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Prediction of Skating Speed with Off-Ice

Testing in Professional Hockey Players

Teresa Mascaro, PT, ATC '
Bill 1. Seaver, PhD2
Lorna Swanson, MFA, PT, ATC3

ce hockey is rapidly develop The purpose of this study was to determine the best off-ice predictors of sprint skating speed
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ing a reputation as the fastest in professional ice hockey players. Off-ice functional tests included a 40-yd dash, standing long
sport in professional athletics. jump, and vertical jump, as well as isokinetic testing of the quadriceps and hamstrings at speeds of
It is essential for the profes- 60 and 180". Skating speed was determined by a 54.9-m sprint skate test. Nine professional ice
sional hockey player to pos- hockey players served as subjects. Skating speed was significantly correlated with vertical jump
sess superior speed skating ability anaerobic power as determined by the lewis formula and with several isokinetic power measure-
from goal line to goal line. Hockey is ments. The single best predictor of skating speed was vertical jump anaerobic power. An even better
Copyright © 1992 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

primarily considered an anaerobic prediction of skating speed was possible using two isokinetic measurements, the average power of
activity, which commonly consists of the left quadriceps at 180" (APLQ180) and the average power of the right hamstrings at 60'
40-60 sec on-ice shifts. T h e ice (APRH60). These measurements may be used to objectively evaluate off-ice training programs
hockey player is required to develop designed to enhance speed skating performance.
muscle strength, power, and anaero- Key Words: ice hockey, isokinetics, power measurements
bic endurance on the ice. This train-
Presented at the Sports Physical Therapy Section Team Concept Meeting, December 1991, New Orleans, LA.
ing can be difficult to simulate in the ' Self-employed, Clinton, TN
off season due to the absence of ice. ' Statistical consultant, QualPro, Knoxville, TN
Johansson et al (1 1) demon- ' Staff therapist, Knoxville Sports Therapy, Knoxville, TN; doctoral student, exercise science, The University of
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

strated the need for individualized Tennessee

off-season training regimens; how-
ever, nowhere in the scientific litera- season. T h e final sample was re- isokinetic testing, and a Bodyguard
ture is there a standardized measure- duced to nine as a result of injuries 990 lower extremity cycle was used
ment tool with which to evaluate the
and player relocation. All nine sub- for the warm-up phase of isokinetic
effectiveness of such training. This
jects were free of any acute lower testing. T h e 40-yd dash, long jump,
study was conducted to: 1 ) identify
extremity injury and were not in- and vertical jump were all tested on
the best off-ice predictor(s) of sprint
speed skating time in professional volved in any other athletic activity. astro turf in an indoor football prac-
hockey players and 2) establish the Their ages were 23.3 1.6 years, + tice facility. The speed skating test
validity of a specific functional meas- +
height was 182.0 4.0 cm, weight was completed on a standard-size
urement which will allow a more ob- +
was 88.8 7.5 kg, and percent body hockey arena.
jective evaluation of the efficacy of fat was 10.1 f 2.2 (predicted by
the off-season training program. three sites with Lange skinfold cali-
pers using the Jackson and Pollock
equation) (20). T h e subjects con- Isokinetic tests, field tests, and
MATERIALS AND METHODS sisted of five forwards, three de- ice skating tests were all completed
fensemen, and one goaltender. on separate days. Biodex testing fol-
lowed the protocol used in the Fier-
The sample initially included 16 Materials ing et al reliability study (5). The
professional hockey players from the Biodex was calibrated one day prior
East Coast Conference who were A Biodex (Biodex Corp., Shirley, to testing, as prompted by the com-
tested at the end of the competitive NY) dynamometer was used for all puter software. A 5-min cycle warm-

