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One red fruit: apple

2. One yellow fruit: banana
3. One green fruit: green grapes
4. Two things a strict vegetarian doesn't eat: meat and hot dogs
5. Three kinds of food wich are made from milk: cheese, yogurt, butter
6. Four things people have for breakfast: toasts, coffee, tea and biscuits
7. Five things people eat between meals:
8. Six vegetables you can put in a salad: tomato, carrot, lettuce, onion, cucumber and
9. Seven things wich are usually on a table in a restaurant: salt, bread, mayonnaise
1ª) i usted to have takeaway food often but now i hardly ever eat that kind of food
1b) i do not eat ready-cooked meals unless i’m in a especial ocassion
1c) i don’t really know because it depends on the day and since i don’t eat meat i guess most of
my meals can be low-fat but time to time i eat chips or something like that
1d) i eat Home-made foo very often like every day, i’m a fan of cooking and try new recipes.

2ª) My favourite fruit right now it’s has to be mango, i really love ir
2b) I really like broccoli but maybe potatoes takes the the first place
2c) My favourite snack is carrots with a sauce made of peanut butter, soy sauce, lemom juice ,
salt and black pepper.
2d) my favourite Home-made Dish is the one and only lentils stew

3ª) when it’s cold i really like a warm pumpkin soup

3b) i really like pastas, i think they can make everyone a little bit happier
3c) for Sunday lunch i like having a variety of things on My plate like a salad, maybe a chikpea
burger and some vegetables

4) I think i am not allergic yo nothing so no, there isn’t.

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