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Assessment Sourcebook
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Algebra 2 Readiness Test

Progress Monitoring Assessments
Topic 1 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Topic 2 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Cumulative Assessment 1
Topic 3 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Topic 4 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Cumulative Assessment 2
Topic 5 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Topic 6 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Cumulative Assessment 3
Topic 7 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Topic 8 Assessments and Lesson Quizzes
Cumulative Assessment 4



Clear and purposeful assessment is at the heart

of effective instruction. This Assessment Guide
offers general information about assessment as
well as specific information about assessment
resources in enVision® Florida B.E.S.T.
Mathematics The Assessment Guide is divided
into the following parts.

vi Why and When to Assess
viii What to Assess
xi How to Assess
xii Assessment Data
xiii Assessment Practice

Assessment Guide v Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics offers the

most important key to success on standards-based
assessments: daily core instruction that has the same
rigor as the assessments. A hallmark of the program is
the formative assessment integrated into core instruction
“ enVision® Florida
B.E.S.T. Mathematics
offers the most important
through high-cognitive-level, question-driven classroom
conversations. key to success on
assessments: daily core
instruction that has
the same rigor as the

Type of Why and When


Instructional Outcomes

Assessment to Use This Assessment Informed by Assessment Results

Diagnostic Why: Diagnose students’ readiness • Develop individual study plans.

Assessment for learning by assessing prerequisite
• Make grouping decisions.
• Prescribe specific activities to fill
When: Before instruction
gaps in understanding of prerequisite

Progress Why: Measure students’ growth • Determine students’ level of

Monitoring across time toward specific understanding and mastery of grade-
Assessment learning goals level concepts and skills.
When: Before the start of instruction of • Inform instructional activities on the
grade level content and anytime content.
during the year to measure growth
• Determine efficacy of curriculum.

Formative Why: Monitor students’ progress on • Prescribe specific remediation or

Assessment learning content enrichment activities on the content.
When: During daily lessons • Provide alternative instruction
• Alter the pace of instruction.
• Adjust the instructional plan for a

Summative Why: Measure students’ learning of • Provide specific remediation activities

Assessment the content on the content.
When: After a group of lessons

Assessment Guide vi Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.


All of the assessments listed below are available as both print and digital resources.
Most of the digital assessments are auto-scored.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics Resources

Progress At the START of the YEAR, Progress Monitoring Assessment,

Monitoring DURING the YEAR, and/ Forms A, B, and C
Assessment or at the END of the YEAR Assess students’ conceptual understanding and
procedural skill and fluency with on-level content.
Establish a baseline from which growth can be

Diagnostic At the start of the YEAR Algebra 2 Readiness Test

Assessment Diagnose students’ areas of strength and weakness;
results can be used to prescribe differentiated

At the start of a TOPIC Topic Readiness Assessment

Diagnose students’ proficiency with topic prerequisite
concepts and skills; results can be used to generate
personalized study plans.

Formative During a LESSON Try It!

Assessment Assess students’ understanding of concepts and skills
presented in each example; results can be used to
modify instruction as needed.
Do You Understand? and Do You Know How?
Assess students’ conceptual understand and procedural
fluency with lesson content; results can be used to review
or revisit content.

At the end of a LESSON Lesson Quiz

Assess students’ conceptual understanding and
procedural fluency with lesson content; results can be
used to prescribe differentiated instruction.

Summative At the end of a TOPIC Topic Assessment, Form A and Form B

Assessment Assess students’ conceptual understanding and
procedural fluency with topic content.
Additional Topic Assessment with ExamView®
Topic Performance Task, Form A and Form B
Assess students’ ability to apply concepts learned
and proficiency with the Mathematical Thinking and
Reasoning Standards.

After a group of TOPICS Cumulative Assessments

and At the end of the Assess students’ understanding of and proficiency with
YEAR concepts and skills taught throughout the school year;
results can be used to prescribe intervention.

Assessment Guide vii Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

The assessment resources in enVision® Florida B.E.S.T.

Mathematics assess all aspects of the program, from
content and skill to practice and process expectations. “ enVision® Florida
B.E.S.T. Mathematics
assesses all aspects of

What to Assess
the program.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics Resources

Math Content • Lesson Quizzes
• Conceptual understanding
• Topic Assessments
• Procedural skill and fluency
• Topic Performance Tasks
• Applications
• Cumulative Assessments
• Progress Monitoring Assessments

Math Thinking and Reasoning • Performance Tasks

• Math Thinking and Reasoning Rubrics in the Math
Thinking and Reasoning and Problem Solving Handbook

Cognitive Complexity • Item Analysis Charts include a “DOK” column that identifies
• Depth of Knowledge (DOK) the DOK level for each item.

Assessment Guide viii Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.


Levels of Content Complexity for Mathematics

DOK Description Examples that Represent Level Performance

Level 1 (Recall) includes the recall of information • Count to 100 by ones and by tens.
such as a fact, definition, term, or a simple • Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such
procedure, as well as performing a simple algorithm as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g.,
or applying a formula. That is, in mathematics a one- knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8).
step, well-defined, or straight algorithmic procedure • Write simple expressions that record calculations with
should be included at this lowest level. numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without
evaluating them. For example, express the calculation “add
8 and 7, then multiply by 2” as 2 × (8 + 7). Recognize that
3 × (18932 + 921) is three times as large as 18932 + 921,
without having to calculate the indicated sum or product.
• Enter measurement data into a data table.
• Identify the variables indicated in a two-dimensional graph.
Level 2 (Basic Application of Concepts & • Understand that the last number name said tells the number
Skills) includes the engagement of some mental of objects counted. The number of objects is the same
processing beyond a habitual response. A Level 2 regardless of their arrangement or the order in which they
standard or assessment item requires students were counted.
to make some decisions as to how to approach • Express the length of an object as a whole number of length
the problem or activity, whereas Level 1 requires units, by laying multiple copies of a shorter object (the length
students to demonstrate a rote response, perform unit) end to end.
a well-known algorithm, follow a set procedure • Measure and estimate liquid volumes and masses of objects
(like a recipe), or perform a clearly defined series using standard units of grams (g), kilograms (kg), and liters (l).
of steps. For example, to compare data requires
first identifying characteristics of the objects or • Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and
phenomenon and then grouping or ordering the subtract rational numbers.
objects. Interpreting information from a simple • Measure and record data and produce graphs of relevant
graph, requiring reading information from the graph, variables.
also is a Level 2. Interpreting information from a • Graph proportional relationships, interpreting the unit rate as
complex graph that requires some decisions on what the slope of the graph.
features of the graph need to be considered and
how information from the graph can be aggregated
is a Level 3. Caution is warranted in interpreting
Level 2 as only skills because some reviewers will
interpret skills very narrowly, as primarily numerical
skills, and such interpretation excludes from this level
other skills such as visualization skills and probability
skills, which may be more complex simply because
they are less common and require more mental

Assessment Guide ix Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

DOK Description Examples that Represent Level Performance

Level 3 (Strategic Thinking & Complex • Explain why addition and subtraction strategies work, using
Reasoning) requires reasoning, planning, using place value and the properties of operations.
evidence, and a higher level of thinking than the • Interpret the rate of change and initial value of a linear
previous two levels. In most instances, requiring function in terms of the situation it models, and in terms of its
students to explain their thinking is a Level 3. graph or a table of values.
Activities that require students to make conjectures • Given a real-world situation, formulate a problem.
are also at this level. The cognitive demands at Level
3 are complex and abstract. The complexity does not • Organize, represent, and interpret data obtained through
result from the fact that there are multiple answers, a experiments or observations.
possibility for both Levels 1 and 2, but because the • Formulate a mathematical model to describe a complex
task requires more demanding reasoning. However, phenomenon.
an activity that has more than one possible answer • Justify a solution to a problem.
and requires students to justify the response they give • Analyze a deductive argument.
would most likely be a Level 3.
Level 4 (Extended Thinking & Complex • Derive a mathematical model to explain a complex
Reasoning) in mathematics involves the application phenomenon or make a prediction.
of level three processes and skills over an extended • Complete a project requiring the formulation of questions,
period. This is likely to incorporate demands devising a plan, collecting data, analyzing the data, and
from other content areas (e.g., English language preparing a written report describing the justification of the
arts, science), in the development and support of conclusions reached.
mathematical arguments that describe some real-
world phenomenon or situation.
Florida State University.“Content Complexity Florida Standards.”
Adapted From: Florida Department of Education, (2008). Cognitive complexity classification of FCAT test items. Retrieved on April 22,
2012 from: Webb, N.L., 2002, Depth-of-Knowledge Levels for Four Content Areas,
University of Wisconsin Center for Educational Research. Written in collaboration with Dr. Norman L. Webb

Assessment Guide x Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics offers a

variety of assessment tools that help teachers evaluate
student understanding.
Observational assessment in math is especially
important for English language learners or students
“ enVision® Florida
B.E.S.T. Mathematics
offers a variety of
who struggle with reading and writing.
assessment tools
that help teachers
evaluate student

How to Assess

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics Resources

Observational Walk around and • Try It! is in-class assessment right after instruction to check
Assessment observe as students whether students understand Example content.
do work in class.
• Do You Understand? Do You Know How? is in-class
Listen as students
assessment to see if students are ready for independent
reply to questions
in class.
• Guiding questions in the Teacher’s Edition give students a
chance to explain their thinking in whole-class, small-group,
or individual settings.

Portfolio Collect samples of • Written assessments that show representative samples of

Assessment student work. student work can be especially helpful during parent-teacher

Performance- Assign tasks that • Performance Tasks are complex, multi-part tasks and
Based Task assess complex ask for explanations. Topic Performance Tasks and Practice
thinking and ask Performance Tasks are online and in print.
for explanations.

Program Measure students’ • Program assessments, available in print and online,

Assessments understanding of use items like those found on the state assessment to assess
lesson, topic, and students’ understanding of concepts and skills.
grade-level content
using paper-based
and online

Assessment Guide xi Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics provides

resources to facilitate data-driven decision making.
Online assessments at generate a variety
of helpful reports and provide ways to group students and
prescribe differentiation.
“ enVision® Florida
B.E.S.T. Mathematics
provides resources to
facilitate data-driven
decision making.

Assessment Data Resources in enVision Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics


Collecting • Data from online
Assessment assessments include a variety
Data of class and individual reports
that show results for an item,
an assessment, or a group of
assessments. Also available are
individual and class reports on
standards mastery.

• Data from other assessments can include more than students’ scores. Examine
and discuss students’ work on assessments to gain and record valuable insights into
what individual students understand and where they are still struggling.

Using • Form groups based on

Assessment assessment data for the
Data purposes of making instructional
decisions and assigning
differentiated resources.
• Assign differentiation
based on assessment data.
Differentiation is assigned
automatically after students
complete online Lesson
Quizzes, Topic Assessments,
and Cumulative Assessments.

Assessment Guide xii Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics

embeds ongoing preparation for Florida’s Statewide
This preparation includes practice with items that are
similar in format and cognitive complexity to items that
“ enVision® Florida
B.E.S.T. Mathematics
embeds ongoing
students will encounter on these assessments.
preparation for Florida’s
Statewide Assessments.

Assessment Practice in enVision Florida B.E.S.T. Mathematics


Prepare • Lesson Quizzes in the Assessment Sourcebook as well as online
• Topic Assessments in the Assessment Sourcebook as well as online
for Florida’s
Statewide • Cumulative Assessments and Progress Monitoring Assessments in the
Assessments Assessment Sourcebook as well as online
• Practice Tests and B.E.S.T. practice in the Florida’s B.E.S.T. Assessment Practice
Workbook as well as online

Florida’s Statewide Assessments Your Students Will Take

In addition to providing students opportunities to prepare for state assessment items with the
assessments described above, it’s also helpful to give students a chance to take practice tests that
are available.

Assessment Guide xiii Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Algebra 2 Readiness Test

1. Which expression is not equivalent 4. What are the domain and range of
to a rational number? g(x) = 8|x| − 2?
𝖠 √​ ____
​  100
13 ​​
 ​  ​​× ​​ ___
𝖠 domain: x ≥ −2;
___ range: all real numbers
​​√25 ​ ​​ ÷ 8 ​​ __1 ​​
𝖡 ____ 3
___ 𝖡 domain: x ≤ −2;
𝖢 ​√81 ​
​ 3 ​​ ÷ 9 ​​ __14 ​​
____ range: all real numbers
​​√52 ​ ​​ − ___
____ ​​  3  ​​
𝖢 domain: all real numbers;
𝖣 4 13 range: y ≥ −2
𝖣 domain: all real numbers;
2. Which inequality is represented by range: y ≤ −2
the graph?
y 5. The data set 60, 68, 105, 78, 80, 81,
2 84, 70 shows several players’ scores
x after bowling ten frames. Which
−2 O 2 box plot represents the data?
𝖠 y ≤ 2x + 1 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

𝖡 y < 2x + 1 𝖡
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𝖢 y ≥ 2x + 1
50 60 70 80 90 100 110
𝖣 y > 2x + 1
3. What is the solution to the
50 60 70 80 90 100 110
compound inequality
​12 ​x + 2 < 5?
−1 ≤ __
3 ​​ ≤ x < __
−​​ __ ​​  3 ​​
𝖠 2 2 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
𝖡 ​12​​ ≤ x < __​​ 2​​

𝖢 −6 ≤ x < 6
𝖣 2 ≤ x < 14

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 6 Assessment Resources

6. The table represents a linear 9. The function f(t) = −16​​t​​  2​​ + 100
function. models the height of a ball, in feet,
dropped from a 100-foot rooftop
x 1 3 4 6 at time t, in seconds.
y 7.75 9.25 10.00 11.50 What is the average rate of change
for the function over the interval
What is the rate of change of 0 < t < 2? What does this value
the function? represent in the context of the
𝖠 −0.75 situation?

𝖡 0.75 𝖠 36 ft; the height of the ball

above the ground at 1 second
𝖢 −1.5
𝖡 −32 ft/s; the average change in
𝖣 1.5 altitude of the ball each second
over that interval
7. A room has a perimeter of 52 ft.
The length x is 6 ft greater than the
𝖢 32 ft/s; the average change
in altitude of the ball each
width y. Which system of equations 2 seconds
represents the dimensions of the
room? What are the dimensions of 𝖣 −64 ft; the distance the ball fell
the room? in 2 seconds

𝖠 2x + 2y = 52; x + 6 = y + 6;
x = 10 ft, y = 16 ft 10. What is the value of x in this
𝖡 2x + 2y = 52; x + 6 = y;
x = 16 ft, y = 10 ft ​​  1 ​​  x − 1 = ​​ __
__ ​  3 ​  x)​​ − __
1 ​​​​ 9 − __ ​​  1 ​​x
4 2 4
𝖢 x + y = 52; x = y + 6; 𝖠 2
x = 22 ft, y = 28 ft

Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

𝖡 4
𝖣 2x + 2y = 52; x = y + 6; 32 ​​
𝖢 ​​ ___
x = 16 ft, y = 10 ft 5
𝖣 8
8. What is the equation of the line
passing through the point (−4, 3) 11. What are the solutions to
that is perpendicular to the line 2​​x​​  2​​ + 9x − 18 = 0?
3x − 4y = 8?
𝖠 x = 6, −​​ __32 ​​
𝖠 y − 3 = −​​ __43​​ (x + 4)
𝖡 x = −6, 3
𝖡 y − 3 = __​​ 43 ​​ (x + 4) 𝖢 x = −3, 6
𝖢 y − 3 = −​​ __34 ​​ (x + 4) 𝖣 x = −6,  ​​ __32 ​​
𝖣 y − 3 = __​​ 34 ​​ (x + 4)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 6 Assessment Resources

12. Naomi invests $4,000 at an interest 15. The table shows the number of
rate of 3%, compounded quarterly. pages and the time in minutes that
How much will her investment be it takes for Sasha to complete her
worth in 4 years? reading assignments.
𝖠 $4480.00 Time (min) 8 15 10 11 18 7
𝖡 $4502.04 Number of Pages 6 17 15 24 29 13

𝖢 $4507.97 What does the slope of the

𝖣 $6418.83 regression line
y = 1.497x + 0.115 represent?
13. Select all the functions that model 𝖠 the average length of a
exponential decay. reading assignment
◻ A. y = 0.75(2​​)​​  x​​ 𝖡 the average number pages
Sasha can read in one minute
◻ B. y = 4​​​(__
​  1 ​)​​​  ​​
◻ C. y = 5(10​​)​​  x​​
𝖢 the time to complete an
◻ 1 ​​(4​​)​​  x​​
D. y = ​​ __
3 𝖣 the average time to complete
◻ E. y = 350​​​(__
​  1  ​)​​​  ​​
an assignment

14. Jamal interviews a random sample 16. Given the table of values from a
of 50 students about their favorite quadratic function, which equation
color (red, blue, green, or other) models the function?
and their favorite core subject x −2 −1 0 1 2
(math, science, language arts, or
f (x) 7 4 3 4 7
history). Which would be the best
Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

display for his data?

𝖠 f(x) = ​x​2​
𝖠 circle graph 𝖡 f(x) = (x + 3​​)​​  2​​
𝖡 scatter plot
𝖢 f(x) = (x − 3​​)​​  2​​
𝖢 histogram
𝖣 f(x) = ​x​​  2​+ 3
𝖣 segmented bar chart
17. Find the product.
(x − 3)(x + 3)(2x − 1)
𝖠 2​​x​​  3​​ + 13​​x​​  2​​ − 24x + 9
𝖡 2​​x​​  3​​ − 11​​x​​  2​​ − 24x + 9
𝖢 2​​x​​  3​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ − 18x + 9
𝖣 2​​x​​  3​​ + 9

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 6 Assessment Resources

18. How does the graph of g(x) = 2|x| 22. In Item 21, assume Daniela works
differ from the graph of f(x) = |x|? from 3:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. How
much does she earn?
𝖠 It is translated up 2 units.
𝖡 It is compressed vertically by a 𝖠 $60 𝖢 $46
factor of 2. 𝖡 $53 𝖣 $39
𝖢 It is translated right 2 units.
23. The two-way frequency table
𝖣 It is stretched vertically by a shows the results of a survey.
factor of 2.
Language Preference

19. What is the vertex of the quadratic French Spanish Totals

function f(x) = 2​​x​​  2​​ − 12x + 1? Grade 11 34 75 109
Grade 12 29 62 91
𝖠 (−3, 55)
Totals 63 137 200
𝖡 (3, −17)
What percentage of students in
𝖢 (−6, 145) Grade 12 preferred Spanish?
𝖣 (6, 1)
𝖠 32%
20. What is the formula for the volume
𝖡 46%
of a cylindrical container, V = π​r​2​h, 𝖢 68%
solved for h? 𝖣 45%
𝖠 h = ___ ​​  V2 ​​
​πr​​  ​
24. Each Saturday, Cameron runs
𝖡 h = ​​ ___ π​r​​  2 ​​​
V 2 miles and records his time. What
𝖢 h = V − π​​r​​  2​​ does the slope of a line of best fit

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for the data represent?
𝖣 h​​r​​  2​​ = __ ​​  V
π ​​
Week 1 2 3 4 5
Time (min) 25 21 20.5 19 18
21. Daniela works after school. Each
day she earns a set amount, plus an 𝖠 Each additional week, Cameron
hourly wage, as shown in the table. will run 1.6 minutes slower on
Write a linear equation that Daniela average.
can use to determine her pay.
𝖡 Each additional week, Cameron
Time (x) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 will run 1 minute faster on
Pay (y) 25 32 39 46 53 average.

𝖠 y = 25x 𝖢 Each additional week, Cameron

will run 1.5 minutes slower on
𝖡 y = 14x + 25 average.
𝖢 y = 11x + 14 𝖣 Each additional week, Cameron
𝖣 y = 14x + 11 will run 1.6 minutes faster on

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 6 Assessment Resources

25. Riley spends time every day for a 27. Researchers study the population
week swimming laps in the pool. of an animal in a certain forest.
She makes a scatter plot and residual In 2016 they estimated the
plot to represent her daily laps. population was about 2,450.
Each year since, the estimated
population has increased by 370.
30 y
Does this represent an exponential
3025 function? Why or why not?
y 𝖠 No; there is not a constant

2015 difference.

𝖡 Yes; there is a constant ratio.
10 5 2 4 6
x 𝖢 No; there is not a constant ratio.
50 x 2 4 6 𝖣 Yes; there is a constant
0 1 2 3 4
x −2 difference.
0 Day
0 1 2 3 4
Day _1
Using the scatter plot, line of best 28. Write (​​6​​  ​  5 ​​​)(3​​6​​  2​​) using rational
fit, and residual plot, describe the exponents.
correlation between the day and _4 _2
𝖠 6​ ​​  ​  ​​​
5 𝖢 ​​216​​  ​  ​​​
number of laps Riley swam. __ __
𝖡 ​6​​  ​  ​​​
21 11
5 𝖣 21​​6​​  ​  ​​​

𝖠 strong, positive correlation

𝖡 strong, negative correlation 29. A scientist needs 30 liters of
𝖢 weak, positive correlation a 15% acid solution for an
experiment. She has a solution that
𝖣 weak, negative correlation is 10% acid and another solution
that is 25% acid. Let x represent the
Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

26. Based on a sample of 150 of the number of liters of 10% solution.

2,000 students in a local high school, Which equation could she solve to
administration determined that the find how many liters of the 10%
average number of absences in one and 25% solutions she should mix
school year per student is 2.25 days, to get the 30 liters of solution she
with a margin of error of +/ 0.7. needs?
What is a reasonable estimate for
the total number of days students at
𝖠 30 = 0.10x + 0.25(30 − x)
the high school will be absent? 𝖡 (0.15)(30) = 0.10x + 0.25(30 − x)
𝖠 1400 to 1405 days 𝖢 (0.15)(30) = 0.10x + 0.25x
𝖡 1810 to 3405 days 𝖣 0.15 = 0.10x + 0.25(30 − x)
𝖢 4360 to 4640 days
30. What is the range of
𝖣 3100 to 5900 days f(x) = 5 − ​​x​​  2​​?
𝖠 f(x) > 5 𝖢 f(x) ≤ 5
𝖡 f(x) ≤ 0 𝖣 all real numbers
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 5 of 6 Assessment Resources
31. The populations of three bacteria 34. Tom has 60 feet of fencing to
samples are shown below. The enclose a rectangular garden.
functions f(x) = 12x + 7, g(x) = 4​​x​​  2​​ The function f(x) = −​x​​  2​​ + 30x
and h(x) = ​​3​​  x​​ model the three represents the area of the garden,
populations. Which statement is where x represents the length in
not true? feet. Which function describes
Bacteria Populations
the area of the garden, written in
factored form? What information
Week Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
does factored form give you?
1 19 4 3
2 31 16 9 𝖠 f(x) = x(x − 30); The roots of
3 43 36 27 the equation are 0, 30.
0 ft < x < 30 ft
𝖠 Based on the models, the 𝖡 f(x) = x(60 − x); The roots of
populations of all three samples the equation are 0, 60.
will continue to increase as the 0 ft < x < 60 ft
week x increases.
𝖢 f(x) = x(x − 30); The maximum
𝖡 The population of Sample 3, area of the garden is 30 f​​t​​ 2​​.
modeled by the exponential
function, will not exceed the 𝖣 f(x) = x(30 − x); The roots of the
other two populations in equation are 0 and 30.
week 4. 0 ft < x < 30 ft

𝖢 The population of Sample 2 will

be greater than the population ​​  23 ​​x?
35. What is (6​​x​​  3​​ − 2​​x​​  2​​ + 4x) ÷ __
of Sample 1 in week 4. 𝖠 9​​x​​  2​​ − 3x + 6
𝖣 The population of Sample 3 is 𝖡 x​ ​​  2​​ − __​​ 13​​x + __​​ 23​​
modeled with a constant ratio.
𝖢 2​​x​​  3​​ − 3​​x​2​+ 6x

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32. What is (​x​3​+ 5x − 4) − (3​x​2​− 18)? 𝖣 x​ ​​  3​​ − __​​ 13​​​​x​​  2​+ __​​ 23​​x
𝖠 3​​x​​  5​​ + 15​​x​​  3​​ − 22 _1
36. If ​​7​​  ​  3 ​​​is defined as the cube root
𝖡 ​x​​  3​​ − 3​​x​​  2​​ + 5x − 22 of 7, which of the following is
𝖢 ​x​​  3​​ − 3​​x​​  2​​ + 5x + 14 not true?
( ) ( 3)​​  ​  3 ​
𝖣 −2​​x​​  2​​ + 5x + 14 _
​  ​
1 3
𝖠 ​ ​7​​  ​​​  ​​ = ​7​​​  ​​

𝖡 (​ ​7​​  ​  ​)​​​  3​​ = 7

_ 1

33. What is the slope of a line _ 1 _1 _


perpendicular to the line

𝖢 7​ ​​  ​  ​​​ ∙ ​​7​​  ​  ​​​ ∙ ​​7​​  ​  ​​​ = ​​7​​  1​​
3 3 3

𝖣 3​​(​7​​  ​  ​)​​ = ​​7​​  1​​

_ 1
y = 0.25x + 13? 3

𝖠 −0.25 𝖢 0.25
𝖡 −4 𝖣4

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 6 of 6 Assessment Resources


Progress Monitoring Assessment Form A

1. The graph below is translated 4. The graph of a quadratic function

3 units right and 2 units down. f(x) has a vertex at (–3, 5). What
What is the equation of the is the vertex of g(x) if
new graph? g(x) = f(x + 1) + 2?

y ( −4 , 7 )

x 5. The height above sea level of a
−4 −2 O 2 4 gannet diving for fish is modeled
−2 by the function
f(x) = x4 – x3 – 16x2 + 16x.
Select all the x-values where the
𝖠 y = −|x − 2| + 1 bird enters or exits the water.

𝖡 y = −|x + 3| − 2 ◻ A. –4

𝖢 y = −|x − 4| + 3 ◻ B. –2

𝖣 y = −|x + 2| − 1 ◻ C. 0
◻ D. 1
2. Select all solutions to the system of ◻ E. 3
◻ F. 4
y = (x + 2)2 – 4
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2x + y = –8
6. Solve −​​x​​  2​​ − 3x = 4 over the set of
◻ A. no solution complex numbers.
◻ B. (–4, 0)
​​  3 − 5i ​​
​3 +2 5i​​, _____
𝖠 _____ 2
◻ C. (0, –4)
◻ D. (–4, –2) ​−3 2+ ​​
𝖡 _____ ​​  −3 − ​​
5i , _____

◻ E. (–2, –4)
3 + i​√7 ​​​, _______
_______ √
​​  3 − i ​ 7 ​​​
𝖢 ​
◻ F. (–1, –1) 2
𝖣​ ​​  −3 − ​​
−3 + i​√7 ​​​, _______
________  ​
2 2
3. Which of the following is
equivalent to the expression
(2i + 1)(5 − i)?
𝖠 3 + 9i 𝖢 7 + 9i
𝖡 3 − 9i 𝖣 7 − 9i

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 8 Assessment Resources

7. Divide x3 – 3x2 + 4x + 1 by x – 2. 10. Consider the function
Complete the quotient using the f(x) = –∣x –3∣ + 2. Place each interval
choices provided. with the correct description of f(x).

x –5x –x 2 (1, 5) (–∞, 1) or (5, ∞)

(–∞, 3) (3, ∞)
6 4 ​​  –3 ​​
_____ 5 ​​
​​ _____
x−2 x−2
Increasing: (−∞, 3)
x2 + −x + 2 + _____
​​  5 ​​
x−2 Decreasing: (3, ∞)
Positive: (1, 5)
8. Part A
Solve. Check for extraneous Negative: (−∞, 1) or (5, ∞)

​​ x + 17 ​​ + 3 = x 11. Simplify.
__ ___ _3
𝖠 x = 1 only 5​​√96 ​​ − 7​​√54 ​​ + ​​6​​  ​  2 ​​​
__ __
𝖡 x = 8 only 𝖠 −5​​√6 ​​ 𝖢 5​​√6 ​​
𝖢 x = 1 or x = −8 𝖡 −​√6 ​​ 𝖣 192
𝖣 x = −1 or x = 8
12. Part A
Part B
Solve the equation for a and
Which step could lead to finding determine whether the solution
extraneous solutions? is extraneous.
𝖠 subtracting 3 from both sides ​​  5 ​​ + _____
_____ −31
​​  2 ​​ = __________
​​  ​​
a−4 a+1 ​a​​  2​ − 3a − 4
𝖡 squaring both sides

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𝖠 4; solution
𝖢 using the distributive property
𝖡 4; extraneous solution
𝖣 factoring the trinomial
𝖢 −4; solution
9. The function f(x) = √​​ x + 6 ​​ 𝖣 −4; extraneous solution
represents the profits of a company Part B
after x years in business. Which
function represents the number of If the value −1 were a solution,
years as a function of the profits? why would it be extraneous?

𝖠 f​​​  −1​​(x) = (x + 6​​)​​  2​​, for x ≥ 0 𝖠 Both sides of the equation

would be equal to 0.
𝖡 f​​​  −1​​(x) = (x + 6​​)​​  2​​, for x ≥ −6
𝖡 The left side of the equation
𝖢 f​​​  −1​​(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 6, for x ≥ 0 would be equal to 0.
𝖣 ​f​​  −1​​(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 6, for x ≥ −6 𝖢 At least one denominator
would be equal to 0.
𝖣 The right side of the equation
would be equal to 0.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 8 Assessment Resources
13. Solve the equation −4 ln(6x) = 2. 16. Sam is constructing a rectangle
whose length is modeled by x − 3
𝖠 0.101 and width by 2x + 1. He needs the
𝖡 0.275 area of the rectangle to be greater
𝖢 3.639 than 15 square units.

𝖣 67.238 Part A
Which quadratic inequality models
14. What are the vertical asymptotes this situation?
of the graph of the rational 𝖠 2x2 − 3 > 15
​x​​  ​ + 5x
𝖡 2x2 − 3 ≥ 15
f(x) = ___________
​​     ​​
​x​​  ​ + 4x − 12 𝖢 2x2 − 5x − 3 ≥ 15
𝖠 x = 2 𝖣 2x2 − 5x − 3 > 15
𝖡 x = −6
Part B
𝖢 x = 2 and x = −6
Select all values of x that could be
𝖣 x = 0, x = 2, and x = −6 viable solutions to the inequality.
◻ A. −2.5
15. Jules wants to write a quadratic
function to model the support ◻ B. −2
of a bridge in his hometown. He ◻ C. 3
prints a picture of the support and
draws a coordinate plane over the ◻ D. 4.5
image. Jules records the following ◻ E. 5
coordinates from the image. ◻ F. 5.5
x −6 −3 −1 0 2 4
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y −11.5 −1 1 0.5 −3.5 −11.5

Part A
Complete the equation of the
quadratic function that models
the data. Write values as decimals
when necessary.
y= −0.5 x2 + −1 x+ 0.5
Part B
What will be the y-coordinate of
the image when x = 7?


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 8 Assessment Resources

17. Keith has $1200 to invest for 18. Use a graph of f(x) = √
​​ x + 1 ​​ − 3
6 years and he has three options. to match each interval to its best
Option A: 4% simple interest
Option B: 5% interest compounded Domain Range Positive Negative
continuously [−1, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Option C: 5.5% interest [−3, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
compounded quarterly
(−1, 8) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Part A
(8, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Determine the amount Keith's
investment will be worth after
6 years, for each option. Round 19. Determine whether each pair of
each answer to the nearest dollar. functions are inverses.
Option A: $ 1488 Not
Option B: $ 1620 Functions
Option C: $ ​ x ​​ − 1 and
f(x) = √
1665 g(x) = (x + 1)2
❏ ❏
Part B ​ x − 2 ​​ and
f(x) = √
❏ ❏
Select words to complete the g(x) = (x + 2)2
sentences. f(x) = 5x + 1 and
❏ ❏
g(x) = log5(x − 1)
linear exponential
f(x) = ln x − 2 and
❏ ❏
quadratic constant g(x) = ex + 2

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Option A is a linear 20. Which inequality represents the
function while Options B and C are solution to 2|3 − x| ≥ 4?

exponential functions. 𝖠 x ≤ 1 or x ≥ 5
While the linear
𝖡 1 ≤ x ≤ 5
function initially grows in value 𝖢 x ≤ −5 or x ≥ −1
the quickest, over time the 𝖣 −5 ≤ x ≤ −1
exponential functions will
gain the most value.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 8 Assessment Resources

21. Select all solutions to the system of 25. Use a graph of the polynomial
equations. function f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ − 2​​x​​  2​​ to
complete the following:
y = −(x − 1)2 + 2 The zeros of f are 0 and 2 .
◻ A. (0, 1)
◻ B. (2, 1)
As x approaches ◻ increases.
negative infinity,
◻ C. (−1, −2) f(x) ◻ decreases.

◻ D. (1, 2)
◻ E. (1, 0) As x approaches ◻ increases.

◻ F. (−2, −1)
infinity, f(x) ◻ decreases.

22. A school’s enrollment is represented

by the function P(t) = 527(1 + 0.02​​)​​ t​​, 26. A bee colony has a population of
where t is time in years since 2018. 30,000. The population is increasing
Rounded to the nearest student, at a rate of 10% per year. How can
what will be the school’s expected you write an exponential growth
enrollment in 2022? function to find the monthly
growth rate?
570 students 𝖠 y = 30,000(1.00797)12t
𝖡 y = 30,000​​(1.01​0​​  ​  ​​)t​​

23. Select the solutions to the equation​​

x​​  2​​ = −49.
𝖢 y = 30,000(0.00833)12t
◻ A. 7 ◻ E. −7
𝖣 y = 30,000(1.10)12t
◻ ◻
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B. 7i F. −7i 27. Tuning standard A has a frequency

◻ C. 24.5 ◻ G. −24.5 of 440 cycles per second, or Hertz.
The frequency of a musical note, in
◻ D. 24.5i ◻ H. −24.5i
Hertz, can be given by f(x) = 440(​​2​​  x​​),
where x is the number of octaves
24. Simplify (​​x​​  2​​ + 2x)(​​x​​  2​​ + x + 5). above the tuning standard A. How
𝖠 x4 + x3 + 5x2 many octaves above the tuning
standard A is a note that has a
𝖡 x4 + 3x3 + 7x2 + 10x frequency of 1,397 Hertz? Round
𝖢 2x5 + 2x4 + 10x3 the solution to the nearest tenth.
𝖣 9x2 + 3x3 + 10x x is approximately 1.7 octaves.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 5 of 8 Assessment Resources

28. Let f(x) = √​​ x − 2 ​​ and g(x) = 2x − 4. 33. Select the properties of logarithms
Select the domain and range of used in each step to rewrite the
(f ∘ g)(x). expression shown below as the sum
of three logarithmic expressions.
[2, ∞) (−∞, 2] [3, ∞) 2
​​  3​yx​​  ​​​
log ____
(−∞, 3] [0, ∞) (−∞, 0] (1) = log 3​​x​​  2​​ − log y
[−4, ∞) (−∞, −4] (2) = log 3 + log ​​x​​  2​​ − log y
(3) = log 3 + 2 log x − log y
Domain: [3, ∞)
◻ Quotient Property
Range: [0, ∞) 1. ◻ Product Property
◻ Power Property
29. R varies inversely with x. If R = 18
when x = 8, find the value of x
when R = 12. ◻ Quotient Property
2. ◻ Product Property
x= 12
◻ Power Property

30. Select all factors of 8x3 − 27y3. ◻ Quotient Property

◻ A. (2x − 3y) 3. ◻ Product Property
◻ B. (2x + 3y) ◻ Power Property
◻ C. (2x2 + 6xy + 3y2)
◻ D. (4x2 + 6xy + 9y2)
34. The volume of a cube with side
◻ E. (2x2 − 6xy + 3y2) length x is V(x) = x3. The volume

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◻ F. (4x2 − 6xy + 9y2) of a cone with radius x and height
0.5x is shown in the graph. Over
the interval [0, 1], which function
31. Subtract is increasing faster?
(4x3 − 3x2 + 5) − (4 − x2 + 2x3). y
2 x3 − 2 x2 + 1
32. Solve x2 + 2x − 2 = 0 by completing 0 1 2
the square. Use the choices
The volume of the
◻ cube
provided to complete the solution.
◻ cone
1 −1 2 −2 increasing faster.
__ __ __
​​√2 ​​ ​​√3 ​​ ​​√5 ​​
x= −1 ± √
​​ 3 ​​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 6 of 8 Assessment Resources

35. Select the domain of the function 39. Select all functions whose graph
x2 −
​​  2 7x + 12 ​​.
f(x) = __________ has a vertical asymptote at x = 2.
x − 8x + 15
◻ A. f(x) = ln (x − 2)
𝖠 x ≠ 3, –3 𝖢 x ≠ −3, −5
◻ B. f(x) = ​​log​  2​​​ x − 2
𝖡 x ≠ 3, 5 𝖣 x ≠ 3, 4
◻ C. f(x) = log (x − 2) + 2
36. Let f(x) = 3 − 3x − 2x2 and ◻ D. f(x) = 2 ln x − 2
g(x) = 3x3 + 5x2 + 6x. ◻ E. f(x) = log 2x
What is (f + g)(x)?

3x3 + 3 x2 + 3 x+ 3 40. Select all the polynomial functions

whose graphs have even symmetry.

37. Select all the equations with ◻ A. f(x) = 5x4 − 3x2 + 1

graphs that have a horizontal ◻ B. f(x) = 4x3 + 2x + 6
asymptote at y = −1.
◻ C. f(x) = x4 − 8
◻ 2 ​​ − 1
A. y = ​​ __ ◻ ​​  1 ​​
D. y = _____
x x+1 ◻ D. f(x) = 2x3 + 2x2 + 2x
◻ ◻
−1 ​​
B. y = ​​ _____
​​  1− x 2 ​​
E. y = ______
◻ E. f(x) = 0.25x4 + 1.75x2 + 2.5

◻ x ​​
C. y = ​​ _____
3−x 41. The graph of g(x) is a
transformation of f(x). Select all
38. No more than 100 students and the transformations of the graph
adults can attend an upcoming of f(x) that generate the graph
field trip. There must be at least of g(x).
10 adults on the trip. The cost per y f(x)
student is $25 while the cost per 4
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adult is $40, and after fundraising
the school has up to $3000 to cover
costs. Let x represent the number
−2 −1 O 1 2
of students and y represent the
number of adults that attend the
field trip. Select all the inequalities ◻ A. reflected across x-axis
that represent constraints for the ◻ B. shifted down 5 units
◻ C. shifted left 5 units
◻ A. 25x + 40y ≤ 3000
◻ D. shifted up 5 units
◻ B. x + y ≥ 100
◻ E. vertically stretched by a
◻ C. y ≥ 10 factor of 5
◻ D. x + y ≤ 100
◻ E. x ≥ 0
◻ F. 25x + 40y ≥ 3000

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 7 of 8 Assessment Resources

42. Two community activists plan to 44. Donald invests $4500 in an account
contact local residents to urge that earns 6% interest compounded
them to vote for their preferred monthly.
candidate for mayor. Part A
Part A Albert plans to contact Write an equation to model the
10 residents per day. Write a value of Donald’s investment after
function that models the number x years. Write values as decimals
of residents he contacts after when necessary.
x days.
y= 4500 (1 + 0.005 )12 x
f(x) = 10 x

Nakeeda uses a different strategy. Part B

She contacts 2 people on the How much will Donald’s investment
first day. Those people will then be worth after 4 years? Round to
contact 2 people the next day. This the nearest dollar.
pattern continues each day. Write
a function that models the number $ 5717
of people contacted by both Albert
and Nakeeda after x days. Part C
g(x) = x+ x
10 2 About how long will it take
Donald’s investment to double?
Part B Past experience shows that Round to the nearest tenth.
only 30% of people contacted will
actually vote for their preferred 11.6 years
candidate. Write a function that
models the number of votes Albert
45. What are the solutions of
and Nakeeda can expect to gain
​​x​​  3​​ − 64 = 0?

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for their candidate after x days. __ __

h(x) = ( x+ x) 𝖠 4, 2 + 2i​​√3 ​​, 2 − 2i​​√3 ​​

0.3 10 2 __ __
𝖡 4, −2 + 2i​​√ 3 ​​ , −2 − 2i​​ √ 3 ​​
__ __
If Albert and Nakeeda start
contacting people 10 days before
𝖢 −4, 2 + 2i​​√3 ​​, 2 − 2i​​√3 ​​
__ __
the election, how many additional 𝖣 −4, −2 + 2i​√3 ​​, −2 − 2i​​√3 ​​
votes does the model predict they
will gain for their candidate? 46. Subtract and simplify.
Round to the nearest whole 5x ​​ − ___
​​ ____ ​​  7 ​​
number. 2
3​x​​  ​ 6x
1 ​​
𝖠 ___
​2x 1 ​​
𝖢 ​​ ____
337 2
6​x​​  ​
𝖡 ___ ​​ 5x − 7 ​​
𝖣 ​​ ______
43. Identify the zeros of the function 3x ​6x​​  2​
f(x) = x(x + 4)(2x − 3). Write values
as decimals when necessary. 47. Simplify _____ ​​  2 x + 3 ​​.
​​  x2− 3 ​​ ÷ _________
x −9 x + 6x + 9
x= 0 , ∙4 , 1.5 1
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 8 of 8 Assessment Resources

Progress Monitoring Assessment Form B

1. The graph below is translated 4. The graph of a quadratic function

2 units left and 4 units up. What is f(x) has a vertex at (3, –5). What
the equation of the new graph? is the vertex of g(x) if
g(x) = f(x + 2) + 1?
( 1 , ∙4 )

–4 –2 O 2 4x 5. The height above sea level of

–2 a flying fish is modeled by the
function f(x) = –x4 + 3x3 + x2 – 3x.
Select all the x-values where the
fish enters or exits the water.
𝖠 y = |x + 1| − 1
◻ A. –2
𝖡 y = |x + 1| + 1
◻ B. –1
𝖢 y = |x − 1| + 1
◻ C. 0
𝖣 y = |x − 3| − 1
◻ D. 1

2. Select all solutions to the system of ◻ E. 3

equations. ◻ F. 4
y = –(x + 2)2 + 4
2x + y = –3 6. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ + 3x = 5 over the set of
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◻ A. no solution complex numbers.

___ ___
◻ B. (–4, 0) 𝖠 ​ ________

​​  3 − i​ 11 ​​​
3 + i​√11 ​​​, ________
◻ C. (0, −3) ___
√11 ​
​​  −3 − i​ ​​
√11 ​ ________
−3 + i​
◻ D. (–3, 3)
𝖡 ​  ​​,
2 2
___ ___
◻ E. (1, −5) ​3 +2√​ ​​,
𝖢 ________ 3−√ ​ 29 ​
29 ​ ​​ ________
◻ F. (1, −1) ___

​​  −3 −  ​​

−3 +  ​​,
​ 29 ​ ________
________ ​ 29 ​
𝖣 ​ 2 2
3. Which of the following is
equivalent to the expression
(4i + 3)(6 − i)?
𝖠 27i + 14 𝖢 27i + 22
𝖡 21i + 22 𝖣 21i + 14

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 8 Assessment Resources

7. Divide x3 + 2x2 − 5x + 1 by x + 3. 10. Consider the function
Complete the quotient using the f(x) = |x −2| − 3. Place each interval
choices provided. with the correct description of f(x).

x 5x −x −2 (−1, 5) (−∞, −1) or (5, ∞)

(−∞, 2) (2, ∞)
10 −8 ​​ ____
​​ ​​  x +7 3 ​​

Increasing: (2, ∞)
x2 + −x + −2 + ____
​​  7 ​​
x+3 Decreasing: ( ∙ ∞, 2)
Positive: ( ∙ ∞, ∙ 1) or (5, ∞)
8. Part A
Solve. Check for extraneous
Negative: ( ∙ 1, 5)

​​ 44 − 5x ​​ + 4 = x 11. Simplify.
__ ___ _3
𝖠 x = −4 or x = 7 ​​ 75 ​​ − ​​3​​  ​  2 ​​​
2​​√12 ​​ + √
__ 3 __ __
𝖡 x = 4 or x = −7 𝖠 9​​√3 ​​ − ​​ √9 ​​ 𝖢 10​​√3 ​​
__ __
𝖢 x = −4 only 𝖡 6​√ ​​3 𝖣 9​​√3 ​​ − 3
𝖣 x = 7 only
12. Part A
Part B
Solve the equation for x and
Which step could lead to finding determine whether the solution
extraneous solutions? is extraneous.
𝖠 using the distributive property ​​  6  ​​ + ​​ _____
_____ 2  ​​ = ​​ __________
4  ​​
x+1 x−5 x​ ​​  2​ − 4x − 5

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𝖡 factoring the trinomial 𝖠 4; solution
𝖢 subtracting 4 from both sides 𝖡 4; extraneous solution
𝖣 squaring both sides 𝖢 −4; solution
𝖣 −4; extraneous solution
​​  13 ​​ π​​x​​  3​​ represents
9. The function f(x) = __
the volume of a cone with both Part B
height and radius of x. Which If the value 5 were a solution, why
function represents the radius would it be extraneous?
of the cone as a function of the
volume? 𝖠 Both sides of the equation
would be equal to 0.
𝖠 f​​​  −1​​(x) = (​​ __​ 3π ​)​​​ √x ​​, for x ≥ 0
3 _

𝖡 The left side of the equation

𝖡 f​​​  −1​​(x) = (​​ __​  3π ​)​ ​​ √x ​​, for x ≤ 0
3 _
would be equal to 0.
𝖢 f​​​  ​​(x) = ​​ √___
​  3x 𝖢 At least one denominator
π ​ ​​, for x ≤ 0
__ would be equal to 0.
𝖣 f​​​  −1​​(x) = ​​ √___
​  3x
π ​ ​​, for x ≥ 0 𝖣 The right side of the equation
would be equal to 0.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 8 Assessment Resources
13. Solve the equation −5 ln(3x) = 4. 16. Brenden is constructing a rectangle
whose length is modeled by x + 4
𝖠 0.150 and width by 3x − 2. He needs the
𝖡 0.450 area of the rectangle to be more
𝖢 0.742 than 24 square units.

𝖣 1.348 Part A
Which inequality models this
14. What are the vertical asymptotes situation?
of the graph of the rational 𝖠 3x2 − 8 > 24
2 𝖡 3x2 − 8 ≥ 24
​​  2​x​​  ​ − 5x ​​
f(x) = __________
​x​​  ​ − x − 12 𝖢 3x2 + 10x − 8 > 24
𝖠 x = 4 𝖣 3x2 + 10x − 8 ≥ 24
𝖡 x = −3
Part B
𝖢 x = 4 and x = −3
Select all values of x that could be
𝖣 x = 0, x = 4, and x = −3 viable solutions to the inequality.
◻ A. −8
15. Trinity wants to write a quadratic
function to model the arch of a ◻ B. −4
bridge she saw on vacation. She ◻ 2 ​​
C. ​​ __
prints a picture of the arch and
draws a coordinate plane over the ◻ D. 2
image. Trinity records the following ◻ 5 ​​
E. ​​ __
coordinates from the image. ◻ F. 4
x −5 −2 −1 1 3 4
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y −8.6 0.4 1 −1.4 −8.6 −14

Part A
Complete the equation of the
quadratic function that models
the data. Write values as decimals
when necessary.
y= −0.6 x2 + −1.2 x+ 0.4
Part B
What will be the y-coordinate of
the image when x = 9?


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 8 Assessment Resources

17. Mario has $1600 to invest for 18. Use a graph of f(x) = √
​​ x − 3 ​​ − 2
5 years and he has three options. to match each interval to its best
Option A: 4.6% simple interest
Option B: 5.2% interest Domain Range Positive Negative
compounded continuously [−2, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Option C: 5.6% interest [3, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
compounded semi-annually
(7, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Part A
(3, 7) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Determine the amount Mario’s
investment will be worth after
5 years, for each option. Round 19. Determine whether each pair of
each answer to the nearest dollar. functions are inverses.
Option A: $ 1968 Not
Option B: $ 2075 Functions
Option C: $ ​ x + 1 ​​ and
f(x) = √
2109 g(x) = (x − 1)2
❏ ❏

Part B f(x) = 3x + 1 and

❏ ❏
Select words to complete the g(x) = log3(x − 1)
sentences. __
​ x ​​ − 2 and
f(x) = √
❏ ❏
g(x) = (x + 2)2
linear exponential
f(x) = ln x − 3 and
❏ ❏
quadratic constant g(x) = ex + 3

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Option A is a linear 20. Which inequality represents the
function while Options B and C are solution to 3|2 − x| ≤ 9?
exponential functions.
𝖠 x ≤ −1 or x ≥ 5
While the linear 𝖡 −1 ≤ x ≤ 5
function initially grows in value 𝖢 x ≤ −5 or x ≥ 1
the quickest, over time the 𝖣 −5 ≤ x ≤ 1
exponential functions will
gain the most value.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 8 Assessment Resources

21. Select all solutions to the system of 25. Use a graph of the polynomial
equations. function f(x) = −​​x​​  3​​ + 4x to
complete the following:
y = −(x + 2)2 + 2 The zeros of f are −2 , 0 ,
◻ A. (0, −2) and 2 .
◻ B. (2, 1) As x approaches ◻ increases.
◻ C. (−5, −7) negative infinity,,
◻ decreases.
◻ D. (−1, 0) f(x)

◻ E. (−4, −6)
As x approaches ◻ increases.
◻ F. (−1, −3) infinity, f(x) ◻ decreases.

