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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

4. Location of superior parathyroid gland in relation to

inferior thyroid artery and recurrent laryngeal nerve is
(Surg 25 May 2023 (M) +4 past) - ID: 584

Ⓐ Anterior to RLN and caudal to ITA

Ⓑ Anterior to RLN and cranial to ITA
Ⓒ Posterior to RLN and cranial to ITA
Ⓓ Posterior to RLN and lateral to ITA

Ⓒ Superior parathyroid lie on ☛ posterior portion of upper half

of thyroid, cephalad to inferior thyroid artery, and posterior
to recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN).
✦ Netter, Pg. 78

5. A patient has increased levels of PTH, High phosphate,

low ca and hypertension for 14 years. Most likely he has
suffered from which of the following diseases (Med 25 May
2023 (A.N) +3 past) - ID: 1684

Ⓐ Acute renal failure Ⓑ Parathyroid adenoma

Ⓒ Parathyroid hyperplasia Ⓓ Chronic renal failure

Ⓓ CRF ☛ most common cause of secondary HPT ➜ Failing kidneys do

not convert enough vitamin D to its active form + Do not adequately
excrete phosphate ➜ removes calcium from the circulation ➜
hypocalcemia ➜ secondary hyperparathyroidism + Parathyroid
Hyperplasia ➜ hypercalcemia induced hypertension.
✦ Robbins, Pg. 771 ✦ Pubmed USA, Pg.

Surg 24 May 2023

6. Potassium depletion is associated with (Surg 24 May 2023
(A.N) +5 past) - ID: 1793

Ⓐ Bakersdystrophy Ⓑ Mysthenia gravis

Ⓒ Duschene muscular dystrophy Ⓓ Familial periodic

Ⓓ Familial periodic paralysis ☛ (also known as hypokalemic periodic

1. Left renal vein crosses the Aorta where (Surg 24 May 2023
paralysis) potassium moves abnormally from blood into muscles
(A.N) +4 past) - ID: 164
resulting in potassium depletion.
Ⓐ Anteriorly, above the superior mesenteric artery ✦ Davidson, Pg. 361
Ⓑ Anteriorly, below the superior mesenteric artery
7. Climber at high altitude experience hypothermia on
Ⓒ Posteriorly, at the level of superior mesenteric artery
returning to base camp and adapts to cold weather by heat
Ⓓ Anteriorly, below the inferior mesenteric artery
generation. Heat loss of the body is controlled by which of
the following? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +23 past) - ID: 2196
Ⓑ Left Renal Vein ➜ crosses Aorta, below superior mesenteric
artery(L1) Ⓐ Lateral hypothalamus Ⓑ Preoptic hypothalamus
● Lies behind pancreas and splenic vein Ⓒ Posterior hypothalamus Ⓓ Hippocampus
● receives Left supra renal and gonadal veins
✦ BD Chaurasia, Pg. 338, 340 Ⓒ Posterior ☛ Respond to Cold ➜ Shivering
2. Normal ventricular contraction after Extra systole will 8. In Beta Thalassemia the defect is in which if the
cause? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +7 past) - ID: 445 following (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +3 past) - ID: 2246
Ⓐ Decrease pulse pressure due to decrease stroke volume Ⓐ Beta chain on chromosome 6
Ⓑ Increase pulse pressure due to increased contractility Ⓑ Globin Genes on chromosome 11
Ⓒ Increase pulse pressure due to increase stroke volume Ⓒ Heme Ⓓ Alpha chain
Ⓓ Increased pulse pressure due to decrease in compliance of
veins Ⓑ ✪ β thalassemia ☛ mutations in β globin gene on chromosome 11.
✪ α thalassemia ☛ deletion in 1 or more α-globin genes.
Ⓑ ✪ Extra systole ➜ Diastolic time reduces ➜ Effective cardiac filling ☢ In Beta thalassemia Genes are present but Defective BUT in
doesnt occur ➜ Reduced stroke volume + Reduced pulse pressure + Alpha actual gene is missing.
Extra Calcium movement into cell ✦ Robbins, Pg. 448, 448
✪ After Extra Systole ➜ Normal Systole ➜ More intracellular Calcium
present ➜ Increased Contractility ➜ Stroke volume and pulse pressure 9. Max Sodium active reabsorption occur in which part of
both increases kidney? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +8 past) - ID: 2588
✦ BRS Physiology, Pg. 77
Ⓐ Loop of henle Ⓑ PCT
3. Most common cause of Ml and infarction in viscera is Ⓒ Na along with k+ Ⓓ Collecting ducts
which of the following (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 464
Ⓑ ✪ Na+ is actively transported out of all parts of renal tubule
Ⓐ Atheroma Ⓑ Thrombosis except thin portions of loop of Henle and majority ( About 60-65% )
Ⓒ Embolism Ⓓ Hypertension absorb from PCT
✪ 60% Na+ ☛ reabsorbed in PCT (Na–H exchange)
Ⓐ ✪ Atherosclerosis is MCC of of CAD leading to acute MI ✪ 30% Na + ☛ in thick ascending LOH (Na–2Cl–K cotransporter)
✪ Atheromatous plaques, especially from aorta, may get eroded to ✦ Ganong, Pg. 648, 649
form atherosclerotic emboli ➜ lodged in medium-sized and small
arteries ➜ Infarcts in the organs affected such as the kidneys, spleen, 10. Histology slide shows rete ridges with nuclear atypia
brain and heart. and nuclear pleomorphism with infiltrating malignant
✦ Robbins, Pg. 309 ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 124 epithelial cells.Likely cause is (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +18 past)
- ID: 2753

