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Clinical Management Extra

Arginine: What You Need to Know for Pressure

Injury Healing
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Andy S. Chu, MS, RD, CDN, CNSC, FAND, Registered Dietitian, Food and Nutrition Services, NYU Langone Health, New York, New York
Barbara Delmore, PhD, RN, CWCN, MAPWCA, IIWCC-NYU, FAAN, Senior Nurse Scientist, Center for Innovations in the Advancement of Care, NYU
Langone Health, New York, New York

GENERAL PURPOSE: To provide information about arginine, its metabolism, and its role in acute and chronic wound healing, to assist
C M E providers in understanding the recommendations for arginine supplementation.
1 AMA PRA TARGET AUDIENCE: This continuing education activity is intended for physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurses
Category 1 CreditTM
with an interest in skin and wound care.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES/OUTCOMES: After participating in this educational activity, the participant will:
1. Describe the characteristics of arginine.
2.5 Contact Hours 2. Choose the metabolic processes that define arginine’s role in wound healing.
3. Identify the average daily intake of arginine in an American diet.
4. Select the evidence that demonstrates the effectiveness of arginine supplementation for wound healing.

Nutrition has an important and integral role in wound healing. The National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP)
Arginine, a type of indispensable amino acid, has long been defines a pressure injury (PI) as localized damage to
thought to have wound healing properties. The 2019 the skin and underlying soft tissue because of intense
international guideline by the European Pressure Ulcer or prolonged pressure. A PI usually occurs over a bony
Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel, and prominence but can also form under a (medical) device
Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance recommends use of a
or on tissue where a device was present. Shear in combi-
high-protein, high-calorie oral nutrition supplement fortified
nation with pressure can also cause a PI, and factors such
with arginine and other antioxidants to treat adults with stage
2 or greater pressure injury and who are malnourished or at as microclimate, nutrition, perfusion, comorbid condi-
risk of malnutrition to foster healing. This article provides tions, and condition of the soft tissue can contribute.1,2
necessary background on this conditionally indispensable Between 2006 and 2015, PIs affected 8.8% of the patient
amino acid, its metabolism, and its role in acute and chronic population in acute care, 28.8% of those in long-term acute
wound healing to assist providers in understanding the care, 11.3% in long-term care, and 11% in rehabilitation cen-
recommendation for arginine supplementation. ters.3 Hospital-acquired PIs are considered adverse patient
KEYWORDS: amino acid, arginine, malnutrition, nutrition, safety events with associated costs close to a staggering $27
pressure injury, supplement, wound healing billion annually.4
Nutrition plays an important role in the management
ADV SKIN WOUND CARE 2021;34:630–6. and treatment of PIs.5 The 2019 Prevention and Treatment
DOI: 10.1097/01.ASW.0000795900.25030.5e of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline6 rec-
ommends that healthcare professionals “provide high-
calorie, high-protein, arginine, zinc and antioxidant
oral nutritional supplements or enteral formula for
adults with a category/stage 2 or greater pressure in-
jury who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.”
This is a significant departure from the previous guide-
line recommendations, in which arginine (among other
micronutrients) was recommended only as supplementa-
tion for the treatment of stage 3 or 4 PIs.7 Because arginine

The authors, faculty, staff, and planners in any position to control the content of this CME/NCPD activity have disclosed that they have no financial relationships with, or financial
interests in, any commercial companies relevant to this educational activity. To earn CME credit, you must read the CME article and complete the quiz online, answering at least 7
of the 10 questions correctly. This continuing educational activity will expire for physicians on November 30, 2023, and for nurses December 6, 2024. All tests are now online only; take
the test at for physicians and for nurses. Complete NCPD/CME information is on the last page of this article.

Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

supplementation plays an important role in PI healing, sources.9 Most dietary arginine is absorbed in the jejunum
this article will provide an overview of arginine metabo- of the intestine. It is then rapidly metabolized by arginase
lism, normal wound healing, the role of arginine and ni- into ornithine and urea during the urea cycle in the liver.
tric oxide (NO) in wound healing, and the studies that Ornithine is a substrate of polyamines that takes part in
examine arginine supplementation in regulating wound healing of damaged tissue and allows for regeneration. Or-
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healing in humans. nithine synthesized in the urea cycle can be metabolized to

glutamate-semialdehyde, which can serve as a precursor
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ARGININE for pyrroline-5-carboxylate (P5C).12,13 A P5C reductase cre-

Amino acids are classified into indispensable (essential), ated from the metabolism of arginine catalyzes the reduc-
dispensable (nonessential), and conditionally indispensable tion of P5C to synthesize proline, which can support colla-
amino acids.8,9 There are nine indispensable amino gen synthesis, wound repair, and skin remodeling.12–14
acids that cannot be synthesized by the body and must Arginine biosynthesis occurs through the intestinal-
be obtained through diet. Dispensable amino acids are renal axis where citrulline derived in the intestine from
those that can be synthesized by the body. Six other proline, glutamate, and glutamine is released into the
amino acids, including arginine, are considered condi- bloodstream and metabolized primarily by the kidneys
tionally indispensable.10 Here, when the body experi- to produce arginine. Conditions such as wounds, injury,
ences illness or stress, dispensable amino acids become trauma, sepsis, and intestinal and renal failures can com-
conditionally indispensable because the demand for promise arginine synthesis and bioavailability. These
them is greater than what the body can produce. Ac- conditions may lead to arginine deficiency and prolong
cordingly, they must be obtained from diet. Arginine is the body’s time to recovery.9
one of the conditionally indispensable amino acids that
have been recommended with other nutrients to help WOUND HEALING
aid wound healing. Arginine is a multipurpose amino acid. It plays a vital
role in wound healing (Figure 1) as a secretagogue to en-
METABOLISM hance the release of growth hormone and as a precursor
The arginine metabolism process has an important effect to NO, proline, and polyamines. Arginine increases the
on wound healing (Figure 1). Arginine (C6H14N4O2) is production of insulin-like growth factor 1, which is an im-
nitrogen-rich with four nitrogen atoms in each molecule portant hormone for cell growth and wound healing.15 Se-
(32% nitrogen compared with an average of 16% in other quentially, insulin-like growth factor 1 catalyzes orni-
amino acids; Figure 2).11 Arginine is primarily derived en- thine decarboxylation to generate polyamines.15 Poly-
dogenously; approximately 80% is derived from body pro- amines are important for cell growth, proliferation,
tein breakdown, 10% to 15% from endogenous de novo differentiation, and multiplication and are necessary
production in the kidneys, and the rest from dietary for angiogenesis and wound repair.15 Their antioxidant



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Figure 2. CHEMICAL FORMULA OF ARGININE one pathway results in suppression of the other.15,25 Not
only does arginine metabolism play a role in wound heal-
ing, but the nuances of these processes are also apparent in
distinct ways in acute and chronic wound healing. In acute
wounds, the normal processes of arginine and NO comple-
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ment the healing process. In chronic wounds, chronicity is

reflected in the malfunctions of arginine and NO.
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During the inflammatory phase of acute wound