22. The enrollment at a local

community college can be modeled
26. A town has a population of 20,000.
by the function P(t) = 825(1 + 0.01)t,
The population is increasing at
where t is time in years since 2017.
a rate of 2% per year. How can
Rounded to the nearest student,
you write an exponential growth
what will be the college’s expected
function to find the monthly
enrollment in 2023?
growth rate?
876 students 𝖠 y = 20,000(0.00165)12t
𝖡 y = 20,000​​(1.0​2​​  ​  ​​)t​​

23. Select the solutions of the equation​​ 𝖢 y = 20,000(1.00165)12t

x​​  2​​ = −100.
𝖣 y = 20,000(1.02)12t
◻ A. 10 ◻ E. −10
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◻ B. 10i ◻ F. −10i
27. Tuning standard A has a frequency
◻ C. 50 ◻ G. −50 of 440 cycles per second, or Hertz.
◻ D. 50i ◻ H. −50i The frequency of a musical note, in
Hertz, can be given by f = 440(​​2​​  x​​),
where x is the number of octaves
24. Simplify (​​x​​  2​​ + 3x)(​​x​​  2​​ + x + 4).
above the tuning standard A. How
𝖠 x4 + x3 + 4x2 + 3x(x2 + x + 4) many octaves above the tuning
standard A is a note that has a
𝖡 x4 + 4x3 + 4x2 + 12x frequency of 2,637 Hertz? Round
𝖢 4x7 + 2x5 + 16x3 the solution to the nearest tenth.
𝖣 x4 + 4x3 + 7x2 + 12x x is approximately 2.6 octaves.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 5 of 8 Assessment Resources

28. Let f(x) = √​​ x + 4 ​​ and g(x) = 3x − 1. 33. Select the properties of logarithms
Select the domain and range of used in each step to rewrite the
(f ∘ g)(x). expression shown below as the sum
of three logarithmic expressions.
[−4, ∞) (−∞, −1] [−1, ∞) 4
​​  ​x​​  ​ ​​
log ____
(−∞, 4] [0, ∞) (−∞, 0] 2y
(1) = log ​​x​​  4​​ − log 2y
[1, ∞) (−∞, 1]
(2) = 4 log x − log 2y
Domain: [−1, ∞) (3) = 4 log x − log 2 + log y
Range: [0, ∞) ◻ Quotient Property
1. ◻ Power Property
29. T varies inversely with x. If ◻ Product Property
T = 24 when x = 5, find the value
of x when T = 12.
◻ Quotient Property
x= 10 2. ◻ Power Property
◻ Product Property
30. Select all factors of 27x6 + 64y3.
◻ A. (3x2 + 4y) ◻ Quotient Property

◻ B. (3x2 − 4y) 3. ◻ Power Property

◻ C. (3x4 + 12x2y + 16y2)

◻ Product Property

◻ D. (9x4 − 12x2y + 16y2)

34. The volume of a cube with side
◻ E. (3x4 − 12x2y + 16y2)
length x is V(x) = x3. The volume

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F. (9x4 + 12x2y + 16y2) of a hemisphere with radius x
is shown in the graph. Over the
31. Subtract interval [0, 1], which function is
increasing faster?
(5x4 − 7x3 + 6) – (1 − 2x3 + 2x4). 5 y

3 x4 − 5 x3 + 5

32. Solve x2 − 6x + 4 = 0 by completing
the square. Use the choices provided
to complete the solution.
3 −3 6 −6 0 1 2
__ __ __
​​√4 ​​ ​​√7 ​​ ​​√5 ​​ The volume of the
__ ◻ cube
x= 3 ± ​​√5 ​​ is increasing
◻ hemisphere
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 6 of 8 Assessment Resources
35. Select the domain of the function 39. Select all functions whose graph
2 − 11x + 18
f(x) = ​​  x__________ ​​. has a vertical asymptote at x = −3.
x − 10x + 16
◻ A. f(x) = ln (x + 3)
𝖠 x ≠ 2, 9 𝖢 x ≠ −2, −8
◻ B. f(x) = ​​log​  2​​​ x + 3
𝖡 x ≠ 2, 8 𝖣 x ≠ −2, −9
◻ C. f(x) = 3 ln x + 3
36. Let f(x) = 6 − 4x − 2x2 and ◻ D. f(x) = log (x + 3) − 3
g(x) = x3 + 8x2 + 9x. ◻ E. f(x) = log 3x
What is (f + g)(x)?

x3 + 6 x2 + 5 x+ 6 40. Select all the polynomial functions

whose graphs have odd symmetry.
37. Select all the equations with ◻ A. f(x) = 5x4 − 3x2 + 1
graphs that have a horizontal ◻ B. f(x) = 4x5 + 2x3 + 8x
asymptote at y = 2.
2 ◻ C. f(x) = x5 − 8
◻ 2 ​​
A. y = ​​ _____ ◻ ​​  2x2 − 1 ​​
D. y = _______
x−2 x −4 ◻ D. f(x) = 2x3 + 2x
◻ x ​​ + 2
B. y = ​​ __
◻ E. y = ​​  x ​​
2x − 4 ◻ E. f(x) = 0.25x5 + 1.75x + 2.5
◻ 4x ​​
C. y = ​​ ______
2x − 1 41. The graph of g(x) is a
transformation of f(x). Select all
38. No more than 75 dancers and actors the transformations of the graph
can attend an upcoming theatre of f(x) that generate the graph
workshop. There must be at least of g(x).
8 dancers to sign up. The cost per y
dancer is $45 while the cost per 4
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actor is $30. After fundraising, the

workshop has up to $4500 to cover
costs. Let x represent the number
−2 −1 O 1 2
of dancers and y represent the g(x)
number of actors that attend the
workshop. Select all the inequalities
that represent constraints for the
◻ A. reflected across x-axis
situation. ◻ B. shifted down 3 units
◻ A. 30x + 45y ≤ 4500 ◻ C. shifted up 3 units
◻ B. y ≥ 8 ◻ D. horizontally stretched by a
factor of 2
◻ C. x + y ≤ 75
◻ D. x ≥ 8
◻ E. vertically stretched by a
factor of 2
◻ E. y ≥ 0
◻ F. 45x + 30y ≤ 4500

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 7 of 8 Assessment Resources

42. Two neighbors plan to contact other 44. Timothy invests $5200 in an
neighborhood residents to urge account that earns 4% interest
them to vote for their preferred compounded quarterly.
school committee candidates. Part A
Part A Ania plans to contact Write an equation to model the
15 residents per day. Write a value of Timothy’s investment after
function that models the number of x years. Write values as decimals
residents she contacts after x days. when necessary.
f(x) = 15 x
y= 5200 (1 + 0.01 )4 x
Izabela uses a different strategy.
She contacts 3 people on the Part B
first day. Those people will then How much will Timothy’s
contact 3 people the next day. This investment be worth after 5 years?
pattern continues each day. Write Round to the nearest dollar.
a function that models the number
of people contacted by both Ania $ 6345
and Izabela after x days.
Part C
g(x) = x+ x
15 3 About how long will it take
Part B Ania and Izabela expect only Timothy’s investment to double?
half the people they contact to Round to the nearest tenth.
actually vote in the election. Write a
function that models the number of
17.4 years

people that Ania and Izabela contact

who will vote in the election. 45. What are the solutions of
​​x​​  3​​ − 216 = 0?

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h(x) = x+ x)
0.5 ( 15 3 __ __
𝖠 6, 3 + 3i​​√3 ​​, 3 − 3i​​√3 ​​
If Ania and Izabela start contacting __ __
people 5 days before the election,
𝖡 −6, 3 + 3i​​√3 ​​, 3 − 3i​​√3 ​​
__ __
how many people that they 𝖢 6, −3 + √
3i​​ 3 ​​ , –3 − √
3i​​ 3 ​​
contact does the model predict __ __

will vote in the election?

𝖣 −6, –3 + 3i​​√3 ​​, –3 − 3i​​√3 ​​
159 46. Add and simplify.
8 ​​ + ___
​​ ___ ​​  4x ​​
43. Identify the zeros of the function 7x 9
g(x) = (x − 4)(2x + 5)(x − 3). Write 72 + 28x
​87x++4x9 ​
𝖠 ______ 𝖢 ​​ ________
values as decimals when necessary.
2 2
x= 4 , −2.5 , 3 ​72 +63x​28x​​  ​​​
𝖡 _________ + ​28x​​  ​​​
𝖣 _________
2 2
+ 16
​​  x x −
47. Simplify ______ +4
​​ ÷ ​​  x −x 8x
16 __________

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 8 of 8 Assessment Resources

Progress Monitoring Assessment Form C

1. The graph below is translated 4. The graph of a quadratic function

3 units right and 5 units down. f(x) has a vertex at (2, −4). What
What is the equation of the is the vertex of g(x) if
new graph? g(x) = f(x − 3) − 2?

y ( 5 , −6 )

x 5. The height above sea level of a
–4 –2 O 4 pelican diving for fish is modeled
–2 by f(x) = x4 − 2x3 − 29x2 + 30x.
Select all the x-values where the
pelican enters or exits the water.
𝖠 y = −|x + 1| − 2 ◻ A. –6
𝖡 y = −|x + 1| + 2 ◻ B. –5
𝖢 y = −|x − 1| − 2 ◻ C. 0
𝖣 y = −|x − 1| + 2 ◻ D. 1
◻ E. 4
2. Select all solutions to the system of
◻ F. 6

y = –(x – 2)2 + 4
6. Solve −​​x​​  2​​ + 5x = 7 over the set of
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complex numbers.
◻ A. no solution __
​​  5 − i​ ​​
5 + i​ ​​,
_______  ​ _______  ​
𝖠 ​
◻ B. (0, 4) 2
◻ C. (2, 3) 𝖡 ​ 5 + i​√ ​​,
________53 ​ _______ √53 ​
​​  5 − i​ ​​
◻ D. (–2, –4) __
√53 ​
​​  −5 − i​ ​​
√53 ​ _______
−5 + i​
𝖢 ​  ​​,
◻ E. (4, 0) 2
◻ F. (1, 3) 𝖣 ​ i​√3
−5 + ​​,
________ ​​  −5 − ​​
 ​ _______  ​
2 2

3. Which of the following is

equivalent to the expression
(i − 5)(3 + 2i)?
𝖠 −7i − 13 𝖢 −7i − 17
𝖡 13i − 17 𝖣 −13i − 17

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 8 Assessment Resources

7. Divide x3 − 4x2 + 6x – 2 by x − 1. 10. Consider the function
Complete the quotient using the f(x) = −|x + 2| + 4. Place each interval
choices provided. with the correct description of f(x).
(−6, 2) (−∞, −6) or (2, ∞)
3x −5x −3x 3
(−∞, −2) (−2, ∞)
11 −3 ​​  x −9 1 ​​
____ ​​  x −1 1 ​​

Increasing (−∞, −2)

x2 + −3x + 3 + ​​  ____
​​ Decreasing
x−1 (−2, ∞)
Positive (−6, 2)
8. Part A
Solve. Check for extraneous
Negative (−∞, −6) or (2, ∞)
______ 11. Simplify.

​​ 4x + 24 ​​ − 3 = x __ ___ _3
√ ​​ 32 ​​ − ​​2​​  ​  2 ​​​
​​ 8 ​​ + √
𝖠 x = 3 only __ __ __

𝖡 x = −5 only 𝖠 −2​​√2 ​​ − ​√2 ​ 3

𝖢 ​4​√ ​​2

𝖢 x = 3 or x = −5 ​
𝖡 2
8 √
​  ​​ 𝖣 0
𝖣 x = −3 or x = 5 12. Part A
Part B Solve the equation for x and
Which step could lead to finding determine whether the solution is
extraneous solutions? extraneous.
_____ 5  ​​ = ​​ __________
​​  1  ​​ + ​​ _____    3  ​​
𝖠 adding 3 to both sides x−3 x+6 x​ ​​  2​ + 3x − 18

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𝖡 squaring both sides 𝖠 2; solution
𝖢 using the distributive property 𝖡 2; extraneous solution
𝖣 factoring the trinomial 𝖢 −1; solution
_____ 𝖣 −1; extraneous solution
9. The function f(x) = √​​ x − 10 ​​
represents the profits of a company Part B
after x years in business. Which If the value 3 were a solution, why
function represents the number of would it be extraneous?
years as a function of the profits?
𝖠 At least one denominator
𝖠 ​ f​​  −1​​(x)= (x − 10​​)​​  2​​,
for x ≥ 0 would be equal to 0.
𝖡 f​​​  −1​​(x) = (x − 10​​)​​  2​​, for x ≥ −10 𝖡 The right side of the equation
would be equal to 0.
𝖢 f​​​  −1​​(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ + 10, for x ≥ 0
𝖣 f​​​  −1​​(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ + 10, for x ≥ −10 𝖢 Both sides of the equation
would be equal to 0.
𝖣 The left side of the equation
would be equal to 0.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 8 Assessment Resources
13. Solve the equation −2 ln(3x) = 5. 16. Paul is constructing a rectangle
whose length is modeled by
𝖠 0.027 x + 4 and width by 2x − 3. He
𝖡 0.082 needs the area of the rectangle to
𝖢 4.061 be greater than 13 square units.

𝖣 36.547 Part A
Which quadratic inequality models
14. What are the vertical asymptotes this situation?
of the graph of the rational 𝖠 2x2 − 12 > 13
​x​​  ​ + 4x
𝖡 2x2 − 12 ≥ 13
f(x) = ___________
​​      ​​
​x​​  ​ − 2x − 35 𝖢 2x2 − 5x − 12 ≥ 13
𝖠 x = −5 𝖣 2x2 + 5x − 12 > 13
𝖡 x = 7 Part B
𝖢 x = 0, x = −5, and x = 7 Select all values of x that could be
𝖣 x = −5 and x = 7 viable solutions to the inequality.
◻ A. −7
15. Bonnie wants to write a quadratic ◻ B. −5
function to model the arch of a
large walkway she saw on a trip. ◻ C. 1.5
She prints a picture of the arch ◻ D. 2.5
and draws a coordinate plane over
the image. Bonnie records the
◻ E. 3
following coordinates from the ◻ F. 3.5
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x −6 −3 −2 1 3 5
y −5.4 0.6 1 −2.6 −9 −18.6

Part A
Complete the equation of the
quadratic function that models
the data. Write values as decimals
when necessary.
y= −0.4 x2 + −1.6 x+ −0.6
Part B
What will be the y-coordinate of
the image when x = 8?


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 8 Assessment Resources

17. Lucy has $1800 to invest for 8 years 18. Use a graph of f(x) = √
​​ x + 2 ​​ − 1
and she has three options. to match each interval to its best
Option A: 5% simple interest
Option B: 5.4% interest Domain Range Positive Negative
compounded continuously [−2, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Option C: 5.8% interest [−1, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
compounded monthly
(−1, ∞) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Part A
(−2, −1) ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏
Determine the amount Lucy’s
investment will be worth after
8 years, for each option. Round 19. Determine whether each pair of
each answer to the nearest dollar. functions are inverses.
Option A: $ 2520 Not
Option B: $ 2773 Functions
Option C: $ ​ x + 2 ​​ and
f(x) = √
2860 g(x) = x2 + 2
❏ ❏

Part B f(x) = 4x − 3 and

❏ ❏
Select words to complete the g(x) = log4 x + 3
sentences. __
​ x ​​ + 7 and
f(x) = √
❏ ❏
g(x) = (x − 7)2
linear exponential
f(x) = ex + 1 and
❏ ❏
quadratic constant g(x) = ln x − 1

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Option A is a linear 20. Which inequality represents the
function while Options B and C solution to 4|2 − x| ≤ 8?
are exponential functions.
𝖠 0≤x≤4
While the linear 𝖡 −4 ≤ x ≤ 0
function initially grows in value 𝖢 x ≤ 0 or x ≥ 4
the quickest, over time the
𝖣 x ≤ −4 or x ≥ 0
exponential functions will
gain the most value.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 8 Assessment Resources

21. Select all solutions to the system of 25. Use a graph of the polynomial
equations. function f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ to
complete the following:
y = −x + 7
y = (x − 2)2 − 1 The zeros of f are −3 and 0 .
◻ A. (3, 4)
As x approaches
◻ B. (4, 3) negative infinity,
◻ increases.
◻ C. (2, 1) f(x) ◻ decreases.

◻ D. (8, −1)
◻ E. (−1, 8)
As x approaches ◻ increases.
infinity, f(x) ◻ decreases.
◻ F. (−1, 5)

22. The enrollment at a local tutoring 26. A city has a population of 120,000.
center can be modeled by the The population is increasing at
function P(t) = 45(1 + 0.03)t, a rate of 3% per year. How can
where t is time in years since 2019. you write an exponential growth
Rounded to the nearest student, function to find the monthly
what will be the center's expected growth rate?
enrollment in 2025?
𝖠 y = 120,000(1.002466)12t
54 students
𝖡 y = 120,000​​(1.0​3​​  ​  )​​ t​​

𝖢 y = 120,000(0.0025)12t
23. Select the solutions of the equation​​
x​​  2​​ = −64.
𝖣 y = 120,000(1.03)12t
◻ A. 8
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27. Tuning standard A has a frequency

◻ B. −8i of 440 cycles per second, or Hertz.
◻ C. −8 The frequency of a musical note, in
Hertz, can be given by f = 440(​​2​​  x​​),
◻ D. 32i where x is the number of octaves
◻ E. 8i above the tuning standard A. How
many octaves above the tuning
◻ F. −32i
standard A is a note that has a
frequency of 4,186 Hertz? Round
24. Simplify (​​x​​  2​​ + 4x)(​​x​​  2​​ + x + 2). the solution to the nearest tenth.
𝖠 8x2 + 5x3 + 8x x is approximately 3.2 octaves.
𝖡 x4 + 5x3 + 6x2 + 8x + 2
𝖢 x4 + 5x3 + 6x2 + 8x
𝖣 4x5 + 4x4 + 8x3

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 5 of 8 Assessment Resources

28. Let f(x) = √​​ x − 1 ​​ and g(x) = 4x − 7. 33. Select the properties of logarithms
Select the domain and range of used in each step to rewrite the
(f ∘ g)(x). expression shown below as the sum
of three logarithmic expressions.
[4, ∞) (−∞, 2] [2, ∞) 5y 4
log​​​(​  x )
___​ ​​ ​ ​​
(1) = 4 log​​(___
​  x ​)​​
(−∞, 4] [0, ∞) (−∞, 0] 5y

[1, ∞) (−∞, 1] (2) = 4 log 5y − 4 log x

Domain: [2, ∞) (3) = 4 log 5 + 4 log y − 4 log x

Range: [0, ∞) ◻ Quotient Property

1. ◻ Power Property
29. S varies inversely with x. If S = 20 ◻ Product Property
when x = 6, find the value of x
when S = 15. ◻ Quotient Property
x= 8 2. ◻ Power Property
◻ Product Property
30. Select all factors of 27x3 + y9.
◻ A. (3x − y3)
◻ Quotient Property

◻ B. (3x + y3)
3. ◻ Power Property
◻ Product Property
◻ C. (3x2 + 3xy3 + y6)
◻ D. (3x2 − 3xy3 + y6)
34. The volume of a cube with side
◻ E. (9x2 + 3xy3 + y6) length x is V(x) = x3. The volume of

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F. (9x2 − 3xy3 + y6) a cylinder with radius x and height
0.75x is shown in the graph. Over
the interval [0.5, 1], which function
31. Subtract is increasing faster?
(6x4 − 9x2 + 6) − (2 − 3x2 + 2x4). y
4 x4 − 6 x2 + 4
32. Solve x2 + 10x + 6 = 0 by 0 0.5 1
completing the square. Use the
The volume of the
◻ cube
choices provided to complete the
◻ cylinder
increasing faster.
10 −10 5 −5
__ __ __
​​√19 ​​ ​​√6 ​​ ​​√10 ​​
x= −5 ± √
​​ 19 ​​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 6 of 8 Assessment Resources

35. Select the domain of the function 39. Select all functions whose graph
​​  x2 + 5x − 14 ​​.
f(x) = ___________ has a vertical asymptote at x = 4.
x + 3x − 10
◻ A. f(x) = ​​log​  4​​​ x − 4
𝖠 x ≠ 2 𝖢 x ≠ −5, 2
◻ B. f(x) = ln (x − 4)
𝖡 x ≠ −7, 7 𝖣 x≠5
◻ C. f(x) = log (x − 4) + 4

36. Let f(x) = 6 − 2x − 4x2 and ◻ D. f(x) = 4 ln x − 4

g(x) = 2x3 + 8x2 + 7x. ◻ E. f(x) = log (x − 4)
What is (f + g)(x)?

2x3 + 4 x2 + 5 x+ 6 40. Select all the polynomial functions

whose graphs have even symmetry.

37. Select all the equations with ◻ A. f(x) = 4x3 − 2x + 8

graphs that have a horizontal ◻ B. f(x) = 5x4 + 7x2 + 9
asymptote at y = 3.
◻ C. f(x) = x6 − 10
◻ 3 ​​
A. y = ​​ _____
◻ ​​  3x + 6 ​​
D. y = _______
◻ D. f(x) = 0.5x4 + 1.25x2 + 1.5
x2 − 9
◻ 6​​ + 3
B. y = ​​  __
◻ ​​  6x  ​​
E. y = ______
2x − 1
◻ E. f(x) = 6x5 + 8x3 + 8x2

◻ x  ​​
C. y = ​​ ______
3x − 4 41. The graph of g(x) is a
transformation of f(x). Select all
38. No more than 60 juniors and seniors the transformations of the graph
can attend a debate competition. of f(x) that generate the graph
There must be at least 12 seniors of g(x).
in the competition. The cost per y
junior is $15 while the cost per 4
Copyright © Savvas Learning Company LLC. All Rights Reserved.

senior is $20, and after fundraising
the school has up to $1000 to
cover costs. Let x represent the
−2 −1 O 1 2
number of juniors and y represent
the number of seniors that
attend the competition. Select −4
all the inequalities that represent
constraints for the situation.
◻ A. shifted right 2 units
◻ A. 15x + 20y ≤ 1000
◻ B. shifted up 2 units
◻ B. x + y ≥ 60
◻ C. shifted down 2 units
◻ C. y ≥ 12
◻ D. reflected across x-axis
◻ D. x + y ≤ 60
◻ E. vertically stretched by a
◻ E. x ≥ 0 factor of 2
◻ F. 15x + 20y ≥ 1000

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 7 of 8 Assessment Resources

42. Two community activists plan to 44. Paola invests $3800 in an
contact local residents to urge account that earns 4.5% interest
them to vote for their preferred compounded semi-annually.
candidate for county sheriff. Part A
Part A Lucía plans to contact Write an equation to model the
12 residents per day. Write a value of Paola’s investment after
function that models the number of x years. Write values as decimals
residents she contacts after x days. when necessary.
f(x) = 12 x ) 2 x
y= 3800 (1 + 0.0225
Caleb uses a different strategy.
He contacts 4 people on the Part B
first day. Those people will then How much will Paola’s investment
contact 4 people the next day. This be worth after 5 years? Round to
pattern continues each day. Write the nearest dollar.
a function that models the number
of people contacted by both Lucía $ 4747
and Caleb after x days.
x Part C
g(x) = 12 x+ 4
About how long will it take Paola’s
Part B Past experience shows that investment to double? Round to
only 35% of people contacted will the nearest tenth.
actually vote for their preferred
15.6 years
candidate. Write a function that
models the number of votes Lucía
and Caleb can expect to gain for 45. What are the solutions of
their candidate after x days. ​​x​​  3​​ − 8 = 0?

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__ __
h(x) = 0.35 ( 12 x+ 4 x) 𝖠 2, 1 + i ​​√3 ​​, 1 − i √​​ 3 ​​
__ __

If Lucía and Caleb start contacting

𝖡 2, −1 + i √​​ 3 ​​, −1 − i √​​ 3 ​​
__ __
people 7 days before the election, 𝖢 −2, 1 + i √​​ 3 ​​, 1 − i √​​ 3 ​​
__ __
how many additional votes does
the model predict they will gain
𝖣 −2, −1 + i √​​ 3 ​​, −1 − i √​​ 3 ​​
for their candidate? Round to the
nearest whole number. 46. Subtract and simplify.
8 ​​ − ____
​​ ___ ​​  7x2 ​​
5,764 5x ​4x​​  ​
33 ​​
𝖠 __​1x ​​ 𝖢 ​​ ____
43. Identify the zeros of the function 3 ​​
1 ​​ 𝖣 − ​​ ____
f(x) = (x − 2)(4x + 5)(x − 7). Write 𝖡 ____
​20x 20x
values as decimals when necessary.
2 2
2x + 1
 ​​ ÷ ​​  x −
x − 1 __________
47. Simplify ​​ ______  ​​.
x= 2 , −1.25 , 7 x+1 x−1

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 8 of 8 Assessment Resources

1 Readiness Assessment

1. Select all the statements that are 6. The graph represents the recent
true for 0 = |4x – 14| – 2. and expected decline in Paulo’s
profit from smartphone sales.
◻ A. x = –4
Estimate the average rate of
◻ B. x = –3 change from 0 to 2 months.

−​​ __
C. x = 3 4
◻ D. x = 4 2
◻ E. The equation has no x
solution. –4 –2 O 2 4

2. Select all the expressions that –4

describe the pattern 6, 9, 12, 15,… .
◻ A. 3 + 3x, where x = 1, 2, 3, 4,…
7. Where does the graph of the line
◻ B. x + 3, where x = 3, 4, 5, 6,… y = x − 2 intersect the x-axis?
◻ C. 6 + x, where x = 0, 1, 2, 3,… 𝖠 (0, 2) 𝖢 (0, −2)
◻ D. x – 6, where x = 12, 13, 14, 𝖡 (2, 0) 𝖣 (−2, 0)
◻ E. 3x, where x = 2, 3, 4, 5,… 8. Where does the graph of the line
3x − 4y = 12 intersect the y-axis?
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3. Find f(−3) for f(x) = −2x + 5. 𝖠 (4, 0) 𝖢 (0, 3)

𝖠 −1  𝖡 10   𝖢 −10  𝖣 11 𝖡 (−4, 0) 𝖣 (0, −3)

4. Evaluate the expression g(−2) for 9. Identify the domain and range of
g(x) = ​​|3x − 1|​​. the graph below.
𝖠 −7 𝖡7 𝖢5 𝖣 −5 4

5. The table represents the observed 2

number of leaves y on x branches x
of a tree. Calculate the rate of –4 –2 O 2 4
change between 3 and 4 branches. –2

x y –4

2 42
3 75
Domain: −2 ≤x≤ 4
4 100 Range: −3 ≤y≤ 3
5 119

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

10. Which statement is true for 15. The table represents g(x)
5|a + 8| + 5 = 0? an absolute value
−6 6
function. Over which
𝖠 The solutions of the equation
interval is the function
−4 2
are −9 and −7. −3 0
𝖡 The solutions of the equation 0 6
are 7 and 9. 2 10

𝖢 The solutions of the equation 𝖠 {x | x ≥ –3} 𝖢 {x | x ≥ 0}

are all real numbers.
𝖡 {x | x ≤ –3} 𝖣 {x | x ≤ 0}
𝖣 The equation has no solution.
16. Which point is a solution to the
11. Select all the statements that are equation y = (x − 2​​)​​  2​​?
true for 8|d − 12| − 24 = 0. 𝖠 (3, 1) 𝖢 (1, −1)
◻ A. d = −20 ◻ C. d = 15 𝖡 (4, 0) 𝖣 (−3, 1)
◻ B. d = 9 ◻ D. d = 44
◻ E. The equation has no 17. What is the solution to the system
solution. shown in the graph?
y l
m 4
12. Graph f(x) = ​​x​2​​ − 3.
2 –4 –2 O 2 4
( 1 , 3 )
x –2
–2 O 2
–2 –4

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18. What is the equation of the axis of
13. Which function matches the graph? symmetry for the function shown
y in the graph?
–2 O 2
–4 O 4
𝖠 f(x) = −​​|x|​​ + 2 𝖢 f(x) = |​​ x|​​ − 2
𝖡 f(x) = −​​|x|​​ − 2 𝖣 f(x) = |​​ x|​​ + 2
𝖠 x = 0 𝖢 x=4
14. Which is the vertex of the graph of 𝖡 y = 0 𝖣 y=4
f(x) = |x − 5|?
𝖠 (0, −5) 𝖢 (−5, 0)
𝖡 (0, 5) 𝖣 (5, 0)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1-1 Lesson Quiz

Key Features of Functions

1. Select all the statements that are true of the function f(x) = −4x2.
◻ A. The domain of the function is all real numbers.
◻ B. The range of the function is (−∞, −4).
◻ C. The vertex of the function is the origin.
◻ D. The function is increasing on the interval (−∞, 0).
◻ E. The function is increasing on the interval (−∞, ∞).
Use the graph shown. y

2. Identify the intervals on which the function is increasing and 4

on which the function is decreasing. 2
Intervals on which the function increases: (−∞, 1 ) x
−2 O 2 4
Intervals on which the function decreases: ( 1 , ∞)
3. At what point does the function switch from increasing to
decreasing? ( 1 , 4 )
The revenue over 30 weeks for a small landscaping company
is modeled by the graph shown.
4. Which of the following is true? 375

𝖠 The domain of the function is (−∞, ∞). Revenue 250

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𝖡 The range of the function is [0, 300]. 125

𝖢 The function is increasing over the interval (0, 300). 0
0 10 20 30
𝖣 The function is negative over the interval (10, 30). Weeks

5. What do the x-intercepts of the graph of the revenue represent?

Select the correct number(s) and phrase to complete the sentence.

◻ 0
At ◻ 15 weeks, the landscaping company
◻ 30
◻ 0 and 30

◻ bring in no revenue.

◻ spend no money.
◻ reach a maximum number of customers.
◻ reach a maximum revenue.

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1-2 Lesson Quiz

Transformations of Functions

1. Select all the transformations of f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​that combine to y

result in the graph of function g at the right.
◻ A. translation of 1 unit left –4 –2 O 2 4

◻ B. translation of 1 unit right


◻ C. translation of 2 units down –4

◻ D. horizontal stretch by a factor of 2 –6

◻ E. vertical stretch by a factor of 2

◻ F. reflection across the x-axis

2. What is the equation for g, which is f(x) = 2​​x​​  2​​ + 3x − 1

reflected across the y-axis?
𝖠 g(x) = 2​​x​​  2​​ + 3x − 1 𝖢 g(x) = 2​​x​​  2​​ − 3x − 1
𝖡 g(x) = −2​x​​  2​​ − 3x + 1 𝖣 g(x) = −2​​x​​  2​​ − 3x − 1

3. The graphs of f and g are shown. Which function matches g? y

g 4
𝖠 g(x) = f(x − 1) 2
𝖡 g(x) = 2f(x − 1) x
–4 –2 O 2 4
𝖢 g(x) = f(x − 2) –2
𝖣 g(x) = 2f(x − 2)

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4. A bucket has a leak that started 6 hours ago. At time 0, when the bucket just
emptied, a tap was turned on for 3 hours. The amount of water in the bucket
can be modeled by the function f(x) = |x| over the interval [−6, 3], where x is
the time, in hours, and y is the amount of water in the bucket, in gallons. A
similarly full bucket started to leak only 3 hours ago. Which translation of the
graph of f(x) represents the amount of water in the second bucket if it is moved
under the tap as soon as it empties?
𝖠 g(x) = |x| + 3 𝖢 g(x) = |x| − 3
𝖡 g(x) = |x + 3| 𝖣 g(x) = |x − 3|

5. The graph of function f is shown. The domain y

of f is [0, 50]. What is the range of g(x) = 4f(x)? 1.5

𝖠 [0, 50] 𝖢 [0, 1.75] 1

𝖡 [0, 70] 𝖣 [0, 7] 0.5
O 10 20 30 40 50

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1-3 Lesson Quiz HONORS

Piecewise-Defined Functions

1. Which rule defines the function in 3. Write the y

the graph? piecewise- 30
y defined 24
function shown
2 in the graph. 18
x 12
–4 –2 O 2 4
–2 6
–4 O 6 12 18

𝖠 ​f(x) =​{  
{ 3
x − 1, if −3 < x ≤ 1
​ ​ ​​​ f(x) = ​−3
(x + −9 ), x ≤ 9
−3x + 9, if 2 < x < 4 (x + −9 ), x > 9
𝖡 f(x) =​​{  
x − 1, if −3 ≤ x < 1
​ ​ ​​​
−3x + 9, if 2 ≤ x ≤ 4 4. Which graph Admission
𝖢 f(x) =​​{  
shows the Price
x − 1, if −3 ≤ x < 1
​  ​​ function under 5 free
x − 3, if 2 ≤ x ≤ 4
represented 5–17 $25

{x​ − 3, if 2 < x < 4 ​​​​

x − 1, if −3 < x ≤ 1 in the table?
​𝖣 f(x) =​​    18–64 $40
65 and over $35

Admission price (dollars)

2. A scuba diver returning to the A. y

surface swims to move up quickly,
then waits a few meters below the
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surface to avoid pressure issues. 20

They complete the ascent more 10
slowly. The function f represents O 10 20 30 40 50 60
the diver’s height above sea level Age (years)
over time, in seconds. Which of the ◻
Admission price (dollars)

B. y
following is true for f? 40
3x + 1, −9 < x ≤ −2

{ x − 6,      1 < x < 7

f(x) = ​​ −5,
          −2 < x ≤ 1​ ​​​ ​ 20
𝖠 The domain is the set of times O 10 20 30 40 50 60
−9 < x < −2, −2 < x < 1, and
Age (years)
1 < x < 7.
𝖡 The domain is the depth 5. Identify the domain and range of
interval (−26, 1). the function in Item 4. Write the
range values in ascending order.
𝖢 The domain is the time interval
(−9, 7). domain: x > 0
𝖣 The domain is the depth range: { 0 , 25 , 35 , 40 }
interval (−9, 1].
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

1-4 Lesson Quiz HONORS

Arithmetic Sequences

1. In November, the daily low temperature decreases by 2°F each day. Which of
the following arithmetic sequences could represent the daily low temperature?
𝖠 2, −4, 8, −16, 32, …
𝖡 −2, −4, −8, −16, −32, …
𝖢 8, 6, 4, 2, 0, …
𝖣 −8, −6, −4, −2, 0, …
2. Rayna is building a tapered staircase using wooden boards. The bottom stair is
3​​ __12 ​​ft wide, and the top stair is 2​​ __16 ​​ft wide. Each stair is 4 in. shorter than the one
below. What is the total length of wooden boards Rayna needs for the stair
tops, in feet? Give your answer as an improper fraction.

3. A bucket holds 100 potatoes. Hal removes and cleans 4 potatoes per minute.
Which explicit definition matches the sequence that represents the potatoes
left in the bucket after n minutes?
𝖠 an = 4 − 100(n − 1)
𝖡 an = 100 − 4(n − 1)
𝖢 an = 96 + 4(n − 1)

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𝖣 an = 96 − 4(n − 1)
On Gabriela’s first birthday, her parents gave her a $50 savings account. On every
birthday after that her parents added to the account, increasing the amount they
deposited by $25 each year.

4. Complete the recursive definition for the sequence that represents the amount
of money that Gabriela’s parents deposit into the account on her nth birthday.

{ ​a​  n − 1​​ +   
   , n = 1
f(x) = ​​ ​50 ​ ​​​
25 , n > 1
5. Calculate the total amount Gabriela’s parents will have deposited into the
account on her birthdays by her ​​18​​  th​​ birthday.

$ 4725

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1-5 Lesson Quiz

Quadratic and Absolute Value Inequalities

1. Which graph represents the solution to ​​x​​  2​​ − 5x < 24?

𝖠 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5

𝖡 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

𝖢 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

𝖣 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

​  14 ​x + __
2. Select the solution to ​​__ ​  23 ​​​ ≤ __ |
​​  12 ​​. |
𝖠 x ≤ −​___ ​  14
​​ or x ≥ −​__ ​  23 ​​
7 1
𝖡 −​​___
​  24 ​​ ≤ x ≤ − ___ ​ ​​ 24 ​​
​  14 ​​  ​​​≤ x ≤ −​​​​​ __
𝖢 −​​ ​___ 2 ​​
3 3
7 1
𝖣 x ≤ −​​  24​​ or x ≥ − ___
___ ​ ​24 ​​

3. Janie is designing a flyer for her business. She needs twice the width of the
flier to be within 4 inches of 20 inches. Complete the sentence to identify the
minimum and maximum width of the flier.

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The minimum width of the flier is 8 inches and the maximum width is
12 inches.

4. What is the solution to 3​​x​​  2​​ − x − 10 > ​​x​​  2​​ − 3x + 2? Write the answer in
inequality notation.
x< −3 or x > 2

5. A dog trainer is installing a small rectangular pen using at most 40 feet of

fencing for three sides. The fourth side of the pen will be against the wall
of a building. She needs at least 182 square feet of space. What are the
possible lengths x of the shorter side of the pen? Write the answer in
inequality notation.
7 ≤x≤ 13

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1-6 Lesson Quiz

Linear Systems

1. Solve the system of equations. 4. Jamie wants to build a rectangular

{−5x − 2y = −4
4x + y = −1 fence around a new chicken pen.
​ ​ ​​​ ( −2 , 7 ) He can afford at most 70 ft of
fencing, and must fit the pen in a
2. Solve the system of equations. space that is 20 ft by 20 ft. Which
of the following is a solution to
{4y = −2 + x
−2x + y = 3
​ ​   ​​​ ​ the system of inequalities that
represents this situation?
𝖠 (−2, −1)    𝖢 (−1, 1) 𝖠 (9, 22)
𝖡 (−1, −2)    𝖣 (1, −1) 𝖡 (16, 17)
3. Shandra is on vacation and wants to
𝖢 (18, 19)
buy souvenirs for at least 8 friends. 𝖣 (21, 14)
A postcard book costs $2.50 and a
magnet costs $4.00. She can spend 5. Solve the system.
up to $30 altogether. Let x represent
the number of postcard books and y y = 2​​|x − 1|​​ − 2
represent the number of magnets. y = 0.5x + 3
Part A Select all the points, if applicable,
that represent the solution to the
Select all the inequalities that
represent constraints for the
A. (4​__
3 3)

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2 ​, 5​__
1​ ​
◻ A. x + y ≤ 8 ◻ B. 4, 5
◻ B. 2.5x + 4y ≤ 30 ◻ C. (−1, 2)
◻ C. x + y ≥ 8 ◻ D. ​(−1​ __
1 ​, 2​ __
2 ​ ​​
5 5
◻ D. 2.5x + 4y ≥ 8 ◻ E. no solution
◻ E. x ≥ 0
◻ F. y ≥ 0
◻ G. x + y ≥ 0

Part B
Select all points that represent a
viable solution.
◻ A. (2, 6) ◻ D. (7, 2)

3 3)
◻ B. ​(1​__
1 ​, 6​__
2​ ◻ E. (12, 0)
◻ C. (0, 8) ◻ F. (10, 3)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1 Topic Assessment Form A

Use the graph of g (x) for Items 1−5. 7. Over what interval is the graph of
Write all answers in interval notation. y = −(x − 2​)​2​increasing?

y 𝖠 (2, ∞) 𝖢 (−∞, −2)
𝖡 (−∞, 2) 𝖣 (−2, ∞)
8. Identify the translations of the
−6 −4 −2
parent function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ that give
g(x) = (x − 5​​)​​  2​​ − 4.
𝖠 up 4 units, left 5 units
𝖡 up 4 units, right 5 units
𝖢 down 4 units, left 5 units
1. What is the range of g(x)? 𝖣 down 4 units, right 5 units
( −∞ , 4 ]
9. The graphs of the function g(x) and
2. What is the domain of g(x)? its parent function f(x) are given.
( −∞ , ∞ ) y
3. Over what interval is g(x) 2 f(x)
decreasing? x
( −3 , ∞ ) −4 −2 O 2
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Complete the sentence.

4. Over what interval is g(x) positive?
The graph of g(x) is the graph of
( −5 , −1 )
◻ right
5. What is the value of the y-intercept
of g(x)? f(x) shifted ◻ down 2 units.
◻ up
◻ left

6. The graph of y = ​​​|x + 4|​​​ − 8 is

reflected across the y-axis and then 10. Jacob rides a scooter at a constant
translated down 2 units. What is an speed, taking the same route to and
equation of the transformed graph? from the library. His distance from
home d in miles, x minutes after he
𝖠 y = −|​x + 4|​​ − 10 begins, is modeled by the function
𝖡 y = ​|4 − x|​​ − 6 d(x) = −​​ __13 ​​ |​​ x − 12|​​ + 4. What is a
reasonable domain for the function?
𝖢 y = −|​x + 4|​​ − 6
𝖣 y = |​4 − x|​​ − 10 [ 0 , 24 ]

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

11. The graph of f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ has an 15. One equation in a system of
x–intercept at x = 0. Where will the equations with no solutions is
x-intercept for g(x) = (x − 11​​)​​  2​​ be 6x + 3y = 9. Select all equations
located? that could be the second equation
in the system.
x= 11
◻ A. 2x + y = 3

12. The graph of f(x) is shown. The ◻ B. 2x + y = 6

domain of f is [−4, 4]. What is the ◻ C. 3x + 6y = 9
domain of g(x) = 𝑓​​(__
​  2x ​)​​?
◻ D. 6x + 3y = 12
4 ◻ E. 12x + 6y = 18
x 16. Solve each inequality. Write the
−4 −2 O 2 4 solution in inequality notation.

[ −8 , 8 ] ​​x​​  2​​ + 5x ≤ 0 18 > |​​ 3x + 9|​​

−5 ≤x≤ 0 −9 <x< 3
13. What is the solution to the system
of equations? 17. Solve the system of equations. ​​

{2x + 3y = 7 { y = x − 10
y = 3x − 5 y = −2​| x − 1| ​
​​ ​ ​ ​    ​​​

​𝖠 (1, −2) Select all x-values of the solution.

𝖡 (1, 2) ◻ A. −8 ◻ D. 4

𝖢 (2, −1) ◻ B. −4 ◻ E. 8

𝖣 (2, 1) ◻ C. 1 ◻ F. 10

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18. Dwayne can spend no more than
14. Consider the system of inequalities.
$12 at the grocery store buying
⎧y ≥ 5 − 2x
loaves of bread and eggs. Each egg

​​ y​ < x​ ​​​​ costs $0.20 and each loaf of bread

⎩y > 1

costs $2. Dwayne needs at least

Select all the points that represent 6 eggs and 3 loaves of bread.
a viable solution. Let x represent the loaves of bread
and y represent the number of
◻ A. (1, 3) eggs. Select all the inequalities
◻ B. (2, 4) that represent constraints for
the situation.
◻ C. (3, 2)
◻ A. 2x + 0.2y ≥ 9 ◻ E. x ≤ 3
◻ D. (4, 1)
◻ B. 2x + 0.2y ≤ 12 ◻ F. y ≤ 6
◻ E. (5, 4)
◻ C. x ≥ 3 ◻ G. y ≥ 6
◻ D. x + y ≤ 12

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1 Topic Assessment Form B

Use the graph of h(x) for Items 1−5. 7. Over what interval is the graph of
Write all answers in interval notation. y = (x − 2​)​2​decreasing?
y 𝖠 (2, ∞) 𝖢 (−∞, −2)
𝖡 (−∞, 2) 𝖣 (−2, ∞)

4 8. Identify the translations of the

parent function f(x) = ∣x∣ that give
2 g(x) = 2 + |​​ x + 3|​​.
−4 −2 O 2 4 6 8 𝖠 down 3 units, left 2 units
−2 𝖡 down 3 units, right 2 units
−4 𝖢 up 2 units, left 3 units
𝖣 up 2 units, right 3 units
1. What is the range of h(x)?
[ −4 , ∞ ) 9. The graphs of f(x)
the function 2
2. What is the domain of h(x)?
g(x) and x
( −∞ , ∞ ) its parent −4 −2 O 2 4
function f(x) −2 g(x)
3. Over what interval is h(x)
are given.
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( 3 , ∞ )
Complete the sentence.
4. Over what interval is g(x) negative? The graph of g(x) is the graph of
( 1 , 5 ) ◻ right
5. What is the value of the y-intercept
f(x) shifted ◻ down 3 units.
of g(x)? ◻ up
2 ◻ left

6. The graph of y = ​​​|x − 1|​​​ + 7 is 10. Keith rides a bike at a constant

reflected across the y-axis and then speed, taking the same route to and
translated up 1 unit. What is an from the park. His distance from
equation of the transformed graph? home d in miles, x minutes after he
𝖠 y = −|​x − 1|​​ + 8 begins, is modeled by the function
3 |
d(x) = −​​ __ ​​ ​​ x − 10|​​ + 3. What is a
𝖡 y = |​x + 1|​​ + 6 10
reasonable domain for the function?
𝖢 y = −|​x − 1|​​ + 6 [ , ]
0 20
𝖣 y = ​|x + 1|​​ + 8
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
11. The graph of f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ has an 15. One equation in a system of
x–intercept at x = 0. Where will the equations with exactly infinitely
x-intercept for h(x) = (x + 9​​)​​  2​​ many solutions is 2x + 4y = 10.
be located? Select all equations that could be
the second equation in the system.
x= −9
◻ A. x + 2y = 5 ◻ D. 4x + 8y = 12

12. The graph of f(x) is shown. The ◻ B. x + 2y = 3 ◻ E. 4x + 8y = 20

domain of f is [−2, 2]. What is the ◻ C. 2x + 4y = 9
domain of g(x) = 𝑓(2x)?
y 16. Solve each inequality. Write the
x solution in inequality notation.
−2 O 2 0 > ​​x​​  2​​ − 3x ​​|2x + 5|​​ ≤ 11
0 <x< 3 −8 ≤x≤ 3
[ −1 , 1 ]
17. Solve the system of equations.​​

{ y = −x + 9
y = 4​| x + 1|​ − 2
​    ​​​ ​
13. What is the solution to the system
of equations?
Select all x-values of the solution.
{4x − y = 16
x = 2y − 3
​​ ​ ​ ​​​ ◻ A. −9 ◻ D. 1.4
◻ B. −5 ◻ E. 2
𝖠 (−​__12​​, −4)
◻ C. −1.4 ◻ F. 5
𝖡 (−4, −​__12​​)
𝖢 (4, 5) 18. Emery can use no more than
𝖣 (5, 4) 178 beads making necklaces and

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bracelets. Each bracelet uses
10 beads while each necklace uses
14. Consider the system of inequalities. 16 beads. Emery must make at least
⎧y ≥ 10 − x 5 bracelets and 6 necklaces.

​​ y​ < x​ ​​​​ Let x represent the number of

⎩y > 3

bracelets and y represent the number

Select all the points that represent of necklaces Emery makes. Select
a viable solution. all the inequalities that represent
constraints for the situation.
◻ A. (5, 6)
◻ A. 10x + 16y ≤ 178
◻ B. (6, 5)
◻ B. x ≥ 5
◻ C. (8, 3)
◻ C. y ≥ 6
◻ D. (9, 4)
◻ D. x + y ≤ 11
◻ E. (10, 2) ◻ E. x ≤ 5
◻ F. y ≤ 6
◻ G. 10x + 16y ≥ 11

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1 Topic Assessment Form A, HONORS

Use the graph of g (x) for Items 1−5. 7. Over what interval is the graph of
Write all answers in interval notation. y = −(x − 2​)​2​increasing?

y 𝖠 (2, ∞) 𝖢 (−∞, −2)
𝖡 (−∞, 2) 𝖣 (−2, ∞)
8. Identify the translations of the
−6 −4 −2
parent function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ that give
g(x) = (x − 5​​)​​  2​​ − 4.
𝖠 up 4 units, left 5 units
𝖡 up 4 units, right 5 units
𝖢 down 4 units, left 5 units
1. What is the range of g(x)? 𝖣 down 4 units, right 5 units
( −∞ , 4 ]
9. Graph the function.
2. What is the domain of g(x)?
⎧3, if −2 ≤ x < −1
−∞ y=⎨

( , ∞ ) ​ − x, if −1 <  ​​​
2 x ≤​ 0​
⎩2, if 0 ≤ x ≤ 4

3. Over what interval is g(x)

decreasing? 4

( −3 , ∞ )
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4. Over what interval is g(x) positive? x

–4 –2 O 2 4
( −5 , −1 ) –2

5. What is the value of the y-intercept –4

of g(x)?
−2 10. Enzo’s profit has been falling. In
December he made $900, in January
6. The graph of y = ​​​|x + 4|​​​ − 8 is he made $500, and in March he lost
reflected across the y-axis and then $300. Select all parts of the recursive
translated down 2 units. What is an formula for the sequence.
equation of the transformed graph? ◻ A. a ​​ ​ 1​​​ = 900
𝖠 y = −|​x + 4|​​ − 10 ◻ B. ​​a​ 1​​​ = 400
𝖡 y = ​|4 − x|​​ − 6 ◻ C. a ​​ n​  ​​​ = ​​a​ n − 1​​​ + 400
𝖢 y = −|​x + 4|​​ − 6 ◻ D. ​​an​  ​​​ = ​​a​ n − 1​​​ ​−​ 400
𝖣 y = |​4 − x|​​ − 10 ◻ ​​ n​  ​​​ = ​​a​ n − 1​​​ ​−​ 200
E. a
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
11. The recursive formula represents 15. One equation in a system of
the number of prizes offered in equations with no solutions is
each round of a game show. 6x + 3y = 9. Select all equations

{​a​  n − 1​​ + 7, if n > 1

2, if n = 1 that could be the second equation
​​a​  n​​​ = ​​ ​ ​ ​​​ in the system.
Complete the explicit formula for ◻ A. 2x + y = 3
the number of prizes. ◻ B. 2x + y = 6
​​an​  ​​​ = 2 + 7 (n − 1 ) ◻ C. 3x + 6y = 9
◻ D. 6x + 3y = 12
12. Mya tests out her new drone by
sending it farther and farther ◻ E. 12x + 6y = 18
before dropping it to the ground.
These distances follow the 16. Solve each inequality. Write the
arithmetic sequence 11 m, 22 m, solution in inequality notation.
33 m, …, 77 m. What is the total ​​x​​  2​​ + 5x ≤ 0 18 > |​​ 3x + 9|​​
distance that Mya’s drone travels
during the tests?
−5 ≤x≤ 0 −9 <x< 3
𝖠 275 m 𝖢 143 m
17. Solve the system of equations. ​​

{y = x − 10
𝖡 308 m 𝖣 385 m y = −2​| x − 1|​
​    ​​​ ​

13. The graph of f(x) is shown. The Select all x-values of the solution.
domain of f is [−4, 4]. What is the
domain of g(x) = f​​(__
​  2x ​)​​? ◻ A. −8 ◻ D. 4
y ◻ B. −4 ◻ E. 8
◻ C. 1 ◻ F. 10

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−4 −2 O 2 4
18. Dwayne can spend no more than
$12 at the grocery store buying
[ −8 , 8 ] loaves of bread and eggs. Each egg
costs $0.20 and each loaf of bread
costs $2. Dwayne needs at least
14. Consider the system of inequalities. 6 eggs and 3 loaves of bread.
⎧y ≥ 5 − 2x Let x represent the loaves of bread
​​⎨y​ < x​ ​​​​

and y represent the number of

⎩y > 1

eggs. Select all the inequalities

Select all the points that represent that represent constraints for
a viable solution. the situation.

◻ A. (1, 3) ◻ A. 2x + 0.2y ≥ 9 ◻ E. x ≤ 3

◻ B. (2, 4) ◻ B. 2x + 0.2y ≤ 12 ◻ F. y ≤ 6

◻ C. (3, 2) ◻ C. x ≥ 3 ◻ G. y ≥ 6
◻ D. (4, 1) ◻ D. x + y ≤ 12
◻ E. (5, 4)
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

1 Performance Task Form A

1. An asteroid travels very close to Earth with a path

Moon’s Orbit
approximately along the line 3x + 5y = 15, where x2 + y 2 = 16
x and y are measured in hundreds of thousands
of kilometers from the center of Earth. Will the Earth
asteroid get so close to Earth that it travels within
the moon’s orbit? If so, where does it cross the
moon’s orbit? Explain.

{ x2 + y2 = 16
3x + 5y = 15
Yes; if the system of equations ​ ​   ​​​​has at least one
solution, then the path of the asteroid crosses the moon’s orbit at the
solution points. Solving the first equation for y gives y = 3 − __ ​​  35 ​​x.
Substituting into the second equation gives x2 + ​​​(3 − __
​  53 ​x) ​​= 16.
​​  18
Simplifying gives x2 + 9 − __ 5
​​x + __ 9 2
​​  25 ​​x = 16, __
​​  34 ​​x2 − __
​​  18
​​x + 9 = 16,
and multiplying both sides by 25 gives 2
34x − 90x + 225 = 400, so
34x2 − 90x − 175 = 0. Applying the quadratic formula gives
90±​√ (−90​
   )​​  2​− 4(34)(−175) ​
x =    
​​    ​​, or x ≈ 3.95 or −1.30. Substituting for x in
either equation gives the y-coordinates, so the points where the
asteroid crosses the moon’s orbit are (3.95, 0.63) and (−1.30, 3.78).
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2. A different asteroid’s path is pulled by Earth’s gravity so that its path follows
the parabola y = ​​x​​  2​​ – 5. Will this asteroid cross the moon’s orbit? If so, how
many times, and where? Show your work.
​ ​​ 2​​ = y + 5, and substituting into ​x​​ 2​​ + ​​y​​  2​​ = 16 for ​x​​ 2​​ gives
Yes; x
y + 5 + ​​y​​  2​​ = 16 or ​​y​​  2​​ + y – 11 = 0. So, by the quadratic formula,
−1±​√ (1​   )​​  2​ − 4(1)(−11) ​
y = ___________________
    ​​ ≈ 2.85 or –3.85. Substituting into ​x​​ 2​​ = y + 5
gives x ​ ​​ 2​​ = 2.85 + 5 = 7.85 or ​x​​ 2​​ = –3.85 + 5 = 1.15, so x ≈ ±2.80
or ±1.07. There are four places where the asteroid’s path and the
moon’s orbit cross: (2.80, 2.85), (–2.80, 2.85), (1.07, –3.85), and
(–1.07, –3.85).
3. The moon’s orbit is not exactly described by the equation given above, but
instead has a slightly elliptical orbit with an average distance from Earth of
about 384,400 km, and the distance varies up to 21,296 km. Write and solve an
inequality that gives the possible distances in km between Earth and the moon.
|​​ x – 384,400|​​ ≤ 21,296; 363,104 ≤ x ≤ 405,696; The moon is between
363,104 and 405,696 kilometers from Earth.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
4. Scientists tested whether potential
astronauts could adapt to a variety of
gravitational conditions by having them 10,000
fly in a C-9 jet at high speeds. The graph 8,000

Altitude (m)
at the right shows part of a typical
flight pattern of the jet with altitude, y, 6,000
in meters and time, x, in seconds. 4,000
Part A 2,000
Approximate the following in 0
terms of the context of the graph 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (s)
with appropriate units: y-intercept,
x-intercept, domain, and range.

y-intercept: 9,000 m, altitude at time 0 seconds; x-intercept:

50 s, time when the jet lands; domain: [0, 50], possible times;
range [0, 9,500], possible altitudes.
Part B
For what interval does the altitude appear to be increasing? decreasing?
Estimate the average rate of change for the entire flight.
increasing: (0, 10); decreasing: (10, 50); average rate of change:
​​ 9,000 − 0 ​​ = −180 m/s
0 − 50

5. When rockets approached the moon, engineers needed to plan how the lunar
modules would land on the moon. They developed two plans:
• Plan 1: At 100 thousand feet, the module drops at a steady rate of about

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500 feet per minute.
• Plan 2: At 150 thousand feet, the module drops at a steady rate of about
1,000 feet per minute.