- -
Volume 15 Number 2 February 1992 *JOSPT
u p used a pedal rpm of 8 8 and a variables. T h e basic multiple linear fit the formulated model, that are
target reading of 600 kpm. Follow- regression model follows: recording o r experimental errors, o r
ing the bike warm-up, subjects per- that reveal another trend in the
formed a SO-sec static stretch for the data. These kinds of atypical obser-
hamstrings and quadriceps. Fach vations affect the following: coeffi-
subject then performed three maxi- whereby the authors seek t o mini- cient estimates, the standard errors,
mal repetitions a t a speed of 6 0 ° / mize the sum of the residuals Pearson's correlation, t-tests, the F-
sec. Fifteen maximal repetitions squared, test for the full model, the coeffi-
were performed a t 180°/sec. cient of determination (R2), variable
T h e field testing consisted of a
vertical jump, a standing long jump.
Min .21 e:
selection for a best model, interrela-
tionships among variables in multiple
and a 40-yd dash. Preceding field
testing, the warm-up included a 100-
= Min 5
i= 1
(Y, - f,)' (3)
linear regression, and the predicta-
bility of the model (2, 18, 23).
yd jog and a 30-sec stretch of all with ei an estimate of the true resid- Recent statistical research has
lower extremity muscle groups. T h e ual, ci ( 18). However, recent statisti- show" that all of these classical diag-
athletes were given three opportuni- cal literature has pointed out that nostic measures become unreliable in
ties at each test, and the best per- just one observation can cause the the case of multiple atypical data (2,
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formance was recorded. T h e vertical least squares estimators t o take on 22). When the sample is small and
jump anaerobic power was deter- large aberrant values (23). In the there are multiple atypical data
mined by the Lewis Nomogram (3). case of small samples, which fre- points, as in this case, it is difficult to
For the jump and reach scores on discard any data.
vertical power testing, the athletes As a result, a four-fold strategy
were allowed to use an arm swing. will be used. First, the classical diag-
The best predictor of
Copyright © 1992 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Identical position and arm swing nostic measures were utilized but not
were used in the standing long jump.
T h e 40-yd dash began in a sprinter's
54.9-m skating time reported. Secondly, since least
squares estimates break down with
starting position. Time was meas- for fonvards and just one outlier, a robust estimator
ured by a hand-held stopwatch. able t o tolerate up t o 50 percent of
Before attempting the sprint defensemen was the the data being contaminated with
skate test, all athletes participated in
a 20-min, on-ice warm-up, which in-
vertical jump. outliers was also used. This robust
estimator, the least median of
cluded lower extremity stretching as squares estimator (LMS), minimizes
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

a group and slow skating drills. Fach the median of the observer residuals
quently occur, unusual data values
subject performed the sprint skate squared,
can be particularly damaging to
test in full hockey pads and with a
interpretations and conclusions. Minimize median e:
stick. A hand-held stopwatch was
used t o record the time it took t o get
Many statistical packages (such as
SAS, SPSSX) now include diagnos-
b(k) i = . n -. (4)
from goal line t o goal line (54.9 m).
tics for flagging singular observa- Basically, this LMS estimator of the
T h r e e skating trials were allowed,
tions as atypical in linear regression parameters is calculated by repeated
with the best recorded. All athletes
models. T h e r e a r e two kinds of a t y p sampling of elemental sets of obser-
were given a 30-sec rest between
ical data in least squares regression. vations until the pattern of residuals
each trial. Speed skating anaerobic
T h e first are called high leverage converges to stability and the scatter
power (SSAP) was determined by the
points, which are outlying in the ex- of the residuals is minimal with re-
formula utilized in the Watson and
planatory o r independent variables spect t o the k-estimated coefficients
Sargeant study (26):
(9, 22). T h e second typical situation (bb) (23). T h e LMS estimator pro-
subject's weight distance skated in least squares regression is an a t y p vides a good estimate of the coeffi-
time ical response of the dependent vari- cients and flags outliers. Because
able to the independent variables. multiple atypical data points can hide
Statistical Methods Observations in this category are their impact, a plot of standardized
called outliers (1 8). These statistical robust residuals from the LMS a p
Initially, linear regression diagnostics are not automatic keys to proach versus robust distances will
models were used to evaluate the immediately eliminate observations also be used to look for groups of
functional relationship between skate from the analysis but are a means of observations that may have an i n a p
time and nine other independent highlighting observations that d o not propriate effect as t o outlyingness o r

