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L Tplate Tair v unheated lRe withoutTf local withoRe with Pr

1.8 400 300 0.6 0.8 51613.83 350 1.116184 74553.31 0.7

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avg withounu local wilocal with nu avg wit avg with
2.232369 96.13697 1.109273 162.9906 1.880661
D Teject v T He Re d Pr Nu h t L
800 1130 1.9 300 12.45902 0.68 3.214843 610.8202 0.177437 33.71303
L W H N inlet temp mass flow specific he conductivitviscosity Pr
0.015 0.00003 0.00012 30 301 0.000027 900 0.05 0.002 20
T chip Conductivity chip Dh ReD Gz h Ts-Tmo/Ts Perimeter T outlet
340 150 0.000048 180 11.52 4625 0.424654 0.0003 323.4385
q h' T outlet 2 q 2 Nud h3 T outlet 3
84.06027 5552.083 0.357663 326.0511 112.6597 10.05133 10470.14 0.14386 334.3895 283.1697

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