property protects cells from free radical damage associ- healing, arginine is metabolized by NOS to form NO.
ated with oxidative stress.16 In the first 72 hours of an acute wound, NOS is active
in the metabolism of arginine and synthesizes NO and
ARGININE AND NITRIC OXIDE citrulline. The iNOS is stimulated by bacteria, and the
As seen in Figure 2, arginine is a precursor of NO as a
resulting NO creates a cytotoxic (antimicrobial) wound
substrate of NO synthase (NOS). Nitric oxide is a radical
environment. In addition, NO mediates vasodilation in
that increases blood flow and promotes the transporta-
blood vessels that impacts circulation and increases
tion of amino acids and oxygen to wounds. Synthesis of
blood flow, nutrients, and oxygen in the wound to stim-
inducible NOS (iNOS) by macrophages, keratinocytes, fi-
ulate collagen synthesis and wound repair.15,26
broblasts, and Langerhans and endothelial cells is activated
Also in the first 72 hours, the arginase pathway be-
by bacteria and inflammatory cytokines and suppressed by
comes the dominant enzyme pathway in arginine me-
glucocorticoids.15 Of the three isoforms of NOS involved in
tabolism, whereas NO synthesis is suppressed. Arginine
NO synthesis, iNOS is located in skin, among other tissues,
is metabolized by arginase into ornithine and urea in the
and endothelial NOS is primarily located in endothelial tis-
fibroblasts of wounds. The result is ornithine from the
sue. Inducible NOS is the major source of NO production
metabolism of arginine via arginase I, which is a precur-
in wounds. The constitutive isoforms of NOS generate
sor of polyamines that is important for cell proliferation
low levels of NO at baseline. Their activities are regulated
in wound healing. Arginase or ornithine decarboxylase
by the calcium-calmodulin system. Cytokines, growth
inhibition exhausts the supply of polyamines and thus
factors, and inflammatory stimuli on target cells induce
suspends cell growth. In contrast, the resulting ornithine
iNOS that results in the release of high levels of NO.17
from the metabolism of arginine via arginase II further
ACUTE AND CHRONIC WOUND HEALING metabolizes into proline and glutamate, which are impor-
The amount of time each phase of wound healing takes to tant factors in collagen synthesis.12,13 The end result is
complete may differ or be delayed based on the patient’s synthesis of NO and the arginase enzyme pathway be-
severity of illness and whether a wound is acute or coming the predominant pathway. The end products
chronic.18–20 An acute wound proceeds through the inflam- of proline and glutamate help in P5C reduction from or-
matory and proliferative phases of healing in about 21 to nithine in the urea cycle to proline and ultimately also
30 days.21 Partial-thickness PIs (stages 1 and 2) are considered contribute to the proliferative and remodeling phases.14
acute wounds because they do not normally progress to In chronic wounds, the processes associated with argi-
more severe, chronic PI stages (stages 3 and 4, unstageable, nine and its NO complement are affected. Normally, the
deep tissue PI) except under mitigating circumstances.22 profibrotic transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) can in-
In contrast, a chronic wound is an open wound that hibit the iNOS pathway and stimulate the arginase path-
has not healed or demonstrated significant healing after way supporting collagen synthesis.15 Suppression of the
30 or more days.19,20,23 Chronic wounds are suspended iNOS pathway by TGF-β increases the supply of argi-
in the inflammatory phase and cannot proceed to the nine to be metabolized by arginase, resulting in increased
next physiologic event of repair, often because of some synthesis of polyamines and ornithine for cell prolifera-
dysfunction created by uncorrected intrinsic and/or ex- tion and collagen synthesis, respectively.15 The regulatory
trinsic factors.19,20,23,24 Until these factors are addressed mechanism between the two different metabolic path-
and corrected, if feasible, the chronic wound cannot pro- ways of arginine in the inflammatory and proliferation
ceed to the proliferation phase.19,20 Full-thickness PIs phases of wound healing promotes collagen synthesis.
(eg, stages 3 and 4) are a type of chronic wound. The TGF-β takes part in the inflammatory phase and
stimulates angiogenesis, fibroblast proliferation, collagen
ARGININE METABOLISM IN WOUND HEALING synthesis, and deposition and remodeling of the new ex-
Arginine is a regulator of protein expression. The two op- tracellular matrix. However, TGF-β1 is not found in
posing pathways for arginine metabolism (NOS and argi- chronic, nonhealing wounds, impairing healing.27
nase) regulate wound healing (Figure 3). These pathways Although it is essential to wound healing, if NO con-
are chronologically arranged so that the stimulation of tinues to build up from the metabolism of arginine via


