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Everyday when we come at a crosroads of decision making, the first question

that girdles and echoes in our minds is: Is it worth it?

Solange Nicole once said, I quote; “A diamond doesn’t start out polished
and shining. It once was nothing special, but with enough pressure and
time, becomes spectacular. ” unquote

Good afternoon adjudicator, fellow students and distinguished guests. My name

is Ekisha.

A cousin of mine in Fiji, is very good at electrical work, but unfortunately he is

not a qualified electrician as he is still struggling with his electrical engineering
studies for the last five years. He failed some courses a few times but he kept
repeating and going - he did part time jobs to support his studies. Many teased
or tried to influence him to switch his course but he insisted in sticking to his
pursuit for the dream career.

Is it worth it?

I am sure, we all often ponder this question, that resonates with each of us, at
various times in our lives?

An essential factor that assists in answering this interrogative question is,

Self-confidence. Self-confidence is a vital part of life and has an impact on
almost every aspect of our lives. It is an essential part of our mental health,
success, and happiness. It can be difficult to maintain and build, but it is
absolutely worth the effort. Each step we take requires us to have utmost belief
in ourselves.

The doors would swing open when you carry the torch of self confidence.
Whether in your personal relationships, educational pursuits, or individual
endeavors, your self confidence would definitely propel you forward. It would
fuel your ambition, encourage you to set satisfactory goals, and give you the
courage to work tirelessly until you achieve the success you truly deserve.

Life, in all its complexity, presents us with a myriad of opportunities, challenges,

and options that can only be of worth if our self confidence plays out well.

We should be focused, determined and optimistic in what we want to achieve.

That involves constantly talking and reminding ourselves day in day out of our
goal. We have to convince ourself that we have everything it takes, as it is our
time and moment, to get to the finish line. We would face many obstacles and
failures but we have to keep resetting and pushing our limits little by little.

Consider the pursuit of education, a journey many of us are familiar with. The
late-night study sessions, time critical assessments, nerve breaking exams and
the sacrifice of leisure for learning - is it worth it? Many of us woud think that
they are not smart enough to become what they want so why bother spending
time on doing all these. But infact, we should not compare ourselves with others
but rather should trust and belief in ourself that what we do will surely be paid off
one day.

Albert Einstein, the great scientist, himself couldn’t speak fluently until the age of
9 nor could he walk at the age of 4. He could have given up but he didn’t, his
rebellious nature and dream of becoming the greatest scientist kept him going.
In life we also encountered obstacles but like Einstein but we should fight back.
This is why our inner strength and beliefs that what we are doing is worthwhile
plays a pivotal role in our fight.

2018, the year when I began my journey as a perplexed seven year old at little
athletics. The journey started of really,really, really …. bad. I couldn’t accept how
I was chubby, slow and antisocial. The people around me would laugh at me
and wait in annoyance for me to finish the race. That is when I questioned
myself, Is it worth it?

The child within me wanted to cry and hid away my insecurities but I held onto to
self confidence and pulled myself back up. I made a goal to prove everyone
wrong. 2023, marked the 5th year in athletics but as a 13 yr old teen. The words
that ring in my head now is, “Yes, it is worth it.” I am proud of myself to have the
perfect figure and made the best and supportive friends. The key part is that I no
longer finish last!!

Ladies and gentlemen today I ask you, what is that goal or aspiration that you
are looking to achieve. With that goal in mind and self confidence, I am sure that
would reply positively to the question of, Is it worth it?

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