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Module 2

Conceptualizing The Research Proposal

MODULE DESCRIPTOR: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude in
conceptualizing research problems , research questions and hypotheses

COURSE OUTCOME: Conceptualize the research problems, research questions and

Hypotheses under the supervision of an experienced researcher

LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon completion of this module, the learners must be able to :

LO1. Enumerate the four sources of research topics

LO2. Select a research topic from the selected source of research topics
LO3. Enumerate the five criteria in the evaluation of the research problem.
LO4. Analyze the research variables
LO5. Use the criteria for selecting a research problem
LO6. Conduct review of related literature using electronic data bases
LO7. Construct a conceptual framework for the study
LO8. Identify the types of hypotheses
LO9. Formulate research problem , research questions and hypotheses
LO10. Define the key terms operationally

A. The Conceptual Phase

1. Formulating and Delimiting the problem

Sources of research problem
criteria in evaluating research problem

2. Reviewing the Related Literature

Purpose of literature review
Categories of references
Locating relevant literature for review
3. Undertaking clinical fieldwork
4. Developing Conceptual Framework
5. Conceptual vs. Operational Definition
6. Formulating Hypotheses
Purpose Of Research Hypotheses
Types of Hypotheses

 Modular learning
 Lecture- discussion
 Self-directed learning
 Group Learning

 Written test
 Oral Questioning- formative feedback
 Performance criteria checklist 1


Conceptualizing The Research Proposal


1. Read Information Sheet 2 – Conceptualizing the research proposal
2. Answer Self-Appraisal 2 – submit as scheduled
3. Perform Task 1- submit anytime for formative feedbacking
4. Answer Performance Criteria Checklist 1
5. Write the names of the group leader, members and content adviser
in all submitted group tasks

Information Sheet 2

The Conceptual Phase- - During this phase, time is spent critiquing the literature
on the topic of interest, continually refining and narrowing down the topic until a
succinct research problem and purpose have been determined. A thorough review of
the literature needs to be conducted to fully understand the scope and significance of
the problem; the state of the science; and Gaps in the literature.

Steps :
1. formulating and delimiting the problem
2. reviewing the related literature
3. undertaking clinical fieldwork
4. defining the framework/ developing conceptual definitions
5. formulating hypotheses

Step 1. formulating and delimiting the problem

1.1 Selecting research topic /problem

Where do research ideas come from?

HNU Thesis Advising handbook, (2015) stated that for a researcher to be able to
conceive good research topics, she/he is advised to read the medical literature,
including reviews and find out the following:
1. Conflicting findings, and or gaps in findings
2. Unchartered/ unexplored areas
3. biased sampling
4. use of research tools whose validity and reliability has not been established
5. inadequacy of research designs
6. a plan or activity whose impact or feasibility has not been empirically
7. findings / observations that require interpretations using another perspective.

Researchers must have a sceptical attitude when reading scientific findings—

science should not be admired, science should be questioned.

Research Problem – Is an enigmatic or troubling situation(Polit and Beck, 2012)

 any situation that poses a problem that needs to be answered or solved.
These are issues related to health illness spectrum, health care system,
nursing/medtech practice, nursing/medtech education, nursing /medtech

RSIT – in Looking for Research Problems : (RSIT in LRP)

 R- Recurring problems in health care practice
 S- Societal trends & issues
 I- Institutional research agenda (HNU Research Agenda 2015-
2017, National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA),
Regional Unified Health Research Agenda (RUHRA)
 T- Theories & models

1.2 Narrowing the research topic and scaling research.

Research Program

Research projects

Factors Consumption
Research Study

Number of Lung COPD,

Psychological Social frequency
packs cancer asthma

1.3 Evaluating Research Problem (Polit& Beck,2008; 2012)

1. Significance of the Problem- most crucial- Evidence must contributing

meaningfully to nursing practice.
QUESTIONS: Is theproblem an important one? Will patients, health
professionals or health care community benefit from the evidence
generated? Will the results lead to practical applications? Will the
findings challenge or lend support to untested assumptions? Will the
study help or alter nursing/ medtech practices? If the answer to these
questions is NO then abandone the problem.