If y represents altitude in thousands of

feet and x represents time in minutes,
Altitude (thousands of feet)

write a system of equations that models 200

this situation. When would both plans 160
show the module at the same height and
at the same time? Verify your answer 120
graphically. 80
(100, 50)

{y = 150 − x ​
y = 100 − 0.5x 40
​​ ​    ​
​​ 0 40 80 120 160 200
Time (min)
(100, 50)
100 ​−​0.5x = 150 − ​x
x = 100 minutes, y = 50,000 ft

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1 Performance Task Form B

Modern factories depend on assembly lines that use specialized machines, specific
production rates, and schedules.

1. A medical supply factory makes two items commonly used in medical care. Item
A requires 4 grams of plastic and 1 gram of metal to manufacture, while Item B
requires 2 grams of plastic and 4 grams of metal.
Part A
This week the factory has 600 kg of plastic and 500 kg of metal in stock.
One kilogram is 1000 grams. If x represents the thousands of units of Item A
manufactured this week and y represents the thousands of units of Item B
manufactured this week, write an inequality to represent the amount of plastic
used and an inequality to represent the amount of metal used.
plastic: 4x + 2y ≤ 600
metal: x + 4y ≤ 500
Part B y

Write and graph a system of inequalities including 500

your answer for Part A, and the inequalities x ≥ 0 400

and y ≥ 0.


​​ ​     ​  ​​​​
⎪ 4x + 2y ≤ 600
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⎩ x + 4y ≤ 500 x
O 100 200 300 400 500
Part C
What does this system of inequalities represent? Why are the inequalities x ≥ 0
and y ≥ 0 part of it?
This system represents the possible combinations of Items A
and B that can be manufactured this week. The inequalities
x ≥ 0 and y ≥ 0 are part of the system because it is
impossible to manufacture a negative number of items.
Part D
Find the coordinates of the top right corner of the solution region in Part B.
What do these coordinates mean in this situation, both for the numbers of
units manufactured and the amounts of plastic and metal in stock?
(100, 100); This point means that the factory can manufacture
100,000 units of Item A and 100,000 of Item B, and if it does
manufacture that many, the factory will use up all the plastic
and metal in stock.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
2. During an eight-hour day, cellphone assembly at an 2,000

Production rate (phones/hour)

adjacent facility is split into two phases. The graph
shows the cellphone assembly rates for each phase. Phase 1 Phase 2
Part A
Write an absolute-value function f to model the 800
cellphone production throughout the day.
f(x) = −500∣x∣ + 2,000 x
–4 –2 O 2 4
Part B
Time (h)
Suppose the cellphone assembly rate is 1.5 times the
rate described in Part A. Write a function g that models
the new production. Graph g.
g(x) = −750∣x∣ + 3,000
Sample answer:
Production rate (phones/hour)

Phase 1 Phase 2


–4 –2 O 2 4

Time (h)

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enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


1 Performance Task Form A, HONORS

Past voyages of space rockets and shuttles can be represented by many different
types of functions, depending on the aspects of the expeditions to be analyzed.

1. The piecewise-defined function in the

graph shows three stages of a rocket’s
flight starting at liftoff. The y-axis 300
represents the distance travelled from the

Distance (mi)
ground in miles and the x-axis represents
the time in minutes from liftoff. The 180
intervals are described as follows: 120
• First stage: 0 min to 2 min 60
• Second stage: 2 min to 3 min
0 1 2 3 4
• Third stage: 3 min to 4 min Time (min)

Part A
What is the average rate of change over each interval? How would you interpret
the rate of change in the context of the trip?
First: 15 mi/min, Second: 60 mi/min, Third: 210 mi/min; The rate
of change represents the average speed of the rocket during
each interval.
Part B
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What is a function that represents the distance f at time x for the first interval of
the trip? f(x) = 15x

Part C
The approximate distances and times of a
model used by engineers to show a flight
pattern are represented by the piecewise-
defined function below, where f represents 16
the altitude of the model in meters and x
Altitude (m)

represents the time in seconds. Graph the 12

function. 8
⎧3x, if 0 ≤ x < 2 4
f(x) = ⎨

​ − 4, if 2 ≤ x​< ​​​
5x 4​
⎩16, if 4 ≤ x < 10
⎪ 0
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (s)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

2. Scientists tested whether potential
astronauts could adapt to a variety of
gravitational conditions by having them 10,000
fly in a C-9 jet at high speeds. The graph 8,000

Altitude (m)
at the right shows part of a typical
flight pattern of the jet with altitude, y, 6,000
in meters and time, x, in seconds. 4,000
Part A 2,000
Approximate the following in 0
terms of the context of the graph 0 10 20 30 40 50
Time (s)
with appropriate units: y-intercept,
x-intercept, domain, and range.

y-intercept: 9,000 m, altitude at time 0 seconds; x-intercept:

50 s, time when the jet lands; domain: [0, 50], possible times;
range [0, 9,500], possible altitudes.
Part B
For what interval does the altitude appear to be increasing? decreasing?
Estimate the average rate of change for the entire flight.
increasing: (0, 10); decreasing: (10, 50); average rate of change:
​​ 9,000 − 0 ​​ = −180 m/s
0 − 50

3. When rockets approached the moon, engineers needed to plan how the lunar
modules would land on the moon. They developed two plans:
• Plan 1: At 100 thousand feet, the module drops at a steady rate of about

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500 feet per minute.
• Plan 2: At 150 thousand feet, the module drops at a steady rate of about
1,000 feet per minute.

If y represents altitude in thousands of

feet and x represents time in minutes,
Altitude (thousands of feet)

write a system of equations that models 200

this situation. When would both plans 160
show the module at the same height and
at the same time? Verify your answer 120
graphically. 80
(100, 50)

{y = 150 − x ​
y = 100 − 0.5x 40
​​ ​    ​
​​ 0 40 80 120 160 200
Time (min)
(100, 50)
100 ​−​0.5x = 150 − ​x
x = 100 minutes, y = 50,000 ft

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2 Readiness Assessment

1. Which of the following situations 4. Moshe walks home from school in

could be represented by a graph 1​​ __35 ​​​​​ hours. If he can walk 2​​ __12 ​​ miles
with a y-intercept of −8? per hour, what is an equation for
𝖠 Hal bought $8 worth of the line that represents his walk,
supplies, then sold x buttons for where x is the amount of time, in
$3 each. His profit is y dollars. hours, Moshe walks and y is his
distance, in miles, from home?
𝖡 Mr. May has 3 sticks left, and
each student needs 8 sticks to 𝖠 y = __​​ 52​​​​​x − 14 𝖡 5 ​​​​​x − 1
y = −​​ __
make their craft project. There
are x students, and they need 𝖢 ​​  5 ​​​​​x + 28
y = __ 𝖣 5 ​​​​​x + 4
y = −​​ __
2 2
y sticks in all.
𝖢 Kim ran 3 laps clockwise and 5. Carl is sledding down a hill at a
8 laps counterclockwise, for a rate of 2 m/s. After 3 seconds, he
total of 5 miles of the track. is 3 m from the bottom of the hill.
The track is x miles long and Which of the following equations
she ran a total of y laps. represents Carl’s distance from the
bottom of the hill y, in meters, over
𝖣 Jian bought 8 packs of paper time x, in minutes?
and sold 3 origami swans. His
current profit is −$5. A pack 𝖠 x + 2y = 9
of paper costs x dollars and he 𝖡 x − 2y = −3
sells the swans for y dollars.
𝖢 2x + y = 9
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2. The drama club buys $24 of 𝖣 −2x + y = −3

supplies for a one-act play.
They sell tickets for $3 each. 6. Solve |​​ 6x −1 |​​ = 17.
Write an equation to represent
their profit y in terms of number x = 3, x = −​​ __
of tickets sold, x, and find the 3
y-intercept, x-intercept, and slope
of the equation. 7. Evaluate −​​ __14 ​​​​x​​  2​​ + 15 when
x = 2.
y = 3x − 24; (0, −24); (8, 0); 3
𝖠 ___
 ​​ 𝖡 3 ​​
18​​ __
3. Solve |​​ −4x + 9 |​​ = 11. Select all 𝖢 14 𝖣 16
the values of x that make the
equation true. ___
8. Simplify √
​​ 54 ​​.
◻ 1 ​​
A. x = −​​ __
◻ D. x = −5 ___ __
𝖠 2​√27 ​ 𝖡 6​√3 ​
◻ 1 ​​
B. x = ​​ __
◻ E. x = 5 __
𝖢 3​√6 ​ 𝖣
9​√6 ​
◻ C. x = 0
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
{2x − 5y = −40
4x + 3y = −2
9. Select all the expressions
___ that are 14. Solve the system ​​ ​  ​ ​​​.
equivalent to √ ​​ 48 ​​.
◻ A. 2​√6 ​ (−5, 6)
◻ B. 2​√12 ​
◻ C. 4​√3 ​ 15. How many solutions does the
___ system of linear equations have?
◻ D. 4​√12 ​
◻ E. 3​√2 ​ 4

10. Multiply (x − 4​​)​​  2​​. x
2 −4 −2 O 2 4
𝖠 x​ ​ ​​ − 4x − 16
𝖡 x​ ​2​​ − 4x + 16
𝖢 x​ ​2​​ − 8x − 16
𝖣 x​ ​2​​ − 8x + 16 𝖠 0
𝖡 1
11. Multiply (2x − 6)(x + 7). 𝖢 2
​​2x​2​​ + 8x − 42 𝖣 infinitely many

16. Graph the solution to the system of

12. Multiply (x + 5)(x − 5). x+y≥−3
{y < ​  2 ​x − 1
inequalities ​​ ​ __1  ​​​.​
𝖠 x​ ​2​​ + 10x − 25
𝖡 x​ ​2​​ − 10x − 25
𝖢 x​ ​2​​ + 25 4

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𝖣 x​ ​2​​ − 25 2

{3x + 2y = 7
y = 2x + 7 −4 −2 O 2 4
13. Solve the system ​​ ​ ​ ​​​ −2
using substitution.
𝖠 (−2, 3)
𝖡 (​ −​ ___
3 3)
35 ​, ​ ___
28 ​ ​​

𝖢 (−1, 5)
𝖣 (0, 7)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2-1 Lesson Quiz

Vertex Form of a Quadratic Function

1. The function g(x) = (x + ​​2)​​  2​​ + 4 is a transformation of the parent function

f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​. Select all the statements that are true about the transformation.
◻ A. Function g is the result of f being translated right 2 units and down 4 units.
◻ B. Function g is the result of f being translated left 2 units and up 4 units.
◻ C. The graph of function f opens upward.
◻ D. The graph of function g opens downward.
◻ E. The graph of function f is compressed by a factor of 2.
2. The function h(x) = −​​ __12 ​​ (x − ​​4)​​  2​​ + 3 represents the height of a bird y over time
x, as it flies past the school. What point on the graph represents the greatest
height of the bird above the ground?
𝖠 (4, 3) 𝖢 ​( _​12​, 4)​​​
𝖡 (3, 4) 𝖣 ​(3, _​12​)​
3. What is the equation written in vertex form of a parabola
with a vertex of (9, −1) that passes through (7, 7)?
𝖠 y = ​​​2(x − 9)​​  2​​​​​ − 1
𝖡 y = ​​2(x + 1)​​  2​​ − 9
𝖢 y = ​​2(x − 7)​​  2​​ + 7
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𝖣 y = ​​7(x − 9)​​  2​​ − 1

4. Which of the following is an equation in the form y
y = ​​ax​​  2​​ + bx + c of the parabola shown in the graph?
𝖠 y = −​​5x​​  2​​ − 20x − 65
𝖡 y = −​​5x​​  2​​ − 20x − 20
𝖢 y = −​​x​​  2​​ − 27x − 90 O 2 4 6 x
𝖣 y = −​​5x​​  2​​ + 20x + 25
5. Function g is a transformation of the parent function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​.
The graph of g is a translation right 3 units and down 5 units of the
graph of f. What is the equation of function g written in the form
y = ​​ax​​  2​​ + bx + c?
𝖠 y = ​​x​​  2​​ + 6x + 4
𝖡 y = ​​x​​  2​​ − 6x + 4
𝖢 y = ​​x​​  2​​ + 10x + 22
𝖣 y = ​​x​​  2​​ − 6x + 14
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2-2 Lesson Quiz

Standard Form of a Quadratic Function

1. What is the minimum point of the graph of the function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 4x?
𝖠 (2, 4) 𝖢 (4, 0)
𝖡 (0, 0) 𝖣 (2, −4)
2. The amount of profit Bill makes per toy when he increases or decreases the
price of his handmade toys can be modeled by the function f(x) = −​x​2​− 2x + 3.
What price change gives him the highest profit? What is highest profit per toy?
Price change: $ −1
Maximum profit per toy: $ 4
3. A pebble is tossed into the air from the top of a cliff. The height, in feet, of the
pebble over time is modeled by the equation y = −​​16x​​  2​​ + 32x + 80. What is the
maximum height, in feet, reached by the pebble?
4. What is the equation of a parabola that passes through the points (−5, −10),
(−1, 6), and (2, −3)?
𝖠 y = −​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 5
𝖡 y = −​​x​​  2​​ + 6x − 7
18 ​​​​x​​  2​​ − ___
​​  28 ​​x + ___
​​  35 ​​
𝖢 y = −​​ ___
9 9 3
𝖣 y = −​​x​​  ​​ − 3x + 2

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5. An equation that represents the path of a diver jumping off a diving board
is y = −7​x​2​+ 5x + 16. Graph this function from the point where the diver
jumps, to the point where they reach the water.
y y
𝖠 16 𝖢 4

12 3

8 2

4 1
x x
–1 O 1 2 3 –1 O 1 2 3
y x y
𝖡 𝖣 16
–1 O 1 2 3
–4 12

–8 8

–12 4
–1 O 1 2 3
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

2-3 Lesson Quiz

Factored Form of a Quadratic Function

1. Factor the expression 3​​x​​  2​​ − 11x − 4.

( 3 x+ 1 ) (x − 4 )

2. Solve the equation ​​x​​  2​​ + 7x = 30.

𝖠 x = 15 and x = −2
𝖡 x = −6 and x = 5
𝖢 x = −10 and x = 3
𝖣 x = 10 and x = −3
3. A projectile is launched into the air. The function h(t) = −16​​t​​  2​​ + 32t + 128 gives
the height, h, in feet, of the projectile t seconds after it is launched. After how
many seconds will the projectile land back on the ground?
4. Identify the intervals on which the function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ + 12x + 27 is positive.
(−∞, −9 ) and ( −3 , ∞)

5. A long-jumper lifts off 3 m after starting his run, and lands 6 m from where
he lifted off. When he is 8 m from the start line, he is 5 cm above the ground.
Write the equation of a parabola that models his path through the air, where x
is his horizontal distance from the start line in m and y is his height, in cm.
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𝖠 y = −​x​​ 2 + 12x − 27
𝖡 y = ​−3x​​ 2 + 4x − 9
𝖢 y = ​3x​​ 2 − 4x + 9
𝖣 y = ​x​​ 2 − 12x + 27

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2-4 Lesson Quiz

Complex Numbers and Operations

1. Use square roots to solve the equation ​​x​​  2​​ = −64 over the complex numbers.
Select all solutions that apply.
◻ A. 8i
◻ B. −8
◻ C. −8i 2
◻ D. −8i
◻ E. 8i 2
2. What is the difference of (5 + 3i) and (2 + 9i)?
𝖠 7 + 12i
𝖡 3 + 6i
𝖢 3 − 6i
𝖣 7 + 6i
3. Write the product (2 + 7i)(2 − 7i) in the form a + bi.
𝖠 4 − 49i
𝖡 53
𝖢 4 − ​​14i​​  2​​
𝖣 53 + 14i

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4. Write the expression 3i(2 − 5i )(4 + i ) in the form a + bi.
54 + 39 i

5. Match each product with its factors.

9x2 1 1 18x2 1 2 3x2 1 12 36x2 1 25

2, (3x 2 i), and (3x 1 i) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
3, (x 2 2i), and (x 1 2i) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
(6x 2 5i) and (6x 1 5i) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
(3x 2 i) and (3x 1 i) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2-5 Lesson Quiz

Completing the Square

1. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ − 18x + 81 = 4 by completing the square. Select all solutions
that apply.
◻ A. x = −11
◻ B. x = −7
◻ C. x = 7
◻ D. x = 11
◻ E. x = 0
2. Write the equation ​​x​​  2​​ + 24x + 60 = 0 in the form (x + ​​p)​​  2​​ = q.
𝖠 (x + 12)2 = −60
𝖡 (x + 12)2 = 84
𝖢 (x + 12)2 = 204
𝖣 (x + 6)2 = −24
3. Solve 0 = ​​x​​  2​​ + 6x + 13 by completing the square.
𝖠 x = 5 and x = 1
___ ___
𝖡 x = 3 + i​​√22 ​​ and x = 3 − i​​√22 ​​
𝖢 x = −1 and x = 1
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𝖣 x = −3 + 2i and x = −3 − 2i
4. The perimeter of a rectangular baking sheet is 58 inches and its area is
201.25 ​​in.​​  2​​. What are the length and width of the baking sheet?
𝖠 length 17.5 in., width 11.5 in.
𝖡 length 83.3 in., width 17.3 in.
𝖢 length 14.2 in., width 14.2 in.
𝖣 length 50.3 in., width 50.3 in.
5. Find the zeros of the function f(x) = −5​​x​​  2​​ + 4x − 1 by completing the square.

x = __​​ 2​​ + __​​ 1 ​​ i and x = ​​ __

2 ​​ − __​​ 1 ​​ i
5 5 5 5

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2-6 Lesson Quiz

The Quadratic Formula

1. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ + 8x − 6 = 0 using the Quadratic Formula.

__ __
𝖠 x = 32 + 2​​√2 ​​ and x = 32 − 2​​√2 ​​
___ ___
𝖡 x = −4 + √
​​ 22 ​​ and x = −4 − √
​​ 22 ​​
𝖢 x = 12 and x = −​​ __12​​
___ ___
𝖣 x = 4 + 2​​√22 ​​ and x = 4 − 2​​√22 ​​
2. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ + 2x + 7 = 0 using the Quadratic Formula. Select all
solutions that apply.
◻ A. x = −1 + i​​√6
◻ B. x = −1 + ​​√6
◻ C. x = −1 − i​​√6
◻ D. x = −1 − ​​√6
◻ E. x = 1 − ​​√6
3. Describe the nature of the roots for the equation 49​​x​​  2​​ − 28x + 4 = 0.
𝖠 two real roots 𝖢 two complex roots
𝖡 one real root 𝖣 one complex root

4. Richard tosses a ball into the air. The function h(t) = −5​​t​​  2​​ + 10t + 6 gives the
approximate height h, in meters, of the ball t seconds after he tosses it. After

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how many seconds does the ball reach a height of 12 meters?
𝖠 0.5 seconds
𝖡 1 second
𝖢 1.5 seconds
𝖣 The ball does not reach a height of 12 meters.
5. What value(s) of b will cause ​​27x​​  2​​ + bx + 3 = 0 to have one real solution?
Select all that apply.
◻ A. b = −18
◻ B. b = −9
◻ C. b = −3
◻ D. b = 3
◻ E. b = 9
◻ F. b = 18

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2-7 Lesson Quiz

Quadratic Inequalities

1. Select the solution set of the 3. Write an inequality to represent

quadratic inequality. the region that is taken up by a
parabolic mirror. The mirror is 18 ft
y > (x − 3)2 − 1
wide with the vertex 6 ft below
4 𝖢 y
the outer edge of the mirror. Let
2 2
the origin be the left-most point
−4 −2 O 2 4
x x of the mirror.
−4 −2 O 2 4
−2 −2
__ 2 )2 +
−4 −4
y> ​​  27 ​​ ​(x + −9 −6
y y
𝖡 4 𝖣 4 4. Which inequality represents the
shaded area of the graph?
−4 −2 O 2 4 −4 −2 O 2 4
−2 −2 4
−4 −4
−4 −2 O 2 4 6
2. Select the inequality represented
by the graph.

y 𝖠 y > __​​ 19 ​​(x − 3)(x + 6)
𝖡 y > __​​ 19 ​​(x + 3)(x − 6)
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x 𝖢 y < __​​ 19 ​​(x − 3)(x + 6)

−4 −2 O 2 4
−2 𝖣 y < __​​ 19 ​​(x + 3)(x − 6)
​ 5. The city has 480 ft of fencing to
enclose a rectangular park that
𝖠 y ≤ −​​​ __​​ 12 ​​​​​x2 + __​​ 32 ​​ x + __​​ 52 ​​ is at least 1800 sq ft. What are
the possible dimensions of the
𝖡 y ≤ −​​​ __​​ 14 ​​​x2 + __​​ 34 ​​ x + __​​ 52 ​​
park? Round to the nearest tenth
𝖢 y < −​​​ __​​ 12 ​​​x2 + __​​ 32 ​​ x + __​​ 52 ​​ ​​  if necessary.
The dimensions of the park must
𝖣 y < −​​​ __​​ 14 ​​​x2 + __​​ 34 ​​ x + __​​ 52 ​​
add to 240 ft and are between

7.8 and 232.3 ft.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2-8 Lesson Quiz

Systems Involving Quadratic Equations and Inequalities

{y = −2x + 4
y = ​x​​  2​ − 3
1. Determine the number of real solutions of the system ​​ ​ ​ ​​​.
𝖠 2 𝖢3
𝖡 1 𝖣 0
y = −​ __12 ​​x​​  2​
{y = x − 4
2. Use substitution to solve the system ​​ ​ ​​​.

𝖠 −4 and 2 𝖢 (−4, −8) and (2, −2)

𝖡 (4, −8) and (−2, −2) 𝖣 (0, 0) and (0, −4)
3. Nate tosses a ball up a hill for his dog to chase. The path of the ball is modeled
​​  33
by the function y = −​​ __14 ​​ ​​x​​  2​​ + __ 5
 ​​  x, where x is the ball’s horizontal distance from
Nate in feet and y is the ball’s height in feet. The hill is modeled by the line
​​  15 ​​  x. How far does the ball travel horizontally before it hits the ground?
y = __

25.6 ft
y ≥ ​2x​​  2​ + 2x − 3
{y ≤ __
4. Which graph shows the solution of the system of inequalities ​​   
​  ​​​? ​
​  13 ​x + 6
y y
𝖠 15 𝖢 15

10 10

5 5

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x x
−10 −5 O 5 10 −10 −5 O 5 10

y y
𝖡 12 𝖣 15

8 10

4 5
x x
−8 −4 O 4 8 −10 −5 O 5 10

​​  52 ​​x + 20 by writing a linear-quadratic system

5. Solve the equation 2​​x​​  2​​ + 5x − 8 = __
and solving using the intersection feature of a graphing calculator. Round to
the nearest tenth.
The graphing calculator shows the curve and line intersect at
x≈ 3.2 and x ≈ −4.4 .

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2 Assessment Form A

1. The distance of a golf ball from 5. The height of a projectile

the hole can be represented by launched from a 16-ft tower
the right side of a parabola with is modeled by the equation
vertex (−1, 8). The ball reaches the y = −16​​t​2​​ + 64t + 16.
hole 1 second after it is hit. What Part A
is the equation of the parabola, in
vertex form, that represents the Select the graph of the equation.
ball's distance, y, from the hole, Part B
x seconds after the ball is hit?
What is the maximum height, in
y= −2 (x + 1 )2 + 8 feet, reached by the projectile?
2. Function g is a transformation of
the parent function f(x) = ​​x​2​​. The 60

graph of f is reflected across the 𝖠 40

x-axis, and then translated left
4 units and down 2 units to form
the graph of g. Write the equation 0
0 1 2 3 4
for g in the form y = ​​ax​2​​ + bx + c.
𝖠 y = −​​x​2​​ + 8x + 14 80

𝖡 y = −​​x​2​​ − 8x − 18 60

𝖢 y = ​​x​2​​ − 8x + 18 𝖡 40
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𝖣 y = −​​x​2​​ − 8x + 14 20
0 1 2 3 4 maximum
3. The shape of the inside of a height: ft
glass follows a parabola with the 80
y 80
function f(x) = ​​x​2​​ + 6x + 9. What 60
point represents the bottom of the
inside of the glass? 𝖢 40

𝖠 (−3, 0) 𝖢 (0, 3)
𝖡 (0, −3) 𝖣 (3, 0) 0 1 2 3 4

4. A rectangular painting has length
1 ft longer than its width. What is 60
the width of the painting if its area 𝖣 40
is 12 ​​ft​​ 2​​?
𝖠 4 ft 𝖢 6 ft
0 1 2 3 4
𝖡 2 ft 𝖣 3 ft
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
6. Use square roots to solve the 11. What is an equation for the
equation ​​x​2​​ = −25 over the quadratic function through the
complex numbers. Select all origin, (4, 2), and (−4, 2)?
solutions for the equation.
◻ A. −5i ◻ y=


D. i
◻ B. −5 ◻ E. 5 8
◻ C. −i ◻ F. 5i
12. A toy cannon ball is launched from
7. Write the product (4 + i)(4 − i) in a cannon on top of a platform.
the form a + bi. The function h(t) = −5​​t​2​​ + 20t + 4
gives the height, in meters, of the
𝖠 16 − i 𝖢 17 ball t seconds after it is launched.
𝖡 16 − ​i​2​ 𝖣 8 Write and solve an inequality to find
the times where the ball is more
8. Solve 5 = ​​x​2​​ − 10x + 35 by than 12 meters above the ground.
completing the square. Round to the nearest hundredth.
𝖠 x = 5 + i and
h(t) < −5 t2 + 20 t− 8
𝖡 x = 5 + √
i​ 5 ​
and x = 5 − √
i​ 5​
__ 0.45 seconds < t < 3.55 seconds
𝖢 x = −6 − √
i​ 6 ​ and x = −5 +i​ √ 6​
__ __
𝖣 x = −5 − √
i​ 5 ​ and x = −5 + √
i​ 5​
13. What value(s) of b will cause
9. A function is given by f(x) = ​​x​2​​ + 4​​x​2​​ + bx + 25 = 0 to have one real
3x + 1. Select all the statements solution?
that are true about this function. ◻ A. −200 ◻ D. 2
◻ A. The function written in vertex
◻ B. −20 ◻ E. 20
form is f(x) = ​​​(x + __
​ 23 ​)​​​  ​​ − __
​​  5 ​​. ◻ ◻

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4 C. −2 F. 200
◻ B. The function written in vertex
form is f(x) = ​​​(x + __
​  54 ​)​​​  ​​ − __
​​  32 ​​. 14. Determine the number of real

{y = x + 15
y = ​x​​  2​ + 8
◻ C. The graph of the function solutions of the system ​​ ​ ​​​​.
has a minimum of y = −​​ __54 ​​ at
x = −​​ __32 ​​. 𝖠 0 𝖢2
◻ D. The domain of the function 𝖡 1 𝖣 3
is all real numbers.
15. Solve −​​3x​2​​ + 2x + 4 = −x − 3 by
◻ E. The range of the function is
writing a linear-quadratic system
all real numbers.
and using the intersection feature
of a graphing calculator. Round to
10. Solve ​​x​2​​ + 3x = −4 using the
the nearest hundredth.
Quadratic Formula.
____ The graphing calculator shows the
−3 ±i √​ 7 ​ curve and line intersect at
x = _____________
​ ​
x≈ −1.11 and x ≈ 2.11 .

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2 Assessment Form B

1. The graph of a toy car’s speed 5. The height of a projectile

y over time x is a parabola that launched from a 20-ft tower
shows a minimum speed of 2 m/s is modeled by the equation
after 3 seconds. After 5 seconds, y = −16​​t​​ 2​​ + 32t + 20.
the car’s speed is 3 m/s. What is the Part A
equation in vertex form of the
parabola? Select the graph of the equation.

y= 0.25 (x − 3 )2 + 2 Part B
What is the maximum height, in
2. Function g is a transformation of feet, reached by the projectile?
the parent function f(x) = ​​x​​ 2​​. The 80
graph of f is translated right 2 units
and up 3 units, and then reflected 60

across the y-axis to form the graph 𝖠 40

of g. Write the equation for g in
the form y = ​​ax​2​​ + bx + c.
​​x​​ 2​​
𝖠 y = + 2x + 3 0 1 2 3 4

𝖡 y = ​​x​2​​ + 6x + 7 32

𝖢 y = ​​x​​ 2​​ − 4x + 1 24

𝖣 y = ​​x​​ 2​​ + 4x + 7 𝖡 16
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3. The shape of an underground x
pool follows a parabola with the 0 1 2 3 4 maximum
function f(x) = ​​x​​ 2​​ + 8x. What point
y height: 36 ft
represents the bottom of the pool? 80

𝖠 (−4, 16) 𝖢 (−4, −16) 60

𝖡 (0, 8) 𝖣 (0, −8) 𝖢 40

4. A rectangular frame has length 0
7 in. longer than its width. What is 0 1 2 3 4

the length of the frame if its area y

is 18 ​​in​​  2​​?
𝖠 9 in. 𝖢 2 in.
𝖡 3 in. 𝖣 6 in.
𝖣 40

0 1 2 3 4

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6. Use square roots to solve the 11. What is an equation for the
equation ​​x​​ 2​​ = −121 over the quadratic function through the
complex numbers. Select all origin, (10, 2.5), and (−10, 2.5)?
solutions for the equation.
◻ A. i ◻ D. −11i y=
◻ B. 11 ◻ E. −11 □
◻ C. 11i ◻ F. −i
12. A toy cannon ball is launched from
7. Write the product 3i(5 − 3i) in the a cannon on top of a platform. The
form a + bi. function h(t) = −5​​t​​ 2​​ + 15t + 10
gives the height, in meters, of the
𝖠 6 + 8i 𝖢 −6
ball t seconds after it is launched.
𝖡 −9 + 15i 𝖣 9 + 15i Write and solve an inequality to find
the times where the ball is more
8. Solve −2 = ​​x​​ 2​​ + 2x + 8 by than 21 meters above the ground.
completing the square. Round to the nearest hundredth.
𝖠 x = −1 − 9i and x = −1 + 9i t2 +
h(t) < −5 15 t− 11
𝖡 x = −1 + 3i and x = −1 − 3i
𝖢 x = 4___ and x = 2 1.28 seconds < t < 1.72 seconds
𝖣 x = √
​​ 10 ​​ − 1 and x = − √
​​ 10 ​​ − 1
13. What value(s) of b will cause
9. A function is given by f(x) = ​​x​​ 2​​ + 8​​x​​ 2​​ + bx + 2 = 0 to have one real
5x + 4. Select all the statements solution?
that are true about this function. ◻ A. −16 ◻ D. 4
◻ A. The graph of the function ◻ B. −8 ◻ E. 8
has a minimum of y = −​​ __94 ​​ at
◻ ◻

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C. −4 F. 16
x = −​​ __52 ​​.
◻ B. The function written in vertex 14. Determine the number of real

{y = 1
form is f(x) = ​​​(x + __
​  52 ​)​​​  ​​ − __
​​  94 ​​. y = ​x​​  2​ + 1
solutions of the system ​​ ​  ​​​.​
◻ C. The graph of the function has
a minimum of y = −​​ __94 ​​ at x = __
​​  54 ​​. 𝖠 0 𝖢2
◻ D. The range of the function is 𝖡 1 𝖣 3
all real numbers.
◻ E. The domain of the function 15. Solve −​​3x​2​​ − 6x + 21 = 6x + 8 by
is all real numbers. writing a linear-quadratic system
and using the intersection feature
10. Solve ​​x​​ 2​​ + 5x = −8 using the of a graphing calculator. Round to
Quadratic Formula. the nearest hundredth.
The graphing calculator shows the
−5 √​ 7 ​
x = _____________
curve and line intersect at
​ ​
2 x≈ 0.89 and x ≈ −4.89 .

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2 Performance Task Form A

Felix wants to make a graphic design as decoration for a new website. His initial
idea for the design involves using the shapes of three parabolas graphed on a
coordinate plane, as shown.


2 Parabola C

Parabola A Parabola B

O 2 4 x

1. Felix first graphs parabola A. Describe how he can use translations of parabola
A to graph parabolas B and C. Then write an equation in vertex form for each
Sample answer: Translate parabola A right 2 units to form
parabola B. Transform parabola A right 1 unit and up 1 unit to
form parabola C.
Parabola A: y = −(x − 1​​)​​  2​​ + 1
Parabola B: y = −(x − 3​​)​​  2​​ + 1
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Parabola C: y = −(x − 2​​)​​  2​​ + 2

2. What are
___ the exact x-intercepts
___ of parabola C? Explain.
2+√ ​​ 2 ​​ and 2 − √
​​ 2 ​​; Sample answer: Find the zeros for the
function representing parabola C by solving 0 = −(x − 2​​)​​  2​​ + 2.
0 = −(x − 2​​)​​  2​​ + 2
(x − 2​​)​​  2​​ = 2
​​ 2

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

​​  14 ​​on the same coordinate
3. Felix adds to his design by graphing the line y = x + __
grid as the parabolas. Graph the line using the grid shown. Then describe the
geometric relationship between the line and the graphs of parabolas A and C.
Check students’ graphs. Sample answer: Solve two systems of
equations, one for the line and parabola A, and one for the line
and parabola C. The line intersects parabola A at ( ​​ __
​  1 ​, __
​  34 ​)​​ and
​​ __
​  3 ​, __
parabola C at point (
2 4)
​  7 ​ ​​. The line is tangent to each parabola
because there is only one point of intersection.
4. Felix wants to complete his design by making sure that it is symmetric about
the axis of symmetry for parabola C. Describe how he can complete his design.
Sample answer: Felix can graph the line y = −x + 4.25 on the
same coordinate grid as the parabolas and the line y = x + ​​ __14 ​​.
5. Felix starts a new design by graphing a parabola through the points (0, −5),
(1, −4), and (4, −13). Write an equation in standard form for this parabola.
Then find the zeros of the function represented by the equation. Explain.
y = −​​x​2​​ + 2x − 5; Sample answer: Write three equations by
substituting the given x- and y-values into the equation
y = ​​ax​2​​ + bx + c.
−5 = a(0​​)​​  2​​ + b(0) + c → c = −5; Substitute below.
−4 = a(1​​)​​  2​​ + b(1) − 5 → −4 = a + b − 5
−13 = a(4​​)​​  2​​ + b(4) − 5 → −13 = ​​16a​2​​ + 4b − 5

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{−13 = ​16a​2​ + 4b − 5
−4 = a + b − 5
Solve the system ​​ ​   ​ ​​​ using graphing

calculator technology. The solution of the system is a = −1 and

b = 2. The equation is y = −​​x​2​​ + 2x − 5. Complete the square
to find the zeros.
0 = −​​x​2​​ + 2x − 5
(−1)(0) = (−1)(−​​x​2​​ + 2x − 5)
​​x​2​​ − 2x + 5 = 0
​​x​2​​ − 2x + 1 = −5 + 1
(x − 1​​)​​  2​​ = −4
x =1 ± 2i
The zeros of the function are 1 + 2i and 1 − 2i.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


2 Performance Task Form B

A group of students want to build three identical rectangular gardens, each of

which has a width of x ft. The gardens will be arranged in one of two ways, as
shown by the plans below. The students have 480 ft of fencing and plan to build
a fence around each of the three gardens. They will also install lighting for the
Plan A 
Plan B x x
x x x x

x x x

1. Suppose that the students use all of the fencing. Given that the width of a
small rectangular garden is x ft, write an expression in terms of x for the length
of one of the small rectangular gardens in Plan A. Then write an expression
in terms of x for the length of one of the small rectangular gardens in Plan B.
_______ _______
Plan A: ​​  480 − 4x ​​; Plan B: ​​  480 5− 5x ​​; Sample answer: For Plan A,
subtract 4x from 480 because there are 4 sides with length
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x ft. Then divide by 6 because there are 6 remaining lengths.

For Plan B, subtract 5x from 480 because there are 5 sides with
length x ft. Then divide by 5 because there are 5 remaining
2. Write an expression for the combined area of the three gardens in Plan A
and of the three gardens in Plan B. Show two different ways to write each
expression. Explain.
Area for Plan A: 3 ∙ ​​  _________
x(480 − 4x)
​​ or 240x − ​​2x​2​​

Area for Plan B: 3 ∙ ​​  _________

x(480 − 5x)
​​ or 288x − 3
​​ 2​​
Sample answer: For each plan, multiply the width x of each
garden by its length using the expression from Item 1. Then
multiply the area of each rectangular garden by 3 to find the
combined area. Each expression can be rewritten as shown.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

3. The students want to choose the plan that will give the maximum combined
area for the 3 gardens. Use a graphing calculator to identify the plan they
should choose. Explain your reasoning.
Plan A; Sample answer: Let function f(x) = 240x − ​​2x​2​​
represent the total area of Plan A, and let function
g(x) = 288x − ​​3x​2​​represent the total area of Plan B. Graph the
functions to find and compare their maximum values. For Plan
A, the maximum area is 7,200 ft​​  ​​ 2​​ when x = 60 ft. For Plan B, the
maximum area is 6,912 ​​ft​​  2​​ when x = 48 ft. They should choose
Plan A.
4. What are the zeros of the function f(x) = 240x − 2​​x​​  2​​? Explain your reasoning.
The zeros are 0 and 120. Sample answer: The area is 0 if the
length x = 0, or if the width _______
​​ 480 − 4x ​​ = 0.
5. The students hire an electrician to set up the lighting for their garden. For one
of the circuits installed by the electrician, there are three source voltages:
Source 1: (9 + 4i) V
Source 2: (5 − 3i) V
Source 3: (2 + 6i) V
Find the total voltage for the circuit. Explain.
(16 + 7i); (9 + 4i) + (5 − 3i) + (2 + 6i) = 9 + 5 + 2 + 4i − 3i + 6i =
16 + 7i; Sample answer: Add the voltages and combine like terms.

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enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


Cumulative Assessment 1

For Items 1–4, the graph represents the 5. The graph of y = |x − 3| + 2 is

profit of a company in thousands of reflected across the y-axis and then
dollars, y, over x months of a year. translated down 2 units. What is
an equation of the transformed
𝖠 y = |−x + 3| − 2
𝖡 y = |x + 3| − 2
𝖢 y = |−x − 3|
𝖣 y = −|x + 3| + 4
0 2 4 6 8 10

Find the key features of the 6. Todd throws a ball from his tree
function using interval notation. house. The height in feet of the
ball, h(t), above the ground after
1. What is the range?
t seconds is modeled by the function
[ 2 , 8 ] h(t) = −3​​t​2​​ + 9t + 12. Select the
appropriate domain for the function.
2. What is the domain?
𝖠 0≤t≤4
[ 1 , 12 ] 𝖡 0 ≤ t ≤ 12
3. Over what interval is the graph 𝖢 t ≥ 0
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increasing? 𝖣 0 ≤ t ≤ 18.75
( 1 , 6 )
7. Identify the translations of the
4. If the trend continues, during what graph of the parent function
month will the company’s profit f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​that result in the graph of
reach zero? g(x) = (x + 2​​)​​  2​​ + 6.
during month 14 𝖠 down 2 units, right 6 units
𝖡 up 2 units, right 2 units
𝖢 up 6 units, left 2 units
𝖣 up 2 units, left 6 units

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 4 Assessment Resources

8. The graphs of 4
y 11. Solve the inequality
the function 4 − |2x + 1| < −5. Select all values
g(x) and its 2 that lie in the solution region. If
g(x) f(x)
parent function x there are none, select no solution.
f(x) are given. −6 −4 −2 O 2
−2 ◻ A. no solution ◻ F. −3.6
Complete the ◻ B. 1.25 ◻ G. 0
◻ C. −5 ◻ H. −7.1
The graph of g(x) is the graph of ◻ D. 4.5 ◻ I. 4

◻ right ◻ E. −10 ◻ J. 11

f(x) shifted
◻ down
4 units. 12. Select the solution to
◻ up
−|x − 2| + 4 ≤ 0.
◻ left
𝖠 x ≤ −6 or x ≥ 2
9. The graph of y
𝖡 x ≤ −2 or x ≥ 6
f(x) is shown. 𝖢 −6 ≤ x ≤ 2
The domain of f 1
is [−3, 3]. What x
𝖣 no solution
is the domain −4 −2 O 2 4
of g(x) = f (​ ​3 ​)​?
__ −1 13. Solve the system of equations.

{x + 2y = −6
Write the −2
2x + y = 18
​​ ​  ​​​​
answer in
interval notation.
x= 14 ,y= −10
[ −9 9 ]

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14. Consider the system of inequalities.
10. Solve the inequality.
y ≥ 2​x​​  2​ + 2x − 4
{y > __
5x − ​x​2
​​ > 0 ​   
​  ​​​​
​  12 ​x + 1
Write the solution using the
choices provided. Select all the points that represent
a viable solution.
0<x<5 x < 0 or x > 5
◻ A. (−2, 2)
−5 < x < 0 x < −5 or x > 0 ◻ B. (−1, −1)

0 < ​x​< 5 ◻ C. (0, 3)

◻ D. (−2, 0)
◻ E. (1, 5)
◻ F. (1, 0)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 4 Assessment Resources

15. Brenda has at most 4 hours to 18. The path of a projectile launched
make food for a picnic. She must from a 26-ft-tall tower is modeled by
make at least 6 sandwiches and at the equation y = −16​​x​​  2​​ + 64x + 26.
least 3 dozen cookies. It takes her What is the maximum height, in
4 minutes to make a sandwich, x, feet, reached by the projectile?
and 45 minutes to make a dozen y
cookies, y. Select all the inequalities
that represent constraints for the
situation. 60

◻ A. 4x + 45y ≤ 240 40

◻ B. x ≥ 6 20

◻ C. y ≥ 3 0
0 1 2 3 4 5
◻ D. 4x + 45y ≤ 4
The maximum height is 90 feet.
◻ E. x ≤ 6
◻ F. y ≤ 3
19. The function f(x) = −5​​x​​  2​​ + 5x + 49
◻ G. x + y ≥ 9 represents the height, in m, of a
ball thrown off a ledge as it moves
16. What is the equation in vertex form away from the ledge with distance
of a parabola with a vertex of x, in m.
(4, −2) that passes through (2, −14)? Select the appropriate range for
𝖠 y = −3(x − 4​​)​​  2​​ − 2 the function.

𝖡 y = −3(x − 4​​)​​  2​​ + 2 𝖠 [0, 3.7]

𝖢 y = 3(x − 4​​)​​  2​​ − 2 𝖡 [0, 49]
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𝖣 y = 3(x + 4​​)​​  2​​ + 2 𝖢 [0, 50.25]

𝖣 [0, ∞)
17. Function g is a transformation of
parent function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​. The 20. Solve the equation −​​x​​  2​​ + 10x = −24.
graph of f is reflected across the
x-axis and then translated left 6 and
𝖠 x = 4 and x = 6
up 5 units to form the graph of g. 𝖡 x = −4 and x = −6
What is the function rule for g? 𝖢 x = 2 and x = −12
𝖠 g(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ + 10x + 19 𝖣 x = −2 and x = 12
𝖡 g(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ − 10x − 19
𝖢 g(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ − 12x − 31
𝖣 g(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 12x + 31

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 4 Assessment Resources

21. A small business recorded its 26. Consider the quadratic equation
revenue in thousands of dollars 0 = 0.5​​x​​  2​​ + 2x − 2.
over a 6-month period, as shown in Part A
the table.
Rewrite the equation in vertex
Month, x 1 2 3 4 5 6 form by completing the square.
Revenue (y) 5.2 5.8 6 5.8 5.2 4.2  ​​)​​ 2​​ +
0= 0.5 (x + 2 −2
Part A Part B
Write the quadratic function in Select all solutions to the equation.
vertex form that models the data. __ __
Use decimals when necessary. ◻ A. −2 + ​√2 ​
◻ D. −2 − 2​√2 ​

 ​​)​​ 2​​ + ◻ B. −2 + 2​√2 ​ ◻ E. 0

y= −0.4 (x + −3 6 ◻
C. −2 − ​√2 ​ ◻ F. 2
Part B
27. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ + 8x = −5 using the
If this trend continues, what will be Quadratic Formula.
the revenue of the company during _______
the ​​8​​  th​​ month? x= −4 +√
​​ 11  ​​

1 thousand dollars
28. Complete the 4
equation for
22. Select all solutions to the equation ​​ the quadratic 2
x​​  2​​ = −625 over the complex inequality shown. x
numbers. −2 O 2 4
Use the choices
◻ A. 25i ◻ E. −25 provided.
◻ B. 312.5 ◻ F. −312.5 < > ≤ ≥ x–1 x+1
◻ ◻

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C. 25 G. −25i
x–3 x+3 3 1 4
◻ D. 312.5i ◻ H. −312.5i
y ≥ (x − 1 ​)​2​​ – 3
23. Write the product (6 − i)(6 + i) in
the form a + bi. 29. Use the graph of the quadratic
inequality 2​​x​2​​ − 6x ≤ 8 to select all
𝖠 37 𝖢 35 viable solutions.
𝖡 36 −​​ i​​  2​​ 𝖣 12 − ​​i​​  2​​ ◻ A. −5 ◻ D. 0
◻ B. −3 ◻ E. 2
24. Simplify the expression
2i(4.5 − 20i) + 3i. Write your
◻ C. −1 ◻ F. 4
answer in the form a + bi. 30. Select all solutions, if any, to the

{2x – y = 1
40 + 12   i y = (x – 1​)​2​+ 1
system ​​ ​  ​.

​​  1 + 5i ​. Round answers to the

25. Divide _____ ◻ A. no solution ◻ D. (−3, −5)
1 − 3i
nearest tenth, if necessary. ◻ B. (−1, 1) ◻ E. (3, 5)
−1.4 + 0.8   i ◻ C. (1, 1) ◻ F. (5, 3)
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 4 Assessment Resources

Cumulative Assessment 1, HONORS

For Items 1–4, the graph represents the 5. The graph of y = |x − 3| + 2 is

profit of a company in thousands of reflected across the y-axis and then
dollars, y, over x months of a year. translated down 2 units. What is an
equation of the transformed graph?
8 𝖠 y = |−x + 3| − 2
6 𝖡 y = |x + 3| − 2
𝖢 y = |−x − 3|
𝖣 y = −|x + 3| + 4
0 2 4 6 8 10 6. Todd throws a ball from his tree
house. The height in feet of the
Find the key features of the ball, h(t), above the ground after
function using interval notation. t seconds is modeled by the function
1. What is the range? h(t) = −3​​t​2​​ + 9t + 12. Select the
appropriate domain for the function.
[ 2 , 8 ]
𝖠 0 ≤ t ≤ 4
2. What is the domain? 𝖡 0 ≤ t ≤ 12
[ 1 , 12 ] 𝖢 t ≥ 0
3. Over what interval is the graph 𝖣 0 ≤ t ≤ 18.75
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7. The graphs of y
( 1 , 6 ) 4
the function
g(x) and its 2
4. If the trend continues, during what g(x) f(x)
parent function x
month will the company’s profit −6 −4 −2 O 2
f(x) are given.
reach zero? −2
Complete the
during month 14 sentence.
The graph of g(x) is the graph of

◻ right

f(x) shifted
◻ down
4 units.
◻ up
◻ left

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 4 Assessment Resources

8. Select the graph of the function. 10. The following recursive formula
−x − 3 if −5 ≤ x < 0 represents the value of the jackpot

{−x + 1 if 4 < x ≤ 8
f(x) ​=​​   
​ if 0 < x < 4​  ​​​ ​
−3 in a game show after each round,
in hundreds of dollars.

{​a​  n − 1​​ + 5, if n > 1

y 1, if n = 1
8 ​a​  n​​​ = ​​ ​ ​ ​​​

Write the explicit formula for the
x prize value and use it to calculate
𝖠 −8 −4 O 4 8
the value of the prize in round 8.
​a​  n​​​ = 1 + 5 (n − 1)
Value of jackpot in round 8:
8 $ 3600
𝖡 11. Solve the inequality.
−8 −4 O 4 8
−4 5x − ​x​2​​ > 0

−8 Write the solution using the

choices provided.
8 0<x<5 x < 0 or x > 5
−5 < x < 0 x < −5 or x > 0
𝖢 −8 −4 O 4 8
0 < ​x​< 5
12. Select the solution to

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y −|x − 2| + 4 ≤ 0.

𝖠 x ≤ −6 or x ≥ 2
x 𝖡 x ≤ −2 or x ≥ 6
𝖣 −8 −4 O 4 8
𝖢 −6 ≤ x ≤ 2
𝖣 no solution

y 13. Solve the system of equations.

{x + 2y = −6
9. The graph of 2
2x + y = 18
f(x) is shown. ​​ ​  ​​​​
The domain of f x
is [−3, 3]. What −4 −2 O 2 4 x= 14 ,y= −10
is the domain −1
of g(x) = f (​ __
​3x ​)​?
Write the −2
answer in interval notation.
[ −9 , 9 ]
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 4 Assessment Resources
14. Consider the system of inequalities. 17. Function g is a transformation of
parent function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​. The graph
y ≥ 2​x​​  2​ + 2x − 4
{y > __
​  ​​​​ of f is reflected across the x-axis and
​  12 ​x + 1 then translated left 6 and up 5 units
Select all the points that represent to form the graph of g. What is the
a viable solution. function rule for g?

◻ A. (−2, 2) 𝖠 g(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ + 10x + 19

◻ B. (−1, −1) 𝖡 g(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ − 10x − 19
◻ C. (0, 3) 𝖢 g(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ − 12x − 31
◻ D. (−2, 0) 𝖣 g(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 12x + 31
◻ E. (1, 5)
18. The path of a projectile launched
◻ F. (1, 0) from a 26-ft-tall tower is modeled by
the equation y = −16​​x​​  2​​ + 64x + 26.
What is the maximum height, in ft,
15. Brenda has at most 4 hours to
reached by the projectile?
make food for a picnic. She must
make at least 6 sandwiches and at y
least 3 dozen cookies. It takes her 80
4 minutes to make a sandwich, x,
and 45 minutes to make a dozen
cookies, y. Select all the inequalities 40
that represent constraints for the
◻ A. 4x + 45y ≤ 240
0 1 2 3 4 5

◻ B. x ≥ 6 The maximum height is 90 feet.

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◻ C. y ≥ 3
◻ D. 4x + 45y ≤ 4 19. The function f(x) = −5​​x​​  2​​ + 5x + 49
represents the height, in m, of a
◻ E. x ≤ 6
ball thrown off a ledge as it moves
◻ F. y ≤ 3 away from the ledge with distance
◻ G. x + y ≥ 9 x, in m. What is the appropriate
range for f(x)?