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Medi Call FCPS – 1 | MAY 2023 PAPERS

Ⓐ Verrucous Carcinoma Ⓑ Squamous Carcinoma Ⓒ ✪ Inguinal / Groin area (Lower Abdomin and Upper Thigh) is
Ⓒ Transitional Cell carcinoma Ⓓ Small cell carcinoma Supplied by ☛ Ilioinguinal nerve from L1 ( While illiohypogestric from
T12 and L1 suplly a bit higher region )
Ⓐ Verrucous carcinoma ☛ variant of squamous cell carcinoma ➜ ✪ Medial Thigh and Testes ☛ Genitofemoral nerve ( L1 , L2 )
ridges , pleomorphism , Parakaratin pluggin ✪ Scrotum ☛ Both Ilioinguinal and Genitofemoral. ( Ilioinguinal nerve
Squamous Carcinoma ☛ Absent Rete ridges and Parakeratin pluggin innervates the anterior surface of the scrotum or labia majora, root of
✦ Reference, Pg. the penis or mons pubis, and a small portion of the upper antero-medial
11. Which muscle divides submandibular gland into thigh ) ( RJ Last + Netter )
superficial and deep parts (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 18. Benzodiazepines, barbiturates and other anti
convulsant work by acting on which neurotransmitter?
(Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +10 past) - ID: 3607
Ⓐ Omohyoid Ⓑ Mylohyoid
Ⓒ Anterior belly of digastric Ⓐ Acts on Gaba receptor Ⓑ Na channel blocker
Ⓓ Posterior belly of digastrics Ⓒ Cl channel blocker Ⓓ None of these

Ⓑ Submandibular gland ➜ ● lies beneath lower border of body Ⓐ Barbiturates ☛ act by prolonging and potentiating action of GABA
of mandible on GABAA receptors.
● divided into superficial and deep parts ☛ mylohyoid muscle
✦ SNELL, Pg. 631 19. Young female developed acute renal failure after post
partum hemorrhage, which part of the kidney is most
12. A female delivered a baby and she was started on
likely damaged (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 3729
warfarin as she developed DVT. Then next day she has a
purplish patch on her right thigh, (ecchymosis). what can Ⓐ Proximal convoluted tubules Ⓑ Loop of henle
be the cause (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +5 past) - ID: 2910 Ⓒ Collecting tubules Ⓓ Distal convoluted tubules

Ⓐ Lupus anticoagulant Ⓑ Warfarin overdose Ⓐ ✪ Post partum hemorrhage ➜ decreased Renal Blood supply ➜
Ⓒ Vitamin k deficiency Ⓓ Protein c deficiency Ischemic damage to PCT ( because It has highest load and these cells
need most amount of ATP and thus are particularly sensitive to
Ⓓ Protein C deficiency ☛ ↑ risk of abnormal blood clots. ischemia )
✦ Robbins, Pg. 568
13. Which of the following muscles of larynx is abductor of
the vocal ligament: (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +9 past) - ID: 2926 20. Tumour of ovary which secrete excessive estrogen
(Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +1 past) - ID: 4622
Ⓐ Posterior cricoarytenoid Ⓑ Lateral cricoarytenoid
Ⓒ Transverse arytenoids Ⓓ Thyroarytenoid Ⓐ Dysgerminoma Ⓑ Granulose cell tumour
Ⓒ Csytadino carcinoma Ⓓ Cystic teratoma
Ⓐ Posterior cricoarytenoid muscles ☛ abduct and externally rotate
arytenoid cartilage causing abduction of vocal folds. Ⓑ Granulosa cell tumors are the tumors that usually produce
14. A 46 year old farmer with history of discharging sinus
on foot, smear shows red granules and filaments 1-3 21. Child has hemophilia. His 2 sisters are unlikely to have
microns, which is most appropriate diagnosis? (Surg 24 May this condition because Hemophilia is: (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N)
2023 (A.N) +5 past) - ID: 3118 +21 past) - ID: 4812

