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Kitkat campus drive

Sohil Bankar
Objectives of the drive

Reach Affiliation
KitKat could increase its reach KitKat could establish its
among target audience via affilaition to the college going
campus drives population stronger

Entering new
Exclusivity businesses
KitKat would choose specific Oreo shakes, oreo ice cream and
institutions for the drive;further other desserts are a household
cementing its connection with name. KitKat could enter the
the target audience dessert space as well
Who are the customers, what
are their needs

Customer base Their needs

- The college going strata of the

- Something new and exciting that is
worth trying.
- Young adults who are more open to
- Visually appealing
trying new things
- Reasonably priced dessert
- Medium to high spending capacity
- Brand appeal
- Colleges with a cafeteria
Messaging befitting the consumer base

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Exclusivity Quality
The availability of the KitKat With KitKat; customers would
dessert would be specific to be ensured of the quality to
your campus expect

Premium product
As the dessert will be targeted
to the campus going young
adult crowd
Channels for KitKat desserts
Partnering with regional Partnering with a dessert KitKat launching a new
café, school café brand dessert

Partner with the café Partner with mass market Create a limited edition
vendors (Theobrama etc) dessert brands like Amul, Kitkat dessert
Kwality walls
Provide them with the
Provide them the know-how Make it exclusive for
instructions and know how of
of making the dessert campuses
making the dessert

Establish your presence,

Incentivize the cafeterias for Increase your reach to the
create product demand by
promoting the KitKat dessert target audience by selling
selling exclusively in the
KPIs to track

KitKat sales Campus footfall

Tracking the number of KitKat
As the dessert would be sold
sales in the vicinity of the
only on the campus, note the
campus to track the objective of
change in campus footfall
reach increase

web traffic expressions Customer feedback

Track the number of visits of Take note of the feedback the
affiliated partners’ websites for campus students would be
our dessert to map demand giving to map future prospects
of launching the dessert to the

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