16. What is the equation in vertex form 𝖠 [0, 3.7] 𝖢 [0, 50.25]
of a parabola with a vertex of 𝖡 [0, 49] 𝖣 [0, ∞)
(4, −2) that passes through (2, −14)?
𝖠 y = −3(x − 4​​)​​  2​​ − 2 20. Solve the equation −​​x​​  2​​ + 10x = −24.
𝖡 y = −3(x − 4​​)​​  2​​ + 2 𝖠 x = 4 and x = 6
𝖢 y = 3(x − 4​​)​​  2​​ − 2 𝖡 x = −4 and x = −6
𝖣 y = 3(x + 4​​)​​  2​​ + 2 𝖢 x = 2 and x = −12
𝖣 x = −2 and x = 12
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 4 Assessment Resources
21. A small business recorded its 26. Consider the quadratic equation
revenue in thousands of dollars 0 = 0.5​​x​​  2​​ + 2x − 2.
over a 6-month period, as shown in Part A
the table.
Rewrite the equation in vertex
Month, x 1 2 3 4 5 6 form by completing the square.
Revenue (y) 5.2 5.8 6 5.8 5.2 4.2
0= 0.5 (x + 2  ​​)​​ 2​​ + −2
Part A
Part B
Write the quadratic function in
Select all solutions to the equation.
vertex form that models the data. __ __
Use decimals when necessary. ◻ A. −2 + ​√2 ​
◻ D. −2 − 2​√2 ​
y= −0.4 (x + −3  ​​)​​ 2​​ + 6 ◻ B. −2 + 2​√2 ​
◻ E. 0
◻ C. −2 − ​√2 ​ ◻ F. 2
Part B
If this trend continues, what will be 27. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ + 8x = −5 using the
the revenue of the company during Quadratic Formula.
the ​​8​​  th​​ month? x= −4 + √
​​ 11 ​​
1 thousand dollars
28. Complete the 4
equation for
22. Select all solutions to the equation ​​ 2
the quadratic
x​​  2​​ = −625 over the complex x
inequality shown.
numbers. −2 O 2 4
Use the choices
◻ A. 25i ◻ E. −25 provided. −2

◻ B. 312.5 ◻ F. −312.5 < > ≤ ≥ x–1 x+1

◻ ◻

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C. 25 G. −25i
x–3 x+3 3 1 4
◻ D. 312.5i ◻ H. −312.5i
y ≥ (x − 1 ​)​2​​ – 3
23. Write the product (6 − i)(6 + i) in
the form a + bi. 29. Use the graph of the quadratic
inequality 2​​x​2​​ − 6x ≤ 8 to select all
𝖠 37 𝖢 35 viable solutions.
𝖡 36 −​​ i​​  2​​ 𝖣 12 − ​​i​​  2​​ ◻ A. −5 ◻ D. 0

24. Simplify the expression

◻ B. −3 ◻ E. 2
2i(4.5 − 20i) + 3i. Write your ◻ C. −1 ◻ F. 4
answer in the form a + bi.
30. Select all solutions, if any, to the
{2x – y = 1
40 12   i
y = (x – 1​)​2​+ 1
system ​​ ​  ​.

​​  1 + 5i ​. Round answers to the

25. Divide _____ ◻ A. no solution ◻ D. (−3, −5)
1 − 3i
nearest tenth, if necessary.
◻ B. (−1, 1) ◻ E. (3, 5)
−1.4 + 0.8   i ◻ C. (1, 1) ◻ F. (5, 3)
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 4 Assessment Resources

3 Readiness Assessment

1. Which equation could be the one 4. A football is thrown toward the

shown in the graph? end zone. The function
h(x) = −0.1​​x​​  2​​ + 2.2x + 1.4 gives
the height, in yards, of the
football when it is x yards from
the quarterback. If the receiver
misses the pass, how many yards
does the ball travel before it hits
the ground? Round to the nearest
tenth of a yard.

𝖠 y = ​​x​​  2​​ + 2 22.6 yards

𝖡 y = −​​x​​  2​​ + 2
5. Simplify −4x + 2​​x​​  2​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ + 5 − 3x.
𝖢 y = −​​x​​  2​​ – 2
𝖠 x​​ 2​ + 7x + 5
𝖣 y = −(​​x​​  2​​ + 2)
𝖡 3​x​​ 2​ − x + 5
2. Which of the following describes 𝖢 x​ ​​ 2​ − 7x + 5
how the graph of f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ is 𝖣 ​x​​ 2​ − x + 5
translated to the graph of
g(x) = (x + 8​​)​​  2​​ − 1?
6. Simplify −3x(7x + 4y − 10).
𝖠 up 8 units and left 1 unit
𝖠 −21​x​​ 2​ − 12xy + 30x
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𝖡 down 8 units and right 1 unit

𝖡 −21​x​​ 2​ + 12xy − 30x
𝖢 left 8 units and down 1 unit
𝖢 −​ 21​x​​ 2​ + 12xy − 10
𝖣 right 8 units and up 1 unit
𝖣 −21​x​​ 2​ − 12xy − 10
3. The shape of a hill is represented
7. Multiply (2x − 5)(x + 1).
by the graph of f(x) = −(x − 7​​)​​  2​​ + 4.
What point represents the peak? 𝖠 x​ ​​  2​​ − 3x − 5 𝖢 2​​x​​  2​​ − 3x − 5
𝖠 (−7, 4) 𝖡 x​ ​​  2​​ − 4x − 5 𝖣 2​​x​​  2​​ − 4x − 5
𝖡 (9, 0)
8. Multiply (5x − 7)(4x − 3).
𝖢 (4, 7)
𝖣 (7, 4) 𝖠 20​x​​ 2​ − 43x − 21
𝖡 20​x​​ 2​ + 21
𝖢 20​x​​ 2​ + 13x + 21
𝖣 20​x​​ 2​ − 43x + 21
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9. Multiply −2(x + 6)(3x − 5). 14. What are the solutions to
​​x​​  2​​ + 2x − 5 = 0?
𝖠 3​x​​ 2​ + 13x − 30
𝖡 6​x​​ 2​ + 26x − 60 𝖠 x = 1, x = −5
𝖢 −6​x​​ 2​ − 26x + 60 𝖡 x = −1, x = 5
𝖣 −6​x​​ 2​ + 60 𝖢 x = −1 ± √​​ 6 ​​
𝖣 x = −1 ± 2​​√5 ​​
10. Factor 3​​x​​  2​​ + 5x − 12.
15. Use the discriminant to identify the
𝖠 3(x + 1)(x − 4) number and type of solutions for
𝖡 3(x − 1)(x + 4) the equation −5​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 1 = 0.
𝖢 (x + 3)(3x − 4) 𝖠 one real solution
𝖣 (x − 3)(3x + 4) 𝖡 two real solutions
𝖢 one non-real solution
11. A ball thrown off a cliff
follows an arc with height 𝖣 two non-real solutions
h(t) = −16​​t​​  2​​ + 40t + 8.
Complete the sentence. 16. Select all the equations that have
two x-intercepts.
The maximum height of
the ball is 33 feet, and ◻ A. y = ​​x​​  2​​ − 30
it takes 1.25 seconds for ◻ B. y = ​​x​​  2​​ + 2x + 6
the ball to reach this height. ◻ C. y = ​​x​​  2​​ + 3x − 4
◻ D. y = ​​x​​  2​​ − 10x + 25
12. Select all factors of
21xy + 18x + 6x​​y​​  2​​. ◻ E. y = −​​x​​  2​​ + x − 1

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◻ A. 3x
17. Write f(x) = 4(x − 3​​)​​  2​​ + 1 in
◻ B. x standard form.
◻ C. 2y + 3
𝖠 y = 4​​x​​  2​​ − 6x + 10
◻ D. y + 1
𝖡 y = 4​​x​​  2​​ − 6x − 11
◻ E. y + 6
𝖢 y = 4x − 11
◻ F. y + 2
𝖣 y = 4​​x​​  2​​ − 24x + 37
◻ G. 2y + 1

13. What are the solutions to

2​​x​​  2​​ + 100 = 0?
𝖠 x = ±5​​√ 2 ​​ 𝖢 x = ±10
𝖡 x = ±5i​​√ 2 ​​ 𝖣 x = ±10i

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3-1 Lesson Quiz

Graphing Polynomial Functions

1. Which statement is true of the 4. Use the graph of the polynomial

function f(x) = ​x​​ 2​+ 6​​​x3​​ ​​​ − 4 + 2​​​x5​ ​​​? function f(x) = −​x​​  3​​ + 5​​x​​  2​​ − 2x − 8
to complete the sentences.
𝖠 The function is positive for all
values of x. y
8 decreasing
𝖡 The end behavior of the graph of 4 increasing
f(x) is similar to that of g(x) = −x. x
𝖢 The graph has exactly one −2 O 2 4 6 negative
x-intercept. −4
𝖣 The function is increasing for all −8
real numbers.
f is decreasing on the intervals
2. Use the leading coefficient and
degree of the polynomial function ​​  13 ​​) and (3, ∞).
(−∞, __
f(x) = ​x​​ 3​− 7​x​​ 2​+ 10x to determine f is negative on the intervals
the end behavior of its graph.
(−1, 2) and (4, ∞).
Select all the true statements.
◻ A. As x → ∞, y → ∞. f is increasing on the interval

◻ B. As x → ∞, y → −∞. (​​ __13 ​​, 3).

◻ C. As x → ∞, y → 0. f is positive on the intervals
◻ D. As x → −∞, y → ∞. (−∞, −1) and (2, 4).
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◻ E. As x → −∞, y → −∞.
5. The volume of water in a tank is
3. The graph of a function f is shown. modeled by y = 1.15​​x​​  3​​ − 0.1​​x​​  2 ​​+ 2,
Use the graph to estimate all where x is the number of minutes
turning points. Select all x-values after the faucet is turned on. What
that are turning points of f. is the y-intercept of the graph,
and what does it represent in this
Complete the sentence.

x The y-intercept is 2
−4 O 4 and represents the
◻ volume of water
◻ A. −3 ◻ E. 1 ◻ number of minutes
◻ B. 0 ◻ F. −1
◻ turned off.
◻ C. 4 ◻ G. 1.5 the faucet is
◻ turned on.
◻ D. −1.5
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3-2 Lesson Quiz

Adding, Subtracting, and Multiplying Polynomials

1. Add (4​​a​​  2​​b − 3a​​b​​  2​​ + 2ab + 5) and (2​​a​​  2​​b + 3a​​b​​  2​​ − 7ab). Complete the expression
in standard form.
a​​  2​​b 6​​a​​  2​​b 6​​a​​b​​  2 (−9​​a​​b​​  2) (−5​​a​​b​​) 9ab 5ab 5

6​​a​​  2​​b + −5ab + 5

2. Multiply (x + 2y)(​​x​​  2​​ − xy + 3y).
𝖠 x​ ​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​y + 3xy − 2x​​y​​  2​​ + 6​​y​​  2​​
𝖡 x​ ​​  3​​ − 3​​x​​  2​​y + 3xy − 2x​​y​​  2​​ + 6​​y​​  2​​
𝖢 x​ ​​  3​​ + 3xy − x​​y​​  2​​ + 3​​y​​  2​​
𝖣 x​ ​​  3​​ − xy + 6​​y​​  2​​
3. Is the set of monomials closed under multiplication? Which of the following
gives a correct answer and an explanation?
𝖠 Yes; the sum of any two monomials is a monomial.
𝖡 No; the product of two monomials could be a polynomial.
𝖢 Yes; the product of any two monomials is a monomial.
𝖣 No; the product of two monomials could be a rational number.
4. Jae is constructing an open box from a piece of cardboard that is 9 in. wide and
12 in. long. Jae cuts squares of equal size from each corner of the cardboard,

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and then folds up the sides of the box. Write and simplify a polynomial
function V in standard form for the volume of the box in terms of x.
V(x) = 4 ​​x​​  3​​ − 42 ​​x​​  2​​ + 108 x

​​  23 ​​π​​x​​  3​​. The volume of a cube

5. The volume of a hemisphere with radius x is V(x) = __
with height x is shown in the graph. Over the interval [2, 3], which volume is
increasing faster? Complete the sentence.

The volume of the
◻ hemisphere
is increasing faster.
◻ cube
0 1 2 3 4
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3-3 Lesson Quiz

Polynomial Identities

1. Prove the identity ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​y​​  6​​ = (x − ​​y​​  2​​)(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​).
Distributive Associative Commutative Reflexive
Add Subtract Multiply Divide 1 −1
x y variables coefficients like terms constants

(x − ​​y​​  2​​)(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​)

= x(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​) − ​​y​​  2​​(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​)   Use the Distributive Property.
= ​​x​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  4​​ − (​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  4​​ + ​​y​​  6​​)   Multiply .

= ​​x​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  4​​ − ​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ − x​​y​​  4​​ − ​​y​​  6​​   Distribute the factor of −1 .

= ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​y​​  6​​           Combine like terms .

2. Part A Use polynomial identities to multiply (5 − 4​​x​​  3​​)(5 + 4​​x​​  3​​).

𝖠 25 − 4​​x​​  9​​   𝖡 25 − 40​​x​​  3​​ + 16​​x​​  6​​   𝖢 25 − 4​​x​​  6​​   𝖣 25 − 16​​x​​  6​​

Part B What identity did you use?

𝖠 Difference of squares 𝖢 Sum of cubes
𝖡 Difference of cubes 𝖣 Square of a sum
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3. Part A Use polynomial identities to factor 1 ​−​125​​n​​  3​​. Select all factors.
◻ A. 1 − 5n ◻ C. 1 + 5n + 5​n​2​ ◻ E. 1 + 5n + 25​n​2​
◻ B. 1 + 5n ◻ D. 1 − 5n + 5​n​2​ ◻ F.    1 − 5n + 25​n​2​

Part B What identity did you use?

𝖠 Difference of squares 𝖢 Sum of cubes
𝖡 Difference of cubes 𝖣 Square of a sum
4. Part A Use polynomial identities to Part B What identity did you use?
simplify (3​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​y​​  2​​​​)​​  2​​.
𝖠 Difference of squares
    x​​  6​​
​​ 12
+     x​​  3​​​​y​​  2​​
​​ 4
+     ​​y​​  4​​​​
𝖡 Difference of cubes
𝖢 Sum of cubes
𝖣 Square of a sum
5. Use polynomial identities to factor ​​y​​  16​​ − 25. Select all factors.
◻ A. ​​y​​ 4​ − 5 ◻ B. y​​ 8​ − 5   ◻ C. ​​y​​ 4​ + 5  ◻ D. ​​y​​ 8​ + 5  ◻ E. ​​y​​ 2​ + 5
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3-3 Lesson Quiz HONORS

Polynomial Identities

1. Prove the identity ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​y​​  6​​ = (x − ​​y​​  2​​)(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​).
Distributive Associative Commutative Reflexive
Add Subtract Multiply Divide 1 −1
x y variables coefficients like terms constants

(x − ​​y​​  2​​)(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​)

= x(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​) − ​​y​​  2​​(​​x​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  2​​ + ​​y​​  4​​)   Use the Distributive Property.
= ​​x​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  4​​ − (​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  4​​ + ​​y​​  6​​)   Multiply .

= ​​x​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ + x​​y​​  4​​ − ​​x​​  2​​​​y​​  2​​ − x​​y​​  4​​ − ​​y​​  6​​   Distribute the factor of −1 .

= ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​y​​  6​​           Combine like terms .

2. Part A Use polynomial identities to multiply (5 − 4​​x​​  3​​)(5 + 4​​x​​  3​​).

𝖠 25 − 4​​x​​  9​​   𝖡 25 − 40​​x​​  3​​ + 16​​x​​  6​​    𝖢 25 − 4​​x​​  6​​   𝖣 25 − 16​​x​​  6​​

Part B What identity did you use?

𝖠 Difference of squares 𝖢 Sum of cubes
𝖡 Difference of cubes 𝖣 Square of a sum
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3. Part A Use polynomial identities to factor 1 ​−​125​​n​​  3​​. Select all factors.
◻ A. 1 − 5n ◻ C. 1 + 5n + 5​n​2​    ◻ E. 1 + 5n + 25​n​2​
◻ B. 1 + 5n ◻ D. 1 − 5n + 5​n​2​    ◻ F.   1 − 5n + 25​n​2​

Part B What identity did you use?

𝖠 Difference of squares             
𝖢 Sum of cubes
𝖡 Difference of cubes         𝖣 Square of a sum

4. Use Pascal’s Triangle to expand the expression (x + 2​​)​​  8​​.

𝖠 x​ ​​  8​​ + 256
𝖡 256 + x + 16​​x​​  2​​ + 112​​x​​  3​​ + 448​​x​​  4​​ + 1120​​x​​  5​​ + 1792​​x​​  6​​ + 1792​​x​​  7​​ + 1024​​x​​  8​​
𝖢 ​x​​  8​​ + 16​​x​​  7​​ + 112​​x​​  6​​ + 448​​x​​  5​​ + 1120​​x​​  4​​ + 1792​​x​​  3​​ + 1792​​x​​  2​​ + 1024x + 256
𝖣 ​x​​  7 ​​+ 14​​x​​  6​​ + 84​​x​​  5​​ + 280​​x​​  4​​ + 560​​x​​  3​​ + 672​​x​​  2​​ + 448x + 128
5. Expand (a + 4​​)​​  5​​: ​​a​​  5​​ + 20 ​​a​​  4​​ + 160 ​​a​​  3​​ + 640 ​​a​​  2​​ + 1280 a+ 1024
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3-4 Lesson Quiz

Dividing Polynomials

1. Use long division to divide ​​x​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 14 by x + 3.

10​ (−​_____
x + 3)
10 ​​ 2 ​​
​​ _____ 38 ​​
​​ _____ 44 ​​
​​ _____
x​​  2​ 2x (−2​​x) 4x (−8​​) 4​ x+3 x+3 x+3

x​​  2​ + −2x + 4 +
​​  2 ​​
2. Morgan begins to use synthetic division to
2 1 1 −6 −4 8
divide ​​x​​  4​​ + ​​x​​  3​​ − 6​​x​​  2​​ − 4x + 8 by x − 2, as
shown at the right. Which of the following ? ? ? ?
shows the correct values to replace the
question marks, and also gives the quotient?
𝖠 2, 6, 0, −8; ​​x​​  3​​ − 3​​x​​  2​​ + 4 𝖢 1, 3, 0, −4; ​​x​​  2​​ + 3x − 4
𝖡 2, 6, 0, −8; ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ − 4 𝖣 1, 1, −6, −4; ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ − 4
3. Marta uses long division to divide 2​​x​​ 4​​ − 3​​x​​  3​​ + 18​​x​​  2​​ − 6x + 28 by ​​x​​  2​​ + 2 and gets
a quotient in the form a​​x​​  2​​ + bx + c. What is the value of a + b + c?
4. Select the correct words, phrases, or expressions to complete the sentences.

The expression x − 3 is
◻ a factor
of P(x) = ​​x​​  3 ​​– ​​x​​  2​​ – 2x – 12

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not a factor

◻ negative.
because the remainder is ◻ positive.
◻ zero.

◻ (x − 3)(​​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 4).

P(x) written as a product of two factors is

◻ (x − 3)(​​x​​  2​​ + 2x + 4).
◻ (x − 3)(x​ ​​  2​​ − 2x − 4).
◻ not possible.

5. If x + 2 a factor of P(x) = 2​​x​​  3​​ + 5​​x​​  2​​ + 5x + 6, select the two factors that express
P(x) as a product.
◻ A. (x + 2) ◻ D. (2​x​​ 2​ + x − 3)
◻ B. (2​x​​ 2​ − x − 3) ◻ E. (2​x​​ 2​ + x + 3)
◻ C. (2​x​​ 2​ − x + 3) ◻ F. not a factor

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3-4 Lesson Quiz HONORS

Dividing Polynomials

1. Use long division to divide ​​x​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 14 by x + 3.

10​ (−​_____
x + 3)
10 ​​ 2 ​​
​​ _____ 38 ​​
​​ _____ 44 ​​
​​ _____
x​​  2​ 2x (−2​​x) 4x (−8​​) 4​ x+3 x+3 x+3

x​​  2​ + −2x + 4 +
​​  2 ​​
2. Morgan begins to use synthetic division to
2 1 1 −6 −4 8
divide ​​x​​  4​​ + ​​x​​  3​​ − 6​​x​​  2​​ − 4x + 8 by x − 2, as
shown at the right. Which of the following ? ? ? ?
shows the correct values to replace the
question marks, and also gives the quotient?
𝖠 2, 6, 0, −8; ​​x​​  3​​ − 3​​x​​  2​​ + 4
𝖡 2, 6, 0, −8; ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ − 4
𝖢 1, 3, 0, −4; ​​x​​  2​​ + 3x − 4
𝖣 1, 1, −6, −4; ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ − 4
3. Verify the Remainder Theorem if P(x) = 2​​x​​  3 ​​− ​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 5 is divided by x + 2.
Complete the sentences.
◻ −23.
◻ −7.

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When P(x) is divided by x + 2, the remainder is
◻ 1.
◻ −25
◻ 33.
P(−2) =
◻ −23
◻ 9
◻ 25
◻ Yes
Does this example verify the Remainder Theorem?
◻ No

4. Find f(3) if f(x) = ​​x​​  4​​ − 5​​x​​  2​​ − 6x − 10

𝖠 −46 𝖡8 𝖢 44 𝖣 224
5. If x + 2 is a factor of P(x) = 2​​x​​  3​​ + 5​​x​​  2​​ + 5x + 6, select the two factors that
express P(x) as a product.
◻ A. (x + 2) ◻ D. (2​x​​ 2​ + x − 3)
◻ B. (2​x​​ 2​ − x − 3) ◻ E. (2​x​​ 2​ + x + 3)
◻ C. (2​x​​ 2​ − x + 3) ◻ F. not a factor
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3-5 Lesson Quiz

Zeros of Polynomial Functions

1. Part A 4. What are the zeros and their

multiplicities for the function
What are all the zeros of
y = ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ + x + 3, shown in
f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ − 3x?
the graph?
Zeros: −3 , 0 , 1 6

Part B 4
Using this information, which could 2
be the graph of f? x
y x y −4 −2 O 2 4
𝖠 −4 O 4
𝖢 3
−3 O
−4 4
𝖠 −3, −1, and 1, each multiplicity 1         
𝖡 −3, multiplicity 1
𝖡 6
𝖣 3
y 𝖢 3, multiplicity 2
x 𝖣 −3, multiplicity 3
−4 O 4
−4 O 4
−3 5. Find the zeros of f(x) = −​x​​  3​​ − 2​​x​​  2​​ +
7x − 4. Then describe the behavior
of the graph of f at each zero.
2. What x-values are solutions of
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​​x​​  3​​ + 5​​x​​  2​​ − x − 7 = ​​x​​  2​​ + 6x + 3? 𝖠 4, −1; As x → −∞, f → −∞.

Simplify the polynomial and find When −1 < x < 4, f < 0. At
the zeros. Complete the sentence. x = 4, f is tangent to the x-axis,
so when x > 1, f → ∞.
The zeros are at x = −5 , 𝖡 −4, 1; As x → −∞, f → −∞.
x= −1 , and x = 2 . When −4 < x < 1, f > 0. At
x = 1, f is tangent to the x-axis,
so when x > 1, f → −∞.
3. What values of x are solutions of
the inequality ​​x​​  3​​ − 4x > 0? 𝖢 4, −1; As x → −∞, f → ∞. When
−1 < x < 4, f > 0. At x = 4,
The inequality is true for f is tangent to the x-axis, so
when x > 1, → ∞.
◻ 0<x<2 ◻ 0 < x < 2.
◻ 𝖣 −4, 1; As x → −∞, f → ∞. When
−2 < x < 0
◻ x > 0. −4 < x < 1, f < 0. At x = 1,
◻ x < −2 ◻ x > 2. f is tangent to the x-axis, so
◻ x<2 ◻ x > 4. when x > 1, f → −∞.

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3-6 Lesson Quiz

Roots of Polynomial Functions

1. Using the Rational Root Theorem, select all the possible rational solutions
of ​​x​​  4​​ − ​​x​​  3​​ − 3​​x​​  2​​ − 8x + 20 = 0.
◻ ​  1 ​​
A. ±​__
◻ ​  1 ​​
E. ±​___
◻ I. ±5

◻ B. ±​​  1 ​​
◻ F. ±1 ◻ J. ±10

◻ C. ±​​  1 ​​
◻ G. ±2 ◻ K. ±20

◻ D. ±​​  1 ​​
◻ H. ±4

2. A rectangular box has the dimensions shown in the

diagram. The volume of the box is given by the function x in.
V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ − 4x, where x is the height in inches. What is the
x − 2 in.
height of the box if the volume is 15 i​​n.​​  3​​? x + 2 in.

Part A
Select the equation for the volume:
𝖠 x​​  2​​ − 4 = 15 𝖢 x​​  3​​ − 4x = 15
𝖡 x​​  3​​ − 4 = 15 𝖣 ​​x​​  3​​ + 4x = 15
Part B
Complete each sentence.
The solution to the equation is x = 3 .

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The height of the box is 3 inches.

3. What are all the real and complex solutions of ​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ + 3x + 6 = 0?
If necessary, round to the nearest tenth.
__ __
𝖠 −1.5, 0.3 + 1.9i, 0.3 − 1.9i 𝖢 −2, i​​√3 ​​, −i​​√3 ​​
__ __ __ ___ ___
𝖡 −2, √​​ 3 ​​, −​​√3 ​​, i​​√3 ​​ 𝖣 −1.5, 0.3 + i​​√1.9 ​​, 0.3 − √
​​ 1.9 ​​

4. Select all real and complex solutions of ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ − x − 15 = 0.
◻ A. −3 ◻ D. 1 − 2i
◻ B. 3 ◻ E. −1 − 2i
◻ C. −1 + 2i ◻ F. 1 + 2i

5. Select all real and complex solutions of ​​x​​  4​​ − 2​​x​​  2​​ − 24 = 0.
__ __
◻ A. ​​√6 ​​ ◻ E. i ​​√3 ​​
◻ B. 2​√2 ​ ◻ F. 2i
__ __
◻ C. −i ​​√3 ​​ ◻ G. −​​√6 ​
◻ D. −2i ◻ H. −2​​√2 ​​
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

3-7 Lesson Quiz

Transformations of Polynomial Functions

1. Use the graph to classify the polynomial function as even, odd, or neither.

2 ◻ even.
−4 −2 O 2 4
The function is ◻ odd.
−2 ◻ neither.

2. Identify the parent function of the function f(x) = −​x​​  4​​ − 1, and list the
transformations from the parent function to create f(x).
𝖠 ​x​4​; translate down 1 unit, reflect over the x-axis
𝖡 ​x​4​; reflect over the x-axis, translate down 1 unit
𝖢 ​x​3​; reflect over the x-axis, translate down 1 unit
𝖣 ​x​3​; compress the graph by a factor of x, translate down 1 unit
3. How does the graph of g(x) = 3​​x​​  3​​ + 6 differ from the graph of its parent
function f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​? Select all the transformations.
◻ A. The leading coefficient, 3, translates the graph up 3 units.
◻ B. The leading coefficient, 6, compresses the graph vertically.
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◻ C. The leading coefficient, 3, stretches the graph vertically.

◻ D. Adding 6 translates the graph up 6 units.
◻ E. Adding 6 translates the graph right 6 units.

4. Determine the equation of the graph as it relates to either its parent cubic
function or quartic function. y
𝖠 f(x) = (x − 2​)​3​− 3
𝖡 f(x) = (x − 3​)​4​− 2 x
𝖢 f(x) = (x + 3​)​4​+ 2 O 2 4 6
𝖣 f(x) = (x − 2​)​​ 4​− 3
−4 (2, −3)

5. The volume of a cube, in cubic centimeters, is given by the function V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​,
where x is the side length of the cube in centimeters. Write a new function for
the volume of the cube in cubic millimeters.
V(x) = 1000 ​​x​​  3​​

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3 Topic Assessment Form A

1. Select all statements that are true 4. If x − 3 is a factor of P(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + ​​x​​  2​​ −
about the polynomial function 17x + 15, select the two factors
f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ + 7​​x​​  4​​ − 3. that express P(x) as a product.
◻ A. The degree of the ◻ A. (x – 3)
polynomial is 3.
◻ B. (​x​​  2​​ − 4x − 5)
◻ B. The function written in
standard form is ◻ C. (​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 5)
f(x) = 7​​x​​  4​​ + ​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ − 3. ◻ D. (​x​​  2​​ + 4x − 5)
◻ C. As x increases, f(x) increases. ◻ E. not a factor
◻ D. The end behavior of the
graph of f(x) is similar to 5. Use a graph of the polynomial
that of g(x) = x. function f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ − 2​​x​​  2​​ to
◻ E. The zeros of the polynomial complete the sentences.
are approximately −0.76
and 0.76. −2 0 1 2 increases
decreases remains constant
2. Identify the intervals for which
function f is increasing.
The zeroes of f are 0 and 2 .
y As x increases, f(x) increases .
As x decreases, f(x) decreases .
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−2 O 2
−2 6. Lucy cuts 4 squares with side
length x in. from the corners of a
6-by-9-in. piece of paper. She folds
𝖠 (−∞, −0.8) ⋃ (0.4, ∞) the paper to make a tray that is x
𝖡 (−0.8, 0.4) in. high. Complete the function for
𝖢 (−∞, −1) ⋃ (−0.5, 0.4) the tray’s volume V.
𝖣 (−1, −0.5) ⋃ (1, ∞) V(x) = 4 ​​x​​  3​​ − 30 ​​x​​  2​​ + 54 x

3. Simplify (​​x​​  2​​ + 2x)(​​x​​  2​​ + x + 5).

Write the simplified polynomial in 7. Use polynomial identities to factor
standard form. 64 + 27​​a​​  3​​. Select all factors.
◻ A. (4 − 3a)
​x​​  4 ​2x​​  3 ​3x​​  3 ​5x​​  2 ​7x​​  2
◻ B. (4 + 3a)

​ 10x​​ ​10
◻ C. (16 + 12a + 9​a​​  2​)
◻ D. (16 − 12a + 9​a​​  2​)

x​​  4​ + 3x​​  3​ + 7x​​  2​ + 10x​​  ​ ◻ E. (16 − 12a + 3​a​​  2​​)

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8. The volume of a y 12. Select the equation of the graph
cube with length 15 as it relates to its parent cubic
x is V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​. 10
The volume of y
a sphere with 5
radius x is shown 0 x 2
in the graph. 0 1
Over the interval [0.5, 1], which −4 −2 O
volume is increasing faster? −2

◻ sphere −4
The volume of the is
◻ cube −6
increasing faster.
𝖠 y = (x + 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2
9. Use synthetic division to divide 𝖡 y = −(x + 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2
2​​x​​  4​​ − 3​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ − 8x − 1 by x − 1.
Complete the quotient.
𝖢 y = −(x − 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2
𝖣 y = (x − 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2
​2x​​  4 ​2x​​  3 −​x​​  2 −​6x​​  2 ​ x​​
13. A prism has height x + 1 and
​ 8x​​ −​7 −​16 ​  8
−​_____ ​​ 15 ​​
_____ base area ​​x​​  4​​ − ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ − 3x + 3.
x−1 x−1
Complete the sentence.
The function that represents the
2x​​  3​ + −x​​  2​ + x​ +
◻ even.
−7​ + −​​ _____
8 ​​
prism’s volume is ◻
x−1 odd.

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◻ neither.
10. Identify the zeros of the function
f(x) = x(x − 3)(x + 1).
14. How does the graph of the
0 , 3 , −1 function f(x) = 2​​x​​  4​​ − 3 differ from
the graph of its parent function?
Select all the transformations.
11. Describe the behavior at each zero
of f(x) = (x − 5)(x − 1)(x + 4). ◻ A. The graphs are the same.
𝖠 The graph touches the x-axis at ◻ B. Subtracting 3 translates the
4 and crosses the x-axis at −1 graph down 3 units.
and −5. ◻ C. The leading coefficient, 2,
𝖡 The graph touches the x-axis at stretches the graph vertically.
4, −5, and 1. ◻ D. Subtracting 3 translates the
𝖢 The graph crosses the x-axis at graph up 3 units.
5, 1, and −4. ◻ E. Subtracting 3 translates the
𝖣 The graph touches the x-axis graph right 3 units.
at −4 and crosses the x-axis
at 1 and 5.
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3 Topic Assessment Form B

1. Select all statements that are true 4. If x + 5 is a factor of P(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ +
about the polynomial function 4​​x​​  2​​ + 2x + 35 , select the two factors
f(x) = 6​​x​​  5​​ + 18​​x​​  7​​ + 11. that express P(x) as a product.
◻ A. The degree of the ◻ A. (x + 5) ◻ D. (​x​​  2​​ − x + 7)
polynomial is 7. ◻ B. (​x​​  2​​ + x + 7) ◻ E. not a factor
◻ B. The function is written in ◻ C. (​x​​  2​​ + x − 3)
standard form.
◻ C. As x increases, f(x) increases. 5. Use a graph of the polynomial
function f(x) = −​​x​​  4​​ − 4​​x​​  3​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ + 6x
◻ D. The end behavior of the
to complete the sentences.
graph of f(x) is similar to
that of g(x) = −x. positive negative increasing
◻ E. The approximate zero of the decreasing
polynomial is −0.89.
f is positive on the
2. Identify the intervals for which intervals (−3, −2) and (0, 1).
function f is increasing.
f is negative on the intervals

2 (−∞, −3), (−2, 0), and (1, ∞).

x f is decreasing on the intervals
−2 O 2
(−2.6, −1) and (0.6, ∞).
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6. Teo cuts 4 squares with side

𝖠 (−0.4, 0.8) length x in. from the corners of
𝖡 (−∞, −1) ⋃ (0.5, 1) a 10-by-15-in. piece of paper. He
folds the paper to make a tray that
𝖢 (−∞, −0.4) ⋃ (0.8, ∞) is x in. high. Complete the function
𝖣 (−1, 0.5) ⋃ (1, ∞) for the tray’s volume V.
V(x) = 4 ​​x​​  3​​ − 50 ​​x​​  2​​ + 150 x
3. Simplify (m + 3)(​​m​​  2​​ − 2m + 2​​​​​​).
Write the simplified polynomial 7. Use polynomial identities to factor
in standard form. 64​​x​​  3​​ − 1. Select all factors.
​5 ​6 ​m​​  3 ​m​​  2 ​−m​​  2 ◻ A. (4x + 1)
◻ B. (4x − 1)
​ 2m​​ −4m 10m ◻ C. (16​x​​  2 ​​− 4x + 1)
◻ D. (16​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 1)
m​​  3​ + m​​  2​ + −4m​ + 6 ◻ E. (4​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 1)
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8. The volume of a y 12. Select the equation of the graph
cube with 3 as it relates to its parent quartic
length x is function.
V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​. y
The volume 1
of a sphere 0
x 2
with radius __ ​​  12 ​​x 0 1 x
is shown in the graph. Over the −4 −2 O 2 4
interval [1, 2], which volume is
increasing faster? −4

◻ sphere
The volume of the is 𝖠 y = (x − 2)​ ​​  4​​ + 3
◻ cube
increasing faster.
𝖡 y = −(x + 2)​ ​​  4​​ + 3
𝖢 y = (x + 2)​ ​​  4​​ + 3
9. Use synthetic division to divide 𝖣 y = −(x − 2)​ ​​  4​​ + 3
​​x​​  4​​ − 5​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ + 6x + 6 by x − 2.
Complete the quotient. 13. A prism has height ​​x​​  2​​ − 3 and
base area 3​​x​​  2​​ − 5. Complete the
​x​​  4 ​x​​  3 −​3x​​  2 −​7x​​  2 −​4x​​
58 ​​ The function that represents the
​16x​​​​ −​2 −​26 ​  2
 ​_____  ​​_____
x−2 x−2
◻ even.

x​​  3​ + −3x​​  2​ + −4x​​ + prism’s volume is ◻ odd.

◻ neither.
−2​ + _____
​​  2 ​​

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14. How does the graph of the
function f(x) = 2​​x​​  3​​ − 1 differ from
10. Identify the zeros of the function
the graph of its parent function?
f(x) = x(x − 1)(x + 2).
Select all the transformations.
0 , 1 , −2 ◻ A. The graphs are the same.
◻ B. Subtracting 1 translates the
11. Describe the behavior at each zero graph right 3 units.
of the function f(x) = (x − 5)(x − 1​​)​​  2​​.
◻ C. The leading coefficient, 2,
𝖠 The graph touches the x-axis at stretches the graph vertically.
1 and crosses the x-axis at 5. ◻ D. Subtracting 3 translates the
𝖡 The graph touches the x-axis at graph left 3 units.
−5 and 1. ◻ E. Subtracting 1 translates the
𝖢 The graph touches the x-axis at graph down 1 unit.
−1 and crosses the x-axis at −5.
𝖣 The graph crosses the x-axis at
−1 and 11.
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3 Topic Assessment Form A, HONORS

1. Select all statements that are true 4. If x − 3 is a factor of P(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ +
about the polynomial function ​​x​​  2​​ − 17x + 15, select the two factors
f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ + 7​​x​​  4​​ − 3. that express P(x) as a product.
◻ A. The degree of the ◻ A. (x – 3)
polynomial is 3. ◻ B. (​x​​  2​​ − 4x − 5)
◻ B. The function written in ◻ C. (​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 5)
standard form is
f(x) = 7​​x​​  4​​ + ​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ − 3. ◻ D. (​x​​  2​​ + 4x − 5)

◻ C. As x increases, f(x) increases. ◻ E. not a factor

◻ D. The end behavior of the

5. Use a graph of the polynomial
graph of f(x) is similar to
function f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ − 2​​x​​  2​​ to
that of g(x) = x.
complete the sentences.
◻ E. The zeros of the polynomial
are approximately −0.76 −2 0 1 2 increases
and 0.76. decreases remains constant

2. Use the Binomial Theorem to

The zeroes of f are 0 and 2 .
expand (x − 2​​)​​  6​​. As x increases, f(x) increases .
𝖠 ​​x​​  6​​ − 2​​x5​​ ​​ + 4x4 − 8​x​​  3​​ + 16x​ ​​  2​​ − As x decreases, f(x) decreases .
32x + 64
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𝖡 x​​  6​​ − 12​​x5​​ ​​ + 24x4 − 36x​ ​​  3​​ + 48x​ ​​  2​​ − 6. Lucy cuts 4 squares with side
60x + 12 length x in. from the corners of a
6-by-9-in. piece of paper. She folds
𝖢 x​​  6​​ − 12​​x5​​ ​​ + 60x4 − 160x​​  3 + the paper to make a tray that is x
240x​​  2​​​− 192​​​x​​​ + 64 in. high. Complete the function for
𝖣 x​​  6​​ − 32​​x5​​ ​​ + 16x4 − 8x​​  3+ 4x​​2​​​− the tray’s volume V in terms of x.
2​​​x​​​ + 64 V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ + x
4 30 54
3. Simplify (​​x​​  2​​ + 2x)(​​x​​  2​​ + x + 5).
7. Use polynomial identities to factor
Write the simplified polynomial
64 + 27​​a​​  3​​. Select all factors.
in standard form.
◻ A. (4 − 3a)
​x​​  4 ​2x​​  3 ​3x​​  3 ​5x​​  2 ​7x​​  2 ◻ B. (4 + 3a)
◻ C. (16 + 12a + 9​a​​  2​)
​ 10x​​ ​10
◻ D. (16 − 12a + 9​a​​  2​)
◻ F. (16 − 12a + 3​a​​  2​​)
x​​  4​ + 3x​​  3​ + 7x​​  2​ + 10x​​  ​
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8. The volume of a y 11. Describe the behavior at each zero
cube with length 15 of f(x) = (x − 5)(x − 1)(x + 4).
x is V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​.
The volume of
10 𝖠 The graph touches the x-axis at
4 and crosses the x-axis at −1
a sphere with 5
and −5.
radius x is shown x
in the graph.
0 1 𝖡 The graph touches the x-axis at
−5, and 1.
Over the interval [0.5, 1], which
volume is increasing faster? 𝖢 The graph crosses the x-axis at
5, 1, and −4.

The volume of the

◻ sphere
is 𝖣 The graph touches the x-axis
◻ cube at −4 and crosses the x-axis
at 1 and 5.
increasing faster.

9. Use synthetic division to divide 12. Find f(27) for f(x) = 2​​x​​  4​​ + x​​  3 − ​8​​x​​ + ​3
2​​x​​  4​​ − 3​​x​​  3​​ + 2​​x​​  2​​ − 8x − 1 by x − 1. using the Remainder Theorem.
Complete the quotient. 𝖠 −23 𝖢 −3
​2x​​  4 ​2x​​  3 −​x​​  2 −​6x​​  2 ​ x​​ 𝖡 23 𝖣3

​  8
−​_____ 13. A prism has height x + 1 and
​ 8x​​ −​7 −​16 x−1 ​​ 15 ​​
x−1 base area ​​x​​  4​​ − ​​x​​  3​​ + 3​​x​​  2​​ − 3x + 3.
Complete the sentence.
2x​​  3​ + −x​​  2​ + x​ +
The function that represents the

−7​ + −​​ _____
8 ​​ ◻ even.
prism’s volume is ◻ odd.

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10. Select the equation of the graph as ◻ neither.
it relates to its parent cubic function.
4 14. How does the graph of the
function f(x) = 2​​x​​  4​​ − 3 differ from
2 the graph of its parent function?
x Select all the transformations.
−4 −2 ◻ A. The graphs are the same.
◻ B. Subtracting 3 translates the
−4 graph down 3 units.
◻ C. The leading coefficient, 2,
−6 stretches the graph vertically.

𝖠 y = (x + 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2 ◻ D. Subtracting 3 translates the

graph up 3 units.
𝖡 y = −(x + 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2
◻ E. Subtracting 3 translates the
𝖢 y = −(x − 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2 graph right 3 units.
𝖣 y = (x − 4)​ ​​  3​​ + 2
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3 Performance Task Form A

Arthur wants to make a raised rectangular frame, shown below, to grow basil
plants. The basil plants are transplanted, with their soil, from 2-in.-wide pots into
the frame. The diagram at the right below shows a top-down view of the frame.
Each circle represents a transplanted basil plant with its soil. Arthur will add more
soil to the frame until the soil is 3x in. deep.

x in. x in. x in.

x in. 2 in. x in. 2 in. x in. 2 in. x in.

x in. x in. x in.

3x in.
x in. 2 in. x in. 2 in. x in. 2 in. x in.

x in. x in. x in.

1. Write a polynomial function V to represent the volume of soil in the frame in

terms of x. Explain.
V(x) = 3x(4x + 6)(3x + 4), where V is the volume in cubic
inches; Sample answer: The soil will be in the shape of a
rectangular prism. Its height h will be 3x in., and its base B will
be 4x + 6 in. by 3x + 4 in. So, V = Bh = (4x + 6)(3x + 4) · 3x.
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2. Predict the end behavior of the graph of function V. Explain.

As x → −∞, V(x) → −∞; as x → ∞, V(x) → ∞;
V(x) = 3x(4x + 6)(3x + 4) can be written as
V(x) = 36​​x​​  3​​ + 102​​x​​  2​​ + 72x,
so it has a positive leading coefficient and an odd degree.
3. Graph function V on a graphing calculator. Identify the x-intercepts, and tell
which, if any, of these intercepts has meaning in the context of the problem.
__ __
Check students’ graphs; x-intercepts: −​​  4 ​​, −​​  3 ​​, 0; Sample answer:
3 2
Only 0 makes sense, because x represents a length, and
lengths cannot be negative. For this situation, x ≥ 0.

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4. Assume that each basil plant needs 1300 cubic inches of soil. In that case, about
how far apart should each basil plant be from the plants next to it? Explain.
About 5 in.; The total volume of soil must be 1,300 · 6 = 7,800 ​​in.​​  3​​;
Sample answer: Use the graph to find the value of x for which
V(x) = 7,800, which is about 5.1 in. Each plant is about 5.1 in.
away from another plant.
5. Arthur plants 4 basil plants in a square frame like
x in. x in.
the one shown. The soil in this frame will be
2x in. deep. x in. 2 in. x in. 2 in. x in.

Part A
x in. x in.
Write a polynomial function V in standard
form to represent the volume of soil in the x in. 2 in. x in. 2 in. x in.
frame in terms of x. Explain your reasoning,
and identify the polynomial identities and x in. x in.
other properties you used.
V(x) = 18​​x​​  3​​ + 48​​x​​  2​​ + 32x;
Volume = 2x(3x + 4)(3x + 4)
= 2x(9​​x​​  2​​ + 24x + 16) Square of a sum
= 18​​x​​  3​​ + 48​​x​​  2​​ + 32x Distributive Property
Part B
Given that each basil plant needs 1300 ​​in​​ 3​​of soil, will neighboring plants in the
square frame be closer to each other or farther apart than neighboring plants

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in the rectangular frame? Explain.
Farther apart; Sample answer: The total volume of soil must be
1,300 · 4 = 5,200 ​​in.​​  3​​. Function V(x) = 18​​x​​  3​​ + 48​​x​​  2​​ + 32x gives
the total volume of soil in the frame, and when V(x) = 5,200,
x ≈ 5.8 in.; so, each plant is about 5.8 in. away from
neighboring plants.

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3 Performance Task Form B

Jamie is constructing shipping containers for a sporting goods store. The containers
are to be rectangular prisms.

1. The first container Jamie constructs will be used to ship baseballs. It will have a
width of x ft, a length of (x + 8) ft and a height of (x − 4) ft. Its volume will be
135 ​​ft​​  3​​.
Part A
Write a function V for the volume of the container. Write an equation to find
one possible width for the container.
V(x) = x(x + 8)(x − 4) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 32x; ​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 32x = 135;
​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 32x − 135 = 0
Part B
Find the possible rational solutions of the equation from Part A. Are the
solutions viable? Explain.
Sample answer: Factors of 135 are ±1, ±3, ±5, ±9,±15, ±27,
±45, ±135. By the rational root theorem, only numbers a/b
with these values as the numerators or denominators could
be rational solutions of the equation. The only rational root
is −5. However, it is a negative number, so it is not a viable
dimension for the container.
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Part C
Are there viable irrational dimensions possible for width of the container?
If so give the approximate dimensions for the container. Explain.
5.72 ft × 13.72 ft ×1.72 ft; Sample answer: From Part B, −5 is
a solution of the equation ​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 32x­ − 135 = 0. By the
Remainder Theorem (x + 5) must be a factor of ​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​
− 32x­ − 135. Dividing them yields ​​x​​  2​​ − x − 27 = 0. Solving
​​x​​  2​​ − x − 27 = 0 using
__the Quadratic
__ Formula gives the
irrational roots ______  ​​ and ______
​​  1 + ​ 109 ​ ​​  1 − ​ 109 ​
√ √
 ​​. The first root is positive
2 2
so it is a viable dimension for the container.
x ______ ≈ 5.72
=​​  1 + ​ 109 ​


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2. Jamie decides that the container described in the previous section will not be
practical to handle because of its shape. He plans to build containers with sides
which increase by 1 foot. Let x be the smallest dimension of the container.
Part A
Write and graph a function V for the volume of the new containers.
V(x) = x(x + 1)(x + 2); Check students’ graphs.

Part B
The volume of the container will be 150 ​​ft​​ 3​​. Transform the graph of the
function V from Part A, so that the x-intercept is the width of the container.
Write a function f to represent this graph. How does the graph of this f relate
to the graph of function V in Part A?
Check students’ graphs. f(x) = x(x + 1)(x + 2) − 150; Answers may
vary: The graph f is the graph of V translated 150 units down.
Part C
What are the dimensions of the container to the nearest tenth?
4.4 ft × 5.4 ft × 6.4 ft

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3. Jamie builds a second, larger container to ship basketballs. The volume V
(in cubic feet) of the container is a function of some unknown value x,
where V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44.
Jamie needs to ship boxes of basketballs in this larger container. These boxes
haven’t been constructed yet, but he knows that their volume in terms of x will
be (x − 2) ​​ft​​  3​​. How many basketball boxes, in terms of x, can Jamie fit in the
new container? Explain your reasoning.

​​x​​  2​​ + 13x + 30 + _____

​​  104 ​​boxes; Sample answer: Since the volume
of the container is given by V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44 ​​ft​​  3​​,
divide ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44 by (x − 2) to find the number of
boxes that will fit in the container:
​​ ________________
   ​​ = ​​x​​  2​​ + 13x + 30 + _____
3 2
​x​​  ​ + 11​x​​  ​ + 4x + 44
​​  104 ​​.
x−2 x−2

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3 Performance Task Form A, HONORS

Jamie is constructing shipping containers for a sporting goods store. The containers
are to be rectangular prisms.

1. The first container Jamie constructs will be used to ship baseballs. It will have
a width of x ft, a length of (x + 6) ft and a height of (x − 2) ft. Its volume will
be 165 ​​ft​​  3​​. Write a function V for the volume of the container. Then find one
possible width for the container. Explain.
V(x) = x(x + 6)(x − 2) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 12x; 5 ft; Sample
answer: Find x when V(x) = 165; ​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 12x = 165,
so ​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 12x − 165 = 0. Factors of 165 are ±1, ±3,
±5, ±11, ±33, and ±165. By the Rational Root Theorem, only
these can be rational solutions of the equation. Substitution
shows that only 5 is a solution.
2. Are there any other possible widths for the container? Explain.
No; Sample answer: 5 is a solution of ​​x​​  3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 12x − 165 = 0,
so by the Remainder Theorem (x − 5) must be a factor of
​​x​​  3​​ + ​​4x​​  2​​ − 12x – 165. Dividing them gives ​​x​​  2​​ + 9x + 33;
​​x​​  2​​ + 9x + 33 = 0 has two complex solutions. By the
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, x​​  ​​ 3​​ + 4​​x​​  2​​ − 12x − 165 = 0 has
no other roots besides 5 and the complex roots. Since complex
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roots cannot represent widths, 5 is the only possible width.

3. Jamie builds a second, larger container to ship basketballs. The volume V
(in cubic feet) of the container is a function of some unknown value x,
where V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44.
Part A
List all the roots of the function V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44. Explain.
The roots are −11, 2i, and −2i; Sample answer: By the
Rational Root Theorem, the only possible rational solutions
of ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44 = 0 are ±1, ±2, ±4, and ±11.
Substitution shows that only −11 is a solution. Since −11
is a solution of ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44 = 0, by the Remainder
Theorem, (x + 11) must be a factor of x​​  ​​ 3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x +
44. Dividing by this factor gives ​​x​​  2​​ + 4; ​​x​​  2​​ + 4 = 0 has
two complex conjugate roots: x + 2i and x − 2i. By the
Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, these and −11 are the only
roots of x​​  ​​ 3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44 = 0.
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Part B
Jamie needs to ship boxes of basketballs in this larger container. These boxes
haven’t been constructed yet, but he knows that their volume in terms of x will
be (x − 2) ​​ft​​  3​​. How many basketball boxes, in terms of x, can Jamie fit in the
new container? Explain your reasoning.

​​x​​  2​​ + 13x + 30 + _____

​​  104 ​​boxes; Sample answer: Since the volume
of the container is given by V(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44 ​​ft​​  3​​,
divide ​​x​​  3​​ + 11​​x​​  2​​ + 4x + 44 by (x − 2) to find the number of
boxes that will fit in the container:
​​ ________________
   ​​ = ​​x​​  2​​ + 13x + 30 + _____
3 2
​x​​  ​ + 11​x​​  ​ + 4x + 44
​​  104 ​​.
x−2 x−2
Part C
Jamie finds out that the function for the volume of the second container has
to change because the unknown value x is increased by 2. Use a graphing
calculator to graph V(x) and V(x + 2). How are the graphs different?
Check students’ graphs; The graph of V(x + 2) is a translation
2 units to the left of the graph of V(x).

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4. Jamie wants to build a third container to ship footballs. The container will be a
cube with sides of length (x + 2​​)​​  2​​ft. Write the volume of the container in terms
of x as an expanded polynomial. Explain.
​​x​​  6​​ + 12​​x​​  5​​ + 60​​x​​  4​​ + 160​​x​​  3​​ + 240​​x​​  2​​ + 192x + 64
Sample answer: The length of one side is (x + 2​​)​​  2​​.
Since the container will be a cube, its volume will be
[(x + 2​​)​​  2​​​​]​​  3​​ = (x + 2​​)​​  6​​. Expand (x + 2​​)​​  6​​using the Binomial
Theorem. Use Pascal’s Triangle to write the coefficients:
(x + 2​​)​​  6​​ = ​​x​​  6​​ + 12​​x​​  5​​ + 60​​x​​  4​​ + 160​​x​​  3​​ + 240​​x​​  2​​ + 192x + 64.

