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Qualification Unit number and title

Edexcel BTEC Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Edexcel Unit 16-Research Methods for Strategic Managers
Management and leadership (QCF)

Assignment title
Research Proposal
In this assessment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria.
Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found.

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that

Task no. Evidence
reference the student is able to:

Select a research question


Explain the factors that contribute to the process of successful

research question selection

Justify their choice of research question


Conduct research to find literature relevant to the research


Undertake the critical review of the key literature for inclusion in a

2.2 research proposal

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Evaluate techniques for use with quantitative data in research

Evaluate techniques for use with qualitative data in research proposal


Evaluate appropriate research methodologies on terms of the research


Choose an appropriate methodology in terms of research question


4.3 Justify the methodology selected in terms of research question

Record findings on a research question, literature review and

methodology in an agreed format

Summarise the findings using suitable methods


5.3 Present the findings using suitable methods

5.4 Critically analyse the findings

Learner declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.

Learner signature: Date:

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Table of Contents Page

Acknowledgement 4

Abstract 4

Title of the Research 5

Chapter 1 Introduction

Background of research 5

Justification of the research 6

Aims and Objectives of Research 7

Scope and Limitation of the study 7

Definition of terms used in the research 8

Organization of the research 8

Chapter 2 Literature Review

Research Literature 9

Related Studies 11

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

Research Methodology 14

Research Approach 14

Research Design and Research Method 15

Sampling Method 17

Research Instruments 18

Chapter 4

Finding, Analyzing and Summarizing of Data 20

Chapter 5

Conclusion and Recommendation 44

Appendix 46

References 51

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This assignment was completed with the assist of subject teacher Daw Mu Mu Theint
within the given time frame. Despite of her guide line, we will have no idea how to start the
research project, how to collect data gaining least bias and error and how to make the usable
questionnaire for our research title and gaining reliable data.

Also student department help to know the present list of the MBA 2015 which to
important resource to create sampling frame and limitation of this research project. Moreover,
our research project cannot be finished without the help of responder who answer the
questionnaire and response reliable information without reject. At last, but not least, I would
like to sincerely thank to anyone who is letting me to complete research project and giving
supportive information for successful accomplish.

Key word – Healthy lifestyle


In this modern world, fast food and convenient are predominated to consumer who
have limited source of time to spend to cook for meal time. Because of that, major health issue
such as cancer and related diseases are harmful to the people, the sickness through lethal. The
aim of this research is to examined how much they have knowledge of the health is important
and how to act upon health at MIC students. Firstly conducted to 3 sample as a pilot test to
investigate the error and the outcome of the survey, the assignment contribute by the name of
chapter 1 to 4, each chapter explain the fact of objective, scope, limitation, related studies,
literature review associated with respondent of the survey. The data of responder are about 50
because of limited source of time and quantity of 2015 BATCH MBA students at MIC.

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Chapter- 1
Title of the research

The research “A Study of Healthy Life Style of MBA 2015 batch, MIC”, which conduct MBA
students behaviors how they react on style of living at Myanmar Imperial College.

1.1 Background of the research (Problem issues)

In this constantly changing world, our lifestyles are demanding to commitments to fit
into a limited time in family, school, leisure and social. Because of that the chances of risk
become high to be ill or dye early.

The whole compound cover with adolescence which are people easily influences by
wrong behavior and at the same time risk period can be cost when health problems that have
serious immediate consequences can occur. Moreover, behavior problems that could have
serious adverse effects on health in the future are initiated. Before survey, all MBA students in
Batch 2015 have their own isolated problem normally in the area of life-physical, emotion,
social and mentally which contribute stress, pain and other physical and nonphysical diseases.
This research conducted specific small sample size, reason to persuade and attention to
promote awareness healthy life style by preventing or controlling illness among student due to
unhealthy habits and promoting health of adolescent by practicing healthy lifestyle habit.

An aim of this survey is to help healthy individuals and their family but to controlling
student’s behavior perhaps responsible by school they attend namely Myanmar Imperial

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1.2 Justification of the research (Research Questions)

A healthy lifestyle leaves fit, energetic and at reduced risk for disease, based on choices
they made about daily habits. Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are
foundations for continuing good health. Also managing stress in positive way instead of
smoking or drinking which provide longer and comfortable life.

People are more complicated and busy in current than last decade. Food, transportation
and communication are become convenient so that people don’t have to move at all times.
Meanwhile, they become lack of exercises and taking junk food the entire time which cost
health problem. Healthy is one of the most important factors for living thing like human can’t
be resist. Therefore, the research might motive human resources to become productive in their
educational services.

This research paper will be effort to answer following questions-

 What is the interest of health control among MBA BATCH 2015 of MIC?
 What are the most horrible side effects relating to health that MBA student
batch 2015 of MIC terrify?
 What are the levels of attention upon body balance?
 Did MBA student batch 2015 have harmful habit as taking elements such as
tobacco, alcohol, and other does to risk life?

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1.3 Aim & Objectives of the research


 To notify the factor of getting obesity, diseases as well as to improve the ability of all
students to eat healthy diet, to be physically active and to live tobacco-free.