2. Researchability of the Problem- not all problems are answerable by research.

For moral and ethical issues- debate is suitable not research.
 Should DNR be legalized? – Not researchable
 What are nurses’ attitudes toward DNR? – researchable
3. Feasibility- Before deciding on a research topic, the investigator must be sure
that the research can be done and completed. The following are examples of
factors to be considered, depending on the category of research.
• It should be possible to recruit the number of subjects required to
provide the answer to the research question within the time frame of
the planned research.
• The research facility available to the investigators should have the
equipment, supplies and other requirements to undertake the
• The investigators must have the required expertise.
• The cost of doing the research must be affordable and the financial
resources available.
• The research objectives must not be too many or too ambitious. It
is always advisable to establish a single primary objective around
which to focus the development of the study plan. This can be
supplemented with secondary objectives that may also produce valid
4. Ethical considerations
5. Researcher interest- critical pre-requisite
A good research topic should be Feasible (can be done), Interesting, Novel, Ethical
and Relevant (has an implication). These criteria have been collectively called the FINER
formula (Hulley et al., 2001).

The existing research on the topic of interest should be critically evaluated for
strengths and limitations. Often it is helpful to discuss research ideas with experts in the
field too. Reviewing the literature and discussing research ideas with experts will help
guide the design of the study. If very little is known about the topic, a descriptive study
(qualitative or quantitative) will need to be undertaken.

Example 1

For example, little is know about African American women’s beliefs about mental
illness. Therefore, a qualitative study to identify African American women’s beliefs,
coping behaviors, and barriers to seeking mental health services was conducted (Ward,
Clark, & Heidrich, 2009). Results of this study have the potential to inform clinical
assessment or development of an intervention to address identified barriers.

1.3 Titling :
 is institution-based ; journal-based
» 12-15 characters; Boldface
» Title contains the major variables and the populaton (HNU format)
- Title by result (some institutions)
- Title by variables, design, population
» Catchy, interesting, relevant to international audience
» Language universally understandable
» Set all letters in uppercase (HNU)

Sub-task 1. (individual- use 1/2 yellow pad) From your RSIT :

1. CHOOSE a topic that you are most interested, NARROW and then EVALUATE
using the criteria above and answer the following questions:
a. Is it significant? Is it novel? Researchable? Feasible in terms of time,
resources and expertise? Use yellow pad
2. form your group, then, from your individual selected topics formulate the
research title using HNU format, rank them and submit to your content adviser
then to the Dean for approval of topics/ title. (see Dean’s Topic/ title Approval
Letter page 22 0f this module and submit on or before schedule )

Key terms relating to Research Problems

Terms Definition Example
Research topic/ problem Is an enigmatic or Smoking cessation
troubling situation or
any situation that poses a
problem that needs to be
answered or solved.
Problem statement Articulates the problem and Nicotine addiction is
describes the need for a common among smokers
study thru the development resulting to pulmonary
of an argument. diseases and interventions
to date have been only
moderately successful in
stopping smoking. New
interventions that can stop
smoking need to be
Statement of Purpose Summarizes the study goals The purpose of this study
is to test an intervention to
stop smoking –
specifically to compare

the effectiveness of
smoking cessation
strategies and nurse
administered smoking
cessation strategies.
Research questions Are the specific questions What is the relative
researcher want to answer effectiveness of the
in addressing the problem. adolescent-controlled vs
It guide the types of data to nurse-administered
be collected in the study smoking cessation
strategies with regard to
cigarette consumption
Research hypotheses States the predicted Subjects who employed
relationships between two self- cotrolled smoking
or more variables. strategies will have less
cigarette consumption
than those who receive
nurse-controlled smoking
cessation strategies.
Research objectives/ The specific This study has the
aims accomplishment they hope following objectives (1) to
to achieve by conducting develop and implement
the study two alternative strategies
to smoking cessation (2)
to test the hypothesis and
(3) to use the finding to
develop recommendations
for possible smoking
cessation policy.

Statement of Purpose ( Main Problem in HNU format)- states the goal and identifies
the key concepts ( variables) and their possible interrelationships, and the study
group or population. Stated in declarative form.
 Example:
This study aims to determine the incidence of Ebola Virus and its
impact on the quality of life among Boholanos.