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iNOS or NO synthesis is prolonged, the inflammatory wound healing, summarized below (full details are pro-
phase in chronic wounds is equally prolonged. An ele- vided in the Table).
vated concentration of iNOS in chronic wounds sup- Although arginine supplementation has been studied
presses cell proliferation, collagen synthesis, and wound in acute wounds such as surgical wounds,34 PIs tend to
closure.15 Therefore, NO synthesis may be damaging if be chronic (ie, stages 3 and 4). The aforementioned Clin-
continued beyond the initial days of healing, resulting ical Practice Guideline states that arginine supplementation
in a prolonged inflammatory phase. This may be the should be considered for stage 2 PIs, although they are con-
case in chronic wounds where the preferential expres- sidered acute, with the rationale that malnourishment or the
sion of iNOS interferes with cell proliferation, collagen risk of malnourishment could cause a stage 2 PI to deterio-
formation, and wound closure. It is presumed that iNOS rate to a more severe PI and thus into chronicity.6 Bauer and
can be suppressed when the inflammatory response is colleagues35 investigated the outcome of a wound-specific
resolved or by cytokine signaling.17 oral nutrition supplement (ONS) enriched with arginine, vi-
tamin C, and zinc compared with a standard ONS in hospi-
ARGININE SUPPLEMENTATION talized patients with chronic wounds. Unexpectedly, in-
The daily average dietary protein consumption of adult stead of improvements in the intervention group, there
American men and women is 97.2 and 69.6 g, respec- was a significant improvement in the Pressure Ulcer Scale
tively.28 Protein intake among Americans has been steady for Healing (PUSH) score in the standard ONS group.
over the past decade.29 Each gram of dietary protein is es- The authors concluded that standard ONSs may be more
timated to provide 54 mg of L-arginine,15 and thus the av- effective in supporting wound healing than a wound-
erage intake of arginine is assumed to be 4 to 5 g/d in an specific formula in hospitalized patients.
American diet.30,31 That said, the arginine content of Several studies in the long-term care setting had signif-
food is depleted by various cooking methods.32,33 icant findings. Heyman and collegues36 examined the ef-
In time of physiologic stress, such as during PI healing, fects of a wound-specific ONS on PI healing in a nursing
arginine supplementation may become crucial to sup- home population. They found that after 9 weeks of sup-
port cell growth and repair when dietary consumption plementation, the mean PI area and exudate amount
and endogenous synthesis of arginine are inadequate.15 were significantly reduced. They concluded that stan-
Researchers have studied various populations with PIs dard care supplemented with a wound-specific high-
and other wound types to determine the appropriate ar- protein ONS reduced average PI area. Cereda and col-
ginine supplementation required for acute and chronic leagues37 evaluated whether supplementation with arginine,


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Setting and Treatment and
Author, Design (N) Duration Frequency Control Wound Type Measurement Limitations
Bauer et al,35 AC, 8 wk 10.5 g protein Standard ONS Chronic PUSH score Inclusion criteria: DM
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2013, pragmatic 4.5 g arginine wounds QOL and obesity

RCT (24) BID Energy and protein Small sample
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Cereda et al,37 LTC, 8 wk 20 g protein Isocaloric, Stage 2–4 PI area Inclusion criteria: malnourished,
2015, blinded 3 g arginine isonitrogenous PIs Visitrak wound LTC/home care patient, can
RCT (200) 9 mg zinc standard ONS measurement system drink supplements
38 mg vitamin E
250 mg vitamin C
Cereda et al,38 AC and LTC, Varied Varied Stage 2–4 PI area Limited no. of studies
2017, systematic 8–12 wk BID to TID PIs Most available studies did
review and not consider support until
meta-analysis (273) complete healing (secondary
outcome measure)
Underpowered trials
Cereda et al,42 LTC, 8 wk 250 kcal Isocaloric, Stage 2–4 Difference in cost No info on economic impact
2017, economic 20 g protein isonitrogenous PIs of high-quality nutrition care vs
analysis (138) (15% arginine) standard no intervention
BID ONS Not focused on indirect costs
250 kcal Local healthcare system
20 g protein perspective only
Primary end point did not include
economic value of disease-specific
nutrition intervention
Heyman et al,36 LTC, 9 wk 20 g protein N/A Stage 2–4 PI area Open trial
2008, open 3 g arginine PIs Exudate amount Interrater reliability between
trial (245) 9 mg zinc centers not assured
38 mg vitamin E No objective exudate measurement
250 mg vitamin C PI area measured by ruler rather
TID than planimetry
Leigh et al,41 AC, 3 wk 4.5 g arginine 9 g arginine Stage 2–4 PUSH score No active control group
2012, RCT (23) 155 mg vitamin C 310 mg vitamin C PIs SGA Small sample
40.5 mg vitamin E 81 mg vitamin E Healing monitored over 3 wk
QD instead of using
time-to-healing data
Schneider and Yahia,39 AC and LTC, Varied Varied Chronic PI area Small sample in most studies
2019, systematic 3–12 wk QD to QID wounds PUSH score
review (563) Stage
2–4 PIs
Van Anholt et al,40 AC and 20 g protein Noncaloric Stage 3–4 PI area Small sample
2010, double-blind LTC, 8 wk 3 g arginine flavored PIs PUSH score
RCT (43) 9 mg zinc placebo Nursing time
38 mg vitamin E No. of drugs
250 mg vitamin C
Abbreviations: AC, acute care; BID, twice daily; DM, diabetes mellitus; GI, gastrointestinal; IMD, immunomodulating diet; LTC, long-term care; ONS, oral nutrition supplement; PG-SGA, Patient-
Generated Subjective Global Assessment; PI, pressure injury; PUSH, Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing; QOL, quality of life; QD, daily; QID, four times daily; RCT, randomized controlled trial; SGA, Sub-
jective Global Assessment; Sx, surgery, surgical; TID, three times daily.