 To investigate the interest of healthy control among MBA BATCH 2015 of MIC
 To find out the most horrible side effects relating to health that MBA student batch 2015 of
MIC terrify
 To examine the level of interest upon type of body balance
 To test the harmful habit as taking substances such as tobacco, alcohol and other risk life

1.4 Scope and limitation of the research

As expected, there were various limitations in conducting this research project which is
time, an important factor as it limited the sample size that can be collected and the population
of study. Furthermore, language difficulty for some people, even the MBA students’ batch
2015, had difficulties understanding the questionnaire and so explanations in Burmese were
required. The scope and limitation is only in MIC compound.

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1.5 Definition of terms used in the research

Healthy Lifestyle

The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as a state of complete physical,
metal and social well-being, not simply just the absence of disease. Also it is a valuable resource
for reducing the incidence and impact of health problems, for recovery, and for improving
quality of life. (Lewis, 2011)

1.6 Organization of the research

Such healthy lifestyle research paper, there will be firstly introduce the background of
the research, justification of the research which is related with the research questions, identify
the aim and objective of the research, specify the scope and limitation of the research, also
defined the terms used in the research. After that, there will be identify the difference ideas
about healthy lifestyle which introduces with difference authors for awareness of healthy.

After that, there will be conduct methodology. In the research methodology, there will
describe about research framework, design and method about the healthy lifestyle in MBA
students of Batch 2015 at MIC. Then, use sampling method for identifying population, frame,
design and size that are from data collection of MIC students who are attending MBA in batch
2015. In the research methodology, research instrument is one of the important parts in this
research paper. So, contents of questionnaire are included in research instruments. There also
need to take pilot testing which helps fine-tune usability studies and leading more reliable

Never the less, the pilot testing needs to examine suitable questionnaires for collecting
data. In the collecting data, there should need to use by survey methods and response rate of
healthy lifestyle for MBA student in batch 2015 at MIC. Then, there also need ethical issues in
this research paper. At last, the research need to presenting, analyzing and interpreting of data
by collection data from survey questions. The conclusions, recommendations and implications,
references are one of the important parts for research paper. The survey questions will be
showed in appendix.
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Chapter -2
2. Literature Review

2.1 Research Literature

Healthy Lifestyle

Nowadays, most of the young people are reckless their minds and bodies to make
healthy. Be honest, everyone need to afford to spend a little more energy to maintain their
overall wellness. There is no need to spend too much money for getting healthy (Fain, 2016).
Eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are challenges for almost everyone. It's tough to
find the time and motivation to devote to a healthy diet and workout routine (Schuna, 2014).
People get the vitamins, minerals and nutrients they need to function and thrive from the foods
they eat, so choosing foods that offer the most of those components helps improve quality of
life. A healthy diet for most people consists of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain foods,
lean proteins and some low fat or nonfat dairy products. It's just as important to limit foods
that are high in fat, sugar, sodium and cholesterol as it is to choose healthy foods (Agency,
2014). Unhealthy eating habits have contributed to the obesity epidemic in the United States:
about one-third of U.S. adults (33.8%) are obese and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of
children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. Even for people at a healthy weight, a
poor diet is associated with major health risks that can cause illness and even death. These
include heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure), type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and
certain types of cancer. (Prince M, 2007)

Sleep has the ability to optimize both mental and physical energy, people need to sleep
about eight hours a night that are linked with the reduced risk of chronic diseases and
improved longevity (Briffa, 2016). (Shy, 2016) said that people need to change sleeping habits
that means to establish the regular bedtime and not using the snooze button. Then take a hot
shower before sleep that will help to sleep warmly and sweetly.

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Another fact that, People who exercise regularly have lower occurrences of high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, and osteoporosis, types 2 diabetes and cancer. They also have
higher energy levels and sleep better. The Cleveland Clinic suggests that a healthy, nutrient-
and antioxidant-rich diet also guards against cancer and helps improve the immune system's
functions. Finally, people of all ages, ethnicities, sizes and shapes have the power to extend the
length of their lives by regularly engaging in physical activity.

Also in political factors, many influence health status and a country's ability to provide
quality health services for its people. Ministries of health are important actors, but so are other
government departments, donor organizations, civil society groups and communities
themselves. (WHO, 2016). WHO is work on 'Health and development' tries to make sense of
these complex links. It is concerned with the impact of better health on development and
poverty reduction, and conversely, with the impact of development policies on the
achievement of health goals. In particular, it aims to build support across government for
higher levels of investment in health, and to ensure that health is prioritized within overall
economic and development plans. In this context, 'health and development' work supports
health policies that respond to the needs of the poorest groups.

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2.2 Related Studies

Conducting the interest of health and lifestyle issues, in terms of nutrition and other
health related lifestyle behaviors, the result indicate that the two-thirds of respondent who, to
some extent read nutritional information on food labels, were concerned about their personal
health, were interested in health-related information, and followed a healthy lifestyle, such as
regularly eating fresh fruit and vegetables, cutting back on alcohol, and other positive lifestyle
behaviors (Elizabeth Louise Kempen, 2011). They were unsure about how their own knowledge
of nutrition, and their understanding of nutrition information on food labels, compared with
that of other consumers. The idea indicates the survey to examine the consumer, such as MBA
students to get attention how they choose to purchase food product by nutritional information
or favorite brand.