Research questions
 specific questions that the researcher wants to answer.
 Interrogative form.
 Questions are descriptive ( hypotheses not needed) , associational and difference-
oriented (Grove & Cipher,2017)

Specifically , it answers the following questions:
1. What is the incidence of Ebola virus in the province of Bohol?
2. What is the impact of Ebola virus on the quality of life among Boholanos?
3. Is there a significant correlation between the incidence of Ebola virus and
its impact on the quality of life among Boholanos?

Step 2. Reviewing the Related Literature –must be current, to find relevant

literature, theories, studies about the selected topic/problem. Findings &
conclusions from studies are synthesized to support the need to conduct the

- Sources:
- Primary- written by author
- Secondary- prepared by someone not the author.
 Categories of references : Books, journals, news paper, articles,
electronic databases
 Locating relevant literature for research review from electronic data
Cochraine, ERIC – Education Resource Information Center Database,
HAPI- Health And Psychosocial Instruments data base.

Sub-Task 2. By Group, Review relevant literature: submit for more instructions.

1. Fill up table 1: Use bondpaper short (hand written or printed)
Table 1- Number Of Relevant Published Researches
Continents Google Medline CINAHL PubMe Epi- Phil Total
scholar d info ejourna
Africa 84 1000
North America 280 6000
South America 131 4440
Australia 300 6000
Europe 580 8000
Asia 1000 1500
Philippines 290 7000
Bohol 50 1000

2. Locate at least 10 research abstracts related to your PROBLEM and fill up

table 2. Record your references.
Table 2. Review of Relevant Research Articles

Publication Autho Dependen Independent Study Sample Sampling Results conclusions

year r/s t variables design size method
2018 Parvare retro 18
sh Recurre  low-
L1, Crig
specti speci
nce of incidenc
hton ve mens
T2,3, M
tuberc e setting
artinez ulosis
E2,3, Bu
A2,3, Ch
S2,3,4, S
ko V2,

Step 3. Doing Clinical Field Work

 Getting to know more on the problem by conversing with hospital personnel
 Getting to know the facilities & equipment needed in the study
 Getting to know more of the respondents and the setting

Step 4. Defining the Framework and Developing Conceptual and Theoretical

Frameworks – describes the major features / components of the theory used.
Research questions flow from the theory.
- Theoretical framework – is a framework developed by the author of the
theory which is used by the researcher to guide the study.
- Conceptual Framework – is a framework made by the researcher based on
the theory used and served as a guide in the study.

 Example:
Hall’s Care, Cure, Core Theory

The assumptions of Hall’s Care, Cure, Core Theory are as follows: (1) The
motivation and energy necessary for healing exist within the patient, rather than in the
healthcare team. (2) The three aspects of nursing should not be viewed as functioning

independently but as interrelated. And lastly, (3) The three aspects interact, and the
circles representing them change size, depending on the patient’s total course of

Lydia Hall’s Three Aspects of Nursing

The Care Circle

According to the theory, nurses are focused on performing the noble task of nurturing
patients. This circle solely represents the role of nurses, and is focused on performing
the task of nurturing patients. Nurturing involves using the factors that make up the
concept of mothering (care and comfort of the person) and provide for teaching-
learning activities.

The care circle defines the

primary role of a professional
nurse such as providing bodily
care for the patient and
helping the patient complete
such basic daily biological
functions as eating, bathing,
elimination, and dressing.
When providing this care, the
nurse’s goal is the comfort of
the patient.

Moreover, the role of the

nurse also includes educating
patients, and helping a patient
meet any needs he or she is
unable to meet alone. This
presents the nurse and patient with an opportunity for closeness. As closeness
develops, the patient can share and explore feelings with the nurse.

The Core Circle

The core, according to Hall’s theory, is the patient receiving nursing care. The core has
goals set by him or herself rather than by any other person, and behaves according to
his or her feelings and values. This involves the therapeutic use of self, and is shared
with other members of the health team.

This area emphasizes the social, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual needs of the
patient in relation to family, institution, community and the world. This is able to help
the patient verbally express feelings regarding the disease process and its effects by the

use of reflective technique. Through such expression, the patient is able to gain self-
identity and further develop maturity.

