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Creating Home-Program Connections

Think of ways that programs could collect authentic information from families to make
home-program connections. Use the examples below to get started! Add at least 4 more ideas to
this list.

● Ask parents about their childcare routines, like diapering, feeding, and sleeping.
Childcare routines tend to reflect powerful cultural nuances.

● Invite families and community members to share stories, read books in their home
language, and share snacks in the classroom.

● Use a variety of contact channels, and be sure to find out which one is most comfortable
for the family members involved. Some like to meet in person, while others prefer
email. Families may converse with one another in a pleasant environment and at all

● Keep a notebook to record vital information that has to be communicated to parents, and
trust each other and be open and honest with one another about the needs of the child.

● Share moments of humour, respect, and learning via play, recognising the student-teacher
relationship so that parents may understand and honour the connection.

● Invite parents to yearly field days, seminars for parents, open houses, and other school
events. Furthermore, be sure to offer material that will be helpful to both parents and
children in a language they can comprehend.

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