Mental and physical heaths are closely connected and impact on each other (Prince M,
2007). Mental health is an important requirement for individual quality of life, performance and
socio-economic contribution. Accordingly, promoting the mental health of the population is an
important priority of public health policy (Wahlbek K, 2010). A healthy diet and regular physical
activity are important protective factors not only against vascular disease and its risk factors,
but also for mental health (Teychenne M, 2008). Conversely, mental illnesses are often
associated with smoking, physical inactivity and an unhealthy diet (Prince M, 2007). The
argument made strongly about the mental health not considerably related with physical care.
So that, only social, environmental, reduce stress and pressure be cure mental weakness but
not so much related with physical activity or diet.

The combined influence of several lifestyle factors – such as diet, smoking, physical
activity and overweight is increasingly being analyzed in studies on the relationship between
lifestyle and health. Such studies have revealed associations between the combined number of
individual lifestyle factors and a variety of chronic diseases (Ford Es, 2009).

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Multiple factors influence the eating behaviors of children and adolescents. These
include individual or intrapersonal influences, social environmental, physical environmental or
community settings (e.g., schools, fast food outlets, convenience stores); and macro system or
societal (e.g., mass media, marketing and advertising, social and cultural norms (Neumarrk-
Sztainer, 2013). Several studies found that the ‘cost’ of food plays a very important role in
what the consumer chooses to buy and therefore eats (Chandor, 2012). Student eating
behavior is easily influence or by social environment which is why school canteen need to be
deliver healthy relating catering.

Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. It provides the necessary
energy and nutrients to achieve physical and mental performance as well as controls satiety
while reducing hunger (Brown, 2013). Children who eat a healthy breakfast have better motor
functional skills and a lower body mass index than children not regularly eating breakfast
(Gleave, 2012) Skipped breakfast has a negative impact on academic achievement affecting
mental development resulting in increased absence (Brown, 2013). One of the major
advantages of eating breakfast was the reduction of unplanned, impulsive snacking on foods
high in calories and fats (Schlundt, 1992). In above identifying about meal time, breakfast is
very important for children and adult person. Moreover the index explains, breakfast reduces
unwilling to eat high calories than any other meal because brown said it reduce hunger and
support the performance of physical and mental effectively.

Sugar sweetened beverages are major contributors to obesity and dental caries to play
an important part in the current obesity widespread. In the US it was estimated to contribute to
nearly 11 percent of children’s total calorie consumption. (Wang, 2008).Each additional daily
serving of sugared soda increases a child’s risk of obesity by 60 percent.

Exercise offers physical benefits that extend over multiple body systems. It reduces the
risk of multiple disorders, including cancer, and is therapeutic for physical disorders ranging
from cardiovascular diseases to diabetes to prostate cancer (Khaw, 2008). Both aerobic exercise
and nonaerobic weight training are effective for both short-term interventions and long-term
maintenance, and there appears to be a dose response relationship, with higher intensity

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workouts being more effective. Exercise is a valuable adjunct to pharmacotherapy, and special
populations such as postpartum mothers, the elderly, and perhaps children appear to benefit
(Hamer, 2008). There is strong evidence that children and adolescents benefit from physical
activity through improved: cardio breathing and muscular fitness, bone health, circulatory and
metabolic health biomarkers. Children’s level of physical activity or sport is positively
associated with reasoning functioning or academic success. (Trudaeo, 2008). A review of
studies concludes that up to an hour of daily physical activity programs can be added to a
school curriculum by taking time from other subjects without hurting students’ academic
achievement in those subjects (Trudaeo, 2008). Conversely, taking time from physical education
and adding it to the academic curriculum does not enhance either the students’ grades in
these subjects or their physical fitness (Federal, 2008) the benefits of physical activity go
beyond maintenance of energy balance and therefore, the prevention of weight gain. Physical
activity also contributes to children’s physical development, well-being, bone strength and
mobility (Larson, 2006) Play and recreation are essential in learning motor and social skills and
in the development of creativity (Gleave, 2012). Khaw and Harmer demonstrate that higher
intensity workouts is more efficient and more effective rather than exercise which is
nonaerobic weight training are effective for certain period. However, the script also said
exercise as same as balance diet more likely to reduce risk of getting diseases and cancer. On
the other hand, sport or physical activity has a benefit to prevent gaining weight and have a
change to success academic for the reason that contribute to lean social skills and to be more

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3. Research Methodology

Research methodology is a systematic way to solve a problem. It is a science of studying

how research is to be carried out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about
their work of describing, explaining and predicting phenomena are called research
methodology. It is also defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained. Its aim is
to give the work plan of research. (S.Rajasekar, 2013)

