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Existing System:

The current expense tracking system may involve manual methods like keeping receipts, using
spreadsheets, or relying on physical ledgers. These methods can be time-consuming, prone to errors,
and lack real-time insights into spending patterns.

Proposed System:

A digital expense tracker system could be proposed, utilizing mobile or web applications. This system
would allow users to input expenses easily, categorize transactions, and generate reports for better
financial analysis. Integration with bank accounts or credit cards could automate data entry, providing
real-time updates. Additionally, features like budget alerts and data visualization can enhance user
experience and financial management.


Welcome to the Daily Expense Tracker System! This tool is designed to help you efficiently manage and
monitor your daily expenditures. Track your spending, set budgets, and gain insights into your financial
habits. Get started by adding your expenses and let the system assist you in achieving your financial

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