The Cure Circle

The cure as explained in this theory is the aspect of nursing which involves the
administration of medications and treatments. Hall explains in the model that the cure
circle is shared by the nurse with other health professionals, such as physicians or
physical therapists.











Background Definitions


State Specific Purpose and Hypotheses

Task 3. Submit for formative feedbacking anytime. Printed or handwritten

1. From your RRL, Formulate the rationale of the study

2. Write the theoretical background by answering these questions: What
appropriate theory would you use to support your study? Who is the theorist?
What are the propositions of the theory? How will you use it in your study?

3. Write the review of related literature and the synthesis of the related studies
from table 2.

4. Construct the conceptual framework of the study based on selected theory.

5. Cite references appropriately use APA format.

Step 5. Formulating Hypotheses

Variables (concepts)– something that varies or takes different values(e.g.
cancer, smoking)
Kinds Of Variables
  Independent variable -presumed cause (X)
 Dependent variable (outcome variable)- presumed effect (Y)
 Intervening Variable (mediating) – intervenes between dependent and
independent , help to explain why the relationship exist
Example: sex, gender, color
  Dichotomous Variable  2 choices/ 2 results
Example: Male/ Female
 Example:
“ Income of Pilipino Nurses and Their Lifestyle Practices.”
Independent variable : income
Target population : Pilipino nurses
Dependent variable : Lifestyle practices

Research Hypothesis
- Statement of the predictive relationships between variables
- is the statement about the values of the parameters (mean & SD) of the
probability distribution of the data.(Padua,2015)
- In declarative statement

- Acceptable hypothesis must be testable and based on sound body of knowledge

derived from theory, previous research, experience, observation not from
speculations), (Watkins, 2014)

Types of Hypotheses

1. Null/statistical hypothesis- testable hypothesis – Predicts no relationship or

difference between variables
o There is no significant difference in lifestyle practices between
male and female Pilipino nurses.”
o There will be a difference in test scores among students who
attended enhancement classes compared to those who are not
attending enhancement classes.
NULL hypotheses can be :
  Simple hypothesis-predicts a relationship between one independent and
one dependent variable.
 Complex hypothesis –predicts a relationship between two or more
independent variables from two or more dependent variables.
 Directional hypothesis-  specifies not only the existence but also the
expected direction of the relationship between variables
Adolescents are more at risk for experiencing depression than older
 Non-directional-  only predicts the relationship, but has no specific
direction between variables.
There is an association between the age of a patient and the risk for
Defining Key Terms in the Sudy
Conceptual Definition – dictionary definition
Operational Definition – defined in accordance on how the researcher will use the word
in the study and how the variables are measured.

Sub task 4 Fill Up this table

Research topic/ problem
Problem statement
Statement of Purpose
Research questions

Research hypotheses
Research objectives/

Significance of the Study- Identify individuals, institutions, population groups that could
directly benefit from the study.
Scope and Limitations- coverage refers to the coverage of the study in terms of
problem, participants, and locale . Limitations are those that are within the coverage
but are excluded based on availability and resources .

Citing References- APA Format

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is widely accepted in the

social sciences and other fields, such as education, business, and nursing. The APA
citation format requires parenthetical citations within the text rather than endnotes or
footnotes. Citations in the text provide brief information, usually the name of the
author and the date of publication, to lead the reader to the source of information in
the reference list at the end of the paper.
APA RULES FOR THE REFERENCES PAGE – The following sections show some of the
morecommonly used APA citation rules.
NOTE: All citations must be in the Hanging Indent Format with the first line flush to the
left margin and all other lines indented.