3.1 Research Approach

In the research framework there have two approaches which are deductive approach
and inductive approach. In the inductive approach, researcher needs to collect data and look
for the patterns in the data. Inductive research that is involves the search for pattern from
observation and the development of explanations- theories- for those patterns through series
of hypotheses (Blackstone, 2015). The deductive approach to research is the one that people
typically associate with scientific investigation. The researcher has to studies what have done,
then also read the existing theories of phenomenon and hypotheses which are emerge from
theories. The deductive approach takes earlier than inductive approach. (Blackstone, 2015).
Inductive approach is associated with qualitative research which is detective approach are
more commonly associated with quantitative research. (Gabriel, 2013).
In this research paper, there has to set on with deductive approach. The study analysis is
from different views of the MBA batch 2015 students’ healthy lifestyle. There is not discovering
new theories and approach when analyzing the MBA batch 2015 students’ healthy lifestyle in

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3.2 Research Design and Research Method

There have various types of research design which are exploratory research, explanatory
research and descriptive research. For this research paper, there is descriptive research. There
need to structure in design that can collect statistically on population. Then, descriptive
research is better to define on opinion and behavior of the target group. The research will help
to identify numerical results of different variable of students’ healthy lifestyle.
Research methods have various procedures, schemes and algorithms which are used in
research. All of methods used by researcher during the study of research are defined as
research method. They are need to planned, scientific and value-neutral. Research method help
the researcher for collecting samples, data and find a solution to a problem (S.Rajasekar, 2013).
Scientific research methods call for explanations based on collected facts, measurements and
observation and not on reasoning alone. There have three main types of research methods
which are quantitative research, qualitative research and mixed method or pragmatic approach
to research.
Quantitative research is generally associated with the positivist/ post positivist
paradigm. It usually involves collecting and converting data into numerical form so that
statistical calculations can be made and conclusion drawn. It also emphasize base on the
statistical, mathematical or numerical analysis of the data collection through questionnaires,
surveys and analyzing the pre- existing statistical data using computational techniques.
Quantitative method focuses upon gathering numerical data and generalizing into groups of
people in order to explain a particular phenomenon. The main emphasis of quantitative
research is on deductive reasoning which tends to move from general to the specific. The
validity of conclusion is shown to be dependent on one or more premises.
Qualitative research is an approach which is usually associated with the social
constructivist paradigm which emphasizes the socially constructed nature of reality. It is about
recording, analyzing and attempting to uncover the deeper meaning. It is mainly based on
looking in depth analysis and non-numerical data. On the other hand, qualitative method looks
deeply into the phenomenon. There also significance the human behavior, experience and

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emotions. Qualitative research are tends to be inductive that means to develop a theory or look
for a pattern of meaning on the basis data. Data collection and analysis is methodical but it is
not allows for greater flexibility than quantitative research. The researcher can be using this
method which give participants a certain degree of freedom and permit spontaneity rather
than forcing them to select from a set of pre-determined responses.
Mixed method is appears best suited to the research problem that is not getting caught
up in philosophical debates about which is the best approach. The researchers grant
themselves freedom to use any of the methods, techniques and procedures typically associated
with quantitative or qualitative research. They may also use different techniques at the same
time or one after the other. For example, researchers may start with face to face interviews
with some people or group and then use the findings to construct a questionnaire to measure
attitudes in a large scale sample with the aim of carrying out statistical analysis. The data
collection is analyzed in the appropriate manner. That is can be possible to transform
qualitative data into quantitative data and vice versa although transforming quantitative data
into qualitative data is not very common.
The research paper apply with quantitative method, the data collection is also apply
with the quantitative data collection with paper surveys or online survey to MBA students who
are attending batch 2015 at MIC. In the survey paper, there also apply with open
questionnaires. This researcher paper also numerical data and also analyze the statistical data
which also using computational techniques. The research sample size is small population that
why use with quantitative research because there only survey the small number of people
involved in this research and collected with well questionnaires design in paper or online
surveys to MBA students who are from batch 2015 at MIC. The results will be analyzed with

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3.3 Sampling

3.3.1 Identifying population

The population of this research paper is only based on the unknown population of MBA
students who are still attending from 2015 in MIC. The sampling method used with
convenience sampling method and the research paper is also quantitative research then also
have open question in the questionnaires.

3.3.2 Sampling Design and Sample size

In the sampling method, there have two types which are probability and non-
probability. Probability sampling methods include simple random sampling and systematic
sampling. Non-probability sampling methods include quota sampling, convenience sampling,
judgment sampling and snowball sampling (Anon., 2010). This research paper is adopted with
convenience sampling method because the population members from MBA students in batch
2015 of MIC are obtained information. The sampling size consists of 50 respondents in different
batch of MBA students in 2015 at MIC. The sampling size is small but it can carefully choose
which have to use for the characteristic of population in research paper.
The following formulation is to calculate for error which is;
E=z pq
For this research paper, assume p value = 0.5, q value= 0.5
E= 1.96 0.5*0.5

2 2
E = (1.96) (0.5) (0.5)
E = 0.019
E = 0.14

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3.4 Research Instruments

3.4.1 Contents of questionnaire

In the research paper, there has arranged the research questionnaires which are
gathering the information about MBA students of healthy lifestyle. There are also described
detail questionnaires in appendences.
3.5 Pilot Testing

The questionnaires conducted three respondents and that when confidently. However,
there was a major difficulty because of high number of people are absent from class room also
from school. By using telecommunication and media network effectively conducted testing
besides it is the only way solution to be possible for complete the test. Unless the absent the
school, the survey went agreeably with having any challenging or difficulty. In fact, MBA
students are more bright to understand the question easily and willing to complete the task.

