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Q1: Cronjobs in kubernetes run in?

a Master node local timezone

b None

c UTC only

d Based on NTP settings

e GMT only

f None

Q2: What is MathML in HTML5??

a The Mathematical Markup Language (MathML) is a markup language to show

mathematical and scientific content on the Web.

b The Memory Manipulation Language (MemoryML) is a markup language used to

store content on the Web.

c None

d None

e None

f None

Q3: The most common way to display the network settings of network interfaces on a Linux
system is by using which command??

a None

b ipconfig/all

c ipconfig

d None

e ifconfig

f show ipv4
Q4: Which function gives us the number of affected entries by a MySQL query??

a None

b mysqli_num_rows() return the number of entries affected by an SQL query.

c None

d None

e mysqli_rows() return the number of entries affected by an SQL query.

f mysqli_affected_rows() return the number of entries affected by an SQL query.

Q5: What does the expression Exception::__toString means??

a None

b None

c Exception::__String

d None

e Exception::_toString

f Exception::__toString

Q6: Tags and text that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _____ section.?

a <head>

b <title>

c None

d <html>

e <body>

f None

Q7: Function which causes retrieval of any kind of data from database is considered as?
a None

b User friendly signature

c Conceptual signature

d None

e Interface or Signature

f Logical signature

Q8: Which of the following provides the error code associated with this file upload??

a $_FILES['file']['errors']

b $_FILES->file->errors

c $_FILES['errors']

d $_FILES['file']['error']

e $_FILES->file->error

f $_FILES['error']

Q9: The syntax for adding a new column to an existing table is ALTER TABLE `table_name`
ADD COLUMN `column_name` `data_type`;?

a True

b None

c False

d None

e None

f None

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