General Form
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.Title of Journal, xx, xxx-
NOTE: The journal title and the volume number are in italics. Issue numbers are not
required if the journal is continuously paged. If paged individually, the issue number is
required and is in regular type in parentheses adjacent to the volume number.
One Author
Williams, J. H. (2008). Employee engagement: Improving participation in
safety. Professional Safety, 53(12), 40-45.
Two to Seven Authors [List all authors]
Keller, T. E., Cusick, G. R., & Courtney, M. E. (2007). Approaching the transition to
adulthood: Distinctive profiles of adolescents aging out of the child welfare system.
Social Services Review, 81, 453-484.
Eight or More Authors [List the first six authors, … and the last author]
Wolchik, S. A., West, S. G., Sandler, I. N., Tein, J.-Y., Coatsworth, D., Lengua, L.,...Griffin,
W. A. (2000). An experimental evaluation of theory-based mother and mother-child
programs for children of divorce. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 68, 843-
Magazine Article

Mathews, J., Berrett, D., & Brillman, D. (2005, May 16). Other winning equations.
Newsweek, 145(20), 58-59.
Newspaper Article with No Author and Discontinuous Pages
Generic Prozac debuts. (2001, August 3). The Washington Post, pp. E1, E4.
General Form
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.
One Author
Alexie, S. (1992). The business of fancydancing: Stories and poems. Brooklyn, NY: Hang
Loose Press.
Corporate Author with an Edition and Published by the Corporate Author
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental
disorders (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Anonymous Author
Dorland’s illustrated medical dictionary (31st ed.). (2007). Philadelphia,PA: Saunders.
Chapter in a Book
Booth-LaForce, C., & Kerns, K. A. (2009). Child-parent attachment relationships, peer
relationships, and peer-group functioning. In K. H. Rubin, W. M. Bukowski, & B. Laursen
(Eds.), Handbook of peerinteractions, relationships, and groups (pp. 490-507). New
York,NY: Guilford Press.

ERIC Document
Shyyan, V., Thurlow, M., & Liu, K. (2005). Student perceptions of instructional strategies:
Voices of English language learners with disabilities. Minneapolis, MN: National Center
on Educational Outcomes, University of Minnesota. Retrieved from the ERIC database.
General Format - Databases
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.Name of Journal, xx,
xxx-xxx. doi:xxxxxxxxxxArticle Retrieved from an Online Database

NOTE: Use the article’s DOI (Digital Object Identifier), the unique code given by the
publisher to a specific article.
Senior, B., & Swailes, S. (2007). Inside management teams: Developing a teamwork
survey instrument. British Journal of Management, 18, 138-153. doi:10.1111/j.1467-

NOTE: Use the journal’s home page URL (or web address) if there is no DOI.This may
require a web search to locate the journal’s home page. There is no period at the end of
web address. Break a long URL before the punctuation.
Koo, D. J., Chitwoode, D. D., & Sanchez, J. (2008). Violent victimization and the routine
activities/lifestyle of active drug users. Journal of Drug Issues, 38, 1105-1137. Retrieved
Article from an Online Magazine

Lodewijkx, H. F. M. (2001, May 23). Individual-group continuity in cooperation and

competition under varying communication conditions.Current Issues in Social
Psychology, 6(12), 166-182. Retrieved from


General Form
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Retrieved from web addressOnline Report from a
Nongovernmental Organization Kenney, G. M., Cook, A., & Pelletier, J. (2009). Prospects
for reducing uninsured rates among children: How much can premium assistance
programs help? Retrieved from Urban Institute website:
Online Report with No Author Identified and No Date
GVU's 10th WWW user survey. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Web Sites in Parenthetical Citations: To cite an entire Web site (but not a specific
document within the site), it is sufficient to give the URL of the site in the text. No entry
in the reference list is needed. Example:
Kidpsych is an excellent website for young children (

REFERENCE CITATIONS IN TEXT– APA utilizes a system of brief referencing in the text of
a paper, whether one is paraphrasing or providing a direct quotation from another
author’s work. Citations in the text usually consist of the name of the author(s) and the
year of publication. Thepage number is added when utilizing a direct quotation.
Indirect Quotation with Parenthetical Citation
Libraries historically highly value intellectual freedom and patron confidentiality (LaRue,
Indirect Quotation with Author as Part of the Narrative
LaRue (2007) identified intellectual freedom and patron confidentiality as two key
values held historically by libraries.
Direct Quotation with Parenthetical Citation
Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life "to express the other form of
interconnectedness–genealogical rather than ecological"(Gould & Brown, 1991, p. 14).
Direct Quotation with Author as Part of the Narrative
Gould and Brown (1991) explained that Darwin used the metaphor of the tree of life "to
express the other form of interconnectedness–genealogical rather than ecological”(p.