3.6 Data collection

Data collection can be distinguished in to primary data and secondary data. Primary
data is information that you collect specifically for the purpose of the research project.
Collecting primary data can specifically tailor the research needs. The disadvantage is that it is
expensive to obtain. On the other hand, secondary data is less expend of time, money also
human source because it is convenient and data information is reuse from where it is already
collected for last research project. (Portal, 2015)

However, the study of healthy lifestyle uses primary data which assemble information
by questionnaire survey where the student answered. Although, primary data was take place,
the secondary data also need to fulfill the research such as the number of MBA student’s batch
2015 and some source of information book and internet are used to be reference type of
survey and question.

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3.6.1 Survey Methods

The question are designed with a mixture of different type of questions such as open-
ended, closed, category and ranking. Types of question are carefully selected of relating to
healthy living which is important information of personal information of the respondents. The
question consist 22 question and the boxes are given located towards left side edge of the
page. In addition, 50 surveys through questionnaires were conducted MBA students’ batch
2015 on the MIC campus.

3.6.2 Response Rate

As expected, 100% response rate administered with 50 surveys. Fortunately, there were
no such ineligibles, unavailable or refusal because of carefully monitored each responder to
answer all them questioner. Moreover, motivation method used them to reply survey question
at the limited time frame. In addition, as field editing was carried out, there were no surveys
that need to be rejected.

3.7 Ethical issues

In this research paper, there use both primary data and secondary data collection. There
have some effort on the following ethical principles in this study. There has collet data to keep
confidential and has been screened prior for analysis that is to confirm reliability and validity.
Reliability to which the researcher would expect the same results if the researcher carried out
the study again, using the same methods on similar sample. The validity can be observed or
measured in the same as what was a purported to be observed or measured which are research
errors and poor sample. There also honesty to report data, research methods and results in
research paper. The researcher also tries to avoid or minimize bias and disclose personal which
is required to expect objectivity.

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4. Presenting, Analyzing and Interpreting of Data

The findings from 50 surveys collected are discussed with the help of graphs by using
tables, pie chart and figure chart, in this section to understand the processes.

Table B1: Distribution for Gender

Gender Number Percentage

Male 24 20%
Female 26 80%
Total 50 100%

Gender of Responder (MBA 2015)



Figure4.1: Pie chart showing Gender of responder (2015)

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The figure 4.1 devoted to the percentage of gender that is conducted to answer the
survey. It describe most of percentage are female which up to 80% and the rest of 20% are

Table B2: Distribution for Ages

Ages Number Percentage

22-25 27 34%
26-30 16 20%
31-35 5 6%
Above 35 2 40%
Total 50 100%

Ages of the Responder (MBA 2015)
4% 31-35

22- 25

Figure 4.2: Pie chart showing ages of the responder MBA 2015

This figure 4.2 explain the age of respondent demonstrate in 4 part. The pie chart fill
with 40% of the area which is students are above 35 years old. Also the second large group of
students which is ages between 22 to 25 years is 34%.

Table B3: Distribution of want to be healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle Number Percentage

Yes 43 86%
No 7 14%
Total 50 100%

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Want to be healthy lifestyle



Figure 4.3: Pie charts showing whether want to be healthy lifestyle

This figure 4.3 clarify the percentage of people want to be healthy lifestyle for
MBA batch 2015 student. As expected 86% of responder chooses yes however there
was 14% of No are also collected in this survey.

Table B4: Distribution of important proportion of life of MBA Student 2015

Proportion Number Percentage

Health 25 50%
Family 21 42%
Love 19 38%
Friend 22 44%
Money 15 30%

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Important propotion to life of MBA Student 2015
1 2 3 4 5
90% 3
14 14
80% 19

14 22
60% 13

50% 22


30% 15
20% 21

10% 5
0% 1 1
Health Family Love Friend Money

Figure 4.4: Bar chart showing important segmentation for life of MBA student 2015

In figure 4.4, the MBA student rank the number 1 to 5 which is 1 describe the most
important part of their life by using survey question 25 students choose health to be priority
than any other proportion. Similarly, family is in second high segment which is 22 students
expressed. Money is become in third position which is 15 students are ranked the third most
choose part. Nevertheless, friend and love position are at the fourth and fifth which student
think the least important to them.

