activity. This
increases the blood flow and helps with the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the working
muscles. You'll also receive an assessment sheet with the grading rationale - Each skill element is
clearly defined with a straightforward grading system. Everyone has a basketball to dribble and
protect while trying to knock other students’ basketballs. I need to allow more time to cool-down,
especially for the mobility exercises, as the extra training is making me slightly stiffer for my other
activities and this may help me warm-up easier for those. Ensure the flats of your feet remain in
contact with the floor at all times. Speed is useful on the court and in game play, however strength
and suppleness is just as or even more important as you need to be able to move freely, and with
good intentions and strength, to make sure you can carry out your movements. I felt the reduction in
the recovery time was fine, and the walking between the circuits could have actually stayed as a
jogging recovery. You can also use the framework as a base to develop your own unit of work and
lesson plans. This day is a great opportunity to offer your children the chance to discover new books,
learn about all their favorite authors, and participate in a range of activities that promote reading and
literacy. Aerobic Endurance - A good level of cardio-vascular fitness is needed because of the
continuous nature of the game. This increases the blood flow and helps with the transportation of
oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles. It also warms up all your muscles to help prevent
injury. If this muscle gets injured it would take a long time to heal and would make any position
uncomfortable so it is very important to stretch this muscle and all the others very well in order to
keep in good health. It shows clearly that I steadily improve as the weeks progressed. P.E.P. The aim
of this P.E.P is to build up my muscles and physique for a g. By doing this you will make sure that
the next morning when you wake up you won’t be sore or stiff due to the build up of muscle lactic
acid. My physiological view of the programme will affects this because if I am more motivated one
week than the next then it will affect my results and they will become less accurate. If I am
improving each week, then I will know that I am pacing myself well. Take leg (a) and place one foot
on the knee of the opposite leg (b). The plan was very much accustomed to what I wanted to
improve. This activity is good as it builds up power and strength in your muscles (biceps, triceps,
quadriceps etc.). Also, the exercise is good for improving stamina and muscular endurance, as well as
my cardio - respiratory system. P.E.P The sport that I am going to do my P.E.P (personal exercise
programme. When I was motivated I feel it enhance my performance more and I overall preformed
better than if I was less motivated. This game is good for warming you up because it includes a lot of
running in the game. Overall I have achieved what I wanted to get out of this whole experience and I
have noticed a change in my game play. Maybe if I didn’t participate in as much sport there might be
a noticeable difference in my after pulse that would go down after the five-week course and my
recovery rate would be quicker. I feel the upper body exercises could now be made slightly harder, as
I am coping much better and completing them without stopping, especially the pull-ups. Each ability
level is determined by the control of the ball and technical parts of the skill.
I feel the recovery time between the stations could be reduced but the work rate should not be
altered. I also need to make quick passes and dodges, especially at the centre pass. Lie flat out and
bend your knees, placing the sole of your feet on the floor. Each lesson and activity states exactly
what you need and how to teach it. Hopefully by incorporating some of these activities and games,
your mosquito slappers of the class have some fun, too. You need to stretch this muscle to prevent in
jury during physical injury. After we have stretched off properly I will play a game called bull dog
this game is really easy to play and enjoyable as well so how you play is two people (bull dogs) have
to stand in the centre of the gym and shout out one of the persons name and what the person does is
shouts out proper loud bull dogs so every one has to go from one end of the gym to the other
without getting caught and if you do get court your a bull dog as well so this means that the last man
standing wins. My recovery rate didn’t change much at all after the five-week period, possibly
because of my high level of participation in other sporting activities. This is lower than the first week
but it means that because my starting beat count has decreased by 9 beats per minute that I have
gained in my fitness and my heart rate is overall lower. My flexibility also seems to be improving,
but my other training at the basketball club is helping with this aspect as well. I enjoyed doing the
fitness programme and being surrounded by friend when I did it I think that kept me motivated and
it made it more fun than a chore. These are very important because with it being aerobic exercise it
helps in the process of preparing the body both mentally and physically before major exercise to
reduce the risk of injury. I currently have no injuries but have suffered in the past with Achilles
