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Course Title HCIN 543 – Database Design and Knowledge Management

Course Project Database of Retinopathy in the Premature Infant

Competency Systems Design and Management

For the project, I developed a database in Microsoft Access that collected varying types of data.

This data included the date of birth of both mother and baby, as well as the sex and ethnicity of the infant.

The project also looked at whether the infant was intubated, received surfactant medication therapy, and

what state of retinopathy if applicable. Data relationships were then developed based on how the various

tables were constructed. This is because three tables were constructed with the artificial data: Mother,

Baby, and Care. Once the relationships were established, the queries were developed to see if care was

different among the sexes and ethnicities of infants in a way that inspired targeted solutions.

Because a data dictionary was constructed to communicate what each data element meant in the

context of what was collected, I was able to develop a system that managed clinical information in a way

that allowed meaningful analysis. This data dictionary showcased my ability to efficiently store and

retrieve information so that queries could be developed based on clinical questions. This demonstrated the

evaluation of clinical information to derive insights. By allowing me to identify a population, organize the

relevant data, and develop a system by which that data could be analyzed, the project facilitated my

satisfaction of the Systems Design and Management Competency.

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