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Pecakapan Bahasa Inggris tentang Ibu

Zelpa : Assalamu'alaikum Nabila.

Nabila : Wa'alaikum salam Zelpa.
Zelpa : How are you?
Nabila : OK. Zelpa. How are you too?
Zelpa : Thank God it's fine, Nabila. How is your mother?
Nabila : Thank God, healthy. How is your mother doing?
Zelpa : Same news as your mother, Nabila.
Nabila : May our mothers always be protected by Allah SWT.
Zelpa : Amen, Nabila. Always healthy and easy sustenance.
Nabila : Amen, Zelpa. You can't imagine how our mothers struggled to give birth and raise
Zelpa : Yes Nabila, we should always help lighten his burden and make him proud.
Nabila : One way is to study seriously, Zelpa. Plus, if we excel, our mothers will definitely be
very proud.
Zelpa : Yes. Let's learn Nabila.
Nabila : Come on.
Zelpa & Nabila: Wassalamu; alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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