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EDUCATION AND HEALTH ➢ is the health branch that stresses
1 the importance of the food for
growth and development, as well
as in lowering the chances of
Non Communicable Diseases acquiring diseases and illness.
➢ The Western Pacific Region Breakfast
declares non-communicable ➢ It is considered as the most
diseases as the top killers in the important meal and provides
Philippines. energy throughout the day.

Nicotine Vitamin D
➢ is a toxic chemical compound that ➢ Calcium Deficiency in the body
mostly consists nitrogen, which occurs in the absence of Vitamin
also makes cigarettes addictive. It D.
makes the heartbeat fast, brings
lightheadedness, and upsets Carbohydrates
stomach. ➢ Main source of energy.

➢ a disease resulting from a
condition of the body wherein the Poor Dietary Habits
body is not able to produce or ➢ occur when the person does not
effectively use insulin. follow the principles of good
nutrition— adequacy, balance,
Sedentary Lifestyle and variety.
➢ occurs when an individual lacks
the recommended level of regular Vitamin A
physical ➢ Help the body use carbohydrates,
activity or if he/she is physically proteins, and fats, maintains
inactive. healthy skin, bones teeth and hair

Mainstream Smoke Nutrients

➢ is the smoke from lit cigarette that ➢ important food substances that
is both inhaled and exhaled. help our body function properly. It
provides energy and facilitates
Cancer growth and repair of cells.
➢ a disease where cells divide in
uncontrolled pace. Macro Nutrients
➢ Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats and
Heart Attack Water
➢ Untreated cardiovascular disease
can lead to serious complications. Micro Nutrients
➢ Vitamins and Mineral
Cardiovascular Disease
➢ a disease of the heart and blood Eating Habits
vessels and is the leading cause ➢ characterizes the way an
of death in the Philippines. individual consumes food.

First-Hand Smoker Weight Control

➢ They only get 30% of the ➢ Is the process of achieving and
chemicals while the second-hand maintaining the desired weight of
smoker get 70% of the chemicals. an individual.
➢ Playing sports
Reflect Replace Reinforce ➢ Taking classes or learning new
➢ a process of improving your eating hobby
Example of Distress
Benefits of Dietary Supplements ➢ Death of a loved one
➢ This supplements complement the ➢ Parents divorcing or separating
dietary intake of essential ➢ Hospitalization (oneself or family
nutrients and help reduce the risk member
of diseases. ➢ Injury or illness
➢ Being abused or neglected
Thermic Effect ➢ Family problems
➢ Effect of food refers to the energy
spent to digest the food. Example of Acute Stress
➢ Traffic jams
Helpful Ways to Improve Eating ➢ Loud noises
Habits Disorders ➢ Running late
➢ Refraining from unhealthy habits ➢ Deadlines
while substituting them with ➢ Argument with loved one
healthy ones. ➢ Losing essential items like wallet
➢ Reflecting on each sign or cue or phone
and how it could be avoided.
➢ Writing food diary for a number of
days consisting of a list of eating
habits with specific food eaten and
the time it was consumed.

High blood Pressure

➢ Health risk that is most closely
associated with inactivity and poor
fitness level.

➢ Positive form of stress that
promotes growth and

➢ Is a state of extreme sorrow, “I CAN DO ALL THINGS
suffering, or pain. THROUGH CHRIST WHO
Acute Stress
➢ It is a stress that lasts only for a
short period of time.
➢ Short-term stress and stress that
comes on suddenly.

➢ is a reaction of the body and mind
to unkind and challenging life
Example of Eustress
➢ Starting a new school year
➢ Making new friends
➢ Moving into a new home

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