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Activity 4

ED 207

1. Cite the crisis management approaches in different countries that were discussed. List
down the approaches that can be adopted in the Philippine setting, why and how? (20 pts)
Crisis management approaches vary across countries. Some crisis management approaches in the
Philippines, Canada, and Japan:
The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC) oversees
organizing the Philippines' efforts to respond to and manage disasters. It makes use of a thorough
strategy that includes risk assessment, readiness, reaction, and recovery.
Community-based disaster risk reduction: In the Philippines, efforts to reduce disaster risk are
heavily emphasized through community involvement and participation. This strategy gives local
communities the authority to proactively identify risks, create plans for responses, and put
mitigation strategies into action.
The integrated risk management approach used in Canada entails cooperation between
governmental and non-governmental organizations as well as individual citizens. Risk
assessment, prevention, readiness, response, and recovery are its main points of emphasis.
Public-Private Partnerships: To improve crisis management capabilities, Canada promotes
partnerships between the public and private sectors. This partnership guarantees effective
resource distribution, information exchange, and coordinated crisis management.
Crisis Management System: The national government, local authorities, and citizens work
closely together to manage crises in Japan, which has a well-established system. It places a
strong emphasis on evacuation protocols, efficient communication, and early warning systems.
Technology and Innovation: Japan manages crises through the application of cutting-edge
technology and innovation. To lessen the effects of natural disasters, they, for instance, build
resilient infrastructure and use early warning systems for earthquakes.

Some approaches that can be adopted in the Philippine setting are:

-Boosting community-based disaster risk reduction: Local communities' preparedness
and response capabilities can be improved by actively involving them in risk identification,
response plan development, and mitigation measure implementation.
-Creating a thorough crisis management framework: Creating a crisis management
council or agency at the national level can guarantee efficient coordination between various
government departments, non-governmental organizations, and interested parties when handling
-Improving public-private partnerships: Fostering partnerships between the public and
private sectors can help to exchange expertise, share resources, and enable coordinated crisis
-Investing in innovation and technology: To lessen the effects of disasters, resilient
infrastructure can be developed, communication networks can be strengthened, and early
warning systems can be improved.
By adopting these approaches, the Philippines can strengthen its crisis management capabilities,
improve preparedness and response efforts, and protect the lives and livelihoods of its citizens
more effectively.

2. What are the common considerations that are considered in the discussed crisis
management approaches? (10 pts)
Common considerations in crisis management approaches include:
-Risk assessment: A critical component of crisis management is recognizing and assessing
possible risks and hazards. To allocate resources efficiently and create effective mitigation
strategies, this entails analyzing the likelihood and impact of different scenarios.
-Planning and readiness: It's critical to create thorough protocols, plans, and procedures for
handling crises. This entails setting up routes for communication, outlining roles and duties,
carrying out drills and exercises, and guaranteeing that the required resources are available.
-Coordination and cooperation: Various stakeholders, such as governmental bodies, non-profits,
businesses, and the community, must work together to effectively manage a crisis. It is essential
to set up channels of communication that are unobstructed, systems for exchanging information,
and cooperative platforms.
-Information management and communication: In times of crisis, prompt and precise
communication is essential. This entails creating efficient channels for communication,
educating the public, clearing up misunderstandings, and giving updates on the situation.
-Resource distribution: Effective resource distribution is crucial to crisis management. This
covers labor, machinery, supplies, money, and other essential resources. It is essential to allocate
resources according to the urgency and seriousness of the situation.
3. Other than the mentioned countries, look for other two (2) countries with “best” crisis
management approaches that can be considered, which we can also use as benchmarks in
managing crisis. Explain briefly what you’ll find. (20 pts)
Two countries with "best" crisis management approaches that can be considered as benchmarks
-New Zealand: This country is frequently used as an example of how to handle crises
well. The nation possesses a sophisticated structure emphasizing mitigation of risks, readiness,
action, and recuperation. Proactive risk assessment, robust agency coordination, efficient
communication tactics, and community involvement are important facets of their approach. The
crisis management strategy used by New Zealand has been tried and true in several situations,
such as earthquakes and natural disasters.
-Singapore: The country is renowned for its thorough and proactive approaches to crisis
management. The nation has a strong framework for crisis management that places a focus on
readiness, quick thinking, and risk assessment. Singapore's strategy makes use of sophisticated
technology, efficient agency coordination, strong governance, and a workforce with the
necessary skills. Additionally, the nation values communication highly when it comes to
managing potential misinformation and providing the public with accurate information.
Because of their integrated and proactive approaches to crisis management, New Zealand and
Singapore can both be used as models. They place a high priority on community involvement,
efficient coordination, risk reduction, and excellent communication. Other nations can improve
their own capacity for crisis management by examining and incorporating aspects of their

Prepared by:

Rhona A. Maravilla
MAED- Educ. Mngt.

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