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Good morning students,

Q: Key highlight of this term in terms of academics.

A: For me, the key part would be the registration for A level and B-tech. To have many A level and B-
tech students was quite phenomenal, giving the school real internationalism in terms of its
programming, making this a growth moment for the school.

Q: Have there been any challenges that you have faced this term?

A: As I am Head of Academics, I should be solely focused on the students getting good grades,
however you and I both know the best kind of student understands academics and other areas of
school life. With all the extracurricular activities that went on this past term, students’ lessons get
derailed due to conflicts of schedules. As the school grows, pressure on the facilities has become an
issue but, luckily enough our new block is ready for January.

Q: What are your plans for next term?

Next term becomes an examination term for Year 10, 11 and 12. Due to this being somewhat of a
serious time for them, parents are advised to help them with support and balancing their timetables.
Once we have rolled out our calendar, it allows us to execute programs more efficiently as both
students and parents are aware of the plan for the term.

Q: Do you have any messages for the students

A: Yes, as always; In this post-COVID time, the first thing is well-being. I would like my students to be
careful with what they eat, where they eat, how they interact with people. There are a lot of flu
infections. There are a lot of water-borne diseases, especially in our area and our county. For the
examination classes and candidates, it's the traditional message: use this holiday to read, revise and

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