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On behalf of the conference organizing committee, I am honored and delighted to

welcome you to the 5th national Conference of Pedagogical Content knowledge.

Our technical program is rich and varied with 2 keynote speech and 2 invited talks and
around …. Scientific papers split between 3 parallel oral sessions and 3 poster
sessions. Besides, there are 4 workshops and a tutorial program co-located.

As a conference chair, I know that the success of the conference depends ultimately on
the many people who have worked in planning and organizing both the technical
program and supporting social arrangements. In particular, we thank the Program
Chairs for their numerous efforts for organizing the technical program; and the
Program Committee for their thorough and timely reviewing of the papers. Recognition
should go to the members who have….

Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen!

As chairperson of the 5th PCK conference, It gives me great pleasure and honor to
extend to you all a very warm welcome on behalf of the conference committee. I wish to
take this opportunity to welcome the participants as representative of the students,
lecturers, and researchers. I also wish to welcome our keynote speaker Prof. Tajjedin
and prof. Marandi for coming to our campus. I hope, today's event will serve as a
catalyst for strengthening national cooperation on the transfer of knowledge. In
addition, I am most thankful for the ceaseless efforts of staff members of Farhangian
University especially English department and Dr Maghsoudi. I would also wish to
commend his prominent and leading role and his constructive initiatives in d

On behalf of my institution, I am highly obliged to the research scholars who have made
it to the conference and would be presenting their papers on varied themes

I would also like to welcome our online audience and extend a very warm welcome to all
of our speakers. I am sure that you are going to treat us to a day of great ideas,
discussions and conversation.

Conferences such as this one provide an opportunity to talk about common challenges,
share best practices, and discuss groundbreaking scientific research and technology that
will help our f

Through such international collaboration, Farhanhian University will be able to

contribute even more to the promotion …
Last but not least, I strongly hope that all of the distinguished guests gathered here
today will offer your generous support and encouragement for the success of this event.
Once again, I am most grateful for your participation and support.

Thank you very much!

It gives me great pleasure to extend to you all a very warm welcome on behalf of
I am grateful to
I would like to extend sincere gratitude to….., for his opening address in which he clearly
highlighted the importance of this conference and of the topics for discussion.

Furthermore, I would like to thank ICANN for accepting the invitation to take part in the

We must also salute the important role played

My thanks go the vice-chairmen of the conference, who never stinted in their support and whose wise
opinions and constructive counsel and suggestions helped me in my task.
I greatly appreciate the enormous efforts of the chairmen and vice-chairmen of the committees and
chairmen and vice-chairmen of the working groups. Each and every one of them deserves our gratitude
and appreciation for the excellent work they have completed, They helped the conference move forward,
and eased my task during the plenary meetings.

We are highly indebted to

Introducing presenters

Our next speaker is

Up next is
Here now is
He’s going to talk to you about
Welcome, Rachel

Introduce speakers

Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce our guest speaker today, [Name], who
is a renowned [profession/position]. [Name] has achieved many accomplishments in their
field, including [list a few].
Please join me in welcoming [Name]."

Our next speaker needs no introduction, but I'll give one anyway. [Name] is the kind of
person who can leap tall buildings in a single bound, run faster than a cheetah, and solve
complex equations in their sleep.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce our guest speaker

I am thrilled to introduce our guest speaker for today's event.

"Get ready to be inspired by our amazing guest speaker,

I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to Dr. Maghsoudi for the confidence he placed in me and
the honour it granted me by nominating me for the post of chairman of the conference.

conclusion, I would like to congratulate all of you on the success of 5 th national conference of PCK and to
congratulate the Farhangian University for successfully hosting the event. In this regard, I would like to extend
sincerest congratulations to the President of the …..,

This conference was the result of numerous round-the-clock efforts of our friends
and colleagues at Farhangian University of Arak, English language teachers in
Markazi Province, and the authorities at Markazi General Office of Education. It is
worthy to appreciate all those who helped us with this conference because it
provided a great opportunity for researchers to share the results of their latest
studies on PCK in TEFL.


Right, I’m sure you’ve all got lots of questions?

Okay, any questions or comments?

If you have any questions, I’ll try/do my best to answer them.

Right then, if there are no further questions, (then) I should like to hand the floor over to our next

Pedagogical Content Knowledge or PCK is a type of knowledge that is unique to
teachers, and is based on the manner in which teachers relate their pedagogical
knowledge (what they know about teaching) to their subject matter knowledge
(what they know about what they teach). In fact, pedagogical content knowledge
integrates your knowledge of teaching - learning processes with your knowledge of
English language. Farhangian University as the only center whose mission is teacher
training, puts special emphasis on PCK Lately, Farhangian University has held a series
of PCK conferences in various fields throughout the country.
The fifth National Conference on English Language Teaching at Farhangian
University, with a focus on Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), aims at
 Providing theoreticians & academicians with an opportunity to communicate their
PCK-related findings
 Creating a chance to enlarge PCK in TEFL
 Drawing the attention of researchers to the significance of PCK in TEFL
 Encouraging teachers and teacher educators to promote their PCK in TEFL

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