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Table B5: Distribution of the hours of sleep at night

Hours of sleep Number Percentage

Less than 6 hours 9 18%
7-8 hours 37 74%
9-10 hours 2 4%
More than 10 hours 2 4%
Total 50 100%

The hours of sleep at night

More than 10
9- 10 hours hours
4% 4%
Less than 6

7- 8 hours

Figure 4.5: pie chart showing the hours of sleep at night

This figure 4.5 explains daily hour of each responder sleep at night. MBA 2015 student
sleep 7 to 8 hours a night and this position take largest proportion which is up to74%. A number
of a few people answer less than 6 hours sleep at night which is second large proportion, 18%.
There were very a small number of people choose more than 10 hours and 9 to 10 hours are 4%

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Table B6: Distribution of the habit of smoking of MBA 2015 Students

Smoking Number Percentage

Yes 10 38%
No 40 62%
Total 50 100%

The habit of smoking of MBA 2015 Students



Figure 4.6: Pie chart showing habit of smoking of MBA 2015 Students

Table B7: Distribution of the habit of drink of MBA 2015 Students

Drinking Number Percentage

Yes 14 28%
No 36 72%
Total 50 100%

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The habit of drinking of MBA 2015 Students



Figure 4.7: Pie chart showing habit of drinking of MBA 2015 Students

The figure 4.6 and 4.7 show that smoking and drinking habit of MBA 2015 students. Not
more than half of the percentages 62 % of responder answer “no” to the habit of smoking but
also 72% of MBA students are select “no” to the answer.

Table B8: Distribution of physical activities for healthy life

Physical Activities Number

Aerobic 2
Foot ball 7
Golf 1
Cycling 7
Yoga 5
Running 13
Swimming 12
Tennis 4
Walking 25
Other 14

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Physical activities like to do for healthy life



7 7

Aerobic Football Golf Cycling Yoga Running Swimming Tennis Walking Other

Figure 4.8: Bar chart showing physical activities like to do for healthy life

The figure 4.8 shows the physical activities that MBA students are likely to do for their
life. By seeing this, the high number of responder chooses walking than any other activity which
made 25 out of 50. Another physical activity which might see as other in the bar chart include
gym and work out are surprisingly nearly same number as running and swimming.
Nevertheless, there was only single person choose to play golf for physical activity for their
healthy life.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 27

Table B9: Distribution of Consume rate of MBA 2015 Student eat fruits or vegetables

Consume Rate Number Percentage

3 meals a day 2 4%
Twice a day 16 32%
Once a day 28 56%
None 4 8%
Total 50 100%

Consume Rate of MBA 2015 student eat fruits or

None 3 meals a day
8% 4%

Twice a day
Once a day

Figure 4.9: Pie chart showing consumes rate of fruits and vegetables of MBA 2015 students

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 28

Table B10: Distribution of consume rate of fast food

Consume Rate Number Percentage

Always 2 4%
Some time 37 74%
Often 11 22%
Never 0 0%
Total 50 100%

Consume rate of fast food



Figure 4.10: Pie chart showing consume rate of fast food

Surprisingly the figure 4.9 and 4.10 show that, the responder chooses to eat fruits or
vegetables once a day which made up to 58% of the total respond. On the other hand, the
second pie chart show that more than half of the responder choose to eat fast food sometime
which made up to 74%.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 29

Table B11: Distribution of way of getting knowledge of healthy living

Knowledge Number
Newspaper 7
Internet 38
Mouth of words 10
Magazine 8
other 3

Way of getting knowledge of healthy living


Mouth of


Figure 4.11: Pie chart showing way of getting knowledge of healthy living

The figure 4.11 shows those MBA 2015 students are used to get knowledge of healthy
living from source of internet which is made up to 58% of the proportion. As students, they
have receiving knowledge of healthy living by mouth of words which is 15% which is second
large proportion of the survey.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 30

Table B12: Distribution of Absent of meals

Type Number Percentage

Yes 18 36%
No 32 64%
Total 50 100%

Absent of meals


Figure 4.12: Pie chart showing absent of meals

Table B13: Distribution of type of absent meals

Type Number Percentage

Breakfast 12 67%
Lunch 2 11%
Dinner 4 22%
More than 10 hours 2 100%

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 31

Type of absent meals

Lunch Breakfast
11% 67%

Figure 4.13: Pie chart showing types of absent meals

In the figure 4.12 and 4.13, most of the students who answered the survey are absent
more breakfast than any other meal times which made up to 67% and secondly, 22% of student
lack of dinner.

Table B14: Distribution of consume right time for meal

Type Number Percentage

Yes 27 54%
No 23 46%
Total 50 100%

Consume right time for meal


Figure 4.14: Pie chart showing consumes right time for meal
Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 32
The figure 4.14 shows that nearly half of responder is lack of right time for meal which is
made up to 46% but the rest of half percentage of responder consume right time for meal.

Table B15: Distribution of experience of on diet

Type Number Percentage

Yes 23 46%
No 27 54%
Total 50 100%

Experience of on diet

No 46%

Figure 4.15: Pie chart showing experience of on diet

In figure 4.15, more than half of the responders have no experience of on diet than
having experience of on diet.