tendonitis; I have mild asthma but no longer have to take any medication for it. Although the
inclined press-ups were okay, the full pull-ups were too hard and I had to stop once and drop off the
beam and rest for a few seconds during each circuit. As this was the first time I was taking part in
the circuit, I did not know what to expect or how to pace myself, so I went out using all my strength
and power on the first few activities. The circuit was definitely harder than last time with the
reduction in recovery time between stations. On some occasions I walk to school, which is another
form of exercise. I would like to improve my speed and stamina on the court, as I would like to be
more effective during the latter part of the game when the scores are usually very close. We will
continue to move around the different stations of the activity and carry out the correct amount of
repetitions until we have completed the set time for the week and we have corrected valid and
correct results. This is a bundle of all of our Basketball Resources. Click here for Grades 3 - 6
Basketball Unit of Work Dribble Wars. My physiological view of the programme will affects this
because if I am more motivated one week than the next then it will affect my results and they will
become less accurate. This resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only
customers who have purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it
violates our terms and conditions. The warm-up was fine and completed in the time I had allocated
myself. In each of these sessions I will need to increase my intensity towards the activities, otherwise
I will make no improvement. Flexibility - Needed for all aspects of the game to reduce the risk of
injury and to allow movement to the ball in a variety of situations. As the teacher, we play an integral
role in keeping our students engaged and excited. My scores started to show some kind of pattern
towards the end, though it was not very clear form the results. The warm-up and cool-down both
went well and I really noticed a difference in my flexibility over the course of the PEP. This makes
our bodies a lot more flexible and a lot more prepared for a game situation.
In most of the weeks I outscored my partner, Sylvester. This will show the difference in my scores
over the six sessions. The other option that may improve my stamina would be to start jogging,
starting with a mile and building up gradually over a 6 week period. As we were doing it inside in a
sports hall the weather didn’t need to be taken into account. This is reversibility because the reverse
affects can start to happen. Also recording all the results on one sheet week after week as motivating
because it was interesting to see if we had improved or not and I if so by how much. I scored very
low in the first session and this was mainly down to the fact that it was the first time I was
competing in the circuit. You should feel the stretch in the bulk of the calf muscle. I found the
exercises quite easy with the amount of recovery time allowed, but my hamstrings and calf muscles
did tighten a little in the last circuit. The activities that were chosen were good and gave both
genders a good chance, as none of them were gender based. Reduce the recovery time between the
circuits again but rather than jogging I will return to walking. Each ability level is determined by the
control of the ball and technical parts of the skill. For goal defence I need to be able to move easily
around the court. Then we need to make sure we overload or we won’t improve. Over training in
skills can lead to boredom and mental staleness which reduces performance levels in competition. I
had sustained an injury in an out of school activity and this had hindered my efforts on some of the
activities in the circuit. For example I need to make sure that I am wearing all of the correct clothing
and footwear, all my jewellery is off and that my hair is tied back. If you click on the star by my store
logo you will become a follower and receive updates when I post new products, hold sales or post
free products. Setting up a program like this will give your students a sense of accomplishment as
they not only get to practise crucial dribbling, passing and shooting skills, but also learn to work
together in a team environment. My back injury has partially healed from the previous lesson, and I
was able to participate well during the course. If I am not teaching the lesson, the cover teacher has a
clear idea of warm-ups, key skills, and main game play. Also the slower your heartbeat is at resting
the fitter you tend to be. See other similar resources ?3.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for
later Not quite what you were looking for. I was very pleased as it proved that I had progressed since
the start of the course. A huge choice to enable us to offer skills development throughout their time at
school. Bend your knee and take hold of the ankle of the leg, gently pull the ankle towards your
buttocks. It also will allow me to be specific and adapt the exercises and work intensities easily as the
programme develops. Both of these pictures show the transfer of weight onto the bent leg in order to
feel the stretch on the calf muscle. And then on the other it had a space for us to record how we
thought the session went. There are plenty of fun and creative ideas for activities and games in your
basketball unit: Sharks and Minnows.

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