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4 Readiness Assessment

1. What are the coordinates of the 6. What is the slope and y-intercept
vertex of y = (x − 5​​)​​  2​​ − 2? of the function shown in the
𝖠 (5, 2) 𝖢 (5, −2)
𝖡 (−5, 2) 𝖣 (−5, −2) 8

2. What are the coordinates of the x
vertex of y = −​​x​2​​ + 7? −8 −4 O 4 8
𝖠 (0, 7) 𝖢 (0, −7) −4

𝖡 (7, 0) 𝖣 (−7, 0) −8

𝖠 m = __​52​; b = −5
3. Write the coordinates of the vertex
of y = −(x + 1​​)​​  2​​. 𝖡 m = __​52​; b = 5
(−1, 0) 𝖢 m = − __​52​; b = −5
𝖣 m = − __​52​; b = 5
4. How does the graph of
g(x) = −(​​x​3​​ − 4) + 6 differ from 7. A company had sales of about
the graph of f(x) = ​​x​3​​? $34,000 after the first year.
𝖠 g is a reflection of f. Over the past 5 years, sales have
increased by 12% each year.
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𝖡 g is stretched vertically.
Which function best models the
𝖢 g is translated left 4 units. situation?
𝖣 g is translated up 2 units. 𝖠 linear function
5. Select all the statements that 𝖡 quadratic function
describe how the graph of 𝖢 exponential function
g(x) = ​​2x​3​​ + 8 differs from the
𝖣 cannot be determined
graph of f(x) = ​​x​3​​.
◻ A. g is a reflection of f.
◻ B. g is stretched vertically.
◻ C. g is translated right 8 units.
◻ D. g is translated left 8 units.
◻ E. g is translated up 8 units.
◻ F. g is translated down 8 units.

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8. Rudy graphs f(x) = x2 and g(x) = 4x2. 13. Solve a(bx + 1) = b(x + a) for x.
Which of the following are the same ​ ab ​
𝖠 x = _______
for the graphs of functions f and g? ab − b

◻ direction the parabola opens 𝖡 x = ​ba ​


◻ location of the vertex ​ab − a ​

𝖢 x = _______
ab − b
◻ y-value when x = 3 𝖣 x = ​a −a 1 ​

◻ axis of symmetry
​​  23 ​​​​(__
14. Solve __ ​  35 ​x + 9)​​ = __
​​  14 ​​(2x + 40).
9. For which function is the average
rate of change over the interval
x = −40
1 < x < 5 greater than the average
rate of change over the same 15. Factor 2​​x​2​​ + 13x − 24.
interval for the function 𝖠 2(x + 6)(x − 2)
g(x) = 1.5x2?
𝖡 2(x − 3)(x + 4)
𝖠 f(x) = x2
𝖢 (x + 8)(2x − 3)
𝖡 g(x) = 1.2x2
𝖣 (x − 8)(2x + 3)
𝖢 h(x) = 1.4x2
𝖣 j(x) = 1.6x2 16. Find the common zero between
the functions y = 3​​x​2​+ 7x − 6 and
10. Add (4​​x​3 ​​− 3​​x​2​​ + 7​​x)​​​+ (5​​x​2​​ + x + 2). y = 5​​x​2​​ + 14x − 3.
4​​x​​  3 ​​+ 2​​x​​  2 ​​+ 8x + 2 x = −3

11. Subtract (9​​x​3​​ + 2​​x​2 ​​− 3x) − 17. Factor 4​​x​2​​ − 36 completely.

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(5​​x​2​​ − 4x − 1).
𝖠 4(x − 3)(x + 3)
9​​x​​  3 ​​− 3​​x​​  2 ​​+ x + 1 𝖡 (2x − 6)(2x − 6)
4(x + 2) 𝖢 2(x − 3)(x + 3)
12. Solve 3(x − 4) − 2(x − 7) = _____
​​  5 ​​.
𝖣 (2x − 6)(2x + 6)
𝖠 x = −2
𝖡 x = 138 18. What are the solution(s) of
𝖢 x = 6 ​​x​​  2​​ + 3x = −5(x + 3) − 1?
𝖣 x = −1 𝖠 x = 3, x = −3
𝖡 x = 4, x = −4
𝖢 x = 3
𝖣 x = −4

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4-1 Lesson Quiz

Inverse Variation and the Reciprocal Function

1. Write an equation that shows the inverse variation represented in the table.

x 3 10 15 30
y 5 1.5 1 0.5

xy = 15
2. Which equation shows the inverse variation represented in the table?

x −3 −1 1 2
2 3
y 4 12 −24 −18

𝖠 y= - 12
𝖡 y = 12
𝖢 y = ___

𝖣 y = -x12
3. Three students can wash a car in 16 minutes. If the time varies inversely with
the number of students washing the car, how many minutes will it take
two students to complete that same job?
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𝖠 20
𝖡 22
𝖢 24
𝖣 26
4. What is the equation of the horizontal asymptote of the graph of y = ​​ ____
​​ − 4?
y= −4
​​  1x ​​ is translated 3 units up and 2 units to the left.
5. The graph of y = __
What is an equation of the translated graph?
​​  1 ​​ + 3
𝖠 y = _____
​​  1 ​​ + 3
𝖡 y = _____
​​  1 ​​ + 2
𝖢 y = _____
​​  1 ​​ − 2
𝖣 y = _____
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4-2 Lesson Quiz

Graphing Rational Functions

1. Which equation is shown in the graph?


−4 −2 O 2 4


1 ​​
𝖠 p(x) = 2 − ​​  ______
2x − 4
1 ​​
𝖡 p(x) = 2 + ​​  ______
2x + 4
1 ​​
𝖢 p(x) = 2 − ​​  ______
2x + 4
1 ​​
𝖣 p(x) = 2 + ​​  ______
2x − 4
(x + 1​)​​  2​
2. Identify any vertical asymptotes of the graph of y = _________
​​  2 ​​.
​x​​  ​ − 3x − 4
𝖠 x = −4 and x = −1 𝖢 x = −1 and x = 4

𝖡 x = −1 𝖣 x=4
− 2x
​​  43 −
3. What are the vertical and horizontal asymptotes of the graph of f(x) = _____ 3x
𝖠 x = ​​ __43​​ and y = ​​ __23​​ 𝖢 3 ​​ and y = ​​ __
x = ​​ __ 2 ​​

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4 3
𝖡 x = ​​ __23​​ and y = ​​ __43​​ 𝖣 3 4
x = ​​ __​​ and y = ​​ __​​
2 3
4. A scientist mixes x liters of water into a container that has 10 liters of a mixture
​​  x 1.2
that is 12% salt and 88% water. The function f(x) = _____ + 10
​​represents the percent
of salt in the new mixture. How many liters of water must be added to make a
1% salt mixture?

110 liters
Water =      

5. The graph of which equation below has a horizontal asymptote at y = −3?

​​  x − 3 ​​
𝖠 y = _____
​​  x ​​
𝖡 y = ______
2 − 3x
​​  1 − 3x ​​
𝖢 y = ______
​​  1 + 3x ​​
𝖣 y = ______
2 − 3x
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4-3 Lesson Quiz

Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions

x2 − 2x
1. Simplify __________
​​  .​ ​
(x − 2)(x + 3)
1 x ​​​
𝖠 ​(x − 2)(x + 3)
   ​​ 𝖢 ​​ _____

​ 2x ​
​𝖡 _____ − 2 ​​
𝖣 ​​  x_____
x+3 x+3
(x + 5)(​x​​  2​ − 25)
​ 2. Simplify ____________
   2 2
(x + 5​)​​  ​(x − 5​)​​  ​
x + 5​
𝖠 ​_____
​ 1 ​
𝖡 _____
​ 1 ​
𝖢 _____
x − 5​
𝖣 ​_____
2 2 2 2
​​  a​b​​  ​ − ​a​​  ​b ​​ · _____
3. Simplify ________ ​​  ​a​​  ​​b​​  ​​​.
ab a−b
𝖠 −a2b2
2 2
𝖡 ​a b ​
b − ​a
𝖢 ab
𝖣 ab2 − a2b
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2 2
9 − ​x​​  ​
4. What is the quotient of ​​ _____
​​  ​x​​  ​ + 3x
​​ and _________ 6x + 9

​x3 −− 3x​​
𝖠 _____ 3 − x ​​
𝖢 ​​ _____
x − 3 ​​
𝖡 ​_____
𝖣 ​​  xx −+ 33​​

​−4 2 (x + 2​)​​  2​
​​ ​x​​  2x
5. The area of a rectangle is _____ ​​ ​​in.​​  2​​and its length is ______
​​  2 ​​ in.
What is the width in inches?
x(x + 2)
𝖠 ​_______

​x+2 ​
𝖡 ______
​x(x​​+ 2)

​x−2 ​
𝖢 ______
​x(x​​− 2)

​x−2 ​
𝖣 ______
​x(x​​+ 2)

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4-4 Lesson Quiz

Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions

​​  2x 5+ 1 ​​ + _____
1. Add _____ ​​  4x 8+ 2 ​​, with x ≠ −​__12 ​​.
5x + 8 ​​
​2x 9+ 1​​
𝖠 ______ 𝖢 ​​ ______
4x + 2
​4x13+ 2​​
𝖡 ______ 18 ​​
𝖣 ​​ ______
2x + 1

2. What is the LCM for (x + 3​​)​​  2​​(x − 2) and (x + 3)(​​x​​  2​​ − 16)?
𝖠 (x + 3)
𝖡 (x + 3)(x − 2)(x − 16)
𝖢 (x + 3​)​3​(x − 2)(​x​2​+ 16)
𝖣 (x + 3​)​2​(x − 2)(​x​2​− 16)
​​  x −3 1 ​​ − ____
3. Subtract ____ ​​  x +4 3 ​​.
−x + 13
𝖠 ​ ___________
  ​​; x ≠ − 3 or 1
(x − 1)(x + 3)
−x + 5
𝖡 ​ ___________
  ​​; x ≠ − 3 or 1
(x − 1)(x + 3)
7x + 5
𝖢 ​ ____________
  ​​; x ≠ − 3 or 1
(x − 1)/(x + 3)
7x + 13
𝖣 ​ ___________
  ​​; x ≠ − 3 or 1
(x − 1)(x + 3)
​  1x ​– _____
__ ​  1 ​

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_______ (x + 2)
4. Simplify ​​  2 ​​.
1 ​​; x ≠ −2
𝖠 ​ (x + 2)
𝖡 __​1x​; x ≠ 0
𝖢 ​ _______
x(x + 2)
​​; x ≠ −2 or 0
𝖣 ​ _______
x(x − 2)
​​; x ≠ 2 or 0
5. The equation r = _____
​​  __
1 1
​​represents the total resistance, r, when two resistors
​  ​r​  ​​ ​ + ​  ​r​  ​​ ​
1 2
whose resistances are ​​r​  1​​​ and ​​r​  2​​​are connected in parallel. Find the total
resistance when ​​r​  1​​​ is x and ​​r​  2​​​ is x + 1.
​2x 1+ 1​​; x ≠ −1, − __​12 ​, or 0
𝖠 ______
𝖡 2x + 1; x ≠ −1 or 0
x(x + 1)
𝖢 ​_______ ​1 ​, or 0
​​; x ≠ −1, − __
2x + 1 2
2x + 1
𝖣 ​_______
x(x + 1)
​​; x ≠ −1 or 0
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4-5 Lesson Quiz

Solving Rational Equations

​​ 2x 1− 3 ​​ = 4.
1. Solve the equation _____
𝖠 __​12​​
𝖡 ___
​13 8 ​​

𝖢 ___ 8

𝖣 ___ 8

2. Aaron can paint a door in 6 hours, and Anna can do the same job in 3 hours.
Working together, how many hours will it take them to paint a door?
h= 2
3. Solve the equation ​​ ____
​​  2x 4+ 3 ​​.
​​ = _____
x= −6.5

​​ x−3
4. Solve the equation ____+3
​​  x +x 3 ​​ − __
​​ = ____ ​​  5x ​​; identify any extraneous solutions.

solution: x = 5
extraneous solution: x = −3

5. In still water, the speed of a boat is 10 mi/h. Camilla drives the boat 5 miles
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upstream and 5 miles back to her starting point in an hour and 20 minutes.
What is the speed of the stream?
𝖠 2 mi/h
𝖡 3 mi/h
𝖢 4 mi/h
𝖣 5 mi/h

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4 Topic Assessment Form A

1. The width, y, of a rectangle with 5. Describe the transformations

a fixed area varies inversely with needed to translate the graph of
its length, x. The width is 3 inches ​​  1x ​to the graph of y = ____
y = __ ​​  x +1 3 ​​ − 4.
when the length is 14 inches. Find
the width when the length is
𝖠 to the right 3 and up 4
30 inches. 𝖡 to the left 3 and up 4
𝖠 0.71 inches 𝖢 6.43 inches 𝖢 to the right 3 and down 4
𝖡 4.48 inches 𝖣 1.4 inches 𝖣 to the left 3 and down 4

2. What is the domain of the function ​​  2 10 ​= ____

6. Solve ______ ​​  x −5 2 ​​ − __
​​  3x ​.
2 ​x​ ​ − 2x
​​  ​x2​​  ​ − x − 2  ​​?
f(x) = ________ 𝖠 x = 0 𝖢 x=2
​x​​  ​ − 5x + 6
𝖠 All real numbers except 3 𝖡 x = 0 and 2 𝖣 no solution
𝖡 All real numbers except 2 and 3
7. Luke and Nora can peel 20 carrots
𝖢 All real numbers except −1 and 3 in 6 min, working together. Luke
𝖣 All real numbers except −1, 2, can peel 5 carrots in 2 min, working
and 3 alone. How many minutes would
it take Nora to peel 10 carrots,
3. What are the horizontal and working alone?
vertical asymptotes of the graph of 𝖠 15 𝖡 12 𝖢 8 𝖣4
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​x​​  2​ − 3x − 4
y = ​​ __________ 2
1 − 3x − 4​x​​  ​

𝖠 y = −​__14 ​​ and x = −​__14 ​​ 8. What is the remainder when

5​​x​3​​ − 11​​x​​  2​​ + 5x + 2 is divided by
𝖡 y = −​__14 ​​ and x = __
​14 ​​ 5x − 4?
𝖢 ​14 ​​, x = 1, and x = __
y = __ ​14 ​​ 𝖠 −​__35​​ 𝖡 ​​ ___
38 ​
𝖢 ​​ __25​​ 22 ​
𝖣 −​___
25 5
𝖣 y = −​__14 ​​, x = −1, and x = __ ​14 ​​
3(1 + x)
9. Solve ​​ ______
​​  1x ​. x =
​= 1 − __ 7
4. Complete the sentence to describe
+1 10. What is the sum ____ ​​  2−6 ​​?
​​ x +1 3 ​​ + _____
​​  3x
the equation y = _____
2x − 5
​​  . x −9
𝖠 ​​  2 −6
The equation has a x + x − 12
𝖡 1
​​ _________ ​
◻ linear 2
x +x+2
◻ quadratic
function graph.
𝖢 ​x​2​− 9
◻ exponential −5 ​
𝖣 ​​ _____
◻ rational x+3

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11. Solve __ ​​  ​x​​  ​ 2+ 2x − 3 ​​.
​​  13 ​​ = __________ ​​  1x ​+ __
15. If a = __ ​​  1y ​, what is the value of __
​​ 1a ​?
3​x​​  ​ − 2x −1
𝖠 __​83​ 𝖠 x + y 𝖢 ​​ _____
x + y​
𝖡 −​__13​ 𝖡 ​​ _____
​ 𝖣 ​​x​2​​ + ​​y​2​​
𝖢1 16. What are the horizontal and
𝖣 no solution vertical asymptotes of the graph of
​​  5x
y = _____
2x − 5
12. What are the horizontal and 𝖠 y = 2.5; x = 2.5
vertical asymptotes of the graph of
​​  x4 + 3 ​​?
y = ______
𝖡 y = 2.5; x = −2.5
​x​ ​ − 81
𝖢 y = 0; x = 2.5
𝖠 y = 0; x = 3 𝖣 y = 0; x = −2.5
𝖡 y = 0; x = −3 and x = 3
𝖢 y = 1; x = 9 ​​  1 ​​ = ____
17. Solve ______ ​​  3x ​.
​​  x −2 3 ​​ + __
x(x − 3)
𝖣 y = 1; x = −9 𝖠 −2 𝖢 1
𝖡 2 𝖣 −3
13. It takes 2 h for Faucet A to fill a
tank, and it takes Faucet B 3 h.
18. Select all the functions whose
How many hours will it take
graphs have a horizontal
the two faucets to fill the tank
asymptote at y = 7.
𝖠 0.2 𝖢 0.8 ◻ 7 ​​
A. y = ​​ _____
​7x​2​ + 1
𝖡 1.2 𝖣 1.8 ◻ B. y = ​​ _______ ​​
​x​2​ + 7

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◻ C. y = 7 + ​​ __ 1​
14. The graph of xy = 6 is translated
up 3 units and to the right 2 units. ◻ 7x + 3
D. y = ​​ ______
Select all the possible equations for ​x​ ​ + 1
the translated graph. ◻ 2x − 1
E. y = ​______
​x​2​ − 49
◻ 6 ​​
A. y = 3 + ​​ _____
19. A rectangle has area ​​
◻ 3x ​​
B. y = ​​ _____
x−2 x​3​​ + 3​​x​2​​ − 18x ​​in.​​  2​​ and width
x + 6 in. What is the length in
◻ C. (x − 2)(y − 3) = 6
◻ 3 ​​
D. y = ​​ _____
x−2 𝖠 ​​x​2​​ + 3x
◻ E. (y − 2)(x − 3) = 6 𝖡 ​​x​2​​ + 6x
𝖢 ​​x​2​​ − 3x
𝖣 ​​x​2​​ − 6x

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4 Topic Assessment Form B

1. The width, y, of a rectangle with 5. Describe the transformations

a fixed area varies inversely with needed to translate the graph of
its length, x. The width is 4 inches ​​  1x ​to the graph of y = 2 + ____
y = __ ​​  x −1 5 ​​.
when the length is 18 inches.
Find the width when the length is
𝖠 to the left 5 and up 2
40 inches. 𝖡 to the left 2 and down 5
𝖠 0.56 inches 𝖢 10.08 inches 𝖢 to the right 2 and down 5
𝖡 8.9 inches 𝖣 1.8 inches 𝖣 to the right 5 and up 2

2. What is the domain of the function ​​  2 2x + 4 ​​ = ____

6. Solve _________ ​​  x +1 1 ​​ + ____
​​  x +1 3 ​​.
2 ​x​​  ​ + 4x + 3
​​  ​x​​  ​ 4− x − 2 ​​?
f(x) = ________
​x​​  ​ − 81 𝖠 no solution
𝖠 All real numbers except 3 𝖡 x = 2
𝖡 All real numbers except −1 and 3 𝖢 x = 1 and 2
𝖢 All real numbers except −3 and 3 𝖣 all values of x, x ≠ −1 and x ≠ −3
𝖣 All real numbers except −3, 1,
and 3 7. Two robots can do a task in 5 min,
working together. The first robot,
3. What are the horizontal and working alone, can do the task in
vertical asymptotes of the graph of 15 min. How many minutes will it
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​​  ​x​​  ​ − 3x 2− 4 ​​?
y = _________ take the second robot, working
3 − ​x​​  ​ alone, to do the task?
𝖠 y = −1; x = ±​​√ 3 ​​ 𝖠 10 𝖡 7.5 𝖢 5 𝖣2
𝖡 y = 1; x = ±​​√ 3 ​​
𝖢 y = −1; x = 1 and x = √​​ 3 ​​ 8. What is the remainder when
4​​x​​  4​​ − 10​​x​​  2​​ + 2x + 1 is divided by
𝖣 y = −1; x = 1 and x = −​​√ 3 ​​
4x − 1?
18 ​​
4. Complete the sentence to describe 𝖠 −​​ __12​​ 𝖡 4 57 ​​
𝖢 ​​ ___
𝖣 −​​ ___
​​  x −1 5 ​​.
the equation y = ____
2(1 − x)
9. Solve ​​ ______
​​  3x ​.
​= 1 − __
The equation has a
x= 2.2
◻ linear
◻ quadratic
function graph.
◻ exponential
◻ rational

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10. What is the sum ____ ​​  2 −8 ​​?
​​ x −1 4 ​​ + ______ ​​  2x ​+ __
15. If a = __ ​​  1y ​, what is the value of ​​ __1a ​?
x − 16
𝖠 ​​ ______ 𝖢 ​​ ______
−8 2y + x xy
𝖠 ​​ __________
​ xy

x + 2y

x + x − 20
𝖡 −7 ​
​​ _____ 𝖡 ​​ ______
x + 2y
​ 𝖣 x + 2y
𝖢 ​​ _________​
2 16. What are the horizontal and
x +x+2
1 ​
vertical asymptotes of the graph of
𝖣 ​​ _____
x+4 ​​  −x
y = ______ +3

​​  2​x​​  2x
11. Solve x = _________
​​. 𝖠 y = −1; x = 8
𝖠 1 𝖢 −1 𝖡 y = −1; x = −8
𝖡 ​__12 ​​ 𝖣 no solution 𝖢 y = 1; x = 8
𝖣 y = 1; x = −8
12. What are the horizontal and 2
vertical asymptotes of the graph of ​​  ​x​ ​ x+−x 2− 4 ​​ = x − ____
17. Solve ________ ​​  x −1 2 ​​.
​​  4 ​x​​  ​ +23 ​​?
y = __________ 𝖠 −2 𝖢 −1
​x​​  ​ + 2​x​​  ​ − 3

𝖠 y = 1; x = ± 1 𝖡 1 𝖣 3

𝖡 y = 1; x = ±3
18. Select all the functions whose
𝖢 y = 0; x = 1 graphs have a horizontal
𝖣 y = 0; x = −1 asymptote at y = __​​  23 ​​.
◻ A. y = ​​ ______
2 ​​
3x − 1
13. It takes 4 h for Faucet A to fill a
tank, and it takes Faucet B 6 h. ◻ B. y = ​​ _______
2​x​2​ + 1
3​x​2​ − 2

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C. y = ​​ __
2 ​​ + __
How many hours will it take
the two faucets to fill the tank
◻ 3 x
​​  1 ​
together? ◻ D. y = ​​ _______
2x − 3 ​​
3​x​ ​ + 1
𝖠 1.4 𝖡 2.4 𝖢 2.0 𝖣 5.0
◻ E. y = 3 + ​​ ___
14. The graph of xy = 6 is translated
up 2 units and to the left 2 units. 19. A rectangle has area
Select all the possible equations for ​​x​3​​ − 15x − 4 ​​cm​​  2​​ and width
the translated graph. x − 4 cm. What is the length in
◻ A. y = 2 + ​​ _____
6 ​​
x+2 𝖠 ​​x​2​​ + 4x
◻ B. ​​ __​​ = _____
​​  x + 5 ​​ 𝖡 ​x​2​​ − 4x + 2
2 x+2
◻ C. y = ​​ _______
2x + 10
​​ 𝖢 ​​x​2​​ + 4x + 1
◻ D. y = ​​ _______
6x + 10
𝖣 ​x​ ​2​​ + 1
◻ E. y = 4 + ​​ _____ 4 ​​

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4 Performance Task Form A

Modern scuba-diving equipment allows divers

to stay underwater for long periods of time.
Underwater instructors use mathematics to
explore safety issues related to scuba diving.
An instructor gives scuba-diving students the
handout shown at the right.

1. Use the information in the handout.

Part A
Suppose that a certain amount of air takes
up a volume of 4 qt in a diver’s lungs at a
depth of 66 ft, where the pressure is 3 atm.
As the diver changes depth, the volume taken
up by this fixed amount of air changes. Write
an equation that defines the volume V, in quarts, taken
up by that amount of air at a given depth d, in feet. Explain.
V = ​​  396 ​​; Sample answer: V varies inversely with P,
d + 33
so VP = k. So, k = 4(3) = 12 and VP = 12 and P = ​​  12 ​​. __
Substitute ​​  12__ __
​​ for P in P = ​​  d ​​ + 1 and solve for V.
V 33
So, ​​  12 __
​​ = ​​  d ​​ + 1 and V = ​​  396 ​​. ______
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V 33 d + 33
Part B
Complete the table and graph below to show how the volume of the given
amount of air in the diver’s lungs varies with depth. What are the asymptote(s)
of your graph, and how do they apply to the real-world situation?

Depth (ft) Volume (qt) 14

0 12 12
Volume (qt)

33 6 8
66 4 6
99 3 2
132 2.4 0
0 33 66 99 132 165 198
165 2 Depth (ft)

Sample answer: The horizontal asymptote is the x-axis because

the rational expression for V will never be equal to zero. This
implies that air can never be compressed to a volume of zero,
which makes sense.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
2. The volume of air in a diver’s lungs increases as the diver resurfaces.
This expansion can cause damage to the membranes of the lungs.
Part A
A diver fills her lungs with 4 qt of air at a depth of 66 ft. How many
quarts of air will she need to exhale during her ascent to still have 4 qt
of air in her lungs when she reaches the surface? Explain.
Sample answer: From the table in Item 1, 4 qt of air at
66 ft will expand to 12 qt by the time she reaches the surface.
If she wants to have 4 qt of air in her lungs at the surface,
she needs to exhale 12 – 4 qt, or 8 qt, as she surfaces.
Part B
Suppose the situation in Item 1 changes. The air that occupied a certain
volume, V, when the diver was at a certain depth, d, now occupies that volume
when she is 5 ft deeper. How does this affect the graph and the values for V in
Part B of Item 1? Explain.
The graph will shift right 5 units, and the volume of air will be
greater than it was before at the same depth (alternatively,
the volume of air will be the same as it was before at a greater
depth now).

Part C
Use the information from the graph and table in Item 1 to write an explanation
for the reason that beginning divers are told, “Don’t hold your breath!”
As the graph and table from Item 1 show, the volume of air in

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the lungs increases as the diver ascends. Divers must exhale
during ascent to prevent the expanding air from damaging
their lungs.

3. At greater depths, a diver uses the air in the tank more quickly. Assume that
the amount of time the air will last is inversely proportional to the pressure
at the depth of the dive. Suppose a tank has enough air to last 60 min at the
surface. How long will it last at a depth of 99 ft? (Hint: Determine P in terms
of t to find your answer.) Explain.
The air will last 15 min at 99 ft.; Sample answer: At the surface,
P = 1 atm, and t = 60 min. Since Pt = k, k = 1(60), or 60.

At 99 ft, P = _____
​​  d  ​​ + 1 = __
​​  99 ​​ + 1 = 3 + 1 = 4.
33 33
Substituting 4 for P in Pt = 60, 4(t) = 60, so t = 15 min.

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4 Performance Task Form B

Engineers study different shapes for storage tanks for liquid hydrogen, an
important component of rocket fuel. One engineer is testing both the spherical
and cylindrical designs below. Both shapes have the same radius, x. The height of
the cylinder is 2​​x​​  2​​.

x 2x2

Surface area: 4𝜋​​x​​  2​​ Surface area: 2𝜋​​x​​  2​​ + 4𝜋​​x​​  3​​
​​  43 ​​𝜋​​x​​  3​​
Volume: __ Volume: 2𝜋​​x​​  4​​

1. The engineer wants to choose the tank that has the least ratio of surface area
to volume.
Part A
Write a function f to represent the ratio of surface area to volume for the
sphere. Then write a function g to represent the ratio of surface area to volume
for the cylinder. Simplify the expression for each function. Explain.

sphere: f(x) = __
​​  3x ​​; cylinder: g(x) = _____
​​  1 +22x
 ​​. Sample answer: For each
​x​​  ​
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design, write the ratio of surface area to volume. Then divide

out the common factors in the numerator and denominator to
f(x) = ​​  4π​x​​  ​
= ​​  ________ ​​ = __​​  3 ​​;
3(4π​x​​  2​) __________
x​​  ​ + 4π​x​​  ​
g(x) = ​​  2π​ ​​ =
​​  __________
 ​​ = ​  _____
2π​x​​  2​(1 + 2x)
1 + 2x
__4 3
​   ​π​x​​  ​ 2 x
(4π​x​​  ​)x 4 2π​x​​  ​ 2 2 2
2π​x​​  ​(​x​​  ​) ​x​​  ​

Part B
Use technology to graph the functions f and g you found in y x=1
Part A. Use the graph to find the x-value where the two designs
have the same surface area to volume ratio. 2
g x
Sample answer: The two designs have the O 2 4
same ratio where the curves of f and g intersect,
at x = 1.

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Part C
Use algebra to confirm the x-value you found in Part B. For which value(s)
of x would the engineer choose the spherical design? The cylindrical design?

Sample answer:
__​​  3 ​​ = _____
​​  1 + 2x ​​ Set the ratios equal to each other.
x ​x​​  2​
3x = 1 + 2x Multiply both sides by ​​x​​  2​​.
x=1 Subtract 2x from both sides.
The engineer chooses the design with the lesser ratio of
surface area to volume. For 0 < x < 1, the sphere has the lesser
ratio. For x > 1, the cylinder has the lesser ratio.
2. An engineer wants to test the complex and dangerous process of filling and
emptying a tank of liquid hydrogen. The tank has a volume of 400,000 ​​cm​​ 3​​.
The tank can be filled 5,000 ​​cm​​ 3​​per hour faster than it can be emptied.
Part A
Suppose r is the rate at which this tank is filled in thousands of cubic
centimeters per hour. Write an equation for t, the total number of hours it
takes to fill and empty this tank, in terms of r. Simplify the expression and

t = __________ ​​; Sample answer: The tank is filled in ___

800r − 2,000
​​  ​​  400
r ​​ hours.
r(r − 5)

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The tank is emptied in ​​ ____
​​ hours. t = (fill time)
+ (empty time) = ___
​​  400 ____ 400
r ​​ + ​​  r − 5 ​​. Using a common denominator,
t = ______________ ​​ = __________
400(r − 5) + 400r 800r − 2,000
   ​​  ​​.
r(r − 5) r(r − 5)
Part B
Use technology to graph the equation from Part A to find the fill rate that
would allow you to fill and empty the tank in 100 hours. Check for extraneous
solutions, and explain your work. Round to the nearest tenth.

fill rate: 11.2 thousand ​​cm​​  3​​/h; Sample answer: The graph of
t = __________
800r − 2,000
​​  ​​shows two intersections with the line t = 100.
r(r − 5)
r = 1.8 is extraneous; it results in a negative rate to empty
the tank. r = 11.2 gives an empty rate of 6.2 thousand ​​cm​​  3​​/h.
The tank fills and empties in ____________
800(11.2) − 2,000
    ​​ ≈ 100.2 h.
11.2(11.2 − 5)
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Cumulative Assessment 2

1. A preschool has 100 feet of fencing 4. Solve the system.

to enclose 3 sides of a rectangular y = −​x​+ 9
playground. The fourth side is
formed by a wall of the school. y = ​​x​2​​ + 3
The function A(x) = 100x − 2​​x​2​​ Select all points that are a solution
represents the possible area of the to the system.
playground with side length x feet.
Which range is appropriate for this
◻ A. (−3, 12) ◻ D. (2, 0)
situation? ◻ B. (−3, 0) ◻ E. (−2, 7)

𝖠 0 < A < 1250 ◻ C. (2, 7) ◻ F. (3, 6)

𝖡 0 < A ≤ 25
5. Solve the system.
𝖢 0 < A ≤ 1250
y = −2​​|x + 1|​​ + 3
𝖣 0 < A < 25

2. Over what interval is the graph of Select all points that are a solution
y = |x + 6| decreasing? to the system.

𝖠 (−∞, −6) ◻ A. (−2, 1) ◻ D. (2, −3)

𝖡 (−∞, 6) ◻ B. (−1, 2) ◻ E. (−4, −3)

◻ C. (0, 1) ◻ F. (−3, −4)
𝖢 (−6, ∞)
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𝖣 (6, ∞) 6. Simplify (2 − 3i)(1 + 5i) − 3(−2 + î).

3. The function f(x) = 2​​|x − 1|​​ + 3 23 + 4 i

is shifted left 4 units and down
5 units to form function g(x). 7. A teacher uses a strong slingshot
Select the equation for the to release an object from the
transformed function g(x). roof of the school. The function
𝖠 g(x) = 2​|x + 3|​− 2 a(t) = −16​​t​2​​ + 128t + 50 gives
the approximate altitude, in feet,
𝖡 g(x) = 2​|x − 5|​− 2 of the object t seconds after it
𝖢 g(x) = 2​|x + 3|​+ 8 is released. How long will it be
before the object hits the ground?
𝖣 g(x) = 2​|x − 5|​+ 8 Round to the nearest second.

8 seconds

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8. Solve 0 = ​​x​2​​ + 16x + 128 by 11. Consider the polynomial function
completing the square. f(x) = ​​x​3​​ + 2​​x​2​​ + ​​x​4​​ − 8 + 4x. Select
all the statements that are true
𝖠 x = 8 + 8i and x = 8 − 8i about the function.
𝖡 x = −8 + 8i__and x = −8 − 8i __
◻ A. The degree of the
𝖢 x = −8 + i​​√2 ​​ __and x = −8 − i​​√2 ​​  __ polynomial is 3.
𝖣 x = −16 + i​​√2 ​​  and x = −16 − i​​√2 ​​  ◻ B. Written in standard
9. A soccer ball is kicked into the form the function is
air from a 22-m-high hill. The f(x) = ​x​4 ​+ ​x​3​+ 2​x​2​+ 4x − 8.
equation h(t) = −5​​t​2​​ + 10t + 22 ◻ C. As x increases or decreases,
gives the height h, in m, of the ball f(x) increases.
t seconds after it is kicked.
◻ D. The polynomial function has
Part A a maximum.
Complete the equation that can
be used to tell if the ball reaches
◻ E. The x-intercepts are at x = −1
and x = 2.
a height of 35 m.
◻ The function is negative over
−5 ​​t​​  2​​ + 10 t+ 22 = 35 the interval (–2, 1).
Part B
Does the ball reach a height of 12. Use the choices provided to simplify
35 m? Complete the sentence. (24​​x​3​​ − 16​​x​2​​) − (6​​x​3​​ + 18​​x​2​​ − 14).

The ball
◻ does
18​​x​3​​ 30​​x​3​​ 34​​x​2​​ 2​​x​2​​
◻ does not
−34​​x​2​​ 14 −14
a height of 35 m because
the equation from Part A 18​​x​3​​ + −34​​x​2​​ + 14

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◻ does have a solution.
◻ does not 13. Use a graph of the polynomial
function f(x) =​​ x​3​​ − 6​​x​2​​ + 3x + 10
10. The table shows a car’s fuel to complete the sentences.
efficiency, y, in miles per gallon,
for different traveling speeds, x, increasing decreasing
in miles per hour. positive   negative

Speed, x 10 20 30 40 50 60
f is increasing on the intervals
Efficiency, y 19.5 24.6 28.1 30 30.3 29
(−∞, 0.27) and (3.73, ∞).
Complete the quadratic function
that models the situation. f is positive on the intervals

y = −0.008   ​​x​2​​ + 0.75    ​​x​ ​​+ (−1, 2) and (5, ∞).

12.8 If the trend continues, f is negative on the intervals

what is the car’s fuel efficiency
(−∞, −1) and (2, 5).
when traveling at 80 miles per
hour? 21.6 miles per gallon
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 4 Assessment Resources
14. An artist cuts 4 squares with side 19. The volume y
length x ft from the corners of a of a cube with 4
12 ft-by-18 ft piece of sheet metal. side length x is
She bends up the sides and welds V(x) = ​​x​3​​. The
the corners to form a rectangular volume of a 2
garden fountain that is x ft high. cylinder with 1
Write and simplify a function V radius x and x
for the volume of the fountain in height 0.5x is 0 0 1 2
terms of x. shown in the
graph. Over the interval [1, 1.25],
V(x) = 4 ​​x​​  3​​ + −60 ​​x​​  2​​ + which volume is increasing faster?
216 x
◻ cylinder
The volume of the is
◻ cube
15. Use polynomial identities to factor
increasing faster.
64​​x​9​​ − 125​​y​6​​.

𝖠 (4​​x​2​​ + 5y)(16​​x​4​​ + 20​​x​2​​y + 25​​y​2​​) 20. Consider the function g(x) = 8 − 2​​x​4​​.

𝖡 (4​​x​2​​ − 5y)(16​​x​4​​ − 20​​x​2​​y + 25​​y​2​​) Part A

Complete the sentence.
𝖢 (4​​x​3​​ + 5​​y​2​​)(16​​x​6​​ − 20​​x​3​​​​y​2​​ + 25​​y​4​​)
𝖣 (4​​x​3​​ − 5​​y​2​​)(16​​x​6​​ + 20​​x​3​​​​y​2​​ + 25​​y​4​​) ◻ even.
The function g(x) is ◻ odd.
16. If x + 1 is a factor of ◻ neither.
P(x) = ​​x​3​​ + 6x + 7, then select Part B
the other factor that represents
Select all transformations of
P(x) as a product.
the parent function f(x) = ​​x​4​​ to
𝖠 (​x​2​− x + 7) create g(x).
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𝖡 (​x​2​+ x + 7) ◻ A. translate down 8 units

𝖢 (​x​2​− 5x + 2) ◻ B. reflect over the x-axis

𝖣 not a factor ◻ C. vertical compression by a

factor of 2

17. Identify the zeros of the function ◻ D. translate up 8 units

f(x) = (x − 5)(x + 3)(2x − 1). Write ◻ E. vertical stretch by a factor of 2
values as decimals when necessary. ◻ F. reflect over the y-axis
x= −3 , 0.5 , 5
21. Select the domain of the function
18. P varies inversely with x. If P = 14 ​2​2x​​  ​ − 2x − 4 ​​  .
f(x) = ________________
when x = 16, find the value of P ​x​​  ​ + 2x − 24
when x = 21. 𝖠 x ≠ 6, 4
𝖠 224 32 ​​
𝖢 ​​ ___ 𝖡 all real numbers
21 ​​
𝖡 ​​ ___ 𝖣 4704 𝖢 x ≠ 6, −4
𝖣 x ≠ −6, 4
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 4 Assessment Resources
−1 x+2
​​  xx +
22. Let f(x) = ____ 2
 ​​ and g(x) = ​​ ____
 ​​ . 26. Consider the system of inequalities ​​

{y ≤ x + 3
Part A y < (x − 2​)​​  2​ + 3
​    ​​​.​
What is (fg)(x) in simplest form?
Select all the viable solutions.
x−1 x−2 ​x​2​​ + x − 2
◻ A. (1, 4)   ◻ D. (0, 6)
​x​2​​ − 2 ​x​2​​ − 4 ◻ B. (2, 4)      ◻ E. (5, 5)
x−1 ◻ C. (3, 3)    ◻ F. (1, 0)

x−2 27. What are the horizontal and

Part B vertical asymptotes of the graph
What is (f + g)(x) in simplest form? ​​  x3 − 10 ​​?
of y = ________
​x​​  ​ − 125
2x + 1 x+1 2​​x​2​​ + x + 6
𝖠 y = 10; x = 125 𝖢 y = 0; x = 5
2​​x​2​​ +4 ​x​2​​ −4 𝖡 y = 10; x = 5 𝖣 y = 0; x = 10

2​​x​​  2​​ + x + 6
28. The graph of xy = 12 is translated
​​x​​  2​​ −4 down 6 units and left 4 units.
Which equation could represent
23. It takes 24 h to fill a large basin the translated graph?
with two hoses. The water flows ​​  12 ​​
𝖠 y = 6 + _____
4 times as fast in one hose as in the x−4
other. How long will it take the ​​  12 ​​
𝖡 y = −6 + _____
slower hose to fill the basin if the
faster hose is not functioning? ​​  −6 − 12x ​​
𝖢 y = ________
𝖠 60 h 𝖢 72 h ​​  12
𝖣 y = _____x ​​ + 10

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𝖡 96 h 𝖣 120 h
29. If b = ​​ __3x ​+ __
​​  3y ​, what is the value of __
​​ 1 ​?
24. A rectangle’s length is 3 more b
x+y xy
than twice its width, x, and the 𝖠 ​​ _______
3y + 3x
​ 𝖢 ​​ _______
3y + 3x

area is no more than 40 sq. units.
3xy xy
Complete the quadratic inequality 𝖡 ​​ _____
​ 𝖣 ​​ ______
3y + x

that represents the situation, using
the choices provided.
30. Select all the equations with
​x​2​​ ​2x​2​​ x 3​x
graphs that have a horizontal
< ≤ > ≥ asymptote at y = −3.

2​​x​​  2​​ + 3x ≤ 40 ◻ 1 ​− 3
A. y = ​​ __
x ◻ ​​  3 ​​
D. y = _____

​​  x 12
25. Solve 2x + ____ ​​  x 4x
​​ = ____ ​​.
◻ −3x ​​
B. y = ​​ _____
◻ ​​  3x ​​
E. y = _____
−3 −3
𝖠 2 𝖢 2, −3 ◻ 1  ​​
C. y = ​​ _____
𝖡 2, 3 𝖣 ​​ __12​​
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 4 Assessment Resources

Cumulative Assessment 2, HONORS

1. A preschool has 100 feet of fencing 5. Solve the system.

to enclose 3 sides of a rectangular y = −x + 9
playground. The fourth side is
formed by a wall of the school. y = ​​x​2​​ + 3
The function A(x) = 100x − 2​​x​2​​ Select all points that are a solution
represents the possible area of the to the system.
playground with side length x feet.
Which range is appropriate for this
◻ A. (−3, 12)
situation? ◻ B. (−3, 0)
𝖠 0 < A < 1250 ◻ C. (2, 7)
𝖡 0 < A ≤ 25 ◻ D. (2, 0)
𝖢 0 < A ≤ 1250 ◻ E. (−2, 7)
𝖣 0 < A < 25 ◻ F. (3, 6)

2. Over what interval is the graph of 6. Solve the system.

y = |x + 6| decreasing?
y = −2​​|x + 1|​​ + 3
𝖠 (−∞, −6) 𝖢 (−6, ∞)
𝖡 (−∞, 6) 𝖣 (6, ∞)
Select all points that are a solution
to the system.
3. How many terms are in this finite
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arithmetic sequence?
◻ A. (−2, 1)

6, 14, 22, 30, … 62

◻ B. (−1, 2)

𝖠 6 𝖢 8
◻ C. (0, 1)

𝖡 7 𝖣 9
◻ D. (2, −3)
◻ E. (−4, −3)
4. A teacher uses a strong slingshot ◻ F. (−3, −4)
to release an object from the
roof of the school. The function
7. Simplify (2 − 3i)(1 + 5i) − 3(−2 + î).
a(t) = −16​​t​2​​ + 128t + 50 gives
the approximate altitude, in feet, 23 + 4 i
of the object t seconds after it
is released. How long will it be
before the object hits the ground?
Round to the nearest second.

8 seconds

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 4 Assessment Resources

8. Solve 0 = ​​x​2​​ + 16x + 128 by 11. Consider the polynomial function
completing the square. f(x) = ​​x​3​​ + 2​​x​2​​ + ​​x​4​​ − 8 + 4x. Select
all the statements that are true
𝖠 x = 8 + 8i and x = 8 − 8i about the function.
𝖡 x = −8 + 8i__and x = −8 − 8i __
◻ A. The degree of the
𝖢 x = −8 + i​​√2 ​​ __and x = −8 − i​​√2 ​​  __ polynomial is 3.
𝖣 x = −16 + i​​√2 ​​  and x = −16 − i​​√2 ​​  ◻ B. Written in standard form
the function is
9. A soccer ball is kicked into the f(x) = ​x​4 ​+ ​x​3​+ 2​x​2​+ 4x − 8.
air from a 22-m-high hill. The
equation h(t) = −5​​t​2​​ + 10t + 22 ◻ C. As x increases or decreases,
gives the height h, in m, of the ball f(x) increases.
t seconds after it is kicked. ◻ D. The polynomial function has
Part A a maximum.
Complete the equation that can ◻ E. The x-intercepts are at x = −1
be used to tell if the ball reaches a and x = 2.
height of 35 m.
◻ The function is negative over
−5 ​​t​​  2​​ + 10 t+ 22 = 35 the interval (–2, 1).
Part B
Does the ball reach a height of 12. Use the choices provided to simplify
35 m? Complete the sentence. (24​​x​3​​ − 16​​x​2​​) − (6​​x​3​​ + 18​​x​2​​ − 14).

The ball
◻ does
reach a
18​​x​3​​ 30​​x​3​​ 34​​x​2​​ 2​​x​2​​
◻ does not −34​​x​2​​ −14 14
height of 35 m because the equation
18​​x​3​​ + −34​​x​2​​ + 14

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from Part A does have a
◻ does not
solution. 13. Use a graph of the polynomial
function f(x) =​​ x​3​​ − 6​​x​2​​ + 3x + 10
10. The table shows a car’s fuel to complete the sentences.
efficiency, y, in miles per gallon,
for different traveling speeds, x, increasing decreasing
in miles per hour. positive   negative

Speed, x 10 20 30 40 50 60
f is increasing on the intervals
Efficiency, y 19.5 24.6 28.1 30 30.3 29
(−∞, 0.27) and (3.73, ∞).
Complete the quadratic function
that models the situation. f is positive on the intervals
y = −0.008   ​​x​2​​ + 0.75    ​​x​ +
​​ (−1, 2) and (5, ∞).

12.8 If the trend continues, f is negative on the intervals

what is the car’s fuel efficiency
(−∞, −1) and (2, 5).
when traveling at 80 miles per
hour? 21.6 miles per gallon
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 4 Assessment Resources
14. An artist cuts 4 squares with side 18. Identify the zeros of the function
length x ft from the corners of a f(x) = (x − 5)(x + 3)(2x − 1). Write
12 ft-by-18 ft piece of sheet metal. values as decimals when necessary.
She bends up the sides and welds
the corners to form a rectangular
x= −3 , 0.5 , 5
garden fountain that is x ft high.
Write and simplify a function V 19. Consider the function g(x) = 8 − 2​​x​4​​.
for the volume of the fountain in
Part A
terms of x.
Complete the sentence.
V(x) = 4 ​​x​​  3​​ + −60 ​​x​​  2​​ +
216 x ◻ even.
The function g(x) is ◻ odd.
15. Use polynomial identities to factor ◻ neither.
64​​x​9​​ − 125​​y​6​​. Part B
𝖠 (4​​x​2​​ + 5y)(16​​x​4​​ + 20​​x​2​​y + 25​​y​2​​) Select all transformations of
𝖡 (4​​x​2​​ − 5y)(16​​x​4​​ − 20​​x​2​​y + 25​​y​2​​) the parent function f(x) = ​​x​4​​ to
create g(x).
𝖢 (4​​x​3​​ + 5​​y​2​​)(16​​x​6​​ − 20​​x​3​​​​y​2​​ + 25​​y​4​​)
◻ A. translate down 8 units
𝖣 (4​​x​3​​ − 5​​y​2​​)(16​​x​6​​ + 20​​x​3​​​​y​2​​ + 25​​y​4​​)
◻ B. reflect over the x-axis

16. Use the Binomial Theorem to ◻ C. vertical compression by a

factor of 2
expand (2a + 2b​)​​  6​​. What is the
third term of the expansion? ◻ D. translate up 8 units

960 a
4 b
2 ◻ E. vertical stretch by a factor of 2
◻ F. reflect over the y-axis
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17. The volume of a cube with side

length x is V(x) = ​​x​3​​. The volume of 20. P varies inversely with x. If P = 14
a cylinder with radius x and height when x = 16, find the value of P
0.5x is shown in the graph. Over when x = 21.
the interval [1, 1.25], which volume 32 ​​
𝖠 224 𝖢 ​​ ___
is increasing faster?
21 ​​
𝖡 ​​ ___ 𝖣 4704
y 16
21. Select the domain of the function
​2​2x​​  ​ − 2x − 4 ​​  .
f(x) = ________________
2 ​x​​  ​ + 2x − 24
1 𝖠 x ≠ −6, 4
x 𝖡 x ≠ −4, 6
0 1 2
𝖢 x ≠ −2, 1
The volume of the
◻ cylinder
is 𝖣 x ≠ −1, 2
◻ cube
increasing faster.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 4 Assessment Resources
−1 x+2
​​  xx +
22. Let f(x) = ____ 2
 ​​ and g(x) = ​​ ____
 ​​ . 26. The cost C to ship a package
weighing x lb is given by the
Part A piecewise function

{2.25x + 1.5, 2 < x ≤ 5.

What is (fg)(x) in simplest form? 1.5x, x ≤ 2
C(x) = ​​ ​ ​ ​​​
x−1 x−2 ​x​2​​ + x − 2
What is the cost to ship a 3-lb
​x​2​​ − 2 ​x​2​​ − 4 package? Round to the nearest cent.
$ 8.25
x−2    27. What are the horizontal and
vertical asymptotes of the graph
Part B
​​  x3 − 10 ​​?
of y = ________
What is (f + g)(x) in simplest form? ​x​​  ​ − 125
𝖠 y = 10; x = 125 𝖢 y = 0; x = 5
2x + 1 x+1 2​​x​2​​ + x + 6
𝖡 y = 10; x = 5 𝖣 y = 0; x = 10
2​​x​2​​ + 4 ​x​2​​ − 4
28. The graph of xy = 12 is translated
2​​x​​  2​​ + x + 6 down 6 units and left 4 units.
Which equation could represent
​​x​​  2​​ − 4 the translated graph?
​​  12 ​​
𝖠 y = 6 + _____
23. It takes 24 h to fill a large basin
with two hoses. The water flows ​​  12 ​​
𝖡 y = −6 + _____
4 times as fast in one hose as in the
​​  −6 − 12x ​​
𝖢 y = ________
other. How long will it take the x+4

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slower hose to fill the basin if the ​​  12
𝖣 y = _____x ​​ + 10
faster hose is not functioning?
𝖠 60 h 𝖢 72 h
29. If b = ​​ __3x ​+ __
​​  3y ​, what is the value of __
​​ 1 ​?
𝖡 96 h 𝖣 120 h x+y xy
𝖠 ​​ _______
3y + 3x
​ 𝖢 ​​ _______
3y + 3x

24. Using the Remainder 3xy xy

Theorem, find p(−6) when 𝖡 ​​ _____
​ 𝖣 ​​ ______
3y + x

p(x) = 2x3 + 4x2 + x + 124.

