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There is no doubt that staying in one zone for life is something that people usually used

to do. Others argue that people prefer to mobilize from one place to another for living in
these days, is something called “out of your comfort zone”, that means when you stay
in a situation which feels comfortable, such as your own place, and then you change it
because you want to do new and vibrant things. In this essay, I will discuss the
advantages and disadvantages wich are associated with this topic.

One of the major problems of staying at the same place is that a person would never
experience new adventures or challenges in their life. This is because feeling afraid of
change produces anxiety and overhelm for not having the ability to handle real-life
tough situations. On the other hand, moving to different places has powerful benefits
like having a growth mindset and self - confidence. Is the best way for grow personally
and professionally with a better knowledge of themselves. In contrast, moving around
to different places inhibit their assuming responsabilities and decrease their sense of

Turing to the argument, out of the comfort zone will develop their creativity and helps to
open up their mind to new proyects, cultures, friends, and different ways to live. To
illustrate this situation, a philosopher named Friedrich Nietzsche believed and
explained that comfort crushes creativity and promotes conformity. Therefore, at the
beginning of the 20th century, the pyscologist Robert M. Yerkes and Dodson, John
discovered that a relative comfort state in persons produces a constant output level. To
improve this state is important to experimente a certaing amount of stress denominated
“optimun anxiety”. The psycologist mentioned that optimun anxiety is found across the
border of our comfort zone.

In conclusion, although living in different places has several benefits for ourselves, it's
a personal decision to choose what kind of life you want to live. Every person has their
own goals and dreams, but it's important to understand the full scenery to make the
best decision.

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