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By: Chong & Lee

Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and
wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad
example to young people.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


People recently are face lots of celebrities whom most

of them are known for their beautiful face and huge
money which they owe , rather than their abilities.

That is a wrong perception for others specifically

youths who tend to mimic (模仿 ) celebrities.I agree
with this statement somewhat but I think it is not
totally true.
Paragraph 1
In my opinion, celebrities such as Hollywood actors who are
rich obtained most of their wealth from working however,
after being famous people only see their money.

Unfortunately, the process of advertising do not focus on their

abilities and shows them as a person who has lots of money and
attracts people in this way.

Many celebrities introduce commercial products and encourage

people to follow them and purchase manufacturers.As a result,
they do not show their talent at these parts of their work.

Additionally, youngers who like to be at this level of wealth be

confused about the right way of progressing .
Paragraph 2
On the other hand, teenagers who often have a favour(偏爱)
to be famous try to make themself like celebrities.

Consequently, they wear clothes and make up the same as

their favourite actor or singer, therefore, these younger
people will expose to some vulnerable(易受伤害的) results .

We hear from news about youths who wanted to be famous

unfortunately, they involved in gang groups who are shown by
some celebrities for benefits.

Moreover, the celebrities should be aware fans to know their

life story in order to promote their training and hardworking.
In conclusion, seeing celebrities on the media is
not their real life.

It is unquestionable that famous persons did

lots of efforts to achieve their position but
they do not have a desire to express that to

The teachers and parents need to educate their

children to study celebrities achievements in
addition to their income and appearance.
Love is the essence of All life;)

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