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tipping gyan

by this logic every other doctor, engineer, teacher, pilot, actor, sportsman and
every other job should be tipped, i mean what kind of nonsense reasoning u r
giving, every other job has a fixed salary and is incentivized when done anything
extra, and that too by employer, not by client
then why discriminating with servicemen, this whole structure is caused bcz of this
tipping system, if staff did not had this source of money then would definitely ask
from employer, and this is how economy runs , go study some economy and financing
of how world works

but if a restaurant has high prices and states that "we don't need tip, we pay our
servers well" then people will surely get attracted to that restaurant want to go
to that one as it has a more structured form of financing @Ash-vw4yt

this system surely can change if more people starts no tipping culture bcz then
more people(servers/workers) will demand from restaurant owners to raise their
wages and like that system will be fixed, i know initially servers will face
problems but it is good for them only in Longterm

then u should leave this underpaid job and get find a nice one where u r been paid
well, what's the problem, and if u r not able to find that, then don't blaim it on
indians. work hard and get some skills and surely u will live a good life then,
cursing Indians bcz of your unemployment is totally illogical

most people in comment section are cursing Indians and their culture, but the
thing is that, by tipping, we r actually encouraging restaurant/company owners to
lower their salaries more,..this is what exactly US people need to understand, for
me tipping culture in countries like indians, and japan is the best, atleast these
people unconsciously doing what is good for the economy

as a server if their owner is not providing much salaray then they should change
restaurant where pay is good, or if no such restaurant exist that means there is
not much demand of servers so they should change their occupation then

in future when ai will come then programmers and many jobs will be switched, that
doesn't mean companies/people should provide them salraies bcz they lost job, they
need to understand that this is only how work works, if there is less demand in any
sector then they have to switch to other occupations, and if restaurants need more
servers then they will automatically raise their wages, it's simple economics

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