36 30. Select all the equations with

graphs that have a horizontal
asymptote at y = −3.
​​  x 12
25. Solve 2x + ____ −3
​​  x 4x
​​ = ____ −3
𝖠 2 ◻ 1 ​− 3
A. y = ​​ __
x ◻ ​​  3 ​​
D. y = _____
𝖡 2, 3 ◻ −3x ​​
B. y = ​​ _____
◻ ​​  3x ​​
E. y = _____
𝖢 2, −3 ◻ 1  ​​
C. y = ​​ _____
𝖣 ​​ __12​​
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 4 Assessment Resources

5 Readiness Assessment

__ __
1. Select all the expressions that are 5. Multiply and simplify √
​​ 8 ​​(√
​​ 2 ​​ + 2).
equivalent to 9.
𝖠 6___
◻ A. 3​​  2​​
​ 𝖡 √​ 32 ​​
◻ 3
B. 4 − ​​ √ −125 ​​ ___
𝖢 4​​√ 2 ​​
◻ C. ​​√ −81 ​​ ___
𝖣 4 + 4​​√2 ​​
◻ D. √
​ 81 ​​
◻ E. −3(−27​​)​​  ​  3 ​
6. Which of the following is
equivalent to ​​2​​  5​​?
​ 2. If the area of a square is 𝖠 64
represented by A = ​​x​​  2​​ − 144,
which of the following would
𝖡 (​ ​2​​  2​)​​​  3​​
also represent this area? 𝖢 2​ ​​  3​​ + ​​2​​  2​​
𝖠 (x − 12​​)​​  2​​ 𝖣 (​​2​​  7​​)(​​2​​  −2​​)
𝖡 (x + 12​​)​​  2​​ 7. Which of the following is
____ ____
𝖢 (x + √​​ 144 ​​)(x − √​​ 144 ​​) equivalent to ​​3​​  2​​?
______ _______
𝖣 (x + √​​ 144 ​​)(x + √​​ −144 ​​) ​ 3−1 ​​
𝖠 ____
​3​​  ​
3. What are all the real and complex 𝖡 ​​3−3​​  ​ ​​
solutions of the equation ​3​​  ​
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​​x​​  3​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ − 6x = 0? 𝖢 27

𝖠 {0} 𝖣 3​ ​​  5​​ − ​3​​  3​​
𝖡 {0, 6i, −6i}___ 8. Use an exponent to complete the
−1 ± i​√ 23 ​
𝖢 {0, _________
​​} equation: (​​3​​  2​​)(​​4​​  2​​) = (3 · 4​​)​ ​  2​​
𝖣 {−2, 0, 3}
9. Which of the following is
​4​​  −4​  · (​2​​  3​​)​​  2​
equivalent to ________
​  −2 2 ​?
4. What is the greatest number of ​4​​  ​  · ​2​​  ​
real and complex solutions that the 𝖠 256
equation 81​​x​​  4​​ − 16 = 0 can have? 𝖡 2​ ​​  5​​
𝖠 1 𝖢 2​ ​​  −1​​
𝖡 2 𝖣 2​ ​​  0​​
𝖢 3
𝖣 4

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

10. Sketch the graph of 14. Solve the system by graphing.
g(x) = (x − 2​​)​​  2​​ + 4. ​​  1 ​​(x − 1​​)​​  2​​
y + 2 = __
y y = −x + 3

6 y

4 4
−8 −4 O 4 8
x −4
O 2 4 6 8

11. How does the graph of

(3, 0) and (−3, 6)
g(x) = (x − 3​​)​​  3​​ − 2 differ from
the graph of f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​?
15. Find the product
𝖠 g is shifted 3 units right and (​​x​​  2​​ + 4)(​​x​​  4​​ − 4​​x​​  2​​ + 16).
2 units up.
𝖠 x​ ​​  6​​ − 6x − 9 𝖢 x​ ​​  6​​ + 64
𝖡 g is shifted 3 units right and
2 units down. 𝖡 x​ ​​  8​​ + 4x − 1 𝖣 x​ ​​  6​​ − 64
𝖢 g is reflected across the y-axis.
16. Find (2 + 5x​​)​​  2​​.
𝖣 g is rotated 90° clockwise.
4 + 20x + 25​​x​​  2​​
12. Which function represents the
quadratic function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ after a 17. Identify the function with the
shift of 2 units to the right and range {y | y ≤ −2}.
a vertical stretch by a factor of 2? 𝖠 f(x) = −(x − 2​​)​​  2​​ + 2

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𝖠 g(x) = (2x − 2​​)​​  2​​ 𝖡 f(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ + 2
𝖡 g(x) = 2​​x​​  2​​ + 2 𝖢 f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 4x + 2
𝖢 g(x) = 2(x − 2​​)​​  2​​ 𝖣 f(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ + 4x − 6
𝖣 g(x) = (​​ __12 ​​ x − 2​​)​​  2​​
18. The function f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 3x − 10
represents the area of a rectangle
13. Sketch and label the graph of
with length x. Identify the domain
y = (x − 3​​)​​  2​​and the graph of its
and range of f.
reflection across the x-axis.
𝖠 Domain: All real numbers
y Range: {y | y ≥ −12.25}

2 y = (x − 3)2
𝖡 Domain: {x | x > 0}
x Range: {y | y > −12.25}
O 2 4 6 𝖢 Domain: {x | x > 5}
−2 y = −(x − 3)2 Range: {y | y > 0}
−4 𝖣 Domain: Positive real numbers
Range: Positive real numbers
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

5-1 Lesson Quiz

nth Roots, Radicals, and Rational Exponents

1. What are the real fourth roots of 256?

Real fourth roots:     and −4
2. Select all expressions that are equivalent to ​​x​​  ​  4 ​​​.
◻ A. (x3​)​​  ​  4 ​

B. x​​  ​  6 ​​​
◻ _1 _2
C. (​​x​​  ​  4 ​​​)​​​​  ​  4 ​​​
◻ D. (x​​  ​  4 ​​​)3

◻ E. ​√ x4 ​​

◻ F. ​​ √ x3 ​​

3. Explain what ​​243​​  ​  5 ​​​means, then evaluate it.

◻ square ◻ squared
_3 ◻ cube ◻ cubed
​​243​​  ​  5 ​​​ is the root of 243 .
◻ fourth ◻ to the fourth power
◻ fifth ◻ to the fifth power

◻ 3
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Its value is
◻ 9
◻ 27
◻ 81
4. Simplify the expression √
​​ 81​m12
​​  ​​n​​ 4​ ​​. Assume all variables are positive.
𝖠 9m3n
𝖡 9m6n2
𝖢 3m3n
𝖣 3m8
5. Solve the equation −4​​x​​  3​​ = 32.
x= −2

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5-2 Lesson Quiz

Properties of Exponents and Radicals
1. Rewrite the expression ​​√
81​y​​  7​ ​​using the properties of exponents.
𝖠 √ 9​​y​​  3​​​​ y ​​
𝖡 3​​y​​  2​​
𝖢 3​​y​​  2​​ ​​ √ 3y ​​

𝖣 The expression ____

cannot be simplified.

2. What is ​​ ___

4 2
​  3​a​​  7​ ​ ​​in reduced radical form?
8​b​​  ​
​√ 6​a​2​b ​
𝖠 ______
​ 2 ​
2​b​ ​
√ 2 7
𝖡 ​​ 24​a​ ​b​ ​​
a​√ 24a​b​7​
𝖢 ________



𝖣 ​ a​ 9b__​ ​
​2b​2​​√ 4 ​
____ 3 ___ ___
3. What is the reduced radical form of ​​√250 ​​ + ​​ √54 ​​ + √
​​ 72 ​​?
3 ____ 3 ___ ___
𝖠 ​√ 250 ​​ + ​​ √ 54 ​​ + √​​ 72 ​​
3 __
𝖡 8 ​​ √ 2 ​​ + √
6​​ 2 ​​
__ 3
𝖢 14 ​​ √ 2 ​​

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___ __ __
𝖣 5​​√10 ​​ + 3​​√6 ​​ + 6​​√2 ​​
__ __
4. Multiply (2​​√x ​​ + 3)(2​​√x ​​ − 3).

4 x+
7 − ​ 98 ​ √
5. What is ​​ ________ ​​in reduced radical form?
__ 3 − √
​ 2 ​
𝖠 −​√ 2 ​​
𝖡 7​​√ 2 ​​
𝖢 1 − 2​​√ 2 ​​
𝖣 9​​ __13​​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5-3 Lesson Quiz

Graphing Radical Functions
1. Complete the sentence to describe the function f(x) = √
​​ x + 2 ​​. Consider graphing
the function first.

◻ {x | x ≥ −2} ◻ {y | y ≥ −2}.

The domain of f(x) = √

​​ x + 2 ​​ is
◻ {x | x ≥ 0}
and the range is
◻ {y | y ≥ 0}.
__ __
◻ {x | x ≥ √
​ 2 ​} ◻ {y | y ≥ √
​ 2 ​}.
◻ {x | x ≥ 2} ◻ {y | y ≥ 2}.

_____ __
2. The function g(x) = √
​​ x − 5 ​​ is a transformation of the parent function f(x) = √
​​ x ​​.
Which of the following is true?
𝖠 The graph of g is a translation of the graph of f left 5 units.
𝖡 The graph of g is a translation of the graph of f down 5 units.
𝖢 The domain of f is {x | x ≥ 0}, and the domain of g is {x | x ≥ 5}.
𝖣 The range of f is {x | x ≥ 0}, and the range of g is {x | x ≥ 5}.
3. Select all the statements that describe the relationship between the graph of
_______ __

k(x) = ​​ 4x + 12 ​​ − 1 and the graph of the parent function f(x) = √
​​ x ​​.
◻ A. Adding 12 to 4x translates the graph left 12 units.
◻ B. Adding 12 to 4x translates the graph left 3 units.

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C. Multiplying x by 4 stretches the graph vertically by a factor of 4.

◻ D. Multiplying x by 4 stretches the graph vertically by a factor of 2.
◻ E. Multiplying x by 4 compresses the graph horizontally by a factor of 2.

4. Which equation represents a translation of 3 units up and 1 unit to the right of

the parent function f(x) = 3​​ √ x ​​?
𝖠 g(x) = ​​ √ x + 3 ​​ + 1
𝖡 h(x) = ​​ √ x − 1 ​​ + 3
𝖢 j(x) = ​​ √ x + 3 ​​ + 3
𝖣 k(x) = ​​ √ x − 1 ​​ − 3
3 ___
5. The length of one side, s, of a shipping box is s(x) = ​​ √2x ​​, where x is the volume
of the box in cubic inches. A manufacturer needs the volume of the box to be
between 108 ​​in.​​  3​​ and 256 ​​in.​​  3​​. What are the minimum and maximum possible
lengths of s?

6 in.; maximum:    

minimum:     8 in.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5-4 Lesson Quiz

Solving Radical Equations
1. Solve the radical equation √
​​ x − 1 ​​ + 5 = 9.
x= 17
2. Part A
Leo solved the equation b = ​​ __12 ​​ ​​ √a − 1 ​​ for a, but made an error.

His work is shown. Complete the sentences that follow.

​1 ​​√a − 1 ​
(i) b = __
2 _____
(ii) 2b = ​√a − 1 ​
(iii) 4​b​2​= a − 1
(iv) 4​b​2​+ 1 = a
◻ (i)

The error is in line

◻ (ii)
◻ (iii)
◻ (iv)
Part B
What is the correct solution to the equation?

𝖠 a = 8​b​3​+ 1
𝖡 a = 8​b​3​− 1

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𝖢 a = 8​b​3​
𝖣 a = ​b​3​+ 1
3. Solve the equation x + 3 = √
​​ x + 33 ​​.

𝖠 The equation has two solutions, −8 and 3.

𝖡 The solution to the equation is 3, and −8 is an extraneous solution.
𝖢 The solution to the equation is −8, and 3 is an extraneous solution.
𝖣 The equation has no real solutions.
4. What are the solutions to the equation 2(​​x​​  2​​ + x − 11​​)​​  ​  2 ​​​= 54? Check for
extraneous solutions.

4 and x =
x =     −5
___ _______
5. Solve the radical equation ​​√2x ​​ − ​​√36 − 2x ​​ = 6. Check for extraneous solutions.
18 . The extraneous solution is     
The solution is     0 .

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5-5 Lesson Quiz

Function Operations

1. Let f(x) = 3​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 6 and g(x) = 7x − 4. Identify the rule for g(f(x)) + g(x).
𝖠 21​​x​​  2​​ − 7x + 34
𝖡 21​​x​​  2​​ − 21x + 50
𝖢 147​​x​​  2​​ − 182x + 62
𝖣 21​​x​​  3​​ − 26​​x​​  2​​ + 57x − 28
2. The demand d for a company’s product at cost x is predicted by the function
d(x) = 500 − 2x. The price p in dollars that the company can charge for the
product is given by p(x) = x + 5. Use the formula Revenue = price × demand
to find the revenue function for the product.

2,500 +       x
R(x) =       490 2
−       ​x​2​
3. Part A
​​ gf ​​ when f(x) = −3x − 6 and g(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − x − 6.
Identify the rule for __
f(x) f(x)
𝖠 ​​  ____ ​​  −2 ​​
​​ = ______ 𝖢 ____
​​  ​​  3 ​​
​​ =​​​  ______
g(x) (x + 2) g(x) (x + 2)
f(x) −3(x − 2) f(x) ______
𝖡 ​​  ____ ​​ = ___________
​​    ​​ 𝖣 ____
​​  ​​ = ​​  −3
g(x) (x − 6)(x + 1) g(x) x−3
​ B
Select all values that are NOT in the domain of ​​ __
g ​​.
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◻ A. −1 ◻ D. 6

◻ B. 3 ◻ E. −2

◻ C. −3
4. Let g(x) = 2x + 3 and h(x) = x2 + 4x − 5. Write the rule for (g · h) (x).

2 x3 + 11 x2 + 2 x− 15
5. Let f(x) = 3​​x​​  2​​ + 2 and g(x) = √
​​ x − 4 ​​. What is the rule for the composition f ∘ g?
𝖠 (f ∘ g)(x) = √​​ 3x2 −2 ​​
, domain is all real numbers
𝖡 (f ∘ g)(x) = √​​ 3x2 −2 ​​, domain is x ≥ 4
𝖢 (f ∘ g)(x) = 3x −10, domain is all real numbers
𝖣 (f ∘ g)(x) = 3x −10, domain is x ≥ 4

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5-6 Lesson Quiz

Inverse Relations and Functions

1. The bottom table of values represents the inverse of the top table of values.
Find the missing numbers represented by letters in the bottom table.
x −2 −1 0 1 2 3 a= −1
y 5 3 1 −1 −3 −5
b= 1
x −5 −3 a b c 5 c= 3
y c 2 1 0 a d
d= −2
​​  12 ​​x + 3 and its inverse.
2. Choose the graph that shows f(x) = __
y y
8 8

6 6

𝖠 4 𝖢 4

2 2
x x
O 2 4 6 8 O 2 4 6 8

y y
8 8

6 6

𝖡 4 𝖣 4

2 2
x x
O 2 4 6 8 O 2 4 6 8

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◻ is an inverse function.
3. Let f(x) = ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 1. The inverse relation
◻ is not an inverse function.
​​  12 ​​ ​​ √x − 3 ​​ + 5.
4. Write an equation of the inverse function of f(x) = __
​​f​​  −1​​(x) =   
3 8
+    5
(x −    ​​)​​  3​​
​​  12 ​​x − 2. Complete the sentence.
5. Let f(x) = 2x + 4 and g(x) = __

◻ is the inverse of

​​  12 ​​x − 2
The function g(x) = __ ◻ is equivalent to f(x) = 2x + 4.
◻ is the opposite of
◻ has the same intercepts as

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5 Topic Assessment Form A

1. The expression √
​​ ​x​​  4​ ​​ can be written 7. Let f(x) = 64​​x​​  3​​ − 1. The inverse
as xk,
where k is a constant. What is relation
the value of k? 2 ◻ is an inverse function.
◻ is not an inverse function.
2. Which expression is equivalent to
√ −x ​​?
8. Which is the graph of f(x) = 3 + √
​​ x ​​?
𝖠 (−x)3 𝖢 x−3
1 1
__ __ 4
𝖡 (−x​​)​​  ​ 3​​​ 𝖣 ​​x​​  −​ 3​​​ D
______ 2
3. Simplify 3​​ √ 27​x​​  9​​y​​  3​ ​​. C B x
−4 −2 O 2 4
3  ​​x​​  3​​y
_____ _____ −4
4. Multiply (​​√a + 4 ​​− 2)(​​√a + 4 ​​+ 2).

𝖠 a − 8 𝖠 Graph A 𝖢 Graph C
𝖡 ​​a​​  2​​ 𝖡 Graph B 𝖣 Graph D
𝖢 a _____
9. The volume of a cube is ​​√ 142.5 ​​ ​​m​​  3​​.

𝖣 ​​a​​  2​​ + 4a Find the perimeter of its base to

the nearest tenth of a meter.
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5. Which __ expression is equivalent to

5 +__√
_____ ​ x ​
​​  ​√ x ​ ​​? 5.6 m
__ __ __
𝖠 5 10. Multiply √ ​​​ x ​​ + ​​​√x ​​).
​​ 2 ​​(2​​√
__ ___
𝖡 5​√x ​ 𝖠 2​​√ 3x ​​
__ ___
5​√x ​+ x ​​ 𝖡 2​​√ 2x ​​ + 2x
𝖢 ​​ _______
x ___
𝖣 ​​5​√x ​+ 1 𝖢 3​​√ 2x ​​
𝖣 6​​√ x ​​
6. The graph of y = √​​ x ​​ has been
translated to the right 3 units and 11. Which of the following is an
down 9 units. What is the equation increasing function?
of the translated graph? 𝖠 f(x) = √​​ ​x​​  2​ ​​
𝖠 y=3+√
​​ x + 9 ​​ 𝖡 f(x) = ___​​  √1__ ​​
______ ​ x ​
𝖡 y = 9 − √​​ x + 3 ​​ 𝖢 f(x) = 1 − √​ x ​​
𝖢 y = 3 − √​​ 9 − x ​​ 𝖣 f(x) = 1 + √​​ x ​​
𝖣 y = −9 + √​​ x − 3 ​​
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__ __
12. Let f(x) = √
​ x ​and g(x) = 3 − x. What 17. Let f(x) = 1 + √
​​ x ​​. Select all the
is the domain of f ◦ g? true statements.
x≤ 3 ◻ A. ​f​​  −1​​(−1) = 0
______ ◻ B. ​f​​  −1​​(1) = 0
13. If a(x) = 2 + ​​√2 − 8x ​​, what is an
equation for ​a​−1​(x)? ◻ C. ​f​​  −1​​(2) = 1

𝖠 a​ ​​  −1​​(x) = __________

(x + 2​)​​  ​ − 2
​​ ◻ D. (f ◦ ​f​​  −1​​)(4) = 4
2 − (x − 2​)​​  ​ ◻ −1
E. ​​f​​  ​​(1) · f(1) = 1
𝖡 a​ ​​  −1​​(x) = __________
2 __ _____
​​  ​x​​  ​ − 4x − 8 ​​
𝖢 a​ ​​  −1​​(x) = __________ ​​ x ​​ + ​​√x + 2 ​​ = 2.
18. Solve √
𝖣 a​ ​​  ​​(x) = 8​​x​​  ​​ − 4 2 𝖠 __​14​ 𝖢 2

14. Which expression is equivalent to

𝖡 __​12​ 𝖣 4
​√__x ​
​​ ______
2​√x ​ −3
__ __ 19. A store is having a 10% sale on all
2x + 3​√ x ​
𝖠 ​ 5​√ x ​ ​​
_____ 𝖢 ​​ _______
2x − 9
​​ items. There is an additional $30
2x − 9
2x + 3​√ x ​ discount to the the sale price of any
𝖡 ​ 5​√ x ​ ​​
_____ 𝖣 ​​ _______ ​​
4x − 9 4x − 9 bicycle. Let x represent the price in
dollars, and let f(x) = x − 30 and
15. Select all the statements that g(x) = x − 0.10x = 0.90x represent
describe the functions f and g. the discounts. Which function can
x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 the store manager use to find the
f(x) 16 9 4 1 0 1 4 final price of a bicycle?
g(x) 12 5 0 −3 −4 −3 0
𝖠 f + g 𝖢 g−f
◻ A. The graph of g is translated 𝖡 g ◦ f 𝖣 f◦g
4 units left from f.

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______ _____
◻ B. The graph of g is translated 20. Solve √
​​ 4x − 16 ​​ = 3 − √
​​ x − 4 ​​.
4 units down from f.
◻ C. The graphs of f and g have x= 5
the same domain.
◻ D. The graphs of f and g have 21. The volume of a sphere is
the same range. V(r) = ​​ __43 ​​  π​​r​​  3​​and the radius is
increasing 2 mm per second. The
◻ E. The graphs of f and g are
function r(t) = 2t gives the radius
both increasing for x > 1.
at time t seconds. Which function
◻ F. The graphs of f and g are gives the volume at time t?
both decreasing for x < 1.
𝖠 (V ◦ r)(t) 𝖢 (r + V)(t)
16. A cylindrical pipe is 9 ft long and 𝖡 (r ◦ V)(t) 𝖣 (V · r)(t)
has a volume of 100 f​​t​​ 3​​. Find its
approximate diameter to the 22. Solve √
​​ (x − 1​)​​  2​ ​​ = 1 − x.
nearest hundredth of a foot.
𝖠 all values of x 𝖡 x≤1
3.76 ft
𝖢 x ≥ 1 𝖣 x≤0

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5 Topic Assessment Form B

1. The expression √
​​ ​x​​  6​ ​​ can be written 7. Let a(x) = −​​x​​  2​​ + 6x − 10. The
as xk,
where k is a constant. What is inverse relation
the value of k? 3
◻ is an inverse function.

2. Which expression is equivalent to

◻ is not an inverse function.
√ −x ​​?
__ __ 1 8. Graph the function f(x) = 3​​ √ x − 5 ​​.
𝖠 (−x)​  5 ​​​ 𝖢 x−​  5 ​​​
𝖡 (−x)5 𝖣 ​​x​​  −5 8
____ A 4

​  ​a​​  ​ ​ ​.​  
3. Simplify ​​ ____
​b​​  12​
__​a ​ 4
b 6
−8 −4 O

4 8

C −4
_____ _____ D
4. Multiply (​​√x + 9 ​​ − 3)(​​√x + 9 ​​ + 3).
𝖠 x
𝖡 x + 9x 𝖠 Graph A 𝖢 Graph C
𝖢 x​ ​​  2​​ 𝖡 Graph B 𝖣 Graph D
𝖣 x − 18 9. The volume of a sphere is V = __ ​​  43 ​​ π​​r​​  3​​.
Find r, to the nearest tenth of a
__− 1 ​​?
​​ √​m
5. Which is equivalent to ______ meter, when V = ​​5√ 7,776 ​​ ​​m​​  3​​.
m ​ − 1
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​​√mm ​−−11 ​​
𝖠 _______ 1.1 m
___ __ __
𝖡 ​√ m ​​ − 1 ​​​ x ​​ · 8​​​√x ​​).
10. Multiply 12​​​√
__ ___
𝖢 ​ √ m ​​ +1 𝖠 4x​​√ x ​​​ 𝖢 24​​√ 2x ​
___ __
𝖡 4​​√ 6x ​​ 𝖣 24​x√​​​ 2 ​​
​​√ m ​m− ​​1
𝖣 _______
11. Which of the following is an
__ increasing function?
6. The graph of y = 2 + √​​ x ​​ has been ______
translated to the left 2 units and 𝖠 f(x) = √
​​ x − 2 ​​
up 1 unit. What is the equation of
𝖡 f(x) = −​​√ 2 − x ​​
the translated graph? __
______ 𝖢 f(x) = 2 − √​ x ​​
𝖠 y = 3 + √​​ x + 2 ​​ __
______ 𝖣 f(x) = ​​ √ x ​​

𝖡 y = 1 + √​​ x − 2 ​​
𝖢 y = 3 − √​​ x + 2 ​​
𝖣 y = 1 + √​​ x + 2 ​​
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__ __
12. Let f(x) = √ ​x −1 5 ​. What
​ x ​and g(x) = ____ 17. Let f(x) = 1 − √
​​ x ​​. Select all the
is the domain of f ◦ g? true statements.
x> 5 ◻ A. ​​f​​  −1​​(x) = (x − 1​​)​​  2​​

13. If a(x) = 1 + √
​​ 2x − 7 ​​, what is an ◻ B. ​​f​​  −1​​(0) = 1
equation for ​a​​ −1​(x)? ◻ C. ​​f​​  −1​​(1) = 4
(x + 1​)​​ ​+ 7
𝖠 a​ ​​  −1​​(x) = __________
​ ​ ◻ D. (​f​​  −1​​◦ f )(x) = x
(x − 1​)​ ​+ 7 ◻ E. ​​f​​  −1​​(0) = −4
𝖡 a​ ​​  −1​​(x) = __________


__ _____
​​ x ​​ + √
18. Solve √ ​​ x + 5 ​​ = 5.
𝖢 a​ ​​  −1​​(x) = 2(x − 1​)​​ 2​ + 7
𝖠 __​15​ 𝖢 4
𝖣 a​ ​​  −1​​(x) = ​x​​ 2​ + 2x + 8
𝖡 __​14​ 𝖣 5
14. Which __ expression is equivalent to
_____ 2​ √x ​
​​  √​ __x ​ − 3 ​​? 19. A store increases all its prices by 20%
2x + 6​√ x ​ and then offers a $50 discount on
​2 x+−6​√9 x ​​​
𝖠 _______ 𝖢 ​​ ________
x __
​​ all purchase prices. Let x represent
2x + 3​√ x ​
𝖡 ​ 2x − 9 8​√ x ​
​​𝖣 ​​ ______ ​​ the price in dollars. Let f(x) = 1.20x
2x − 9 represent the increase and g(x) =
x − 50 represent the discount. Which
15. Select all the statements that
function can the store manager use
describe the graphs of functions f
to find the final purchase prices?
and g. (Function values rounded to
the nearest tenth). 𝖠 f + g 𝖢 g◦f
x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 𝖡 f × g 𝖣 f◦g
f(x) 0 1 1.4 1.7 2 2.2 2.4 ______ _____
g(x) 0 3 4.2 5.2 6 6.7 7.3 20. Solve √
​​ x + 1 ​​ + ​​√x − 1 ​​ = 2.

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◻ A. g is dilated vertically by a x= 1.25
factor of 3 from f.
21. The volume of a sphere is
◻ B. g is dilated horizontally by a
​​  43 ​​  π​​r​​  3​​and the radius is
V(r) = __
factor of 3 from f.
increasing at 5 mm per second. The
◻ C. f and g have the same function r(t) = 5t gives the radius
domain and range. at time t seconds. Which function
◻ D. f and g are both increasing gives the volume at time t?
for x > −3. 𝖠 (V ◦ r)(t) 𝖢 (r + V)(t)
◻ E. f and g both have a vertical 𝖡 (r ◦ V)(t) 𝖣 (V · r)(t)
asymptote at y = 0.
22. What ___ is the least value of x such
16. A cylindrical pipe is 25 ft long and that ​​ √ ​x​​  4​ ​​ = x?

has a volume of 900 f​​t​​ 3​​. What is its

approximate diameter? 𝖠 There is no least value of x.
𝖠 3.39 ft 𝖢 6.77 ft
𝖡 x = −1
𝖡 6 ft 𝖣 12 ft
𝖢 x = 0
𝖣 x = 1
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

5 Performance Task Form A

After observing a swinging lantern, Italian scientist Galileo Galilei made an

important discovery about the timing of a pendulum’s swing. Christiaan Huygens,
from Holland, discovered the relationship between the length of a pendulum and
the time it takes to make a complete swing. These discoveries led to the use of
pendulums in clocks.
1. The period of a pendulum is the time it takes for the pendulum
____ to swing from
one extreme to the other and back. The function t(L) = 2𝜋​​ ___ L
​  980 ​ ​​ represents the √
period t, in seconds, for a pendulum of length L, in centimeters.
Part A
Use the function to complete the table below for L and t. Then graph the function.
Round values of t to the nearest tenth.

Length (cm) Period (s) 3

Time (s)

0 0 2
50 1.4
100 2.0
200 2.8 0
0 100 200 300 400 500
400 4.0 Length (cm)
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Part B
Find a function L in terms of t. Describe each step in your solution. What is
the domain of your function? Is the function increasing or decreasing over the
domain? Explain.

L(t) = _____
​​  245​2t​​  ​​​; t ≥ 0 
The function increases over
​𝞹​​  ​ the domain.
____ ____
t = 2𝞹​​√____
​  L ​ ​​, so ___
​​  t ​​ = ​​√____
​  L ​ ​​ Write original equation and
980 2𝞹 980
divide each side by 2π.
____ 2
​  t ​)​​​  ​​ = ​​​(​ ____
​​​(___ ​  L ​ ​)​​​  ​​, so ____
​​  ​t​​  2​ ​​ = ____

​​  L ​​ Square both sides and
2𝞹 980 ​4𝞹​​  ​ 980 simplify.

L = _____
​​  ​245t​​ 
​​​ Multiply both sides by 980,
​𝞹​​  ​ then simplify.
The domain is t ≥ 0, since time will never be less than zero.
The function increases over the domain.
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2. Return to the original pendulum function t(L) = 2𝜋​ ___ L
​  980 ​ ​​. How can you represent √
the inverse relation of function t algebraically? Is the inverse relation a
function? If so, what is its domain? Verify that t and ​​t​​  −1​​are inverses using
function composition.

​​t​​  −1​​(L) = ______

​​  ​245L​​ 
​​​; ​​t​​  −1​​is a function. Its domain is L ≥ 0.
​𝞹​​  ​
L = 2𝞹​​ ____
​  t ​ ​​ Switch the roles of L and t.

L = 2𝞹​​√____
​  t ​ ​​; ​​L​​  2​​ = ​​4𝞹​​  2​​​​(____
​  t ​)​​; ______
​​  980​L​​  ​​​ = t; ______
2 2
​​  ​245L​​  ​​​ = t Solve for t.
980 980 ​4𝞹​​  ​ 2 ​𝞹​​  ​ 2

So the inverse relation of t, ​​t​​  −1​​, is ​​t​​  −1​​(L) = ______

​​  ​245L​​ 
​​​. This
​𝞹​​  ​
relation is a function. Its domain is L ≥ 0, since the range
of t is t ≥ 0. ________ ___________

(t ∘ ​​t​​  −1​​)(L) = 2𝞹​​ ​ √ ( ​𝞹​​  ​ )

​ ______
​ 45L​​  2​​ ​
​  2

____ 2
​ ​​ = ​​√ ( ​𝞹​​  ​ )
​4𝞹​​  2​​ ______
​ 45L​​  2​​ ​
​  2
​   ​ ​​ = ​​√______
2 2
​  ​980L​​  ​​ ​​ = √
​​ ​L​​  2​ ​​ = L

245​​(2𝞹​ ____​  L ​ ​)​​​  ​ 245​(_____

√ ​  ​4𝞹​​  ​L ​)​ _______
​  ​ 80𝞹​​  2​L ​
(​​t​​  −1​​ ∘ t)(L) = _____________ __________ ______ ____​ ​​  2​L ​​ = L
980 980 980
   ​​ = ​​  ​​ = ​​  ​​ = ​​ 
​𝞹​​  2​ ​𝞹​​  2​ ​𝞹​​  2​ ​𝞹​​  2​
3. Suppose there is a problem with a piece of equipment that reads the period t
of pendulums. The length of each pendulum is incorrectly read as being 100 cm
longer than it actually is. For example, a pendulum that is 50 cm long is read as
150 cm. How would this affect the graph of function t? What is the equation of
the resulting incorrect graph of function t? ______

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The graph would shift 100 units to the right. t(L) = 2𝞹​​ ______
​  L − 100
 ​ ​​ √ 980
____ f of a pendulum is defined by f(t) =
4. The frequency Use the function ​​  1t ​​.

t(L) = 2𝜋​ ​  980 ​ ​​for the period of a pendulum to find the composite function f ∘ t.
Write this function in simplest form by rationalizing denominators where
necessary. Show your work. __ ___
f ∘ t = f(t(L)) = ​​  1 _______ _________ _____ _____
____ ​​ = ​​  1 __  ​​ = ​​  14​√5 ​
__ ​​ = ​ 
√5L ​

14​√5 ​)
2𝞹​ ​  ____
L ​ ​ √ _____

​ L ​
__ ​ 2𝞹​√L ​ πL

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


5 Performance Task Form B

According to a popular, but untrue, urban legend,

oceanographers have discovered images of giant
pyramids made of crystal-like substances deep in
the ocean. Suppose one of these imaginary
pyramids has the dimensions shown at the right. x

1. The volume V of a pyramid is __​​ 1 ​​Bh where B is 2x

the area of the base and h is the height of 3x

the pyramid.
Part A
Find an equation that represents V in terms of x. Then find x in terms
of V. Write your equation for x in rational exponent form, and rationalize
denominators where necessary. Explain.
V = ​​2x​​  3​​; B = 3x · 2x = ​​6x​​  2​​ and h = x,
and V = ​​ __
1 ​​Bh = __
​​  1 ​​(​​6x​​  2​​)(x) = ​​2x​​  3​​.
3 3
​  1 ​
x = ​​ _____​​; V = ​​2x​​  3​​, so ​​x​​  3​​ = __
(4V​)​​  3
​​  V ​​.
2 2___
__ __ __ ___
(4V​)​​  ​  3 ​
3 __ ___
​ V ​ ___ ​ V ​ ____ ____​√4V ​ _____

3 3 3
V √ √ ​2​​  2​ ​
​ ___
Then x = ​​ ​  ​ ​​ = ​​  3 __ ​​ = ​​  3 __ ​​ · ​​  3 ​​ = ​​  ​​ = ​​  .​​
2 ​√2 ​ ​√2 ​ ​√​2​​  2​ ​ 2 2
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Part B
Suppose the urban legend were true, and a contractor could be hired to raise
one of these pyramids and bring it to the surface of the ocean. The estimated
cost of the operation c(x) is $200,000 per meter of pyramid height, with an
additional cost a(V) of $300 per cubic meter of pyramid volume. Suppose a
pyramid has a volume of 2,000,000 ​​m​​ 3​​. What is the height x of the pyramid?
What is an equation that represents the total retrieval cost t for a pyramid of
any volume with these proportions in terms of x? How much would it cost to
excavate this pyramid? Explain.

x = 100 m; t(x) = 200,000x + 600​​x​​  3​​; $620,000,000

V= 2​​x​​  3​​, so 2,000,000 = 2​​x​​  3​​ and x = ​​ √1,000,000 ​​ = 100 m.

a(V) = 300 · V = 300(2​​x​​  3​​) = 600​​x​​  3​​; c(x) = 200,000x

t(x) = c + a = 200,000x + 600​​x​​  3​​
For x = 100 m, t(x) = 200,000(100) + 600(10​​0)​​  3​​,
or $620,000,000.
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2. Complete the table that relates the pyramid’s height to its volume. Then graph
​(4V)​​  ​  3 ​
the equation x = _____
​​  2 ​​. Where necessary, round values to the nearest tenth.

Volume (V) Height (x) y
0 0 4

0.25 0.5 3

2 1
16 2
32 2.5 1
64 3.2 x
128 4 0 40 80 120 160 200

3. What is the inverse of the relation represented in the table in Item 2?

Complete the table of values.

Height (x) Volume (V)

0 0
0.5 0.25
1 2
2 16
2.5 32
3.2 64
4 128

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6 Readiness Assessment

1. Evaluate the expression ​​8​​ ​  3 ​​​for ​x = 2​. 6. Ina records the wait time y, in
days, for popular library books
𝖠 2​ 𝖢 4
based on how many people are
__ __
2 √
𝖡 ​ 2 ​​​
​​ 𝖣 16​​√2 ​​ on the wait list, x.
Which line best fits these data?
2. Evaluate f(x) = ​​​​36​​  ​  6 ​for ​x = 3​.
(0, 3), (1, 5), (2, 9), (3, 13), (4, 15)
6 𝖠 y​ = 2.52x + 4.29
3. Evaluate (​​−27​​)​​  ​  x ​​​ for ​x = 6​.
𝖡 y​ = 3.11x + 2.71
𝖢 y​ = 3.63x + 2.26
𝖣 y​ = 4.07x + 3.34
4. For the function ​g(x) = (−2​)​​ 0.5x​,
7. How does the graph of
select all the equations that
y = (x + 2​​)​​  2​​ − 5 relate to the graph
are true.
of its parent function, y = ​​x​​  2​​?
◻ 1 ​
A. g(−4) = −​ __ ◻ D. g(4) = 4
4 𝖠 It is a translation 2 units left
◻ 1 ​
B. g(−2) = ​ __
◻ E. g(2) = −2 and reflection across the y-axis.
◻ C. g(0) = −1 𝖡 It is a translation 5 units down,
and a strech vertically by a
5. The number of muffins, y, The Cozy factor of 2.
Cafe bakes each day, x, increases as
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their advertising campaign brings

𝖢 It is a translation 2 units left
and 5 units down.
in more customers. They recorded
how many muffins they baked 𝖣 It is a translation 2 units right
every second day. What is the line and 5 units up.
of best fit for these data?
(0, 5), (2, 12), (4, 21), (6, 28), (8, 38), 8. Select the graph of ​y = −​ _12 ​ (x − 3​)​3​​
and its parent function.
(10, 45)
y y
𝖠 y = 0.12x − 0.54 4


𝖡 y = 0.24x − 1.09 𝖠 −4 −2 O 2 4
𝖢 −4 −2 O 2 4

𝖢 y = 4.07x + 4.48 −2 −2

−4 −4
𝖣 y = 8.14x + 4.47
y y
4 4

2 2
x x
𝖡 −4 −2 O 2 4 𝖣 −4 −2 O 2 4
−2 −2

−4 −4

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9. Simplify the expression (​​​ ​x​​ 3 ​  · ​x​​  3 ​)​​​ ​​.
​1 ​
_ ​  1 ​ 6
15. What are the domain and range of
the function given by {(​−2​, 0),
𝖠 ​x​​ 4​ 𝖢 x​ ​​ 6​
(​−1​, 2), (0, 4), (1, 6), (2, 8)}?
𝖡 ​x​​ 3​ 𝖣 x​ ​​ 2​
−1, 0, 1, 2}
Domain: {−2,

10. Simplify the expression (9​​x​​ 4​​​​)​​ ​​  ​  2 ​​​.

_3 Range: {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
𝖠 ​27​x​​  4​​ 𝖢 ​​81x​​  6​​ 16. The table shows a function f. What
𝖡 27​​x​​  6​​ 𝖣 ​81​x​​  12​​ is the domain of ​​f​​ −1​​, the inverse of
function f?
11. Find the inverse of the function x 1 2 3 4 5
​  32 ​x − 6​.
​f(x) = _ f(x) 1 4 9 16 25
3​ ​
__ 2​
__ 2 ​   6    4    9
2 3 3 𝖠 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
​​(x) =   __
​​  2 ​​ x +    
4 𝖡 {1, 4, 9, 16, 25}
𝖢 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 16, 25}
12. What is the inverse of the function ​ 𝖣 {​−5​, ​−4​, ​−3​, ​−2​, ​−1​, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
f(x) = (x − 1​)​​ 3​ + 8​?
𝖠 ​f​​ −1​(x) = ​√x − 7 ​ 17. The function ​f(x) = 2​x​​  2​ − 5x + 3​

__ represents the height in meters, y,

𝖡 ​f​​ −1​(x) = −1 + ​√x ​ 3
of a marble on a marble run after
𝖢 ​f​​ −1​(x) = 1 + ​√x − 2 ​
x seconds. What is the average rate
_____ of change of the function from
𝖣 ​f​​ −1​(x) = 1 + ​√x − 8 ​
​x = 0 to ​x = 3​?
𝖠 ​−2​ 𝖢 1
13. The table shows the function f.

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𝖡 ​−1​ 𝖣 4
Complete the table for the inverse
of function f.
18. The graph represents the
x 0 1 2 3 4 population of a bacterium, y, after
f(x) 4 2 0 3 1 x seconds. Find the average rate of
f –1(x) 2 4 1 3 0 change of the function, from
​x = −1​to ​x = 2​.
14. For the function ​f(x) = −3x + 1​, 4 (2, 4)
what is the value of ​​f​​  −1​​(x) for ​x = 4​?
−1 (−1, 12)
​​f​​  −1
​​(4) =     x
−4 −2 O 2 4


𝖠 ​ __92 𝖢 ​ __32
𝖡 ​ __76  19 ​​
𝖣 ​​ ___
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

6-1 Lesson Quiz

Key Features of Exponential Functions

1. Which function represents the exponential function ​f(x) = ​3​​  x​after a vertical
stretch by a factor of 8 and a reflection across the x-axis?
𝖠 ​g(x) = ​3​​  −8x​ 𝖢 ​g(x) = 8 · ​3​​  −x​
𝖡 ​g(x) = ​−3​​  8x​ 𝖣 ​g(x) = −8 · ​3​​  x​
2. 15,000 blue trout were released into the Meherrin River for a scientific study.
The function f(x) = 15,000​​​(_
​  98 ​)​​​  ​​ represents the number of blue trout after
x years. After 5 years, what happens to the population?
𝖠 It decreases by about 2,000.
𝖡 It decreases by about 12,000.
𝖢 It increases by about 2,000.
𝖣 It increases by about 12,000.
3. For the function f(x) = (​1 ​)​· ​6​x​, identify the domain, range, y-intercept, and
asymptote. Write one of the given phrases or values in each blank.
linear quadratic exponential
all real numbers 0.5 0 0

Domain: all real numbers y-Intercept: 0.5

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0 }
Range: {y | y >      Asymptote: y = 0
Function type: exponential
4. The rabbit population of Springfield, Ohio, was 144,000 in 2016. It is expected
to decrease by about 7.2% per year. Write the exponential decay function
of the rabbit population, P(t).
144,000 (     
P(t) =        0.928 ​)​​  t​
5. Which of the following functions has a greater growth y (3, 54)
factor than the function shown in the graph? 40
(2, 36)
𝖠 f(x) = (​ __​  32 ​)​ · ​3​​  x​ 20
x (0, 16)
𝖡 f(x) = 8​​(__​ 32 ​)​​​  ​ O
2 4
𝖢 f(x) = 20(1.4​)​​  x​
𝖣 f(x) = 12(0.8​)​​  x​

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6-2 Lesson Quiz

Exponential Models

1. Steve invests $1,800 in an account 4. In 1970, the population of a small

that earns 3.7% annual interest, town was 4,200. The population is
compounded continuously. What decreasing at a rate of 2.4% per year.
is the approximate value of the Complete the function that models
account after 10 years? the population y in the town, t
𝖠 $2,466 𝖢 $2,601 years after 1970.
𝖡 $2,589 𝖣 $2,606 4200 (     ​​)​​ 
y =       0.976 t​​
2. The graph of an exponential The population is decreasing about
model in the form ​y = a ⋅ ​b​​ x​ passes 0.6
   % per quarter.
through the points (3, 5) and (4, 10).
Which point is also on the graph? 5. Paul considers investing $8,000 in
𝖠 (2, 0) 𝖢 (5, 15) three different accounts for 6 years.

𝖡 (2, 1) 𝖣 (5, 20) Option A: 5% simple interest

Option B: 4.5% interest
3. Micah invests $5,280 in an compounded continuously
account that earns 4.2% interest,
compounded monthly. Option C: 4.75% interest
compounded yearly
Part A
After 6 years, Option B, to the
Complete the function that models nearest dollar, will be worth
the amount A in the account after

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t years.
$ 80 more than Option A and
$ 89 less than Option C.
5280 5501 5298.48
linear exponential
​​  0.042
​​ 0.042
​​ _____
​​ 0.042
quadratic constant
12t t ​__

Option A is a linear
A(t) = 5280 ​​  0.042
    (1 +     _____
​​ ) ​1   
2t​ function while Options B and C
Part B are exponential functions.

What is the value of the account While the linear

after 8 years? Round the answer
function gains value the
to the nearest cent.
fastest initially, over time the
$ 7384.18
exponential functions will
gain value faster.

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6-3 Lesson Quiz


1. Which function is the inverse of the exponential function ​y = ​3​​  x​?

𝖠 ​y = ​x​​  3​
𝖡 y​ = ​3​​  x​
𝖢 ​y = ​log​  3​​ x​
𝖣 y​ = ​log​  x​​ 3​
2. Which is the best estimate of the value of ln 16?
𝖠 1.20
𝖡 2.77
𝖢 3.23
𝖣 4.00
3. Part A
Solve 83x + 1 = 16. Round to the nearest thousandth, if necessary.
x= −0.373
Part B
Find the key features of f (x) = 83x + 1.
y-intercept: 83
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asymptote: y = 0
4. Select all the logarithmic expressions that have been evaluated correctly.
◻ A. l​n1 = 0​
◻ B. l​og​  2​​ 9 = 3​
◻ 1  ​ = ​ __
C. l​og​ ___
1 ​

◻ ​  1 ​​
D. l​og​  3​​ (−1) = __
◻ ​ ​  1  ​ = −3
E. log​  5​​ ___

5. What is the solution to the equation ​log(2x + 4) = 2​? Round to the nearest
thousandth, if necessary.
x= 48

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6-4 Lesson Quiz

Logarithmic Functions

1. The graph y 4. An internet service provider uses

shows the the function R = 3 log(a + 2) + 15
function to relate its sales revenue R, in
f(x) = ​​3​​  x​​. 4 hundreds of dollars, to a, the cost
2 of advertising, in hundred of dollars.
Match each key
feature for the −4 −2 O 2 4 Part A
graph of ​​f​​  –1​​(x)
If the provider earns 21 hundred
with its description.
dollars, how much did they spend
All real on advertising? Round to the
(0, ∞) Never
numbers nearest dollar, if necessary.
Domain ❑ ❑ ❑ $ 98
Range ❑ ❑ ❑ Part B
What constraints are needed to
Increasing ❑ ❑ ❑ make the logarithmic function
a better model as the provider
Decreasing ❑ ❑ ❑
begins to earn revenue?
The domain should be restricted to
2. The logarithmic function
f(x) = log x is transformed to ◻ a ≥ 0. ◻ a ≥ 15.9.
g(x) = Iog(x + 1) + 3. Which ◻ a > −2. ◻ a > 0.

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statement is true?
𝖠 The graph of f(x) is translated 5. Consider y
1 unit upward. f(x) = 3x – 1 x
O 2 4 6
𝖡 The graph of f(x) is translated and the graph
3 units downward. of g(x) shown.
𝖢 The vertical asymptote shifts Select the
from x = 0 to x = −1. function that −6
makes the
𝖣 The vertical asymptote shifts statement true.
from x = −1 to x = 3.
f(x) g(x) Both
3. Complete the equation of the Has the greater x-intercept ❑ ❑ ❑
inverse of the function
f(x) = lo​​g​  2​​​ (9x). Has an asymptote of y = −1 ❑ ❑ ❑

​​   ​​ (   
​​f​​  –1​​(x) =     2 ​)​x​
Is always increasing ❑ ❑ ❑
9 Is positive over the interval
❑ ❑ ❑
(2, ∞)

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6-5 Lesson Quiz

Properties of Logarithms

1. Select the steps to write the expression 5​​log​ 3​​​a + ​​log​  3​​​b − 2​​log​  3​​​c as a single
logarithm using the properties of logarithms.

Power Property Quotient Property Product Property


5​​log​  3​​​a + ​​log​  3​​​b − 2​​log​  3​​​c = ​​log​  3​​​​​a​​  5​​ + ​​log​  3​​​b − ​​log​  3​​​​​c​​  2​​ Power Property

= ​​log​  3​​​​​a​​  5​​b − ​​log​  3​​​​​c​​  2​​        Product Property

( ​c​​  ​ )
​ ​​  5​  b ​ ​​
​  a
= ​​log​  3​​​​​ ____ 2 Quotient Property

2. The pH of a solution is a measure of its concentration of hydrogen ions. This

concentration, written [​​H​​  +​​] and measured in moles per liter, is given by the
formula pH = log​​ ____
+  ​​. What is the concentration of hydrogen ions in a liter of
[​H​​  ​]
vinegar that has a pH level of 2.5?
𝖠 ​1​0​​  2.5​​​ ​𝖡 1​ ​0​​  −2.5​​ 𝖢 log(2.5)​ ​𝖣 log(−2.5)
​​ 21 ​​In4 + 2In x as a single
3. Use the properties of logarithms to write the expression _

𝖠 4In (2x) 𝖡 In (2x2) 𝖢 In (4x) 𝖣 In (4x2)

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4. Select all the logarithmic expressions that have been evaluated correctly.
◻ A. lo​g​  3​​ 8 = 0.43 ◻ D. lo​g​  2​​ 32 = 1.51
◻ B. lo​g​  3​​ 6 = 1.63 ◻ E. lo​g​  4​​ 7 = 2.21
◻ C. l​og​  4​​ 5 = 1.16

5. Solve the equation ​​5​​  x​= 7​for x. Select the exact solution as a logarithm and use
the change of base formula to find an approximate solution.
◻ A. x = log75 ◻ E. x = log5
◻ B. x = log57 ◻ F. x = log7
◻ C. x = 0.827 ◻ G. x = 0.699
◻ D. x = 1.209 ◻ H. x = 1.845

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6-6 Lesson Quiz

Exponential and Logarithmic Equations

1. What is the solution to the equation ​​7​​ x − 1​= 3​?

𝖢 x = log​​(1​ __37 ​)​​
𝖠 x = ____
 ​​ + 1

𝖣 x = log​​(__​ 73 ​)​​ + 1
𝖡 x = ____
 ​​ − 1

2. The volume of one cloud, in cubic kilometers, grows according to the

expression ​​4​​  3x − 1​​, where x is time in hours. Another cloud grows according to
the expression ​​8​​  x​​. After how many hours will the two clouds have the same
volume? What is their volume, in cubic kilometers?
𝖠 0 hours; 1 𝖡 ​​ __12​​ hour; 2.83 𝖢 ​​ __23​​ hour; 4 𝖣 2 hours; 64
3. Max solved the equation, ​​5​​  x + 3​​ = ​​25​​  x−2​​, but made an error. His work is shown.
Part A
Select each step that Max completed.

Rewrite with a common base Power of a Power Property

Property of Equality

​​25​​  x − 2​​ = ​​5​​  x + 3​​

x−2 Rewrite with a common base
​​​(​5​​  2)​ ​​​  ​​ = ​​5​​  x + 3​​

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​​5​​  2x − 2​​ = ​​5​​  x + 3​​ Power of a Power Property

​2x − 2 = x + 3​
Property of Equality
Part B
Identify and fix Max’s mistake.
Max made an error in line     7
. The correct solution is x =    .

4. Select all solutions of the equation 2logx = log(5x − 4).

◻ A. x = 1 ◻ C. x = 5 ◻ E. x = −1
◻ B. x = 4 ◻ D. x = 0
5. Solve the equation ln(3x) = 2x − 5. If there is more than one solution, solve for
the larger x-value. Round to the nearest hundredth.
x =    

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6-7 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Geometric Sequences

1. Tim is playing a game. His score in round 1 is 1.7 points, in round 2 is 5.1 points,
in round 3 is 15.3 points, and it continues to increase in the same way. Is Tim’s
score a geometric sequence? If so, write a recursive definition for the sequence.
𝖠 No; the sequence does not have a common ratio.
𝖡 Yes; ​​a​  n​​​ = {
1.7, n = 1
​​ ​ ​ ​​​
3​a​  n − 1​​, n > 1

𝖢 Yes; ​​a​  n​​​ = ​​{​3​a​ 

0.6, n = 1
​ ​​​
n − 1​​, n > 1

𝖣 Yes; ​​a​  n​​​ = ​​{1.7​

3, n = 1
​ ​ ​​​
a​  n − 1​​, n>1
32, if n = 1
{​  14 ​​a​  n − 1​​, if n > 1
2. The recursive definition for a sequence is ​​a​  n​​​ = ​​ __​ ​ ​​​. What is the
explicit definition of the sequence?
𝖠 a​ ​  n​​​ = 16​​​(__​  12​)​​​  ​​

𝖡 32, 8, 2, __​​ 12​​, __​​ 18 ​​, …

𝖢 a​ ​  n​​​ = 32​​​(__​  12​)​​​  ​​
𝖣 a​ ​  n​​​ = 32​​​(__​  14​)​​​  ​​

3. Select the first five terms of the sequence ​​a​  n​​​ = −2(2​​)​​  n − 1​​.
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𝖠 –1, 2, –4, 8, –16 𝖢 –2, 4, –8, 16, –32

𝖡 –2, –4, –6, –8, –10 𝖣 –2, –4, –8, –16, –32

4. Consider the sequence 256, 192, 144, ..., 60.75.

Part A
Complete the explicit definition for the sequence. Write answers as decimals,
as necessary.
0.75 )n − 1​
256 (    

Part B
6 th term of the sequence.
The last term, 60.75, is the    
5. Suppose Karl puts one penny in a jar, the next day he puts in three pennies, and
the next day he puts in nine pennies. If each subsequent day Karl were able to
put in three times as many pennies, how many pennies would he put in the jar
on the 10th day?     19,683  pennies

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6 Topic Assessment Form A

1. Which function g represents the 5. The number of views y on a

exponential function ​f(x) = ​5​​  x​​ after viral video after x days can be
a vertical stretch by a factor of 2 represented by an exponential
and a reflection across the x-axis? model, ​y = a ⋅ ​b​​  x​. After 1 day, a
cat video has 10 views, and after
𝖠 g(x) =​​ (2 ⋅ 5)​​  −x​​ 2 days it has 20 views. Which
𝖡 ​g(x) = −(2 ⋅ 5​)​​ x​​ represents another point on the
𝖢 ​g(x) = 2 ⋅ (5​)​−x​ graph of this model?