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zinc, and antioxidants improved PI healing in patients than standard care, patients in the experimental group
who were malnourished. There was a significant mean had a significant reduction in nonnutritional PI treatment
reduction in PI area in the arginine-enriched formula expenses, such as nursing labor and dressing materials.
group within 8 weeks. In addition, a 40% or greater re- The total PI treatment cost was also significantly lower
duction in the wound surface area was almost twice as than in the control group, resulting in total savings of
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likely in the arginine-enriched group than control. The €74 (approximately $87) per patient. It was concluded
authors concluded that 8 weeks of arginine, zinc, and an- that in addition to improving healing, the arginine-
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tioxidant supplementation in a high-calorie, high-protein enriched ONS reduced the cost of local PI care.
ONS improved PI healing. In summary, recent studies have demonstrated significant
Cereda and colleagues38 conducted a systematic review wound healing improvement among participants who re-
and meta-analysis to evaluate the efficacy of high-calorie, ceived an arginine-fortified ONS. However, most of the
high-protein ONS or enteral nutrition support enriched ONSs included in these studies were also enriched with
with arginine, zinc, and antioxidants compared with a stan- other antioxidants, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc,
dard supplement in patients with PIs.35 In the intervention which also have wound healing properties. Therefore, the
group, PI area reduced significantly (by 15.7%), and a 40% Clinical Practice Guideline expands its previous recommen-
or greater reduction in PI size was 1.72 times more likely dation to now include a bundle of high-protein, high-
than among controls. It was concluded that the use of an ar- calorie, disease-specific ONS that contains arginine, zinc,
ginine, zinc, and antioxidant-enriched ONS and enteral and antioxidants for adults with a stage 2 or greater PI
nutrition support for at least 8 weeks improved PI who are malnourished or at risk of malnutrition.43
healing. Schneider and Yahia39 revealed similar findings
while examining the effect of arginine supplementation CONCLUSIONS
on wound healing in older adults and concluded im- As a wound type, PIs require multiple interventions, espe-
provement in wound size and healing. cially nutritional, for successful healing. Arginine and its me-
Van Anholt and colleagues40 investigated the effect of tabolites have powerful wound healing properties via metab-
a high-protein, arginine- and micronutrient-enriched ONS olism and NO synthesis. High-level evidence supports the
on PI healing among patients who were not malnourished use of a high-protein, high-calorie ONS enriched with argi-
in mixed settings (healthcare centers, hospitals, and long- nine and other antioxidants to promote wound healing. Sup-
term care facilities). There was a significant reduction in plementation of arginine, among other nutrients, can also
PI size in the intervention group after 8 weeks, and in par- provide a cost-effective approach to expedite PI healing.
ticular, a significant decrease in PUSH scores. This group
had significantly fewer dressing changes, and signifi- PRACTICE PEARLS
cantly less time was spent on dressing changes per week. • Arginine has been shown to promote wound healing
The authors concluded that the high-protein, arginine- in conjunction with other micronutrients.
and micronutrient-enriched ONS accelerated healing rate • Arginase and NOS pathways are active and instru-
and reduced PI severity. mental during the different wound healing phases.
Leigh and colleagues41 investigated whether PI heal- • At least 4.5 g of arginine per day in combination with
ing would improve with a lower dose (4.5 g) of arginine other antioxidants is needed to benefit wound healing.
fortified in an ONS compared with the current standard • Administering arginine supplementation concurrently
of 9 g/d and found it to be equally effective in decreas- with other micronutrients can be a cost-effective treat-
ing PI severity, with no difference in healing rates, as
measured via PUSH scores. There was a trend toward
ment in addition to standard care. •
improved wound healing among well-nourished pa-
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