Table B16: Distribution of way of release stress or pressure

Type Number
Take a shower 13
Walking 4
Sleep 19
Communicate 20
TV 13
Music 25
other 3

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 33

Way of release stress or pressure



13 13


Take a shower Walking Sleep a while Communicate Watch TV Listen Music Other
with friend

Figure 4.16: Bar chart showing way of release stress or pressure

In figure 4.16 shows that the activity that use to release stress or pressure. By seeing
this, most of the responder listen music than other activity. The second group of people, are
choose communicate with friend when they stress or pressure. Nearly the same number as
second, students are sleep for a while when they stress or pressure.

Table B17: Distribution of consume rate of eat out per week

Consume Rate Number Percentage

Always 2 4%
Some time 37 74%
Often 11 22%
Never 0 0%
Total 50 100%

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 34

The consume rate of eat out per week

3 times
above Once a week
30% 30%

3 times a
week Twice a week
22% 18%

Figure 4.17: Pie chart showing the consume rate of eat out per week

In figure 4.17, there are 30% of students are used to eat out one a week which is made
up to 30% of the segmentation. On the other hand, the same percentage 30% of the responder
uses to eat three times above per week.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 35

Table B18: Distribution of go to clinic

Type Number Percentage

Yes 21 42%
No 29 58%
Total 50 100%

often go to clinic

No 42%

Figure 4.18: Pie chart showing the often go to clinic

The reasons of the figure 4.18 demonstrate that student to clinic if they are sick or
injury. Surprisingly more than half of the responder does not have an interest to clinic 58%, take
care of keep themselves.

Table B19: Distribution of physical exercises spend per minutes

Minutes Number Percentage

15 minutes 17 34%
30 minutes 12 24%
45 minutes 4 8%
60 minutes 6 12%
75 minutes 0 0
90 minutes 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 36

Physical exercise spend per minutes

90 mitutes
10% 15 minutes
60 minutes

45 minutes 30 minutes
8% 24%

Figure 4.19: Pie chart showing physical exercise spends per minutes

The figure 4.19 shows minutes of every physical exercise that use to spend individual
time of responder. The proportion of 34% in this pie chart which is most students spends
15minutes for any physical exercise. Student likely to expend their time for 30 minutes which is
second largest up to 24%.

Table B20: Distribution of statement agreements

Agreements Number Percentage

Strongly agree 37 74%
Disagree 0 0%
Agree but not always 13 26%
Total 50 100%

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 37

Statement agreement on"healthy is first
priority of life"

Agree but not

26% Strongly

Figure 4.20: Pie chart showing statement agreements

In figure 4.20, more than half of the responder agree strongly to the statement of
healthy is first priority of life. The rest of 26% of responder choose are used to agree but not

Table B21: Distribution of purchase diet product

Type Number Percentage

Yes 17 34%
No 33 66%
Total 50 100%

Purchase any healthy diet product


Figure 4.21: Pie chart showing purchase any healthy diet product

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 38

In figure 4.21, the students are interest on they want to be healthy but after the
research, people are lack of knowledge of the product which is benefit for health or which is
disadvantages for health. 66% of respondent was surprisingly not interest to purchase any
product for their health. In fact, the MIC should create activity which is more effectively for
student health also motivates their interest on how to live healthy.

Table B22: Distribution of type of healthy product

Product Number Percentage

Milk 8 32%
Medicine 7 28%
Fruits 3 12%
yogurt 3 12%
Oil 2 8%
Vegetables 2 8%
Total 50 100%

Type of purchase healthy diet product ?

Yogurt 32%


Figure 4.22: Pie chart showing type of purchase healthy diet product

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 39

The figure 4.22 demonstrates the percentage of the type of purchase healthy diet
product of MBA 2015 students. Milk is a first priority that students are interest and set to
consumption as 32%. Nearly the same percentage, students purchase medicine for their health
which is 28% of the proportion. A few percentages such as 12% and 8% of students habit to
purchase fruits, yogurt, oil and vegetables for their health.

Table B23: Distribution of type of terrify diseases

Type Number Percentage

Cancer 30 62%
Asthma 2 4%
HIV 2 4%
AIDS 5 10%
Lung cancer 3 6%
Heart diseases 3 6%
Back Pain 1 2%
Typhoid 1 2%
High Blood Pressure 1 2%
Stroke 2 2%
Total 50 100%

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 40

High Blood Teffify Diseases
pressure Typhoid
Back pain2% 2% 2%
Heart disease

Lung cancer



Figure 4.23: Pie chart showing type of horrible diseases that afraid of

The figure 4.23 shows most students are scare of having cancer which is made to 65%
than other proportion. A few people demonstrate heart disease and lung cancer as a second
afraid of which is 7%.

Table B24: Distribution of promote healthy living at MIC

Type Number Percentage

Yes 45 90%
No 5 10%
Total 50 100%

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 41

Should the school promote healthy living by
providing health facility ?