𝖣 ​g(x) = −2 ⋅ (5​)​x​ 𝖠 (3, 25) 𝖢 (3, 40)

𝖡 (3, 30) 𝖣 (3, 60)
2. The function ​f(x) = 2,000(1.05​)​​  x​​
models a population of butterflies 6. A warren of rabbits has a
after x years. What will the population of 25. The population is
population be in 7 years? increasing at a rate of 20% per year.
Select the function that models the
𝖠 about 2800 𝖢 about 3000
monthly growth rate after t years.
𝖡 about 1200 𝖣 about 1000
𝖠 y = 25(1.2​​)​​  t​​
3. For the function f (x) = −4 ⋅ (0.3​​)​​ x​+ 1, 𝖡 y = 25(1.1​​)​​  12t​
identify the y-intercept and 𝖢 y = 25(1.0167​​)​​  t​
𝖣 y = 25(1.01531​​)​​  12t​
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y-Intercept: ​−3​
Asymptote: y = 1 7. What function is the inverse of the
exponential function y = ​​4​​  x​?
4. Which of the following functions 𝖠 ​y = ​x​​  ​   ​​​
4 𝖢 ​y = ​log​x​4​
has a faster decay factor than the x
function shown in the graph? 𝖡 ​y = ​​(__​ 14 ​)​​​  ​​ 𝖣 ​y = ​log​4​x​
(0, 48) 8. Mario has $1200 to invest over
40 (1, 36)
(2, 27) 8 years and must choose an option.
A: 6.5% simple interest
O 2 4 B: 5.5% interest compounded
𝖠 f(x) = 48(0.6​​)​​  x​​ Round to the nearest dollar.
If Mario chooses B, his investment
𝖡 f(x) = 48(0.75​​)​​  x​
will be worth $ ​1863​
𝖢 f(x) = 48(0.772​​)​​  x​ after 8 yr, which is $ 39
𝖣 f(x) = 48(0.8​​)​​  x​ more than A.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
9. What is the solution to the equation ​ 13. Use the properties of logarithms
lo​g​ 4​​ (5x + 9) = 3​? x = 11 to choose the expression 2 log 5 +
5 log x as a single logarithm.
10. The graph shows the function 𝖠 log(10 + 5x) 𝖢 log(25x​​  5​​)
f(x) = ( ​  12 ​)​​​ ​​.
​​​ _ 𝖡 log(10x​​  5​​) 𝖣 log(25 + x​​  5​​)
14. A new kind of rocket takes off
2 along an exponential trajectory,
x with height in miles represented
−4 −2 O 2 4 by ​​3​​  x​​, where x is time in seconds.
−2 Find the time when the rocket’s
height is 8 miles. Select the exact
solution as a logarithm, and select
an approximate solution.
Match each key feature for the
graph of ​​f​​  –1​​(x) with its description. ◻ A. x = log83 ◻ D. x = 1.893

All real ◻ B. x = log38 ◻ E. x = 0.528

(0, ∞) (1, ∞) Never
◻ C. x = log8 ◻ F. x = 0.903
Domain ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Range ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
15. The mass of one sample of
bacteria, in grams, grows according
Increasing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ to the expression ​​8​​  x + 1​​, where x is
time in hours from now. Another
Decreasing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ sample of bacteria grows according
to the expression ​​2​​  x − 5​​. How long
ago did the two samples have the
11. The function ​f(x) = ln x​ is

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same mass? What was their mass?
transformed to ​g(x) = Inx + 5​. Which
statement is true?      
4 hours ago;      g

𝖠 f(x) is translated up 5 units. 16. Select all solutions of the equation

𝖡 f(x) is translated down 5 units. 2 log x = log (5x − 6).
𝖢 The vertical asymptote shifts ◻ A. x = 2 ◻ D. x = 6
from y = 0 to y = 5.
◻ B. x = −2 ◻ E. x = 3
𝖣 The vertical asymptote shifts ◻ C. x = −3 ◻ F. x = 1
from y = −1 to y = 0.

17. Select all the expressions that are

12. Complete the equation of the
evaluated correctly.
inverse of the function
​f(x) = log (2x)​. ◻ A. log2 3 = 8 ◻ D. log 100 = 2
2 10
​__ ​ ◻ ​  1 ​ = −2
B. log2__
◻ E. log4__​ 12 ​ = 2
2 10
◻ C. log 1 = 0
​​f​​  –1​​(x)
__​​ 1 ​​ ( 10
=        ​)​x​
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

6 Topic Assessment Form B

1. Which function g represents the 5. The height of a launched weather

exponential function f(x) = ​​3​​  x​after balloon can be represented by an
a horizontal stretch by a factor of 4 exponential model, y = a ⋅ ​​b​​  x​,
and a reflection across the y-axis? where y is the height in km after
_ x
_ x min. After 2 min, the height is
𝖠 g(x) = ​​(3)​​  −​4 ​​​ 𝖢 g(x) = −​​(3)​​  ​4 ​​​ 3 km, and after 3 min it is 9 km.
𝖡 g(x) = ​​(3)​​  −4x​​ 𝖣 g(x) = −​​(3)​​  4x​ Which represents another point on
the graph of this model?
2. The function f(x) = 400​​(1.2)​​  x​​
models a population of mice after
𝖠 (1, −3) 𝖢 (4, 15)

x years. What will the population 𝖡 (1, 1) 𝖣 (4, 16)

be in 7 years?
6. A school of fish has a population of
𝖠 about 800 𝖢 about 200
200. The population is decreasing
𝖡 about 1400 𝖣 about 600 at a rate of 5% per year. Select the
function that models the quarterly
3. For the function f(x) = 2 ⋅ ​​(3)​​  −x​, decay rate after t years.
identify the y-intercept and 𝖠 y = 200(0.95​​)​​ t​​
𝖡 y = 200(0.975​​)​​ 4t​
y-Intercept: ​2​
𝖢 y = 200(0.9875​​)​​ t​
Asymptote: y = 0
𝖣 y = 200(0.98726​​)​​ 4t​
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4. Which of the following functions

7. What function is the inverse of the
has a slower growth rate than the x
function shown in the graph? exponential function y = ( ​  13 ​)​​​  ​?
​​​ _
𝖠 y = ​x​​3​
y 𝖢 y = ​log​_​1 ​x
20 (1, 18) 3
10 𝖡 y = (​ _​13)​ ​ ​ 𝖣 y = ​log​x​​(_
​31 )
(−1, 2) x
−4 −2 O 2 4
8. Lacy has $1500 to invest over 7
years and must choose an option.
−20 A: 5.75% interest compounded
𝖠 f(x) = 4(4.5​​)​​  x​​
B: 6.2% simple interest
𝖡 f(x) = 6(3.5​​)​​  x​​
Round to the nearest dollar.
𝖢 f(x) = 8(3.1​​)​​ x​ If Lacy chooses B, her investment
𝖣 f(x) = 10(2​​)​​  x​ 2151 after 7 years,
will be worth $  
92 less than A.
which is $   
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
9. What is the solution to the 13. Use the properties of logarithms to
equation ​​log​  3​​ (2x − 3) = −1​? ​​  13 ​​
choose the expression x log 2 − log _
Round to the nearest thousandth. as a single logarithm.
x= 1.667 𝖠 log​(2x −__13 ​)​​ 𝖢 log​(2x −__
1 ​ ​​

10. The graph shows the function

𝖡 log​(___
​2 ​)​
𝖣 log(3(2)x)
f(x) = ( ​  74 ​)​​​  ​.
​​​ _ 14. The profit for a new website,
y in thousands of dollars, can be
represented by ​​5​​  x​, where x is time
2 in months. Find the time when the
x company’s profit is $15,000. Select
−4 −2 O 2 4 the exact solution as a logarithm,
−2 and select an approximate solution.
−4 ◻ A. x = log155 ◻ D. x = 1.689
◻ B. x = log515 ◻ E. x = 0.594
Match each key feature for the
graph of ​​f​​  –1​​(x) with its description
◻ C. x = log15 ◻ F. x = 0.176

All real 15. The population of one type of fruit

(0, ∞) (1, ∞) Never
numbers fly, in thousands, is represented
Domain ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ by the expression ​​2.25​​  x − 2​​, where
x is time in hours from now. The
Range ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ population of another type of fruit
fly is represented by the expression ​​
Positive ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1.5​​  4x + 2​​. How long ago were the
Decreasing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ two populations equal? What was
the population?

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3 hours ago;      
11. The function f(x) = ​​log​  2​​​x is
transformed to g(x) = ​​log​  2 ​​​(x + 4). thousand fruit flies
Which statement is true?
16. Select all solutions of the equation ​​
𝖠 f(x) is translated up 4 units. 2 log​  2​​​ x = ​​log​  2 ​​​(6x − 8).
𝖡 The vertical asymptote shifts ◻ A. x = 2 ◻ D. x = 4
from y = 0 to y = 4.
◻ B. x = −2 ◻ E. x = 8
𝖢 The vertical asymptote shifts ◻ C. x = −4 ◻ F. x = 1
from y = −2 to y = 0.
𝖣 f(x) is translated left 4 units. 17. Select all the expressions that are
evaluated correctly.
12. Complete the equation of the inverse ◻ ​  1 ​ = −3
A. log2__
of the function ​f(x) = ​log​  4​​ (3x)​.
◻ B. log3​​​(__
​  1 ​)​​​  ​​= 9
__ 1​
__ 2
3 3 4 4 ◻ C. log 10 = 1

__1 ◻ D. log 100 = 10

​​   ​​ (   
​​f​​  –1​​(x) =     4 ​)​x​
3 ◻ ​  1 ​
E. log164 = __
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

6 Topic Assessment Form A, HONORS

1. Which function g represents the 5. The number of views y on a

exponential function ​f(x) = ​5​​  x​​ after viral video after x days can be
a vertical stretch by a factor of 2 represented by an exponential
and a reflection across the x-axis? model, ​y = a ⋅ ​b​​  x​. After 1 day, a
cat video has 10 views, and after
𝖠 g(x) =​​ (2 ⋅ 5)​​  −x​​ 2 days it has 20 views. Which
𝖡 ​g(x) = −(2 ⋅ 5​)​​ x​​ represents another point on the
𝖢 ​g(x) = 2 ⋅ (5​)​−x​ graph of this model?

𝖣 ​g(x) = −2 ⋅ (5​)​x​ 𝖠 (3, 25) 𝖢 (3, 40)

𝖡 (3, 30) 𝖣 (3, 60)
2. The function ​f(x) = 2,000(1.05​)​​  x​​
models a population of butterflies 6. A warren of rabbits has a
after x years. What will the population of 25. The population is
population be in 7 years? increasing at a rate of 20% per year.
Select the function that models the
𝖠 about 2800 𝖢 about 3000
monthly growth rate after t years.
𝖡 about 1200 𝖣 about 1000
𝖠 y = 25(1.2​​)​​  t​​
3. For the function f (x) = −4 ⋅ (0.3​​)​​ x​+ 1, 𝖡 y = 25(1.1​​)​​  12t​
identify the y-intercept and 𝖢 y = 25(1.0167​​)​​  t​
𝖣 y = 25(1.01531​​)​​  12t​
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y-Intercept: ​−3​
Asymptote: y = 1 7. What function is the inverse of the
exponential function y = ​​4​​  x​?
4. The recursive definition for a 𝖠 ​y = ​x​​  ​   ​​​

{ ​  51 ​an − 1, if n > 1
100, if n = 1 x
sequence is an = ​  ​__
   ​ ​.​ 𝖡 ​y = ​​(__​ 14 ​)​​​  ​​
What is the explicit definition of
𝖢 ​y = ​log​x​4​
the sequence? 𝖣 y​ = ​log​4​x​
𝖠 ​an = 100​​(__​ 15 ​)​​​  ​​
8. What term is the last member of
𝖡 100, 20, 4, 0.8, … the sequence 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, …,
𝖢 ​an = 100​​(__​ 15 ​)​​​  ​​ 1024?
n 13 th term
𝖣 ​ an = 20​​(__
​  1 ​)​​​  ​​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

9. What is the solution to the equation ​ 13. Use the properties of logarithms
lo​g​ 4​​ (5x + 9) = 3​? to choose the expression
2 log 5 + 5 log x as a single
x= 11 logarithm.

10. The graph y 𝖠 log(10 + 5x) 𝖢 log(25x​​  5​​)

shows the 𝖡 log(10x​​  5​​) 𝖣 log(25 + x​​  5​​)
function 2
f(x) = ​​​(_
​  12 ​)​​​ ​​. x
14. A new kind of rocket takes off
−4 −2 O 2 4
Match each −2 along an exponential trajectory,
key feature with height in miles represented
for the graph −4 by ​​3​​  x​​, where x is time in seconds.
of ​​f​​  –1​​(x) with Find the time when the rocket’s
its description. height is 8 miles. Select the exact
solution as a logarithm, and select
All real
(0, ∞) (1, ∞) Never an approximate solution.

Domain ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ◻ A. x = log83 ◻ D. x = 1.893

◻ B. x = log38 ◻ E. x = 0.528
Range ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
◻ C. x = log8 ◻ F. x = 0.903
Increasing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

Decreasing ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 15. The mass of one sample of

bacteria, in grams, grows according
to the expression ​​8​​  x + 1​​, where x is
11. The function ​f(x) = ln x​ is time in hours from now. Another
transformed to ​g(x) = Inx + 5​. Which sample of bacteria grows according
statement is true? to the expression ​​2​​  x − 5​​. How long

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ago did the two samples have the
𝖠 f(x) is translated up 5 units. same mass? What was their mass?
𝖡 f(x) is translated down 5 units.      
4 hours ago;      g
𝖢 The vertical asymptote shifts
from y = 0 to y = 5. 16. Select all solutions of the equation
𝖣 The vertical asymptote shifts 2 log x = log (5x − 6).
from y = −1 to y = 0. ◻ A. x = 2 ◻ D. x = 6
◻ B. x = −2 ◻ E. x = 3
12. Complete the equation of the
inverse of the function ◻ C. x = −3 ◻ F. x = 1
​f(x) = log (2x)​.
1​ 1
17. Select all the expressions that are
__ ​__ ​
2 2 10 10 evaluated correctly.
​​   ​​ ( 10
◻ A. log2 3 = 8 ◻ D. log 100 = 2
​​f​​  –1​​(x) =        ​)​x​
2 ◻ ​  1 ​ = −2
B. log2__
◻ ​  1 ​ = 2
E. log4__
◻ C. log 1 = 0

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


6 Performance Task Form A

Olivia’s power went out at midnight. She knows that during a power outage, it is
important to leave the freezer and refrigerator doors closed. This keeps the food
inside at a safe temperature for as long as possible.

The temperature inside Olivia’s freezer t hours after midnight can be modeled by
the equation T = 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035t​​, where T is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

1. What was the initial temperature inside the freezer when the power failed at
midnight? Explain how you know.
The power went out at time t = 0. Substituting this value into
T = 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035t​​ gives 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035(0)​​ = 70 − 70​​e​​  0​​ =
70 − 70(1) = 0, so the temperature inside the freezer was 0°F
at midnight.
2. What would the temperature inside the freezer be at 4 a.m.?
After t = 4 hours, T = 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035(4)​​, or T ≈ 9.14°F.
freezer temperature was approximately 9°F after 4 hours.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, food in your freezer that has
partially or completely thawed may be safely refrozen if it still contains ice crystals
or is 40°F or below.
3. For how many hours will Olivia’s freezer maintain a cold enough temperature?
Round your answer to the nearest hour. Show your work.
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When the temperature in the freezer is 40°F, the equation is

70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035t​​ = 40
e​​  −0.035t​​ = __
    ​​ ​​  30 ​​
   ln​​(​e​​  −0.035t​)​ = ln​(__
​  30 ​)​
   −0.035t = __
​ln​(​  30 ​)​​
       t = _____ __
−​​  1  ​​ ln​​(​  30 ​)​​ ≈ 24.2.
0.035 70
So the temperature reaches 40° after about 24 hours.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

4. Olivia also wants to know how long the food in her refrigerator will remain
safe to eat. She knows the temperature inside the refrigerator can be modeled
by an equation of the form T = 70 −C​​e​​  −rt​​ for an unknown constant, C, and
growth rate, r.
Part A
The temperature inside the refrigerator was 35°F when the power went out.
Use this information to find the value of C. Show your work.
The initial temperature in the freezer was 35°F. Substituting
t = 0 and T = 35°F into the equation gives 70 − C​​e​​  −r(0)​​ = 35.
Since ​​e​​  0​​ = 1, this equals 70 − C = 35. The solution is C = 35.
Part B
After 1 hour, the temperature inside the refrigerator had risen to 36°F. Use this
information, and the value of C from Part A, to find the value of the growth
rate, r. Explain how you know.
At time t = 1, the temperature in the freezer was 36°F.
Substituting t = 1, T = 36°F, and the value C = 35 from Part A
into the equation gives
70 − 35​​e​​  −r(1)​​ = 36
   −35​​e​​  −r​​ = −34
​​−r​​ = __
     e​​  ​​  34 ​​
(​e​​  −r​)​​ = ln​​(__
   ln​​ ​  34 ​)​​
    So −r = ln​​(​  34 ​)​​, or __

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      r = −ln​​(​  34 ​)​​ ≈ 0.029. __
5. For how many hours will Olivia’s refrigerator maintain an inside temperature
less than 40°F? Round your answer to the nearest hour. Show your work.
Using the value r = 0.029 from question 4, the temperature in
the refrigerator reaches 40°F when
70 − 35​​e​​  −0.029t​​ = 40
  −35​​e​​  −0.029t​​ = −30
​​−0.029t​​ = __
    e​​  ​​  30 ​​
   ln​​(​e​​  −0.029t​)​​ = ln​​(__
​  30 ​)​​
_____ ln​​ __
       t = −​​  1  ​​
0.029 ( 35 )​​ ≈ 5.3.
​  30 ​
So, the temperature reaches 40° after about 5 hours.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

6 Performance Task Form B

Leah has just inherited $12,000. She wants to invest the money so that she can
increase the value of her inheritance. What are some of the ways she can do this?

1. Leah wants to invest the $12,000 in an account that pays 4.5% annual interest.
Part A
Write equations for the amount A(t) that will be in the account after t years,
if the interest is compounded continuously, daily, and monthly. Then, find
the amount after 10 years, rounded to the nearest cent, for each method of
compounding. Complete the table.
Compounding Equation Amount After 10 Years

Continuously A(t) = 12,000e0.045t $18,819.75

Daily (
A(t) = 12,000 1 + 365 )
0.045 365t

Monthly (
A(t) = 12,000 1 + 12 )
0.045 12t

Part B
Which method of compounding has the highest yield? Why?
Continuously compounding the interest yields the greatest
amount after 10 years. The continuous interest formula results
from letting n ∞ in the compound interest formula, which
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increases as n increases.
2. Leah would like to double her $12,000 investment in 10 years. Assuming the
interest is compounded daily, what interest rate, r, would she need to earn?
Show your work.
Solving ( ___
​​​ 1 + ​  r  ​)​​​ 
​​ = 2 for r gives r = 365​​(​2​​  ​  3650 ​ − 1)​​, or

r ≈ 0.0693. So, Kayla would need an interest rate of about 7%.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

3. At Leah’s current interest rate of 4.5%, how long will it take to double her
$12,000 investment? Assume the interest is compounded daily, and round your
answer to the nearest tenth of a year. Show your work.

The amount in the account after t years is

A(t) = 12,000​​​(1 + _____

​  0.045 ​)​​​  ​​. The amount doubles

(​​( )
1 + _____ 1 + _____ 1 + _____
365t 365t 365
when ​​​( ​  0.045 ​)​​​  2. ​​​(
365 ) 365 )
​​ = ​  0.045 ​ ​​​  ​​ = ​​​ ​  0.045 ​ ​​​  ​ ​​​  ​​ ≈ ​​
​​ t​​ = 2 gives t = ________
1.046​​  t​​. Taking logs of both sides of 1.046​​  ​​   ​​,
log 2
so t ≈ 15.4 years.
4. Leah is also planning to make annual contributions to an investment account
that pays 4.5% annual interest, compounded monthly.
Part A
Complete the tables to find the amount in the account if she deposits either
$600 or $1200 per year.
Amount with Total Amount with Total
Year Interest Deposit Amount Year Interest Deposit Amount
0 600 600 0 1200 1200.00
1 627.56 600 1227.56 1 1255.13 1200 2455.13
2 1283.95 600 1883.95 2 2567.92 1200 3767.92
3 1970.50 600 2570.50 3 3941.02 1200 5141.02
4 2688.59 600 3288.59 4 5377.20 1200 6577.20
5 3439.67 600 4039.67 5 6879.36 1200 8079.36

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Part B
Use a graphing calculator to make a scatter plot of the amounts Leah will
accumulate for years 1 through 5. Check students’ graphs.
Part C
Use a calculator to find an exponential regression model, of the form
A(t) = a ⋅ bt, that best fits each set of data.
A(t) = 972.70​​(1.34)​​  t​​ and A(t) = 1945.41​​(1.34)​​  t​​
Part D
Compare the graphs of the two models. What is the range of each function?
How does the value of a affect the graphs? Which function has a greater rate
of change?
The range of the first function is {y | y > 600}. The range of
the second function is {y | y > 1200}. The second function has
a greater value of a, which creates a greater vertical stretch of
the parent function A(t) = (1.34​​)​​  t​. The second function has a
greater rate of change.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

6 Performance Task Form A, HONORS

Olivia’s power went out at midnight. She knows that during a power outage, it is
important to leave the freezer and refrigerator doors closed. This keeps the food
inside at a safe temperature for as long as possible.

The temperature inside Olivia’s freezer t hours after midnight can be modeled by
the equation T = 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035t​​, where T is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.

1. What was the initial temperature inside the freezer when the power failed at
midnight? Explain how you know.
The power went out at time t = 0. Substituting this value into
T = 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035t​​ gives 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035(0)​​ = 70 − 70​​e​​  0​​ =
70 − 70(1) = 0, so the temperature inside the freezer was 0°F
at midnight.
2. What would the temperature inside the freezer be at 4 a.m.?
After t = 4 hours, T = 70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035(4)​​, or T ≈ 9.14°F.
freezer temperature was approximately 9°F after 4 hours.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, food in your freezer that has
partially or completely thawed may be safely refrozen if it still contains ice crystals
or is 40°F or below.
3. For how many hours will Olivia’s freezer maintain a cold enough temperature?
Round your answer to the nearest hour. Show your work.
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When the temperature in the freezer is 40°F, the equation is

70 − 70​​e​​  −0.035t​​ = 40
e​​  −0.035t​​ = __
    ​​ ​​  30 ​​
   ln​​(​e​​  −0.035t​)​ = ln​(__
​  30 ​)​
   −0.035t = __
​ln​(​  30 ​)​​
       t = _____ __
−​​  1  ​​ ln​​(​  30 ​)​​ ≈ 24.2.
0.035 70
So the temperature reaches 40° after about 24 hours.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

4. Olivia also wants to know how long the food in her refrigerator will remain
safe to eat. She knows the temperature inside the refrigerator can be modeled
by an equation of the form T = 70 −C​​e​​  −rt​​ for an unknown constant, C, and
growth rate, r.
Part A
The temperature inside the refrigerator was 35°F when the power went out.
Use this information to find the value of C. Show your work.
The initial temperature in the freezer was 35°F. Substituting
t = 0 and T = 35°F into the equation gives 70 − C​​e​​  −r(0)​​ = 35.
Since ​​e​​  0​​ = 1, this equals 70 − C = 35. The solution is C = 35.
Part B
After 1 hour, the temperature inside the refrigerator had risen to 36°F. Use this
information, and the value of C from Part A, to find the value of the growth
rate, r. Explain how you know.
At time t = 1, the temperature in the freezer was 36°F.
Substituting t = 1, T = 36°F, and the value C = 35 from Part A
into the equation gives
70 − 35​​e​​  −r(1)​​ = 36
   −35​​e​​  −r​​ = −34
​​−r​​ = __
     e​​  ​​  34 ​​
(​e​​  −r​)​​ = ln​​(__
   ln​​ ​  34 ​)​​
    So −r = ln​​(​  34 ​)​​, or

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      r = −ln​​(​  34 ​)​​ ≈ 0.029.
5. The geometric sequence an = Ce−rn represents the difference between 70°F and
the refrigerator’s temperature after n hours, where C and r are from Question 4.
Find the common ratio for an. What does the common ratio say about the
refrigerator’s temperature?
Using r = −0.029 and C = 35,
an = C​​e​​  −rn​​
an = 35​​e​​  −0.029n​​
an = 35(0.971)n
The common ratio is approximately 0.971, which is less than 1,
so the sequence decreases towards 0. This means the difference
between 70°F and the refrigerator’s temperature decreases
towards 0. Therefore, the refrigerator’s temperature gets closer
and closer to 70°F.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

Cumulative Assessment 3

1. Joseph rides a motorized scooter 4. Select all solutions to the system:

at a constant speed from his house 2x − y = 4
to the edge of his neighborhood y = −(x − 2​​)​​  2​​
and back. The graph models the
miles he is from his house after ◻ A. (0,−4) ◻ D. (2, −4)
x minutes. ◻ B. (2, 0) ◻ E. (6, −16)
y ◻ C. (6, −4) ◻ F. (4, −4)

0.8 5. Ping’s walking route to school

goes over a hill. He represents the

0.6 changing elevation with a graph,

0.4 where x is the distance from home
and y is the elevation. The peak of
the hill is at (−3, 4), and the route
x takes him past city hall at (−5, 2).
0 2 4 6 8 10
What is the equation in vertex
form of a parabola that represents
Match each interval to its best Ping's elevation?
𝖠 y = __​​ 12 ​​(x + 3​​)​​  2​​ − 4
Increasing Decreasing Positive Negative
𝖡 y = −​​ __12 ​​(x − 3​​)​​  2​​ − 4
(0, 5) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
𝖢 y = −​​ __12 ​​(x + 3​​)​​  2​​ + 4
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(5, 10) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
(0, 10) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 𝖣 y = −2(x + 3​​)​​  2​​ − 4

2. What are the domain and range 6. Solve the equation 4​​x​​  2​​ − 4x = 24.
of the function in Item 1? Write 𝖠 x = 4, −6 𝖢 x = 2, −3
answers in interval notation.
𝖡 x = −2, 3 𝖣 x = −3, −4
domain: [ 0 , 10 ]

, 7. A stone is tossed from the top

range: [ 0 1 ]
of a cliff. The function
h(t) = −16​​t​​  2​​ − 48t + 160 gives the
3. The x-intercept of the graph of f(x) height, in feet, of the stone t seconds
is at x = −4. What is the value of the after it is tossed. How long will it be
x-intercept for g(x) if g(x) = 3f (4x)? before the stone hits the ground?

−1 2 seconds

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 6 Assessment Resources

8. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 9 = 0 using the 11. If x + 2 is a factor of
Quadratic Formula. P(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 5​​x​​  2​​ + 11x + 10, select
__ __
all factors that express P(x) as a
𝖠 x = 1 + 2i​√
​​​ 2 ​ and x = 1 − 2i​√2 ​ ​
___ ___ product.
𝖡 x = 1 + 2​√10 ​and x = 1 − 2​√10 ​ ◻ A. not a factor
𝖢 x = 1 and x = 9 ◻ B. (x + 2)
𝖣 x = __​​ 12 ​​ + 2i and x = ​​ __12 ​​ − 2i ◻ C. ​(x​2​− 3x + 5)
◻ D. ​(x​2​+ 3x − 5)
9. For the polynomial function
f(x) = ​​x​​  5​​ − 2​​x​​  6​​ + 3, select all the ◻ E. ​(x​2​− 3x − 5)
statements that are true. ◻ F. ​​(x​2​​ + 3x + 5)
◻ A. As x increases, f(x) always
decreases. 12. Use a graph of the polynomial
◻ B. The degree of the function f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x to
polynomial is 6. complete the sentences.

◻ C. The graph of the polynomial increasing decreasing

has five zeros.
positive negative
◻ D. f(x) = −2​​x​​  6​​ + ​x​​  5​​ + 3 is the
polynomial written in
standard form.
f is negative on the intervals

◻ E. f(x) is increasing over the (−∞, −1) and (0, 2).

interval (−∞, 1).
f is positive on the intervals

10. The graph of function f is shown. (−1, 0) and (2, ∞).

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For which function would the
graph represent the solutions to
f is increasing on the intervals
f(x) = 0? (−∞, −0.5) and (1.2, ∞).

y f is decreasing on the interval
(−0.5, 1.2).
−4 −2 O 2 4 13. Write the product (7 + 3i)(7 − 3i) in
−2 the form a + bi.
−4 𝖠 49 − 9i
𝖡 49 − 9​​i​​  2​​
𝖠 f(x) = (x + 1)(x − 1)(x − 2) 𝖢 40
𝖡 f(x) = (x − 1)(x − 1)(x + 2) 𝖣 58
𝖢 f(x) = (x + 1)(x + 2)(x − 1)
𝖣 f(x) = (x + 1)(x +1)(x − 2)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 6 Assessment Resources

14. R varies inversely with x. If R = −2 18. Simplify ​​ √ 16​a​​  8​​b​​  24​ ​​.
when x = 6, what is the value of R
when x = −3?
𝖠 4​​a​​  4​​​​b​​  12​​
𝖠 −4 𝖡 4​​a​​  4​​​​b​​  6​​
𝖡 −1 𝖢 2​​b​​  16​​
𝖢 1 𝖣 2​​a​​  2​​​​b​​  6​​
𝖣 4 19. Select all solutions to the system of
15. Select all the horizontal and vertical y = (x − 3​​)​​  2​​
asymptotes for the graph of y = x − 1​​
​x​​  ​ − x − 6  ​​.
y = ____________
​​     ◻ A. (3, 1) ◻ D. (1, 3)
14 − 9x + ​x​​  ​2
◻ B. (2, 1) ◻ E. (1, 2)
◻ A. y = 1
◻ C. (5, 4) ◻ F. (4, 5)
◻ B. y = 0
◻ C. y = −6 20. The graph of y = √​​ x ​has been

◻ D. x = −2 translated to the right 1 unit and

up 4 units. What is the equation of
◻ E. x = 7 the translated graph?
◻ F. x = 2 𝖠 y = 1 + √​​ x + 4 ​​

𝖡 y = 4 − √​ x – 1 ​​
16. Describe the transformations _____
needed to translate the graph of 𝖢 y = 4 + √​ x – 1 ​​
​​  1x ​to the graph of y = ​​ ____
y = __ 1
 ​​ − 3. 𝖣 y = 3 + √​​ x ​
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𝖠 to the right 1 and down 3

𝖡 to the right 1 and up 3 21. The parent function f(x) = |x| is
stretched vertically, reflected over
𝖢 to the left 1 and down 3 the x-axis, and then shifted down
𝖣 to the left 1 and up 3 to generate g(x). Select all the
equations that could represent g(x).

​​  1x ​− ​​ __1y ​, what is the value of ​​ __1a ​?

17. If a = __ ◻ A. g(x) = −0.5​|x − 3|​
◻ B. g(x) = −3|x| − 1
​y xy
𝖠 _____ ​
−x ◻ C. g(x) = 1.3|​−x​| − 5
1 ​
𝖡 ​x − y ◻ D. g(x) = 5|​−x|​+ 3
𝖢 ​x xy
​ ◻ E. g(x) = −2.7​|x​| − 10

𝖣 x − y ◻ F. g(x) = 5|x| − 4

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 6 Assessment Resources

22. If f(x) = 3 − x and g(x) = √
​​ 2x ​, what 26. If h(x) = 4x − 3, what is an equation
is the domain of (g ∘ f)(x)? Use the for ​​h​​  −1​​(x)?
choices provided.
𝖠 h​ ​​  −1​​(x) = 3x + 4
> < ≥ ≤ 0 3 𝖡 h​ ​​  −1​​(x) = 3x − 4
−3 −2 2 6 −6 ​​  x + ​​
𝖢 h​ ​​  −1​​(x) = _____ 3
Domain: x ≤ 3 ​​  x − ​​
𝖣 h​ ​​  −1​​(x) = _____ 3

Range: y ≥ 0
27. If f(x) = √
​​ x – 3 ​​, select all the
23. If f(x) = 5​​x​2​​ − 3x + 1 and statements that are true.
g(x) = 2​​x​2​​ − x, what is (f − g)(x)?
◻ A. ​​f​​ 
​​(0) = 3
3   ​​x​2​​ + −2   x + 1 ◻ B. ​​f​​ 
​​(−1) = 4
◻ C. f ⚬ ​​f​​  −1​​(7) = 7

24. A shipping company’s boxes come ◻ D. ​​f​​ 

​​(12) = 3
in different sizes. The base area ◻ E. ​f​​ −1​(−2) = 1
of the boxes is represented by the
function 4​​x​​  2​​ − 4x + 1. The height
of the boxes is 2x − 1. Select all _____ _______
the expressions that represent the ​​ x + 7 ​​ – 1 = √
28. Solve √ ​​ 3x + 10 ​​.
volume of the boxes.
𝖠 −3
◻ A. 6​​x​​  3​​ + 6​​x​​  2​​ − 6x + 1
𝖡 0
◻ B. (2x − 1​​)​​  3​​
𝖢 2

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◻ C. 8​​x​​  3​​ − 12​​x​​  2​​ + 6x − 1
𝖣 −3, 2
◻ D. 4​​x​​  2​​ − 2x
◻ E. (2x + 1)(2x − 1​)​​ 2​

29. Which function represents the

exponential function f(x) = ​​5​​  x​after
25. A boat can travel upstream 4 miles a horizontal stretch by a factor of 2
in the same amount of time it can and a reflection across the x-axis?
travel 6 miles downstream. If the
current of the water is 3 miles per 𝖠 g(x) = (​​ −​ __12 ​)​​​​5​​  x​​
hour, how fast will the boat travel _ x

in still water?
𝖡 g(x) = −​5​​  ​   ​​​ 2

𝖢 g(x) = −2 ⋅ ​5​​ x​
15 miles per hour
𝖣 g(x) = −​5​​ 2x​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 6 Assessment Resources

​​  14 ​​ ∙ ​​6​​  x​,
30. For the function f(x) = __ 33. A colony of spiders has a
identify the y-intercept and the population of 350. The population
asymptote. Write answers as is decreasing at a rate of 3% per
decimals when necessary. year.

  , Part A
y-intercept: ( 0 0.25 )
Complete the exponential decay
asymptote: y = 0 function for the quarterly decay
4 t
y= 350 ( 0.9925 )  ​​ ​​  ​
31. Which of the following functions
Part B
has a greater growth factor than
the function shown in the graph? Select the correct phrase and
number to complete the sentence.
(2, 12) The y-intercept is the
(1, 6) ◻ number of spiders
( 3
−1, 2 4 ) (0, 3) ◻ number of quarters at time
−4 −2 O 2 4 ◻ number of years

𝖠 f(x) = 5 · ​​3​​  x​ ◻ 0.
𝖡 f(x) = ​​1.2​​  x​ ◻ 1.
x ◻ 350.   
𝖢 f(x) = (​​​ __​  12 ​)​​​  ​
𝖣 f(x) = __​​ 13 ​​ · ​​0.2​​  x​
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34. Which function is the inverse of the

exponential function y = ( ​  32 ​)​​​  ​?
​​​ __
𝖠 y = ​​​(__​ 23 ​)​​​  ​
32. What is the solution to the x
equation lo​​g​  2​​​(5x − 2) = −2?
_ 3
𝖡 y = ​​x​​ ​  ​​​2
2 3 5 9 10 20
𝖢 y = lo​​g​ _ ​​​​ x 3

9 2

𝖣 y = lo​​g​  x​​​​​(__​  23 ​)​​


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 5 of 6 Assessment Resources

35. Jesse invested $500 in an 37. Select the steps to write the
account that earns 5% interest expression 2 log m − log n − 4 log p
compounded monthly. How much as a single logarithm using the
money will be in his account after 4 properties of logarithms.
years? Round to the nearest dollar.
Product Property of Logarithms
$ 610
Quotient Property of Logarithms

36. Complete the equation of the

Power Property of Logarithms
inverse of the function
f(x) = lo​​g​  5​​​(2x). Write values as 2 log m − log n − 4 log p
decimals when necessary.
= log ​​m​​  2​​ − log n − log ​​p​​  4
y= 0.5 ( 5  ​​)​​  x​​
Power Property of
​​ Logarithms
= log ​​m​​  2​​ − log n​p​​  4​​           
Product Property of

( n​p​​  ​)
​  ​m​​  4​ ​ ​​       
= log​​ ____

Quotient Property of

38. Which is a viable solution to the

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equation 2log(x − 1) = log(4x − 4)?
𝖠 x = 1
𝖡 x = 2
𝖢 x = 5
𝖣 x = 6

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 6 of 6 Assessment Resources


Cumulative Assessment 3, HONORS

1. Part A 4. Select all solutions to the system:

What is the domain of the function? 2x − y = 4
y y = −(x − 2​​)​​  2​​

◻ A. (0,−4) ◻ D. (2, −4)
x ◻ B. (2, 0) ◻ E. (6, −16)
−4 −2 O 2 4 ◻ C. (6, −4) ◻ F. (4, −4)

−4 5. Ping’s walking route to school

goes over a hill. He represents the
𝖠 (−∞, ∞) changing elevation with a graph,
where x is the distance from home
𝖡 [−4, 1​] and y is the elevation. The peak of
𝖢 (−∞, 1), (1, ∞) the hill is at (−3, 4), and the route
takes him past city hall at (−5, 2).
𝖣 (−∞, 1), (1, 2), (2, ∞) What is the equation in vertex
Part B form of a parabola that represents
What is the range of the function? Ping's elevation?

, 𝖠 y = __​​ 12 ​​(x + 3​​)​​  2​​ − 4

[ −4 1 ]
𝖡 y = −​​ __12 ​​(x − 3​​)​​  2​​ − 4
𝖢 y = −​​ __12 ​​(x + 3​​)​​  2​​ + 4
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2. Write the explicit formula of the

sequence defined by
𝖣 y = −2(x + 3​​)​​  2​​ − 4
{​a​  n − 1 ​​+ 3, n > 1.
5, n = 1
​a​  n​= ​​ ​ ​ ​​​
6. Solve the equation 4​​x​​  2​​ − 4x = 24.
𝖠 ​​a​  n​​​ = 5 + 3n
𝖡 ​a​n​ = 3 + 5n 𝖠 x = 4, −6 𝖢 x = 2, −3
𝖢 ​a​n​ = 2 + 3n 𝖡 x = −2, 3 𝖣 x = −3, −4
𝖣 ​a​n​ = −2 + 5n 7. A stone is tossed from the top
of a cliff. The function
3. Write the product (7 + 3i)(7 − 3i) in h(t) = −16​​t​​  2​​ − 48t + 160 gives the
the form a + bi. height, in feet, of the stone t seconds
𝖠 49 − 9i 𝖢 40 after it is tossed. How long will it be
before the stone hits the ground?
𝖡 49 − 9​​i​​  2​​ 𝖣 58
2 seconds

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 6 Assessment Resources

8. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 9 = 0 using the 11. If x + 2 is a factor of
Quadratic Formula. P(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ + 5​​x​​  2​​ + 11x + 10, select
__ __
all factors that express P(x) as a
𝖠 x = 1 + 2i​√
​​​ 2 ​ and x = 1 − 2i​√2 ​ ​
___ ___ product.
𝖡 x = 1 + 2​√10 ​and x = 1 − 2​√10 ​ ◻ A. not a factor
𝖢 x = 1 and x = 9 ◻ B. (x + 2)
𝖣 x = __​​ 12 ​​ + 2i and x = ​​ __12 ​​ − 2i ◻ C. ​​(x​2​​ − 3x + 5)
◻ D. ​​(x​2​​ + 3x − 5)
9. For the polynomial function
f(x) = ​​x​​  5​​ − 2​​x​​  6​​ + 3, select all the ◻ E. ​​(x​2​​ − 3x − 5)
statements that are true. ◻ F. ​​(x​2​​ + 3x + 5)
◻ A. As x increases, f(x) always
decreases. 12. Use a graph of the polynomial
◻ B. The degree of the function f(x) = ​​x​​  3​​ − ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x to
polynomial is 6. complete the sentences.

◻ C. The graph of the polynomial increasing decreasing

has five zeros.
positive negative
◻ D. f(x) = −2​​x​​  6​​ + ​x​​  5​​ + 3 is the
polynomial written in
standard form.
f is negative on the intervals

◻ E. f(x) is increasing over the (−∞, −1) and (0, 2).

interval (−∞, 1).
f is positive on the intervals

10. The graph of function f is shown. (−1, 0) and (2, ∞).

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For which function would the
graph represent the solutions to
f is increasing on the intervals
f(x) = 0? (−∞, −0.5) and (1.2, ∞).

y f is decreasing on the interval
(−0.5, 1.2).
−4 −2 O 2 4


𝖠 f(x) = (x + 1)(x − 1)(x − 2)

𝖡 f(x) = (x − 1)(x − 1)(x + 2)
𝖢 f(x) = (x + 1)(x + 2)(x − 1)
𝖣 f(x) = (x + 1)(x +1)(x − 2)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 6 Assessment Resources

13. Joseph rides a motorized scooter 16. Select all the horizontal and vertical
at a constant speed from his house asymptotes for the graph of
to the edge of his neighborhood 2
​x​​  ​ − x − 6  ​​.
y = ____________
and back. The graph models the 2
14 − 9x + ​x​​  ​
miles he is from his house after x
minutes. ◻ A. y = 1
y ◻ B. y = 0
1 ◻ C. y = −6
0.8 ◻ D. x = −2


0.6 E. x = 7
0.4 ◻ F. x = 2
x 17. Describe the transformations
0 2 4 6 8 10 needed to translate the graph of
​​  1x ​to the graph of y = ​​ ____
y = __ 1
 ​​ − 3.
Match each interval to its best
𝖠 to the right 1 and down 3
𝖡 to the right 1 and up 3
Increasing Decreasing Positive Negative
(0, 5) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
𝖢 to the left 1 and down 3
(5, 10) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 𝖣 to the left 1 and up 3
(0, 10) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

​​  1x ​− ​​ __1y ​, what is the value of ​​ __1a ​?

18 . If a = __
14. What are the domain and range
​y xy
𝖠 _____ xy
𝖢 ​​ _____
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of the function in item 13? Write ​ ​

−x x−y
answers in interval notation.
​x −1 y ​
𝖡 _____ 𝖣 x−y
Domain: [ 0 10 ]
Range: [ 0 , 1 ] 19. Simplify ​​ √ 16​a​​  8​​b​​  24​ ​​.
𝖠 4​​a​​  4​​​​b​​  12​​ 𝖢 2​​b​​  16​​
15. R varies inversely with x. If R = −2
when x = 6, what is the value of R
𝖡 4​​a​​  4​​​​b​​  6​​ 𝖣 2​​a​​  2​​​​b​​  6​​
when x = −3?
20. Select all solutions to the system of
𝖠 −4
𝖡 −1
y = (x − 3​​)​​  2​​
𝖢 1 y=x−1
𝖣 4
◻ A. (3, 1) ◻ D. (1, 3)
◻ B. (2, 1) ◻ E. (1, 2)
◻ C. (5, 4) ◻ F. (4, 5)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 6 Assessment Resources

21. The graph of y = √​​ x ​has been 25. A boat can travel upstream 4 miles
translated to the right 1 unit and in the same amount of time it can
up 4 units. What is the equation of travel 6 miles downstream. If the
the translated graph? current of the water is 3 miles per
hour, how fast will the boat travel
𝖠 y = 1 + √​​ x + 4 ​​ in still water?
𝖡 y = 4 − √​ x – 1 ​​
_____ 15 miles per hour
𝖢 y = 4 + √ ​ x – 1 ​​
𝖣 y = 3 + √​​ x ​ 26. If h(x) = 4x − 3, what is an equation
___ for ​​h​​  −1​​(x)?
22. If f(x) = 3 − x and g(x) = √
​​ 2x ​, what
is the domain of (g ∘ f)(x)? Use the 𝖠 ​​h​​  −1​​(x) = 3x + 4
choices provided. 𝖡 ​​h​​  −1​​(x) = 3x − 4
> < ≥ ≤ 0 3 ​​  x + ​​
𝖢 ​​h​​  −1​​(x) = _____ 3
−3 −2 2 6 −6 ​​  x − ​​
𝖣 ​​h​​  −1​​(x) = _____ 3
Domain: x ≤ 3 _____
27. If f(x) = √
​​ x – 3 ​​, select all the
Range: y ≥ 0 statements that are true.
◻ A. ​​f​​ 
​​(0) = 3
23. If f(x) = 5​​x​2​​
− 3x + 1 and ◻ B. ​​f​​ 
​​(−1) = 4
g(x) = 2​​x​2​​ − x, what is (f − g)(x)?
◻ C. f ⚬ ​​f​​  −1​​(7) = 7
3   ​​x​2​​ + −2   x + 1 ◻ D. ​​f​​ 
​​(12) = 3
◻ E. ​f​​ −1​(−2) = 1

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24. A shipping company’s boxes come
_____ _______
in different sizes. The base area ​​ x + 7 ​​ – 1 = √
28. Solve √ ​​ 3x + 10 ​​.
of the boxes is represented by the
function 4​​x​​  2​​ − 4x + 1. The height 𝖠 −3
of the boxes is 2x − 1. Select all 𝖡 0
the expressions that represent the
volume of the boxes. 𝖢 2
◻ A. 6​​x​​  3​​ + 6​​x​​  2​​ − 6x + 1 𝖣 −3, 2
◻ B. (2x − 1​​)​​  3​​
◻ C. 8​​x​​  3​​ − 12​​x​​  2​​ + 6x − 1
◻ D. 4​​x​​  2​​ − 2x
◻ E. (2x + 1)(2x − 1​)​​ 2​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 6 Assessment Resources

29. Which function represents the 32. A colony of spiders has a
exponential function f(x) = ​​5​​  x​after population of 350. The population
a horizontal stretch by a factor of 2 is decreasing at a rate of 3% per
and a reflection across the x-axis? year.
𝖠 g(x) = (​​ −​ __12 ​)​​​​5​​  x​​ Part A
_ x
Complete the exponential decay
𝖡 g(x) = −​5​​  ​   ​​​ 2
function for the quarterly decay
𝖢 g(x) = −2 ⋅ ​5​​ x​ rate.
4 t
𝖣 g(x) = −​5​​ 2x​ y= 350 ( 0.9925 )  ​​ ​​  ​
Part B
​​  14 ​​ ∙ ​​6​​  x​,
30. For the function f(x) = __
Select the correct phrase and
identify the y-intercept and the
number to complete the sentence.
asymptote. Write answers as
decimals when necessary. The y-intercept is the
y-intercept: ( 0 0.25 ) ◻ number of spiders
asymptote: y = 0
◻ number of quarters at time
◻ number of years

31. Which of the following functions

has a greater growth factor than
◻ 0.
the function shown in the graph? ◻ 1.

◻ 350.
(2, 12)
8 33. What is the 3rd term in the
(1, 6)
(−1, 32) 4
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expansion of (3​​x​2​​ − y​)​​  6​​?

(0, 3)
−4 −2 O 2 4 1215 x   8 y    2

𝖠 f(x) = 5 · ​​3​​  x​ 34. What is the solution to the

𝖡 f(x) = ​​1.2​​  x​ equation lo​​g​  2​​​(5x − 2) = −2?
𝖢 f(x) = (​​​ __​  12 ​)​​​  ​ 2 3 5 9 10 20

𝖣 f(x) = __​​ 13 ​​ · ​​0.2​​  x​ 9


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 5 of 6 Assessment Resources

35. Jesse invested $500 in an 37. Select the steps to write the
account that earns 5% interest expression 2 log m − log n − 4 log p
compounded monthly. How much as a single logarithm using the
money will be in his account after 4 properties of logarithms.
years? Round to the nearest dollar.
Product Property of Logarithms
$ 610
Quotient Property of Logarithms

36. Complete the equation of the

Power Property of Logarithms
inverse of the function
f(x) = lo​​g​  5​​​(2x). Write values as 2 log m − log n − 4 log p
decimals when necessary.
= log ​​m​​  2​​ − log n − log ​​p​​  4
y= 0.5 ( 5  ​​)​​  x​​
Power Property of
​​ Logarithms
= log ​​m​​  2​​ − log n​p​​  4​​           
Product Property of

( n​p​​  ​)
​  ​m​​  4​ ​ ​​       
= log​​ ____

Quotient Property of

38. Write an explicit definition for the

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geometric sequence 2, 6, 18, 54,. . . .
What is the value of the 8th term
of the sequence?

​​an​ ​= 2 ( 3  ​​)​​  n−1​​

8th term: 4374

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 6 of 6 Assessment Resources


7 Readiness Assessment

1. Select the 4
yP Q 5. Given A(x, y), match the
transformation coordinates of A′ with the
that maps R corresponding transformation.
PQRS onto −4 −2 O 2 x Dilation Translation Reflection Rotation
P’Q’R’S. −2
S′ P′
A′(y, x) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
R′ Q′
A′(−x, y) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
𝖠 rotation 90° counterclockwise A′(4x, 4y) ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
about the origin
𝖡 rotation 90° clockwise about A′(x + 3,
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
the origin y − 1)

𝖢 reflection across the x-axis

𝖣 rotation 180° about the origin 6. Which of the following describes
the transformation
(x, y) → (2x, −2y)?
2. What are the coordinates of
quadrilateral PQRS from Item 1 𝖠 dilation and reflection
after a reflection across the y-axis? 𝖡 dilation and rotation
P’( −1 , 4 ), Q’( −4 , 4 ), 𝖢 translation and reflection
R’( −4 , 2 ), S’( −2 , 0 ) 𝖣 translation and rotation
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3. What are the coordinates of the

7. A triangle has vertices at (−3, 2),
image of a triangle with vertices
(4, 2), and (−3, −22). What is the
A(2, 3), B(4, −5), C(0, −1) after
length of the longest side of the
a translation 3 units left and 5 up?
A’( −1 , 8 ), B’( 1 , 0 ),
25 units
C’( −3 , 4 )

8. What is the length of the

4. Triangle JKL is the image of a hypotenuse of the triangle?
dilation, centered at the origin, of
triangle DEF. Given points D(0, 3) 65°
and J(0, 9), what is the scale factor
of the dilation?
𝖠 __​13 ​​ 𝖢 3

𝖡 2 𝖣 6 𝖠 2.1 𝖢 8.6
𝖡 4.4 𝖣 9.5

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

9. What is the length of the segment 14. Use elimination to solve the system
with one endpoint at the origin of equations.
and the other endpoint at (12, −5)?
__ 3x − 2y = 10
𝖠 √​17 ​​ units 5x + 3y = −15
𝖡 13 units ( 0 , −5 )
𝖢 17 units
𝖣 169 units 15. Use substitution to solve the system
of equations.
10. What is the acute angle formed 4x + y = −2
by the segment in Item 9 and the 3x + 2y = 6
( −2 , 6 )
𝖠 21°
𝖡 22.6° 16. Solve the system of equations
𝖢 67.4° algebraically.
𝖣 69° −4x + 8 = 3y
7x + 4y = 12
__​​ 4 ​​ ​​ __
11. A right triangle has hypotenuse of 8 ​​
length 14 and a leg of length 7. ( , )
5 5
What is the measure of the angle
formed by these sides?
17. Solve the system of equations
𝖠 0.5° algebraically.
𝖡 2° 4x + 9y = 9
𝖢 30° 2y = 14

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( −13.5 , 7 )
𝖣 60°
12. Find the measure of the smallest 18. Solve the system of equations
angle of a right triangle with leg algebraically.
lengths of 2 and 9, to the nearest 7y + 4x = 10
tenth of a degree. 9y − 12x = 0
12.5 ( 0.75 , 1 )

13. How many solutions does the

system of equations have?
6x − 15y = −3
10y = 2(2x + 2)
𝖠 0    𝖢 2
𝖡 1    𝖣 infinitely many

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


7-1 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Operations with Matrices

1. In matrix C, the entries are the numbers of students in a chess club at a high
school. Column 1 lists boys, column 2 lists girls, row 1 lists juniors, and row
2 lists seniors. What does the number in position ​​c​  21​​​represent?