Ⓐ Actinomadura Ⓑ Corynebacterium Ⓐ X linked recessive Ⓑ Autosomal dominant

Ⓒ Medurula Mycetoma Ⓓ Tuberculosis Ⓒ Autosomal recessive Ⓓ X linked dominant

Ⓐ Mycetoma ☛ characterised by sinus discharge of watery fluid Ⓐ ✪ Hemophilia ☛ X-linked recessive

or pus and classified as: ✦ Harsh Mohan, Pg. 260
__➊ Eumycetoma (40%) ☛ by fungus - Madurella mycetomatis (
22. A patient admitted after head trauma having difficulty
Black Grains )
in respiration. Tidal volume first increases and then
__➋ Actinomycetoma (60%) ☛ by Bacteria - Actinomadura (Red and
gradually decreases Respiratory pattern is? (Surg 24 May 2023
Yellow Grains )
(A.N) +7 past) - ID: 4922
✦ Davidson, Pg. 301
Ⓐ Normal respiration Ⓑ Apnea
15. Which among following is prolonged in Idiopatihc
Ⓒ Kussmaul respiration Ⓓ Cheyne-Stokes respiration
thrombocytopenic Purpura ? (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +3 past) -
ID: 3285
Ⓓ Cheyne-Stokes ☛ breathing disorder characterized by cyclical
Ⓐ APTT Ⓑ PT episodes of apnea and hyperventilation.
Ⓒ BT Ⓓ CT Caused by☛ Brain tumors, Traumatic brain injuries, CCF, Encephalitis
Pathophysio ☛ Tachypneic and maintain lower PCO2 levels normally
Ⓒ ✪ ITP ☛ ↓ platelet count and ↑ bleeding time but normal ➜ during SLEEP low CO2 levels stimulate Apnea ➜ causes ↑ CO2 ➜
prothrombin time and partial thromboplastin time. stimulate central receptors ➜ Hyperventilation ➜ ↓ PCO2 levels due to
✦ Kaplan Pathology, Pg. 32 hyperventilation will fagain all below the apnea threshold levels ➜
16. Dicoumarol cause which of the following (Surg 24 May apnea again ➜ cycles of apnea and hypercapnia continues ➜ Cheyne-
2023 (A.N) +24 past) - ID: 3336 Stokes respiration ( pattern of crescendo-decrescendo respirations and
tidal volume that First increases and then gradually decreases )
Ⓐ Increase bleeding time Ⓑ Prolong coagulation time ✦ Guyton, Pg. 547 ✦ N.I.H USA, Pg.
Ⓒ Delayed clotting Ⓓ Increase clotting
23. ODC shifts to Left and Oxygen delivery to tissues is
Ⓒ Dicumarol ☛ prevents formation of prothrombin and other decreased by (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) +30 past) - ID: 4946
coagulant enzymes ➜ inhibits blood clotting. Ⓐ Cyanide poisoning Ⓑ CO poisoning
17. Referred pain from ureteric colic is felt in the groin due Ⓒ Person inhaling 100% oxygen at mount Everest
to the involvment of following nerves : (Surg 24 May 2023 (A.N) Ⓓ At sea level
+10 past) - ID: 3564
Ⓑ CO Poisoning ➜ Binding of CO at 1 out of 4 sites on Hb ( 200 Times
Ⓐ Subcostal. Ⓑ Iliohypogastric more affinity than O2 ) ➜ increases the oxygen affinity of the remaining
Ⓒ Ilioinguinal. Ⓓ Genitofemoral 3 sites ➜ hemoglobin molecule retain oxygen ➜ Curve shifts to Left (
haLdane effect )➜ Low O2 Supply to tissues

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