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Modern teaching and Traditional teaching

Venkateshwaran Subhashchandran

Abstract: This study investigates methods of modern teaching and traditional teaching
which helps the students. We are living in the 21st century, the era of scientific and
technological advancement, where the teaching method had witness a evolution from
traditional to modern teaching methods, which made the students to gain knowledge even
in easier and accessible way. This study shows the advantages of both the methods are
noticeable and how teachers use this combination so that it contributes to the development
of their academic achievements.

Keywords: modern teaching, traditional teaching, teachers, methods

The term “ Education” is derived from a Latin word educare, meaning to “bring up”.
Education is about learning skills and gaining knowledge. It helps people in the development
and growth of their life. Education is the only thing which nobody can snatch it from an
individual. From the ancient period till today’s modern world the method of teaching keeps
evolving from generation to generation. Traditional methods rely on lectures, textbooks, and
teacher-centered approaches whereas modern teaching methods includes online resources ,
interactive technologies ,collaborative learning. Many students approach modern teaching
method where teacher and student both play active role in learning process. Teachers often
integrate various approaches, adapting to the unique needs of the students. Teaching
methods changes according to the demands or needs of the students as per the time period.
In the ancient times there will be one teacher who teach the students and the students have
to just listen which we call it as the traditional method whereas due to the technological
development the students can learn without teachers through the visual learning or the E-
Learning by residing in their house. Adapting to the changes makes the students and the
teachers in the upliftment and development in the quality of education. The fusion of
educational methodologies ensures a well-rounded and adaptable learning experience.
Education plays an important role for the development and enhancement for the growth of
the nation. Many schemes and policies are implemented for the quality and accessibility of
education. Teaching methods depends upon the needs of students so that it makes easy to
understand and apply. Traditional teaching is like a teacher talking to the students, using
textbooks for lessons, and expecting students to memorize information. It’s structured way
of teaching but sometimes less interactive. Modern teaching is like a teacher use technology,
like videos and online resources, to make lessons engaging. It’s about adapting to each
student’s needs and preparing them for the dynamic challenges of today’s world.

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