C = [​​ ​ ​ ​
4 3]
5 6
​  ​​  ​​

𝖠 4 girls who are juniors 𝖢 6 girls who are seniors

𝖡 4 boys who are seniors 𝖣 6 boys who are juniors

2. The rows in matrix A represent the prices of long-sleeved and short-sleeved

shirts. The columns represent the fabrics: cotton, linen, and silk. If the sales
tax rate is 5%, use scalar multiplication to list the sales tax for each shirt in
matrix S. Express each entry as a decimal to the nearest hundredth.

[ 1.00 1.75 2.25 ]

A = [​​ ​ ​ ​
20 35 45]
25 40 50
​ ​
​ ​ ​​
S = ​​    ​ ​ ​
​ ​2.00
​ ​ 2.50
​    ​​

3. Given matrices X = [​​ ​ 

​​  ​​ and Y = [​​ −4
3 −2]
2 −3 1

​ ​ ​ ​ ​ 
​  ​ ​​, complete the matrix for each
sum or difference.

​  −2​​    ]​    X − Y = [​​    ​  6​ ​

​ −4​    ​  ]​​     [
[ 4 −6 ]
X + Y = ​​   ​
−2​ ​ −6​ ​ 
Y − X =  ​​   ​ ​  4​    ​​
2 2 −4 6
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4. What are the values of the variables in the matrix equation?

[​​ ​ 18​  ​  16​]​​ = [​​ ​ 2y​  ​  16​​]​​

9 3x 9 6

𝖠 x = 5, y = 8   𝖡 x = 6, y = 3   𝖢 x = 3, y = 6    𝖣 x = 2, y = 9

−2 −5
5. If A = [​​ ​ ​  ​],​​ B = [​​ ​ ​  ​  ]​ ​​, and C = ​​  ​−1​  4​ ​​, which statements
[ 3 6]
2 1 −3 −2 −1 3
5 −4 −6 −5 4 6
about matrices A, B, and C are true? Select all that apply.

◻ A. Matrices A and B are additive inverses.

◻ B. Matrices A and C are additive inverses.
◻ C. Matrices B and C cannot be combined using addition or subtraction.
◻ D. Matrices A and B cannot be combined using addition or subtraction.
◻ E. A + B = B + A
◻ F. A − B = B − A

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7-2 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Matrix Multiplication

1. In a weighted grading system, students are graded on quizzes, tests, and a

project, each with a different weight. Matrix W represents the weights for
each kind of work, and matrix G represents the grades for two students, Felipe
and Helena.
Felipe Helena
Q T P Q 80 70

[ ]
​​  ​  ​  ​  ​  ​ ​​
W = [0.40 0.50 0.10] G = ​​ T​​​  ​​ 60
​ ​  80​ ​​
P 90 60

Final grades are represented in a matrix F. If F = WG, what is F?

𝖠 [​ 71
​ ​ ​   𝖡 ​​[71 74]​​    𝖢 ​​[74 71]​​    𝖣 ​​[74
​ ​]​​

​ ​  2]​ ​​ and Y = [​​ ​  ​ 

−3 2]
2. Given matrices X = [​​ −2
4 −1
​ ,​​ find the product XY.
1 −3

[ 13 −7 ]
XY = ​​   ​
−14​  6​    ​​

3. If AB = A for any 4 × 4 matrix A, which matrix could be B?

⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢⎥
1 0 0 0 ⎡0 0 0 1⎤ ⎡1 1 1 1⎤ ⎡1⎤

[00 ]
0​ ​     ​​ 0 0 1 0 1​ ​     ​​ 1
𝖠 ​ 0​ ​ 1​ 0​
𝖡 0​ ​ 1


​ ​   𝖢 ​​ 1
1 1
𝖣 ​1​ ​
0 1 0
⎣1 0⎦ ⎣1 1⎦ ⎣1⎦

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0 0 1 0 0 1 1

4. Matrices A, B, and C are all 2 × 2 matrices. Which statements about A, B, and C

are true? Select all that apply.
◻ A. AB = BA ◻ C. (AB)C = (BA)C ◻ E. C(A + B) = CA + CB
◻ B. (AB)C = A(BC) ◻ D. AA + AB = A(A + B) ◻ F. (A + B)B = AB + BA

5. Complete the matrix that represents a reflection over the x-axis in the
coordinate plane.

[ 0 −1 ]
​​   ​  ​ 
0​    ​​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


7-3 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Inverses and Determinants

1. What is the inverse matrix of [​​ ​ ​  ]​ ​​? Express numbers as decimals.

3 2
4 1

[ 0.8 −0.6 ]
−0.2​ 0.4​​
​ ​​

2. The graph shows the location of a triangle to be painted 6

y C(5, 6)
on a wall mural, where each unit on the grid represents
1 foot. What is the area of the triangle? 4

𝖠 2.5 f​​t​​  2​​ 2

B(4, 1)
A(0, 0) x
𝖡 5 f​​t​​  2​​ 0
0 2 4 6
𝖢 9.5 f​​t​​  2​​
𝖢 18 f​​t​​  2​​
3. A parallelogram has vertices at the origin, ​(​4, 6​​​),​​​​ and ​(​−3, a​)​, and has an area of
6 square units. What are the possible values of a? Select all that apply.

◻ A. −6   ◻ B. −3   ◻ C. 0   ◻ D. 3   ◻ E. 6

4. Which of the given matrices has an inverse? Select all that apply.

A. [
−2 3]
C. [​​ ​ ​ 
1 −3]
E. ​​[​ ​ 
9 −3]
4 6 −2 6 −2 6
◻ ​​ ​  ​  ​ ​​ ◻ ​ ​​ ◻ ​ ​​
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B. ​​[​ ​ 
9 −3]
D. [​​ ​ 
−2 −3]
F. ​​[​ ​ 
1 −3]
−6 −2 4 6 −2 −6
◻ ​ ​​ ◻ ​  ​ ​​ ◻ ​ ​​

5. What is the area of the triangle whose vertices are at the origin, (​​2, 4​​​),​​​​
and ​(​−1, 6​)​?

8 square units

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Teaching Resources


7-4 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Inverse Matrices and Systems of Equations

{4x − y = 5
2x + 3y = 8
1. What is a matrix equation for the system of linear equations ​​ ​    ​​​?​

Complete the equation with the correct numbers.

[ 4 −1 ][y] [ 5 ]
​​   ​ ​ 
3​    ​​​​ x​ ​​  ​​ = ​​ ​  8​ ​​

{8x + 6y = 4
4x + 3y = 12
2. Which statements about the system ​​ ​    ​​​​are true?
Select all that apply.
◻ A. The coefficient matrix is [​​ 4​ ​  3​]​​.
8 6
◻ B. The determinant of the coefficient matrix is 8.
◻ C. The coefficient matrix is not invertible.
◻ D. The system can be solved using a matrix inverse.
◻ E. The solution of the system is (2, −2).

3. A company makes short boots and tall boots. Manufacturing Costs per Pair ($)
Last week, the company spent $855 on labor and Boot Style Labor Materials
$1,150 on materials. Let s represent the number Short 15 22
of pairs of short boots produced and t represent
Tall 24 30
the number of pairs of tall boots produced.
Part A

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Which matrix equation models the situation?

​ ​  22​ ​​​​[​ ]​​  ​​ = [​​ ​ 

𝖠 ​​[15 ​]​​  ​​[​ ​  ​]​​​​[​ ]​​  ​​ = ​​[​  ​]​​
s 855 15 24 s 855
t 1150
𝖢 22 30 t 1150
24 30

24 30][t] [ 855 ]
𝖡 ​​[15
​ ​  22​ ​​​​ s​ ​​  ​​ = ​​ 1150
​ ​ ​​ 𝖣 ​​[15
​ ​ 
​]​​​​[​ ]​​  ​​ = ​​[​
24 s
30 t 855 ]
​ ​​

Part B
How many tall boots were produced?

4. The coordinates (x, y) of a point in a plane are the solution of the matrix
​ ​  2​]​​​​[​y​​ ]​​ = [​​ ​ 
equation [​​ −1
x 11
​ ​​. In which quadrant is the point located?
2 −1
𝖠 I    𝖡 II    𝖢 III    𝖣 IV

5. What is the solution of the matrix equation [​​ ​ ​  ​]​​​​[​y​​ ]​​ = ​​[​ ​]​​?
5 3 x −5
2 1 −1
[ −5 ]
​​[​y​​ ]​​ = ​​   ​ 
x 2 ​
​     ​​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Teaching Resources


7 Topic Assessment Form A, HONORS

−4 0
[ 3 6]
​ ​ and B = [​​ ​  ​  ]​ ​​
2 1
1. Matrices X, Y, and Z are all 2 × 2 5. If A = ​ 1​  −2
−1 3
matrices. Which statements are
true? Select all that apply. and C = AB, what is the value of c22?
◻ A. (XY)Z = X(YZ)
◻ B. (XY)Z = (YX)Z
◻ C. XX + XY = X(X + Y)
6. In matrix V, the entries are the
◻ D. Z(X + Y) = ZX + ZY numbers of cans of vegetables in a
market. Column 1 lists peas, column 2
2. The rows in matrix H represent the lists corn, row 1 lists small cans, and
prices in dollars of regular hats and row 2 lists large cans. What does the
monogrammed hats. The columns number in position ​​v​12​​​represent?

V = ​​[​ ​ 
10 9 ]
represent the sizes small, medium, 22 15
 ​​ ​​
and large. If the sales tax rate is 6%,
use scalar multiplication to list the 𝖠 10 large cans of peas
sales tax for each hat in matrix S.
𝖡 15 small cans of peas
H = [​​ ​ ​ 
13 15 16]
10 12 14
​  ​ ​​
𝖢 15 small cans of corn
[ 0.78 0.90 0.96 ]
0.60 0.72 0.84
S = ​​  ​   ​  ​  ​   ​​ 𝖣 10 large cans of corn
7. Select all the equations that
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3. What is the additive inverse for are represented by the matrix

−4 0 equation.

[ 3 6]
matrix A =​ ​ 1​  −2
​ ​?
​​[​ ​  ]
​ ​​ ​​[​y​]​​= ​​[​  ​]​​
2 −4 x 8
1 6 −1
⎡ 4 0⎤

​​  ​ −1​  ​ 
​ ⎥
2​​  ​  ​​
◻ A. 2x − 4y = 8
⎣ −3 −6 ⎦ ◻ B. 2x + y = −1
◻ C. −4x + 6y = −1
4. What is the area in square units of ◻ D. 2x + y = 8
the triangle whose vertices are at
the origin, (3, 5), and (−2, 4)?
◻ E. x + 6y = −1

𝖠 6 𝖢 12 ◻ F. −4x + 6y = 8

𝖡 11 𝖣 22

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For Items 8 and 9, consider matrices 13. A parallelogram has vertices at the
X = [​​ ​  ​  ​]​​ and Y = [​​ ​ ​  ​]​​.
3 7 −5 1 origin, (2, 5), and (−2, y), and has
−2 6 −4 2 an area of 12 square units. Select
all the possible values of y.
8. What is X – Y?
◻ A. 11
​​[ 8
​ ​ 6​  ]​ ◻ B. −11
2 4
9. What is XY?
◻ C. 0
◻ D. 1
​​ ​[ −43
​ ​  17​]
−14 10 ◻ E. −1
◻ F. 2
10. What is the inverse of [​ ​ 
0 2]
4 −1
​ ​​​?
Enter values as decimals. 14. Which matrix has an inverse?

𝖠 ​​[​ −26​  −93]​ ​ ​𝖢 ​​[1​3​  39​]​​

​ 0.125​]​​
0.25​  ​
​​  ​
0 0.5
𝖡 ​​[−4
​ ​ 
8 6]
​ ​​ 𝖣 ​​[​ −21​  8]
​ ​​
11. Solve the system of linear
equations using inverse matrices.
15. A company makes long scarves
x − y + 2z = 1 and short scarves. Last week, the
2x − y + z = 7 company spent $19,500 on labor
and $25,000 on materials.
x + 4y − z = 2
Manufacturing Costs per Scarf ($)
x= 4 Scarf Style Labor Materials
Long 4 5

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Short 3 4

z= −2 Let x represent the number of long

scarves produced and y represent
12. Matrix X =​ ​[​ ​  ​]​​ and Y = ​​[​ ​  ​].​​
−6 −1 0 0 the number of short scarves
3 2 0 0 produced. Complete the matrix
Find X + Y. equation to model the situation,

[ 3 2]
X + Y = ​​  ​
−6​  −1​​   ​​ then solve for x and y.

[5 4 ][y] [ 25,000 ]
​​  ​  ​ 
3​  ​ ​​​​ x​ ​ ​= ​​  ​19,500​ ​ ​​

x= 3,000
y= 2,500

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


7 Topic Assessment Form B, HONORS

2 −2
[ 1 4]
​ 3​ 0​ ​ and B = [​​ ​ ​  ​
1 2]
3 −1
1. Matrices R, S, and T are all 3 × 3 5. If A = ​ − ​  ​​
matrices. Which statements are
true? Select all that apply. and C = AB, what is the value of c12?
◻ A. ST + TT = S(T + T) −6
◻ B. T(R + S) = TR + TS
◻ C. (RS)T = T(RS) 6. In matrix V, the entries are the
numbers of loaves of bread at
◻ D. (RS)T = R(ST)
a bakery. Column 1 lists wheat
bread, column 2 lists rye bread,
2. The rows in matrix B represent row 1 lists small loaves, and row 2
the prices in dollars of small lists large loaves. What does the
flower bouquets and large flower number in position ​​v​22​​​ represent?

V = ​​[​ ​ 
10 9 ]
bouquets. The columns represent 22 15
tulips, roses, and daisies. If the  ​​ ​​
sales tax rate is 4%, use scalar
multiplication to list the sales tax
𝖠 9 large rye loaves
for each bouquet in matrix S. 𝖡 10 large wheat loaves
B = [​​ ​ ​ 
25 50 35]
15 30 20
​  ​ ​​
𝖢 10 large rye loaves
𝖣 9 large wheat loaves
[ 1.00 2.00 1.40 ]
0.60 1.20 0.80
S = ​​  ​   ​  ​  ​   ​​
7. Select all the equations that
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are represented by the matrix

3. What is the additive inverse for equation.
matrix A = [​​ ​ ​  ​
3 −2 5] ​​[​ ​  ]
​ ​​ ​​[​y​]​​= ​​[​  ​]​​
2 −1 0 3 5 x 13
​  ​ ​​  ​​?
​  ​
2 −2 −2

[−3 2 −5 ]
−2 1
​ ​ ​ ​  ​
​ ​  ​ 
​  0
​   ​​ ◻ A. 3x + 5y = 13
◻ B. 3x + 2y = −2

4. What is the area in square units of

◻ C. 5x − 2y = −2
the triangle whose vertices are at ◻ D. 3x + 2y = 13
the origin, (−3, −5), and (2, −4)?
◻ E. 2x − 2y = −2
𝖠 3 𝖢 7
◻ F. 5x − 2y = 13
𝖡 6 𝖣 11

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For Items 8 and 9, consider matrices 13. A parallelogram has vertices at the

​ ​​ and Y = [​​ ​ ​ 
4 6]
X = [​​ ​  ​ 
−5 −1]
2 6 3 −1 origin, (2, 4), and (−2, y), and has
​ ​​. an area of 10 square units. Select
all the possible values of y.
8. What is Y − X? ◻ A. 9

​ 9
[ 7]
1 −7​ ​
​ ​  ​ ◻ B. −9
◻ C. 0
9. What is XY?
◻ D. 1
[ −19 −1 ]
30 34
​ ​  ​  ​ ​​ ◻ E. −1
◻ F. 3
10. What is the inverse of [
​​​ ​ ​ ​]​?
2 1
−4 0 14. Which matrix has an inverse?
Enter values as decimals.
𝖠 ​​[​ −46​  −9
​ ​ ​𝖢 ​​[​ ​  ​]​​
4 2
[1 0.5 ]
0 −0.25​​ ​ ​
​​  ​ ​  ​
​  8 4

𝖡 ​​[−4
​ ​  ]
−3 6
​ ​​ 𝖣 ​​[3​7​  −7]
​ ​​
11. Solve the system of linear
equations using inverse matrices. 15. A company makes cardigan and
x − y − 2z = −9 pullover sweaters. Last week, the
company spent $18,500 on labor
2x − y − z = −8
and $16,000 on materials.
x − 4y + 3z = 3
Manufacturing Costs per Sweater ($)
x= −2 Sweater Style Labor Materials
Cardigan 15 12

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Pullover 11 10
z= 3
Let c represent the number
of cardigans produced and
12. Matrix X =​ ​[​ ​  ​]​​ and Y = ​​[​ ​  ​]​​.
−1 1 0 0
p represent the number of
2 4 0 0
pullovers produced. Complete
Find X + Y. the matrix equation to model the

[ 2 4]
X + Y = ​​  ​
−1​  1​​  ​​ situation, then solve for c and p.

[ 12 10 ][p] [ 16,000 ]
​​  ​  ​ 
11​  ​ ​​​​ ​  c​ ​= ​​   ​18,500​  ​ ​​

c= 500
p= 1,000

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


7 Performance Task, HONORS

Oil spills and chemical contamination of groundwater are modern environmental

hazards. The field of bioremediation uses bacteria that occur naturally in the
environment to decompose hazardous wastes.

1. The table shows data from an aboveground bio- Component Levels in Soil (mg/kg)
treatment project. Scientists analyzed five samples Area B T E X
from different areas of soil for the presence of
1 0.06 0.95 0.9 18.5
hazardous components of petroleum products.
2 0.06 1.05 0.73 13.5
They found benzene (B), toluene (T), ethylbenzene
3 0.35 6 5.6 49
(E), and xylene (X). A finding of 0.06 mg/kg for
benzene means in Sample 1 in 1 kilogram of soil 4 0.22 0.19 2 19.5
there is about 0.06 mg of benzene present. 5 0.11 0.82 2.5 26

⎢ ⎥
Part A
Present the data in the table as ⎡0.06 0.95 0.9 18.5⎤
matrix C where the five sampling 0.06 1.05 0.73 13.5
areas are the rows of matrix C C = ​​    
0.35 ​  6​  ​  5.6​  ​  ​  49 ​
​ ​ ​​
and the four components are
0.22 0.19 2 19.5
the columns of matrix C. ⎣0.11 0.82 2.5 26 ⎦

⎢ ⎥
Part B
From Part A, an engineer uses ⎡0.01 0.19 0.18 3.70⎤
20% of each sample in matrix C 0.01 0.21 0.15 2.70
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for error analysis. Use a matrix

operation to find the matrix P
P = 0.2 · C = ​​    

0.07​  1.20​  1.12​  9.80​ ​​
(mg/kg) whose elements are 0.04 0.04 0.40 3.90
each 20% of the corresponding ⎣0.02 0.16 0.50 5.20⎦
element of matrix C. Round to
the nearest hundredth.
Part C
From Part A, create two matrices labeled R and S where R is a 5 × 2 matrix that
represents the samples for benzene and toluene. Matrix S is a 5 × 2 matrix that

⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
represents the samples for ethylbenzene and xylene. Then find the sum R + S.
⎡0.06 0.95⎤ ⎡ 0.9 18.5⎤ ⎡0.96 19.45⎤
0.06 1.05 0.73 13.5 0.79 14.55
R = ​​ 0.35
​ ​  6​ ​ ​​, S = ​​ ​  5.6​  ​  ​  49 ​
​ ​ ​​, R + S = ​​   
​5.95​  55​ ​ ​​
0.22 0.19 2 19.5 2.22 19.69
⎣0.11 0.82⎦ ⎣ 2.5 26 ⎦ ⎣2.61 26.82⎦

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

2. Bioengineers decide to treat Areas 3 and 5 for toluene and xylene. Refer to
Item 1 to create a square matrix F with the estimated contamination levels,
again using the different sampling areas as the rows and the contaminants for
the columns. Matrix G represents the treatment costs, where ​​g​  11​​​is the cost in
cents per kilogram for treating 1 mg of toluene, and ​​g​  21​​​is the cost in cents per
kilogram for treating 1 mg of xylene.

G = [​​ ​
​ ​​

Does FG = GF? Explain the meaning of any product you compute. Round to the
nearest hundredth of a cent.

No; since F = [​​ ​  ​  ​ 

0.82 26]
6 49
​ ​​is a 2-by-2 matrix, the product GF
cannot be computed. The product FG will give the total cost of
treatment for both chemicals in each area. Therefore, FG ≠ GF.

[0.82(0.07) + 26(0.22)]
FG = ​​[​  ​]​​ ​​[​ ​]​ ​= ​​    ​ ​​ = ​​[​
6 49 0.07 6(0.07) + 49(0.22) 11.2
​  ​  ​  ​ ​​.
0.82 26 0.22
It costs 11.2 cents per kilogram to treat area 3 for toluene
and xylene. It costs 5.78 cents per kilogram to treat area 5
for toluene and xylene.

3. An engineer wants to predict the flow rates (L/s) of two streams A and B that
are near an oil spill to design remediation plans if the oil reaches either stream.
The system of equations below represents the situation. Represent the system
of linear equations as a matrix equation. Then solve the system using an inverse
matrix to find the flow rate for each stream. Round to the nearest tenth.

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​​{​  ​​​​
30A + 28B = 680
36A + 36B = 840

​​[​ ​  ​]​​​​[​ ]​​  ​​ = ​​[​ ​]​​ 

30 28 A 680
A ≈ 13.3 L/s, B = 10.0 L/s
36 36 B 840
__1 ​ −​ __

[−​ __1 ​ __5]

Let Z = ​​[​ ​  ] ​​  1 ​​ ​​[​ 
​ ​​. ​​Z​​  −1​​ = ____ ]
30 28 36 −28 2 18
​  ​ ​​ = ​​ ​  ​  ​ 
36 36 detZ −36 30 ​
2 12
__1 ​ −​ __ __ __
7 1
​ −​  7 ​ __
[−​  12 ​ 125 ] 36 36 B [−​  12 ​ 12 5 ] 840
​ 40
​​​​[​ ​  ​]​​​​[​ ]​​  ​​ = ​ ​  ​  ​​[​ ​]​​; ​​[​ ​  ​]​​​​[​ ]​​  ​​ =
2 18 30 28 A 2 18 680 1 0 A ​
​  ​  ​  ​  ​​ ​  3 ​ ​​;
__ __
​ __ __
​ 0 1 B

A ≈ 13.3, B = 10.0

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


8 Readiness Assessment

1. What is the value of p in the 6. A quarter is tossed four times.

proportion? If heads is worth $0.25 and tails
p is worth nothing, what is the
​​  8.7 ​​ = ____
_____ ​​  ​​
1,160 100 probability that you end up with
𝖠 0.0075 𝖢 0.029 exactly $0.50?
7 ​​
𝖠 ___
​16 11 ​​
𝖢 ​​ ___
𝖡 0.75 𝖣 0.0029 16

2. What is the value of the expression

𝖡 __​12​​ 𝖣 ​​ __38 ​​
(​​1 − p)​​ ​n​
100 · (p​)​​  r​· _______
​​  r ​for p = 0.7,
(1 − p​)​​  ​ 7. A restaurant owner wants to survey
r = 3, and n = 5? customers. Which method produces
a random representative sample?
𝖠 Survey the first 20 people that
3. What proportion of the surface come in after opening.
area is on each face of the shape, 𝖡 Survey every 20th person that
to the nearest percent? comes in after opening.
Cube (Triangular Pyramid)
𝖢 Survey 20 customers who leave
large tips.
Percentage 17% 25%
𝖣 Survey 20 people on the sidewalk
in front of the restaurant.
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4. Match the probabilities with the

appropriate event. 8. A fair coin is tossed n times.
For which value of n is the
Event\Probability 0.15 0.5 1 0 0.78 experimental probability of tossing
Impossible ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ tails most likely to equal the
Unlikely ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ theoretical probability?
Neither likely
❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
𝖠 5 𝖢 33
nor unlikely
𝖡 25 𝖣 42
Likely ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
Certain ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
9. The number of miles Sheena ran
each day since she started her
5. What is the probability that the training program are shown.
spinner lands on the letter A?
{3, 4, 6, 2x, 7, 10, 8, 2x − 1, 6, 7}
𝖠 ​__14​​ 𝖢 ​​ __1​​ 2 What is the value of x if she ran
1 ​​
__ 2 ​​
​​ __ an average of 2x miles each day
𝖡 ​3 𝖣 3 during this period?
x= 3.125
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
10. Two standard number cubes are 16. A circular target has a radius of
rolled, one red and one blue. How 9 inches. At the center is a red
many different sums are possible? circle with a diameter of 9 inches.
11 Select all the true statements.
◻ A. The ratio of the area of the
11. In 20 free throw attempts, Raul red circle to the remaining
made 8. Based on this data, what target area is 1:3.
is a reasonable estimate of the
probability that Raul will make his ◻ B. The circumference of
the target is double the
next free throw?
circumference of the red
𝖠 8% 𝖢 20% circle.
𝖡 30% 𝖣 40% ◻ C. The area of the target not
covered by the red circle is
12. A bag has 2 red, 3 blue, and π · ​​9​​  2​​ square inches.
5 green marbles. A marble is ◻ D. Doubling both the radius of
randomly drawn from the bag. the target and the diameter
Select all the correct probabilities. of the red circle doubles the
◻ 1 ​​
A. P(red) = ​​ __
ratio of their circumferences.

◻ 3 ​​
B. P(blue or green) = ​​ __ ◻ E. Doubling both the radius of
7 the target and the diameter
◻ 1 ​​
C. P(green) = ​​ __
2 of the red circle doubles the
◻ 4 ​​
D. P(not red) = ​​ __
ratio of their areas.
◻ E. P(not green) = P(green)
17. A sample of 200 students were
surveyed about whether or not
13. Solve p(1 − p) = 0 . 24 for p. Enter they walk to school.

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the answers in ascending order.
Part A
p= 0.4 or p = 0.6 Complete the frequency table.

14. The data set {80, 85, 85, 80, 85} Walk Don’t Walk Total
gives James' scores on 5 math tests. Grade 10 60 40 100
What is his mean score?
Grade 11 70 30 100
Total 130 70 200
15. Select all the game moves that are
Part B
best represented by a negative
integer in a game of chance. Of all the students surveyed, what
percent walk to school?
◻ A. Moving ahead 2 spaces
65 %
◻ B. Moving back 2 spaces
◻ C. A loss of 2 points 18. What is the value of the expression
◻ D. A gain of 2 points 200​​p​​  2​​​​q​​  3​​ for p = __ ​​  3 ​​?
​​  2 ​​ and q = __
5 5
◻ E. A drop of 2 points 6.912
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

8-1 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Probability Events

1. A rectangular piece of stained glass has the

dimensions shown in the diagram. What is the
5 cm
probability that a random leaf that lands on the
rectangle lands within either section shaped like a
right triangle? 2 cm 3 cm 6 cm

2 3 4 5 6 8

9 10 11 12 14 16

2. There are 5 red tiles and 5 blue tiles with the letter A in a bag. There are also
6 red tiles and 4 blue tiles with the letter B in the bag. What is the probability
that a randomly selected tile is blue or has the letter B?
9 ​​
𝖠 ___
​20 𝖡 ​​ __12​​ 𝖢 ​​ __34 ​​ 19 ​​
𝖣 ​​ ___
3. Select from the following pairs of events all the pairs that are independent.
◻ A. Draw a 2 of clubs from a standard deck of 52 cards, keep it, then
draw a 2 of diamonds.
◻ B. Draw a 3 of spades from a standard deck of 52 cards, replace it,
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then draw a 5 of hearts.

◻ C. Roll a number cube. Then roll again if the first roll is a 6.
◻ D. Roll a 2 on a number cube and spin a 3 on a spinner.
◻ E. Events A and B, where P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.2, and P(A and B) = 0.8
◻ F. Events A and B, where P(A) = 0.1, P(B) = 0.5, and P(A and B) = 0.05
4. On a track and field team, 8% of the members run only long-distance, 32%
compete only in field events, and 12% are sprinters only. Find the probability
that a randomly chosen team member runs only long-distance or competes
only in field events. Write the probability as a decimal.

5. The probability that Yuri will make a free throw is 0.3. The probability that
he will make two consecutive free throws is 0.09 . The probability that
he will make the first and not the second in two free throws is 0.21 .
The probability that he will make neither of the two free throws is 0.49 .

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8-2 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Conditional Probability

1. A bookstore classifies its books by reader group, type of book,

and cost. What is the probability that a book selected at random is
a child’s book, given that it costs more than $10?
<$10 >$10
𝖠 _____
​1005 315
​𝖢 ____
​575 Fiction 120 255
470 Nonfiction 35 60
​𝖡 _____
​1005 ​470
​𝖣 ____
Fiction 200 110
2. Half of a class took Form A of a test and half took Nonfiction 75 150
Form B. Of the students who took Form B, 39% passed.
What is the probability that a randomly chosen student
took Form B and did not pass?
𝖠 0.055 𝖡 0.195 𝖢 0.305 𝖣 0.390

3. Select all the pairs of independent events.

◻ A. A student selected at random has black hair. A student selected at
random drives to school.
◻ B. Events A and B where P(A|B) = ​__89 ​, P(A) = __
​34 ​, and P(B) = __
​23 ​
◻ C. A student selected at random is in middle school. A student selected at
random is in high school.
◻ D. Events A and B where P(B|A) = 0.9, P(A and B) = 0.45, and P(A) = 0.5

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E. Events A and B where P(B) = 0.15, P(A) = 0.25, and P(A|B) = 0.15

4. Three-fourths of a research team worked in a lab while one-fourth of

the team worked near a pond. Of the researchers who worked near the pond,
14% collected insects. What is the probability that a randomly chosen researcher
worked near the pond and collected insects?

3.5 %

5. A bag contains 4 blue and 6 green marbles. Two marbles are selected at random
from the bag.
Find each probability. Round to two decimal places if needed.
With Without
replacement replacement

P(blue second | green first) 40 % 44.44 %

P(green second | blue first) 60 % 66.67 %

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


8-3 Lesson Quiz, HONORS

Permutations and Combinations

1. A chef randomly chooses 5 apples from a case of 24 apples. In how many ways
can the chef make the selection?

𝖠 11,628 𝖡 42,504 𝖢 5,100,480 𝖣 1,395,360

2. A game at the fair involves balls numbered 1 to 18. You can win a prize
if you correctly choose the 5 numbers that are randomly drawn. What are
your approximate chances of winning?

𝖠 0.0001 𝖡 0.056 𝖢 0.078 𝖣 0.278

3. Identify each situation as a permutation or a combination. Then find the

number of possible arrangements.
6 books are placed from left to right on a bookshelf.

This is a ◻ permutation. There are

720 possible arrangements.
◻ combination.
4 goldfish are selected from a tank containing 8 goldfish.

This is a ◻ permutation. There are

70 possible arrangements.
◻ combination.
3 class representatives are chosen from 25 students.
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This is a ◻ permutation. There are

2300 possible arrangements.
◻ combination.
Each number 1 to 5 is used to make a 5-number security code.

This is a ◻ permutation. There are

120 possible arrangements.
◻ combination.

4. Find the fifth term of the expansion of (3a2b − 2c)7.

15,120 a6b3c4

5. Serena has a playlist of 10 songs. She plays 2 songs. What is the approximate
probability in each case?

45% 2.2% 1.1% 90%

She hears her 2 favorite songs. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑
She hears her favorite song first and
her next-favorite song second. ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑

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8 Topic Assessment Form A, HONORS

1. The numbers 1 through 10 are each 3. Two-thirds of the juniors at a

written on a card and placed in a local high school volunteer in
bag. After the cards are mixed, one their community. Of the juniors
is drawn. Determine whether each who volunteer, 45% volunteer at
set of events A and B is mutually least twice a week. What is the
exclusive. probability that a randomly chosen
junior volunteers in the community
Mutually at least twice a week?
Exclusive 30 %
A: odd number
❏ ❏
B: less than 6 4. If events A and B are independent
A: greater than 4 with P(A) = 0.86 and P(B) = 0.52,
❏ ❏ what is P(A|B)?
B: at most 4
A: greater than 4 0.86
❏ ❏
B: less than 6
A: at most 4 5. Seventy-five percent of students
❏ ❏
B: less than 6 participate in a school-wide
fundraiser. Of the students who
A: at most 4
❏ ❏ participate, 10% earn a prize for
B: greater than 6
their sales. What is the probability
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that a student who participates

2. There are 3 white marbles and in the fundraiser will earn a prize
4 striped marbles in a bag. A for sales?
marble is selected at random from 7.5 %
the bag, and a coin is flipped.
Let S represent “the marble is
striped”, and let H represent “the
coin shows heads”. Select all the
statements that can be used to
show that events S and H are
◻ 4 ​​
A. P(S) = ​​ __
◻ 1 ​​
B. P(H) = ​​ __
◻ 2 ​​
C. P(S and H) = ​​ __
◻ 11 ​​
D. P(S or H) = ​​ ___
◻ 4 ​​ × __
E. ​​ __
​​  1 ​​ = __
​​  2 ​​
◻ 4 ​​ × __
F. ​​ __
​​  1 ​​ ≠ __
​​  2 ​​
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
6. A sample of juniors and seniors were 8. Part A
asked if they plan to attend college. In how many ways can 12 gymnasts
Plan to Do Not Plan
be awarded first, second, and third
Attend to Attend Totals place?
Juniors 288 134 422
Seniors 279 107 386 This represents a ◻ permutation.

Totals 567 241 808 ◻ combination.

One surveyed student is chosen There are 1320 possible

at random. Select all the true arrangements.
statements. Percents are rounded.
◻ A. The probability the student Part B
is a junior is 52%. In how many ways can 3 teachers
◻ B. The probability the student out of 12 be selected for a
plans to attend college is 70%. committee?

◻ C. Given the student plans This represents a ◻ permutation.

to attend college, the ◻ combination.
probability the student is a
junior is 68%.
There are 220 possible
◻ D. Given the student is a junior, arrangements.
the probability the student
plans to attend college is 68%. 9. Margo has a bag containing
◻ E. Events “is a junior” and 12 yellow stars and 8 blue stars.
“plans to attend” are Part A
How many ways can Margo select

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◻ F. Events “is a senior” and 6 stars from the 20 stars in the bag.
“plans to attend” are
independent. 38,760
Part B
7. Find the third term of the
expansion (x3y2 + 2z)6. What is the probability that she
chooses 4 yellow stars and 2 blue
60 x 12 y 8 z 2 stars in 6 draws? Round the answer
to three decimal places.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


8 Topic Assessment Form B, HONORS

1. The numbers 10 through 20 are 3. One-third of the sophomores at

each written on a card and placed a local high school participate in
in a bag. After the cards are mixed, school clubs. Of the sophomores
one is drawn. Determine whether who participate, 54% participate
each set of events A and B is in at least 2 clubs. What is the
mutually exclusive. probability that a randomly chosen
sophomore participates in at least
Mutually 2 school clubs?
Exclusive 18 %
A: even number
❏ ❏
B: less than 16 4. If events A and B are independent
A: greater than 15 with P(B) = 0.64 and P(A) = 0.58,
❏ ❏ what is P(B|A)?
B: less than 16
A: at most 15 0.64
❏ ❏
B: greater than 15
A: at most 15 5. Data show 62% of students at a local
❏ ❏
B: greater than 16 school buy lunch in the cafeteria. Of
the students who buy lunch, 15%
A: at most 15
❏ ❏ buy milk. What is the probability
B: less than 16
that a student in the school will buy
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lunch, including milk?

2. There are 2 white marbles and 9.3 %
5 striped marbles in a bag. A
marble is selected at random from
the bag, and a coin is flipped.
Let W represent “the marble is
white”, and let H represent “the
coin shows heads”. Select all the
statements that can be used to
show that events W and H are
◻ 2 ​​
A. P(W) = ​​ __
◻ 1 ​​
B. P(H) = ​​ __
◻ 11 ​​
C. P(W or H) = ​​ ___
◻ D. P(W and H) = ​​ __ 1 ​​
◻ 2 ​​ + __
E. ​​ __
7 2 14
​​  1 ​​ = ___ ​​  11 ​​
◻ 2 ​​ × __
F. ​​ __
7 2 7
​​  1 ​​ = __ ​​  1 ​​
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources
6. A random sample of voters were 8. Part A
asked whether they plan to vote In how many ways can 5 bottles
for Doris Brown for mayor. out of a crate containing 10 be
Plans to Vote for Doris Brown randomly selected?
Yes No Totals
Men 246 237 483 This represents a
◻ permutation.
Women 288 236 524 ◻ combination.
Totals 543 464 1,007
There are 252 possible
One surveyed voter is chosen arrangements.
at random. Select all the true
statements. Percents are rounded. Part B
◻ A. The probability the person is In how many ways can 14 science
a man is 48%. fair participants be awarded first,
◻ B. The probability the person second, third, and fourth place?
plans to vote for Doris Brown
is 54%. This represents a
◻ permutation.

◻ C. Given the person plans to

◻ combination.
vote for Doris Brown, the
probability the person is a There are 24,024 possible
man is 51%. arrangements.

◻ D. Given the person is a man,

9. Jonathon has a bag containing
the probability the person
14 red circles and 8 green circles.
plans to vote for Doris
Brown is 51%. Part A
◻ E. The events “is a man” and He randomly selects 7 circles.

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“plans to vote for Doris How many ways can his selection
Brown” are independent. contain 3 green circles?
◻ F. The events “is a woman” 35
and “plans to vote for Doris
Brown” are independent. Part B
Jonathon replaces each circle after
7. Find the fourth term of the recording what he draws. What is
expansion (2x2y + z3)6. the probability that he choses
3 green circles and 4 red circles
160 x6y3z9 in 7 draws? Round the answer to
three decimal places.

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources


8 Performance Task, HONORS

A company is trying to reduce the cost of Acceptable Defective

producing one of its tools. It comes up with
Old Method 1,640 23
a much cheaper new method of production.
New Method 328 9
A large box of tools produced by both methods
is examined by testers.

1. One tool is selected at random. What is the probability of drawing

a defective tool, or one produced by the new method? Explain.
0.18; The events are not mutually exclusive. P(defective)
= 0.016; P(new) = 0.1685; P(defective and new) = 0.0045;
P(defective or new) = 0.016 + 0.1685 − 0.0045 = 0.18
2. Two tools are selected at random, one at a time.
Part A
One tool is chosen at random from the box. It is then replaced. A tool is
selected again. What is the probability that both selections were acceptable?
Are the events dependent or independent events? Explain.
approximately 0.968;
P(both acceptable) = P(acceptable) · P(acceptable)
= (0.984)(0.984); The events are independent because the first
tool was replaced. The acceptability of the first tool does not
affect the possible outcomes for the second tool.
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Part B
One tool is chosen at random from the box. It is not replaced. A tool is selected
again. What is the probability that the first one was produced by the old
method and the second one by the new method? Are the events dependent or
independent events? Explain.
____ ____
P(old and new) = P(old first) · P(new second) = ​​  1663 ​​ · ​​  337 ​​ ≈
2000 1999
0.1402; The events are dependent because the first tool is not
replaced, so the possible outcomes for the second tool depend
on whether the first was old or new.
3. Two tools are selected at random from the box, one at a time.
Part A
What is the probability that a tool selected at random is defective given
that the tool was produced by the new method?
P(defective | new) ≈ 0.0267

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 • Assessment Resources

Part B
Is P(defective | new) the same as P(new | defective)? Explain.
No; P(defective | new) = ​​  9 ​​ ≈ 0.0267
and P(new | defective) = ​​  9 ​​ ≈ 0.281
Part C
Are the events “select a defective tool” and “select a tool produced
by the new method” dependent or independent events? Use conditional
probability to support your answer.
The events are dependent. P(defective) = 0.016;
P(new) = 0.1685; P(defective | new) ≈ 0.0267 ≠ P(defective),
and P(new | defective) ≈ 0.281 ≠ P(new)
4. The company produces 12 different types of tools. Three types will be
selected to create a tool set.
Part A
How many ways can the set of 3 tools be selected? Explain.
220 ways; This is a combination, since the order does not
matter. There are ​​​ 12​​​​​C​  3​​​ = _________
​​  12! ​​ = 220 ways.
3!(12 − 3)!
Part B
Suppose 4 of the 12 types of tools are different types of screwdrivers. If 3 tools
are selected at random, what is the probability that they are all screwdrivers?
Choose 3 out of 4 screwdrivers: ​​ ​  4​​​​​C​  3​​​ = ​​  4! ​​ = 4
3!(4 − 3)!

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Choose 0 out of 8 remaining tools: ​​​ 8​​​​​C​  0​​​ = ​​  8! ​​ = 1________
0!(8 − 0)!
There are ​​ ​  4​​​​​C​  3​​​ ·​​ ​  8​​​​​C​  0​​​ = 4 · 1 = 4 outcomes with 3 screwdrivers.
P(all 3 screwdrivers) = ___
​​  4 ​​ ≈ 0.018 or about 1.8%.
Part C
A machine puts one of 12 sticker codes on each tool after it is produced. If the
stickers were placed on the 3 tools randomly, what is the probability that each
sticker would be on the correct tool? Explain.
about 0.0007; Order matters, so use permutations to find the
probability: P(correct) = ____
​​  ​ ​  1​​​P​  ​​ ​​ = _____
​​  1 ​​
12 3 1,320

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Cumulative Assessment 4, HONORS

1. A toy rocket is launched from the 4. Write the product (2 − 3i)(8i + 1) in

ground. Its height y at time x is the form a + bi.
modeled by the graph. What is the   i
appropriate domain for the graph? 26 + 13
5. Solve ​​x​​  2​​ − 2x + 7 = 0.
Complete the solution using
20 the choices provided.
Height (ft)

__ __
15 1 −1 2 −2 ​√6 ​ ​i​√6​
__ __
2i​√2​ 2​√2 ​
5 __
x x= 1 ± i​​√6 ​​
0 1 2 3 4
Time (min)
6. Use polynomial identities to factor
𝖠 {x | 0 ≤ x ≤ 4} 27 + 125​​y​​  3​​. Select all factors.
𝖡 {y | 0 ≤ y ≤ 4} ◻ A. (3 + 5y)
𝖢 {x | 0 < x < 25} ◻ B. (9 + 15y + 5​​y​2​)
𝖣 {y | 0 < y < 25} ◻ C. (9 − 15y + 5​​y​2​)
◻ D. (3 − 5y)
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2. Write the explicit formula for the ◻ E. (9 + 15y + 25​​y​2​)

sequence defined by ​​
◻ F. (9 − 15y + 25​​y​2​)
{​a​  n − 1​​ − 4, n > 1.
9, n = 1
a​  n​​​ = ​​ ​ ​ ​​​
7. Find the zeros of the function
𝖠 ​a​  n​​​ = 9 + 4n f(x) = (x + 6)(x − 1)(x − 2) and
𝖡 ​a​  n​​​ = 9 − 4n describe the behavior of the graph
𝖢 ​a​  n​​​ = 13 − 4n at each zero.

𝖣 ​a​  n​​​ = 4 + 9n 𝖠 The graph touches the x-axis

at −6 and 2, and it crosses the
x-axis at 1.
3. Let f(x) be the piecewise function
defined below. 𝖡 The graph crosses the x-axis at
−2, −1, and 6.

{ |4 − x|, x ≥ 1
−​x​​  2​ + 3x, x < 1
f(x) = ​​ ​    ​  ​  ​​​​ 𝖢 The graph touches the x-axis at
−6, and it crosses the x-axis at
What is the value of f(−2) + f(6)? 1 and 2.

−8 𝖣 The graph crosses the x-axis at

−6, 1, and 2.
enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 1 of 6 Assessment Resources
8. What are all the real and 12. Solve the system.
complex solutions of y = (x − 1​​)​​  2​​
​​a​​  3​​ − 22​​a​​  2​​ + 154a − 160 = 168?
y = ​2x + 1​
𝖠 4, −9 + i, −9 – i
Select all solutions.
𝖡 −9, 1, 4
◻ A. (−1, 1) ◻ D. (1, 0)
𝖢 4, 9 + i, 9 – i
◻ B. (0, 0) ◻ E. (4, 9)
𝖣 4 ◻ C. (0, 1)

9. Q varies inversely with x. If Q = 12

13. What is the fifth term in the
when x = 5, find the value of Q
expansion of (​​a​​  3​​​​b​​  2​​ + 2c​​)​​  8​​?
when x = 12.
𝖠 4 1120 a 12 b 8 c 4
𝖡 5
𝖢 19 _______ _____
14. Solve √
​​ 2x + 12 ​​ = 2 + √
​​ 4 + x ​​.
𝖣 28.8
Part A
Select all viable solutions.
3(2 + x)
​​  2x ​​ = −​​ __1x ​​ + 2. Identify any
10. Solve ______ ◻ A. x = −4
extraneous solutions.
◻ B. x = 12
x= 8 ◻ C. x = 4

There are 0 extraneous solutions.

◻ D. x = −6

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E. x = 0

Part B
11. If b = __
​​  2x ​​ − ​​ __1y ,​​ then what is an Complete the sentence.
expression for __ ​​  2​​in terms of x and y?
b There are 0 extraneous solutions.
𝖠 ​y − 2x ​​

​y 2xy
𝖡 ______
− 4x
​​ 15. There are 50 deer in a particular
forest. The population is increasing
​y 4xy
𝖢 ______
+ 2x
​​ at a rate of 15% per year. Write an
exponential growth function that
​2x 2− y​​
𝖣 ______ represents the number of deer, y,
in that forest after x months.
Round to the nearest thousandth.

f(x) = 50 ( 1.013 ​​)​​  x​​

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 2 of 6 Assessment Resources

16. Find the equation of the inverse of For items 21 and 22, consider the
the function f(x) = log(5x). Write matrices.
values as decimals when necessary.
​ ​  ​  4​]​​ and B = [​​ ​ ​ 
3 −2]
A = [​​ −3
2 −5
​ ​​
​​f​​  −1​​(x) = 0.2 ( 10 ​​)​​  x​​ 2 1

21. What is B − A?
17. Solve for x: ​​3​​  x + 4​​ = ​​9​​  x − 1​​.
5 −9
x= 6 ​​ ​  ​​​
1 −3
18. Use synthetic division to divide
22. What is AB?
​​x​​  3​​ − 2x + 5 by x + 2. Complete
the solution using the choices
6 7
provided. ​​ ​  ​ ​​
7 −12
−2x 2x −4x 2 −4
1 9 13
13 ​​ ____
​​ ​​ ____
 ​​ ​​ ____
23. What is the inverse matrix

1 C = [​​ −3
​ ​  ​  2​ ]​ ​​?
​​x​​  2​​ + −2x + 2 + 2 −1
1    2
​​ ​  ​  ​​​
2    3
19. What is the solution to the
equation lo​​g​  3​​​(2x − 5) = 2?

x= 7 24. Select all points that represent a

viable solution to the system of
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_______ ______ inequalities.

Simplify ​​ √ 16​x​​  4​​y​​  2​ ​​ ∙ ​​ √ 12​x​​  3​y ​​.
3 3

{  y ≥ −​x​​  2​ − 2x + 1
20. y≥x+1
Select the answer written in ​​ ​ ​ ​​​
simplest radical form.

𝖠 4​​x​​ 2​y ​√3x ​ 3

___ ◻ A. (−2, 1)

𝖡 4​​x​​ 3​y ​√3x ​

3 ◻ B. (−3, 1))

𝖢 8​​ x ​​
2​y ​√ 3x ​
3 ◻ C. (−1, 3)
​​𝖣 8​​x​​ 3​y ​√3x ​
3 ◻ D. (0, 0)
◻ E. (0, 1)
◻ F. (1, −2)

enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 3 of 6 Assessment Resources

25. What is the area, in square inches, 28. Select all the pairs of events that
of the triangle whose vertices are are independent.
at the origin, (−8, 1), and (3, −3)? ◻ A. Events A and B, where
Write the area as a decimal, if P(A) = 0.65, P(B) = 0.7, and
necessary. P(A | B) = 0.65.
10.5 ◻ B. Events A and B, where
P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.5, and
P(A and B) = 0.8.
◻ C. Roll two 6-sided dice at the
same time.
26. One-third of the seniors at a local
high school take college courses. ◻ D. Events A and B, where
Of the seniors who take college P(A) = 0.2, P(B) = 0.6, and
courses, 57% take a college math P(A and B) = 0.12.
course. What is the probability that ◻ E. Draw two cards from a deck
a randomly chosen senior takes a at the same time.
college math course?
29. Select all equations that are
19 %
represented by the matrix equation.

​​[​ ​   ​]​ ​​ ​​[​y​​ ]​​ = ​​[​ ​​ ]​​

4 −1 x 0
2 3 2

27. Alice has a bag containing 8 blue

◻ A. 4x + 2y = 0
marbles and 14 white marbles. She ◻ B. 2x + 3y = 2
randomly selects 5 marbles without ◻ C. 4x − y = 0
replacement. ◻ D. 2x − y = 2

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Part A ◻ E. 4x + 2y = 2
In how many ways can Alice select ◻ F. −x + 3y = 0
5 marbles from the bag? ◻ G. −x + 3y = 2
26,334 ◻ H. 2x − y = 0

Part B
What is the probability that three
of the selected marbles will be
blue and 2 of the marbles will be
white? Round the answer to three
decimal places.


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 4 of 6 Assessment Resources

30. Part A 34. At a dentist office, 40% of patients
need braces. Of the patients
In how many ways can 6 books be
needing braces, four-fifths will have
placed on a shelf?
braces for two years. What is the

This represents a
◻ permutation. probability that a randomly selected
patient will have braces for two
◻ combination.
There are 720 possible
32 %

Part B
35. A toy company gave customers one
In how many ways can 5 tennis
game to test and asked whether
balls from a bag of 15 be selected?
they would recommend the game.
What is the probability that a
This represents a
◻ permutation.
customer who recommended the
◻ combination. game tested Game A? Round to
the nearest whole percent.
There are 3003 possible
arrangements. Game A Game B
31. Solve the system of linear 43 38
equations using inverse matrices.
Would Not
7 12
2x + 2z = −2 Recommend
x − 2y + 3z = −5
−x + 3y − 2z = 9 53 %

x= −2 ,y= 3 ,z= 1
36. Libby eats oatmeal, pancakes, or
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eggs for breakfast, and she drinks

32. Consider the geometric sequence apple juice or orange juice. If she
625, 500, 400, 320,... picks a food and a drink at random,
What is the explicit formula for what is the probability that she will
the sequence? Write values as a have oatmeal and apple juice?
decimal if necessary. 𝖠 __​13​​
​​an​  ​​​ = 625 ( 0.8 ​​)​​  n−1​​
𝖡 __​15​​
2 −2 𝖢 __​16​​
[1 3]
33. If C = [​​ ​ ​  ​ 
0 4 −2]
1 2 −1
​ ​​ and B = ​​ 3
​ ​  0​ ​​
𝖣 __​18​​
and D = CB, what is the value
of ​​d21
​  ​​​?


enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 5 of 6 Assessment Resources

37. Jared invests $4500 in an 39. Select all horizontal and vertical
account that earns 3.5% interest ​​  ​x​​  ​ −2 5x − ​​.
asymptotes for f(x) = _________ 6
compounded continuously. How ​x​​  ​− 9
much will his investment be worth ◻ A. y = 0
after 10 years? Round the answer ◻ B. y = 1
to the nearest dollar.
◻ C. y = −1
$ 6386 ◻ D. x = 3
◻ E. x = 6

38. The graph of f(x) = √

​​ x − 1 ​​is shifted
◻ F. x = −1
right 2 units and down 3 units to ◻ G. x = −3
make the graph of g(x). Select the
equation of g(x). 40. There are 12 marbles in a bag.
𝖠 g(x) = √​​ x + 2 ​​ − 3 Of these, four of them are blue
_____ and the rest are green. You reach
𝖡 g(x) = √ ​​ x − 3 ​​ − 3 into the bag and take out two
marbles without looking. What is
𝖢 g(x) = √​​ x + 3 ​​ + 3 the probability that both marbles
𝖣 g(x) = √​​ x − 2 ​​ − 3 are blue? Round the answer to the
nearest whole percent.

9 %

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enVision® Florida B.E.S.T. Algebra 2 6 of 6 Assessment Resources

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