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Do you like working or studying from home?

I really like do home office like online studying. The biggest one reason why I like it so
much is simple – I mustn’t commute to WSB by car. It takes me a lot of time, because I must
wake up minimum two hours before the first lectures. When I haven’t to commute also, I
save not only time but also money on fuel.

What are the advantages of remote education or work?

The most important advantages:
- Saving time on commuting.
- Saving money on fuel.
- Friendly and cozy atmosphere if you don’t have anybody else with you in
your house.
- More often you can be your own boss or manager.
The most important disadvantages:
- Less focus, especially when you have any pets or family with you in your
- Limited system or technology capabilities, not everyone have professional
- Lack of direct contact with people outside your family.

If you had the choice, would you prefer to work from home or from office?
If I must decide about study, I prefer home office clearly most. But when If I must
decide about my job, the answer is simple. I can’t work from home because I’m officer in
prison. This profession cannot be performed remotely.

1. Conducted by a diverse group of people.
2. Being human-centered.
3. Dare to create unusual ideas, even unthinkable ones.
4. To present the idea to customers and get their feedback.
5. Are desired as they inspired to generate more daring ideas.


1. Difficult to solve – wicked problem.
2. Inborn/innate
3. Empathize with someone’s perspective and opinion.
4. Statement describing a true nature of something.
5. Impatient

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