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The graph by World Wealth and Income database, compares the earnings of top 1% of various

countries, including United States, Canada, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom, France and Japan,
between 1975 to 2015. The seven countries are denoted in different colours.

Looking at an overall perspective, apparently the highest income was generated by Germany, till
1985, later the Americans made highest earning till 2015, making them the richest. However, the
least collection fluctuated between Italy, France and Japan.

To begin with, initially, most of the money was obtained by Germany, measured to be 10%. After the
gradual fall by Germany, nearly in 1985, there was a rapid rise in the proportion made by the
Americans, making it the highest till the end of the mentioned period, rising upto 20%.

Additionally, there was a sharp increase in collection made by Canada and the United Kingdom, from
less than 10% at the start to climibing to approcimately 15% in the end. On the other side, the
percentage obtained by Italy and Japan at the lowest, observing to be varying around 7%.

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