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11/4/23, 1:06 AM StudySync - Assignments

Intro Scaffolds

Speaking Frames

Directions: Use the speaking frames as you discuss the Preview and Introduction.

The in the video makes me think .

The in the video makes me feel .

The video shows . This makes me wonder .

I think the text will . I think this because .

I predict that there will be . I believe this because .

One thing in the that surprised me is because .

Read Scaffolds!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 1/10
11/4/23, 1:06 AM StudySync - Assignments


Use the glossary for support.

Term Definition Image

demonstrate to show and prove!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 2/10
11/4/23, 1:06 AM StudySync - Assignments

Term Definition Image

reject to not accept or consider!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 3/10
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Term Definition Image

relieve to bring an end to!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 4/10
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Term Definition Image

supervision the act of watching over or directing!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 5/10
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Term Definition Image

unique unlike others!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 6/10
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Term Definition Image

pose to present or offer!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 7/10
11/4/23, 1:06 AM StudySync - Assignments

Text Synopsis

Directions: Read the text synopsis.

When Shree Bose is 15, she travels from Texas to India. There, Bose visits her grandfather who is dying of cancer. Bose decides
that she wants to help people with cancer. Bose returns to Texas. She begins studying cancer by reading blogs and journal
articles and watching YouTube videos. Bose begins emailing college professors, looking for one who will teach her. Only one is
willing. Dr. Basu works at the health science center at the University of North Texas. Dr. Basu likes Bose’s excitement for the work.

Bose’s excitement, creativity, and interest in solving problems began at a young age. When Bose was six, Bose experimented
with changing the color of vegetables. Bose hoped a color change would make people want to eat them. In the fifth grade, Bose
made an electronic garbage can to help people with disabilities. In the sixth grade, Bose made a special pad to help cars get out
of mud.

With Dr. Basu, Bose begins research on a cancer drug for women. The pair wants to learn how to make sure the body does not
reject the drug. Bose submits this project to the first Google Science Fair by making a website. Bose wins the fair. This
experience changes Bose’s life. Bose meets President Obama. Bose is honored in Glamour magazine. Bose receives emails from
thankful cancer patients. This experience also helps Bose learn how to share her ideas with others. This experience also teaches
Bose that people who change the world are just smart and hard-working. Anyone can do it.

Bose’s work is part of a field called STEM: science, technology, engineering, and math. There are many available jobs in this
field. However, there are more men than women in this field. Bose thinks women should show interest in STEM jobs. Women are
equal to men. Women have just as many skills as men. Bose also thinks that women have special points of view to offer when
solving problems.

After winning the Google Science Fair, Bose goes to Harvard University. There, Bose works to get young people interested in
STEM education. However, Bose has trouble teaching students about engineering. Bose and two friends design an engineering
toolkit to help students learn about engineering.!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 8/10
11/4/23, 1:06 AM StudySync - Assignments

After finishing Harvard, Bose attends the school of medicine at Duke University. There, she studies to become a cancer doctor
for kids.

Speaking Frames

Directions: Use the speaking frames as you discuss the text.

1. Bose became interested in cancer research because .

Check paragraph 2.

2. Bose did her vegetable experiment because she hoped to .

Check paragraph 12.

3. STEM education is important for the future because .

Check paragraph 19.

4. Bose thinks women should consider STEM jobs because .

Check paragraph 20.

5. Bose is studying to become a .

Check paragraph 26.

Think Scaffolds!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 9/10
11/4/23, 1:06 AM StudySync - Assignments

Sentence Frames and Word Bank

Directions: Use the sentence frames and word bank to respond to the Think questions.

1. When Bose tried to change the colors of , she showed and problem-solving ability. These qualities helped Bose make an electronic garbage can,

a traction pad, and an toolkit.

2. An important person to Bose was Dr. Basu, a . Dr. Basu invited Bose to work in her cancer research . She said, “What I find most exciting is your


3. Bose met President Obama, was featured in Glamour magazine, and received emails from cancer . Bose learned that great people who change the world are

“just really intelligent and really —the kind of person everyone has the potential to become.”

4. Relieving as used in the text matches definition number .

5. I think unique means “ .” The word describes how Bose finds a new and way to share her research with people: the Google Science Fair.

Word Bank

lab unusual vegetables enthusiasm professor hard-working

patients two engineering different one creativity!/core-ela/6/973/instructional-path 10/10

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