CITING SECONDARY SOURCES -- When citing in the text a work discussed in a secondary
source, give both the primary and the secondary sources. In the example below, the
study bySeidenberg and McClelland was mentioned in an article by Coltheart, Curtis,
Atkins, & Haller.

Seidenberg and McClelland’s study (as cited in Coltheart, Curtis, Atkins, & Haller, 1993)
provided a glimpse into the world In the references page, you would cite the secondary
source you read not the original studyColtheart, M., Curtis, B., Atkins, P., & Haller, M.
(1993). Models of reading aloud:Dual-route and parallel- distributed processing
approaches.Psychological Review, 100, 589-608.

The words, Table and Figure, should be spelled out with the number.
» Place a zero before the decimal in numbers less than 1 (e.g. 0.25).
» Title of Table and explanatory note of Figure should be brief as possible and
understandable without referring to the text. Note of Figure should be typed
» double-spaced below the figure.
» Figures should consist only of simple line drawings, computer-generated
graphics or good quality black and white photographs.
» Photographs should be original figures that are not electronically enhanced and
submitted in a jpeg or png file.
» Label of Figures should be of such a size so that these are still legible even after
reducing the size by as much as 50%.
» Use preferably Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe Indesign CS and/or PDF computer-
generated graphics.

Verb Tense
Use past tense when:
» discussing the research methodology and reporting the findings
» referring to a statement(s) of other researchers
» citing previous research in your article
» discussing a fact, research results or law that is no longer considered valid
and relevant
Use present tense when:
» discussing the findings, that hold true up to the present, and their implications
» stating general truths or facts or conclusions supported by scientific findings
that are unlikely to change – this may be anything that is universally accepted
to be true. To refer to the article, thesis or dissertation itself
» referring to the research manuscript itself, its contents including illustrations,
texts, and the like
» presenting the conclusions
Use future tense when:
» stating recommendations


Self Appraisal - 2


Mrs. Lia , 44 years old, a community health practitioner reviewed the barangay
health record and had found out that the morbidity and mortality cases related to
cardiovascular diseases has an upward trend for the past 3 years (2013 - 2016).
Inorder to ensure safe , efficient and cost effective health services , she will be
conducting health research.
1. She starts by conceptualizing the research problem which is defined as:
a. Is a perplexing or troubling and recurring condition confronting Mrs. Lia.
b. The articulation of the problem to be addressed by Mrs. Lia
c. The specific querries Mrs. Lia wants to answer.
d. Specific accomplishments Mrs. Lia wants to achieve.
2. Which of the following is the most accurate source of Mrs. Lia’s problem?
a. Experience and clinical fieldwork
b. Nursing Literature
c. Ideas from external sources
d. Theory
3. In evaluating the research problem Mrs. Lia considers which of the following as
the crucial one?
a. Significance c. Researchability
b. Feasibility d. Interest?

4. Mrs. Lia is evaluating the feasiblity of the problem. The following questions
reflects feasibility evaluation EXCEPT?
a. How much time is required to report the study?
b. When is the proper timing to conduct the study?
c. Are assistants needed and are such available?
d. Do I have prior knowledge? Do I have enough money?
5. Mrs. Lia is now ready to formulate the problem statements when she answers
which of the following questions?
a. What is wrong with the current situation?
b. What is the nature of the problem? How big is the problem?
c. What is the cost of not fixing the problem?
d. What information about the problem is lacking?
e. What is the basis for believing that the proposed study would contribute
to the solution of the problem?
a. 1,3,5 b. 2,4 c. 1,2,3 d. 1,2,3,4,5
The health practitioner assumes the researcher role inorder to provide safe,
efficient and cost-effective health care services. Miss A – 22 years old, newly registered
health practitioner, has noticed an increasing number of malnourished under 6
children in her assigned barangay. As she assumes the researcher role:
6. Miss A recalls that the following are definitions of a Conceptual definition ,
a. The abstract or theoretical meaning of the concepts being studied.
b. The general or universal meaning of the terms.
c. The definition of the concept or variable in terms of the procedures by
which it is to be measured.
d. Conceptual meaning is derived from theoretical formulations
Situation 5- A research was conducted on “The Effects of the health practitioner’s
Expressive Role in the Reduction of Anxiety in Patients who will undergo NGT insertion.”
7. The independent variable is:
a. Patient b. Expressive role
c. Reduction of anxiety d. Nasogastric tube insertion
8. What is the variable that can be measured?
a. Patient b. Expressive role
c. Reduction of anxiety d. Nasogastric tube insertion
9. Which variable can be manipulated?
b. Patient b. Expressive role
c. Reduction of anxiety d. Nasogastric tube insertion
10. Independent variables in a socio-demographic study would include personal data
of the subjects. Which of the following is not an independent variable in such
a. Educational level c. Age
b. Informal consent d.Marital status