Figure 4.24: Pie chart showing provides health facility in the school

Table B25: Distribution of type of promote healthy living

Type Number Percentage

Food Menu 19 61%
Canteen 2 7%
Fitness Club 3 10%
Class Room 4 13%
Swimming Pool 2 6%
School clinic 1 3%
Total 50 100%

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 42

Type of facility need to be promote School
Swimming clinic
Pool 3%
6% Proper

Fitness Club Food Menu

10% 61%


Figure 4.25: Pie chart showing type of facility need to be provide

In the figure 4.25, students are interest to promote healthy facility for their health which
is made up to the 90% nearly to complete. The pie chart show the percentage of student
devoted to various type of facility need to be provided at MIC, which is more effectively and
sufficient to them. 61% Student are recommended largest proportion of the school should
provide special menu for them than other facility because every people not only just student
are rely on MIC canteen for such meal times.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 43

Conclusion and Recommendation
The objectives of this research are conduct the habits of each student spend for their
health, physically and mentally. After conducting the survey within a month, the research was
complete and achieves the goal of set.

According to the study, students are interest in their lifestyle which is trying to be
healthy but the facility that spends in part of their time made unhealthy. Students responded
86% want to be healthy lifestyle mostly between the age of above 35 and 22 to 25. Moreover,
50% of students rank as healthy living is most priority than other factor such as family,
relationship, and currency. In addition, more than 70% of MBA batch 2015 students are aware
of drinking and but 62 % of people are uses to smoke because most of responder are represent
as males and they have a habit of smoking. On the other hand, consume rate of MBA batch
2015 students are in high in number of percentage 58 potential to take fruits or vegetables
once per day ass a mature people they are habit of eating healthy food. However, they are have
a high number of eating fast food which is 74% students eat fast food sometime.

To be emphasis, healthy diet product such as healthy food, more than half of the MBA
batch 2015 students 66% of them have lack of knowledge of food which is effective to their
health or which is not. Because of the research, MIC compound should create healthy nutrition
menu for everyone to create the level of awareness to be high. From the evidence of figure
4.21 shows that students more prefer 13% of students need proper building such as classroom
and 7% canteen than analytically nourishment menu for their health and living. The member of
MBA students have interest in physical activities especially in walking and work out, running
and swimming. Surprisingly, the number of awareness among students were a bit high more
than half of students but 34% of MBA students spend their time for 15 minutes which is a few
time for health, 24% of MBA batch 2015 students spend 30 minutes, only 12% of MBA batch
2015 students spend 60 minutes for physical exercise.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 44

In order to increase the reliability of the data, a bigger sample size can be surveyed if
more time is provided. A sample size of 50 is used to complete the research but a bigger sample
size will give a better picture of the population. If it is possible to get the sampling frame of the
population, the data would be much more reliable as nonrandom sampling methods have their
own limitations.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 45

APPENDIX A: Questionnaire Design
Survey Questions for Healthy Lifestyle

The information provided in this survey will be kept confidential and will only be used for the
purpose of this research. Please tick the most suitable answer unless otherwise instructed.
1. What is your gender?
2. What category describes your age?
Above 35
3. Do you try to be healthy lifestyle?
4. Which segment is important to your life?

(Please rank the following segment from 1 to 5 with 1 begin the most important reason)


Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 46

5. How many hours do you usually sleep at night?
Less than 6 hours
7 – 8 hours
9- 10 hours
More than 10 hours

6. Do you have a habit of smoking?


If yes, how many cigarette per day

7. Do you have a habit of drinking alcohol?


If yes, how many time per week .

8. Which physical activities do you like to do for healthy life?

Aerobic Running

Football Swimming

Golf Tennis

Cycling Walking

Yoga Others

9. How many times do you usually eat fruits or vegetables?

3 meals a day
Twice a day
Once a day

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 47

10. When often did you eat fast food?
11. How do you usually get knowledge of healthy living?
From newspaper
From internet
From mouth of words
From magazine / journal
12. Do you skip meals?

If yes, please choose one answer

 breakfast
 lunch
 dinner

13. Do you eat right time for meal?

14. Do you have any experience of on diet?

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 48

15. How do you release when you got stress or pressure? (Tick all related)
Take a shower
Sleep a while
Communicate with friends
Watch TV
Listen music
16. How many times per week do you eat out?
Once a week
Twice a week
3 times a week
3 times above
17. If you got sick or weak, do you often go to clinic?
18. If you do exercise or any physical activity, how many minutes did you spend?
15 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
60 minutes
75 minutes
90 minutes
19. Do you agree the statement “Healthy is the first priority of life.”
Strongly agree
Agree but not always

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 49

20. Do you purchase any healthy diet product?

If yes, please specify the product .

(For e.g. medicine, oak, milk, or other supplementary)

21. Can you describe one of the most horrible diseases that you afraid of?


22. Should the school promote healthy living by providing health facility?

If yes, please identify .

(For example, food menu, Gym, proper classroom)

Thank you for your time! We sincerely appreciate your honest responses.

Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 50

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QUALIFICATION Edexcel BTEC Level 7 HNC Diploma in

Strategic Management and Leadership (QCF)

UNIT Unit 9 (Edexcel Unit 16) – Research Methods

for Strategic Management


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Su Wai Hninn Aung | Research Method For Strategic Manager 54

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