JOSPT Volume 15 Number 2 February 1992


leverage (22). Rousseeuw and van Pearson Correlation Coefficients

Zomeren suggest cutoff points of 2.5 APRQ APRH APLQ APLH APRQ APLQ LEWIS APRH APLH
and -2.5 for the standardized robust 60 60 60 60 180 180 180 180
residuals and a cutoff of [X2p,,q,5]'h SKTIME
for the robust distance. APRQ60
Finally, the clinical researcher APRH60
would like to validate the predicta- APLQ60
bility of a selected best model. If the APRQ180
data set is too small to split for varia- APLQl80
tion purposes, there is a ~ ~ , , , , d , LEWIS
which will reflect model prediction APRHl8O
capabilities (1 8). Given n observa- Spearman Correlation Coefficients
SKTIME .72 .23 .65 .45 77 .85
tions in the data set, each observa- APRQ60 -.27 .82 .35 .92 .94
tion is individually withheld o r set APRH60 -.28 .47 -.I8 -.07
aside, and the remaining n- 1 obser- APLQ60 .27 .78 .88
vations are used to estimate the APLH60 .48 .36
omitted observation. This is done n APRQ l8O .88
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times (nine times here), resulting in LEWIS

n predictions, n prediction errors, APRHl8O
and one R'lprCd.T h e best choice of a
predictive model would favor the TABLE 1. Correlation coefficients.
largest R~,,,~.
Copyright © 1992 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

standardized residuals and robust Two Variables

RESULTS distances pinpoints only skater nine
as an outlier (as shown in the upper All possible regressions were
One Variable panel of Figure 2). performed on all variable subsets;
but meaningless negative coeffi-
T h e first key that something was cients, complicated outliers, ques-
suspicious with the data occurred in lohansson et a1 tionable nonsignificance, and poor
the computation of the Pearson and predictability limited focus to two-
Spearman correlations shown in Ta- demonstrated the variable models. T h e best two-vari-
ble 1. O f the 4 5 pairwise correla- able model does have an outlier
need for
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

tions, 16, o r about 36 percent, of the (again the goalie) as evidenced in the
Spearman correlations were differ- individualized off- robust plot in the lower panel of Fig-
ent by .20 in magnitude o r by sign. ure 2. This best interpretive and
A look at Table 1 shows these differ- season training predictive model contained
ences. T h e existence of these differ- APLQ180 and APRH6O (Table 3).
ences encourages the use of LMS regimens. This model used only eight observa-
regression in tandem with least tions and excluded the goalie, giving
squares regression. an R 2 = .928. T h e RZprrd= .769 for
All possible regressions were With the omission of the one this same model was far better than
performed. Six of the best LSR scat- outlier (skater nine, who was a any other two-variable model. Thus,
terplots are shown in Figure 1. T h e goalie), the LSR model is closer t o the predictive equation using least
best one-variable results a r e in Table the LMS model (Table 2). T h e one- squares regression but confirmed by
2. T h e best one-variable LSR model variable model with the goalie de- the least median squares regression
used the Lewis score (R2 = .724). leted yields a RVprrd= .494 for the is as follows: ? = 354.35
Singular regression diagnostics LEWIS variable, a better result than +.69(APLQ180) +
would flag observations one and nine the R2,,,,d = .302 for the second best T h e bottom line in the statistical
as potential outliers and observation one-variable model, the average analysis is that LEWIS is an excellent
four as a leverage point (see Figure power of the left quadriceps at one variable to predict skate time o r
1). T h e LMS regression (Table 2) 180°/sec (APLQI 80). Thus, the speed skating anaerobic power.
gives a better fit (R2 = .880), even one-variable model, ? = 236.30 + However, if two variables are
with these three observations identi- 3.65(LEWIS), may be used t o pre- needed, APLQI 8 0 and APRH6O
fied as suspect. A plot of the LMS dict skating speed anaerobic power. are the better choice.

