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Rabu, 24 Mei 2023


Nama : Khansa Eka Fauziyyah

Nim : 1403622065

Question from Adinda and answered by Khansa

1. Mention and explain how to control emotions that are important for health!


Here are some ways and explanations of ways to control emotions;

 Exercise for Stable Emotions

How to deal with unstable emotions can also be done by exercising such as walking, riding a
bicycle, or running. Do things that can distract your mind and make your body better.

 Inhale Deep and Slow

When you are angry, your breath will be shorter and faster. Inhale deeply and slowly through
your nose and exhale through your mouth for a few moments. This breathing technique can be
a way to manage emotions.

 Manage Emotions by Listening to Music

Listening to music can be one way to control emotions. Listen to music that relaxes you. Put
on earphones or go somewhere quiet, put your favorite song on, and listen. Let music carry
away your emotions and make you calmer.

2. Mention the skills that a person must have to master English?

Answer :

The skills that we must master in English are reading English dictionaries, listening to music
with English genres, watching foreign films and paying attention to the mention of words or
sentences in English found in the film.

3. Explain the benefits you get from the tiktok application as a learning medium!
Answer :

Through the TikTok application, teachers can teach and deliver material to make it more
exciting, easy to understand, and attract students and college students to take part in virtual or
online learning. From TikTok, the tasks carried out by students become more interesting and
can hone the creativity of each student and student.

4. Mention 5 famous historical figures in England?


 Richard Atkinson
 Edward Russell Ayrton
 Charles Darwin
 George Adamson
 Elizabeth l
5. Mention and explain the benefits of fasting in the month of Ramadan for physical
 Beneficial For Digestion
The benefits of fasting for the digestive system are to provide an opportunity for the
digestive tract to rest, reduce the workload of the digestive tract and also regenerate
cells in the digestive tract.
 Increased Immune System
Ternata with us fasting, then the immune system in our body will actually increase.
Because this has been proven through research. When we fast, it turns out that
lymphocytes will experience a 10x increase, and have an influence on the immune
system, so fasting really prevents us from being attacked by viruses.
 Reduce Obesity and Prevent Diabetes
By fasting, the intestines in the body will be clean from the rest of the food deposits.
While these food deposits which if excess will become fat in the body.

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