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Talk about your hobby

Cách để nói “I like” Cách nói khác

I like/ love + to-V: I relax by + V-ing: Tôi giải trí/ thư giãn
I like/ love + V-ing bằng…
I enjoy + V-ing: My hobbies are + to V-inf… : Sở thích của tôi
I am into + V-ing/ Noun: là:
I am keen on + V-ing/ Noun: I’ve been passionate about + noun/ V-ing:
I am fond of + V-ing/ Noun: Tôi có đam mê với…
I’m interested in + V-ing/Noun To be crazy about: Cuồng cái gì đó
I have good taste in…: Tôi có gu về…
I’m a big fan of + V-ing/N
Example: I’m into playing badminton/
soccer/ football.

- I’m keen on reading books.

- She’s fond of taking a walk on the street
- My husband is interested in singing.
- I’m a big fan of watching action films/

1. Vocabulary about leisure activity

- Playing sports
- Reading/ Writing books
- Travelling
- Baking
- Cooking
- Listening to music
- Play musical instruments
- Sewing
- Knitting
2. Benefits of hobbies
- Relieve stress
- Broaden one’s knowledge
- Explore new talents
- Relax/ unwind/ blow off some steam
- Improve immune system
- Clear one’s mind
3. Phrases to talk about hobbies.
- During my leisure time, I…: Vào thời gian rảnh, tôi…
- In my leisure time, I engage in…Trong thời gian rảnh rỗi, tôi tham gia vào
- When I find some free time, I…Khi tôi tìm thấy chút thời gian rảnh rỗi, tôi…
- I’ve had a strong interest in + noun/ V-ing…Tôi rất quan tâm đến + danh từ/ V-
- I think [hobby] is beneficial because [reason]……….

Example: I think gardening is beneficial because it teaches patience and

responsibility. It also allows me to connect with nature and appreciate its beauty.

- I enjoy [hobby] because it allows me to [activity]……

Example: I enjoy cooking because it allows me to experiment with different
flavors and create new dishes.

- [Hobby] has become a big part of my life, and I really enjoy [activity related to
hobby]. I find it [adjective]……

Example: Writing has become a big part of my life, and I really enjoy expressing
myself through words. It’s a great way to process my thoughts and emotions, and
I’ve even had some of my work published.

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