Volume 15 Number 2 Februav 1992 JOSPT


necessary to determine the propriety

of prescribed training regimens, es-
pecially during the ofT season. These
tests should be relatively easy t o ad-
minister yet highly correlated with
skating speed.
T h e muscles responsible for
knee flexion and extension are ex-
tremely important in skating per-
formance and, therefore, were the
ones examined. T h e quadriceps de-
velop the largest contractile forces
when extending the knee joint in the
skating thrust (8). Electromyo-
graphic studies of ice skating have
shown that the vastus medialis and
the vastus lateralis have the most ac-
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tivity (1 2, 15). Furthermore, a rapid

depletion of glycogen was reported
to occur in the vastus lateralis during
supramaximal skating (6). T h e ham-
strings function as a knee stabilizer
Copyright © 1992 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

during the weight shift and push off

of the skating thrust (8).
Isokinetic power tests were in-
cluded because the developriient of
maximal muscular power output
during athletic activity has previ-
ously been best simulated with isoki-
netic tests (7). Numerous studies
have also investigated anaerobic
power production in athletes using
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

FIGURE 1. Scatter plots lor different independent variables. The Y axis is always SKTIME, speed skating
anaerobic power according to equation (1).
functional tests, and these tests have
been used t o predict specific athletic
performance. For example, the verti-
DISCUSSION programs (24). However, it has been cal jump has been shown t o be a val-
shown that the training regimen uable predictor of Olynipic weight
Speed skating is one of the ma- should be specifically tailored for lifting performance (25). T h e pres-
jor components of performance in each individual player due t o signifi- ent authors found that the vertical
professional hockey. An ice hockey jump scores, as calculated by the
shift demands short bursts of maxi- Lewis formula, were highly corre-
mal effort as the forwards and de- Performance time lated with knee extension power a t
fensemen skate rapidly from goal t o
goal line. A primary factor in a
increases due to 180°/sec (in a nonparametric way
with a Spearman correlation of 22).
hockey player's success is his abiltiy increased mass of These results are similar to those of
to develop great amounts of muscu- Manning, who concluded that knee
lar tension very rapidly, ultimately the skates worn during extension at l SO0 and the vertical
generating skating speed. Smith e t al the test. jump using the Lewis formula could
have suggested that more emphasis be used interchangeably as a nieas-
should be placed on developing mus- ure of anaerobic power (10, 13, 14).
cular power at high speeds and have cant intraindividual variation in per- Perrine also found total leg thrust
recommended that improvements in formance (1 I). Off-ice testing meas- power output on an isokinetic device
high speed power output should be a ures that will accurately measure to have a high correlation with the
goal of both on- and off-ice training progress toward personal goals a r e vertical jump (a Pearson correlation

JOSPT Volume 15 Number 2 February 1992


slowly than the forwards o r the de-

fensemen, which would be expected
due to the fact that they wore heav-
ier equipment and heavier skates
with a different blade. Added mass
due to an increase in equipment
weight has been shown to result in a
significantly slower performance on
the speed component of a hockey fit-
ness test (1 7). In addition, perform-
ance time increases due t o increased
mass of the skates worn during the
test (4). Furthermore, the goalie is
not trained in speed performance as
are the other position players.
Therefore, the goalie's exclusion,
which was deemed to be valid statis-
tically, is physiologically valid as well.
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T h e best predictor of 54.9-m

skating time for forwards and de-
fensemen was the vertical jump
score. Skating speed can be pre-
dicted by the following equation: p =
236.30 + 3.65(LEWIS). Since the
Copyright © 1992 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

dependent variable is really speed

skating anaerobic power (SSAP), a
10-unit increase in the Lewis score
will yield an increase of 36.5 kg-m/
sec in SSAP. A 180-lb athlete who
receives a Lewis score of !30 and
who skates 54.9 m would have a pre-
dicted SSAP of 7 10.8 kg-m/sec.
T h a t translates into a skating speed
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

FIGURE 2. Robust residuals versus robust distances. ROBRES are the robust residuals from the least median of 6.32 sec. T h e corresponding 9 5
squares analysis, and ROBMD are the robust distances for the independent variables. The upper panel is for percent confidence interval for this
the best one-variable model, and the lower panel is for the best two-variable model. individual observation would be
from 630.3-79 1.3 in SSAP, which
Model N Intercept Lewis Coeff. R2 of .88) (19). Both of these measures translates into 5.68-7.12 sec in skat-
LSR 9 27.52 4.95" .724 also proved t o be closely related t o ing speed. T h e vertical jump test is
LMS 9 162.80 4.16 .880 skating speed. easy to administer and requires little
LSR 8 236.30' 3.65" .810 T h e subjects in this study were equipment. It can easily be utilized
* Reflects statrctical significance at a .05 level. similar in height, weight, and body by athletes, coaches, and medical
" Reflects statistical significance at a .01 level. fat percentage t o previously de- professionals t o objectively evaluate
scribed amateur and Olympic ice the success of off-season training, es-
TABLE 2.One-variable model possibilities. hockey players (1, 16, 24). T h e pecially if ice is unavailable. It can
mean 54.9-m skating time for the also serve as a quick and economical
Model N Intercept APLQ180 APRHCO 'R forwards and defensemen was a p tool with which to estimate skating
proximately .5-1.0 sec faster than speed during preseason and postsea-
LSR 9 250.79 1.03' 1.25 .645 times reported by Reid, Watson and son physical screenings and can assist
LMS 9 296.29 .45 2.38 .650
LSR 8 354.35" .69" 1.47" .928 Sargeant, and Smith e t al (1 6, 2 1, coaches and players in setting sea-
24). This difference is probably due sonal goals.
' Reflects statislical significance at a .05 level. t o a difference in skill level as none An even better prediction of
" Reflects statistical significance at a .01 level.
of the other studies examined skating speed is possible with two iso-
TABLE 3. Two-variable modelpossibilities: partial professional hockey players. In all kinetic measurements, the average
regression coefficients. cases, the goaltenders skated more power of the left quadriceps a t 180"

Volume 15 Number 2 February 1992 JOSPT

.-- -. -

a n d the average power o f the right CONCLUSIONS hockey fitness test (Abstr). Can 1Appl
hamstrings at 60". T h e prediction Sports Sci 7:240, 7 982
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isokinetic dynamometer. I Orthop
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Sports Phys Ther 7 1:298-300, 7990
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7. Halling AH, Dooley IN: The impor-
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tance of isokinetic power and its spec-
1 1.47 kg-ni/sec. T h e SSAP predic- hamstrings at 60°, can b e used t o ificity to athletic conditions. Athl Train
tion f o r the same 180-lb athlete used predict skating speed even m o r e ef- 14:83-86, 7 979
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o f 326.6 watts f o r APLQ180 a n d o f A second critical f i n d i n g o f this cle, ligament and articular forces at the
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would range f r o m 679.7-792.1 kg- sizes may yield inappropriate results,
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m/sec f o r SSAP o r f r o m 5.67-6.6 1 a n d m o r e sophisticated techniques elite Canadian ice hockey players. /
sec. W h i l e i t is possible t o predict may b e necessary t o validate per- Sports Med 16: 123- 7 28, 7 976
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Copyright © 1992 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

two-variable models, i t is obvious studies using other samples o r larger AR: lsokinetic muscular performance
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Copyright © 1992 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Volume 15 Number 2 February 1992 JOSPT

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