Myrna a researcher proposes a study on the relationship between health values and the
health promotion activities of health practitioners in a selected college of health
11. In both quantitative and qualitative research, the use of a frame of reference is
required. Which of the following items serves as the purpose of a framework?
a. Incorporates theories into nursing's body of knowledge
b. Organizes the development of study and links the findings to the body of
c. Provides logical structure of the research findings
d. Identifies concepts and relationships between concepts
12. Myrna needs to review relevant literature and studies. The following processes
are undertaken in reviewing literature EXCEPT:
a. Locating and identifying resources
b. Reading and recording notes
c. Clarifying a research topic
d. Using the library
13. The primary purpose for reviewing literature is to :
a. organize materials related to the problem of interest
b. generate broad background and understanding of information related to
the research problem of interest
c. select topics related to the problem of interest
d. gather current knowledge of the problem of interest
14. In formulating the research hypotheses, researcher Myrna should state the
research question as:
a. What is the response of the health practitioners to the health values?
b. How is variable “health value" perceived in a population?
c. Is there a significant relationship between health values and health
promotion activities of the health practitioners ?
d. How do health values affect health promotion activities of health
practitioners ?
15. The proposed study shows the relationship between the variables. Which of the
following is the independent variable?
a. Health practitioners in a selected college of health sciences
b. Health values
c. Health promotion activities
d. Relationship between health values and health promotion activities
16. The variable in an experiment that is known from the start and does not change
is called the:
a. dependent variable b. extraneous variable.
c. independent variable d. confounding variable.  
The following are research problems, Identify the variables by writing DV for
Dependent variable and IV for independent variable.

a) Self concept, personal and professional characteristics of health practitioners

(1_______)in relation to patient satisfaction index( 2.______________)
b) Work values of hospital managers( 3______)and clinical performance of health
staff (4._____.)
c) Thermoregulation of infants (5_____)utilizing mineral water container and
droplight( 6.______.)

Numbers 7 to 10 refers to the types of hypotheses:

d) (7._____________________________is the prediction about the relationship
between two or more variables.
e) 8.______________________express the absence of a relationship between
f) Older patients are more at risk for experiencing a fall than younger patients. This
is an example of 9. ___________________hypothesis.
g) There is a relationship between the age of a patient and the risk for falling. This
is an example of a 10.______________________________hypothesis.
1. Enumerate the four sources of research topics
2. Enumerate the five criteria in the evaluation of the research problem.
3. Give five examples of electronic data bases
4. Identify the five types of hypotheses
5. Differentiate conceptual definition from operational definition (4)
6. Give example of citing online journal in general format. (2)



1. Select a topic for research from HNU Research Agenda 2015-2017, troubling
conditions in nursing/medtech practice, nursing/medtech education and
nursing/medtech management
2. Formulate the title- not more 14 words ; main variables & population
3. State the rationale :
» Global situational analysis of the problem
» Local situational analysis of the problem
» Gap in the literature that the study intends to address
» Differentness of the study from other previous studies
» Compelling reasons of the writer for choosing the problem
4. Cite the theory you are using and its concepts including its legal basis. Also
include synthesis of at least 10 related studies
5. Construct the conceptual framework
6. Formulate the Statement of the Problem and research questions
7. State the hypotheses
8. Cite the significance of the study
9. State the scope and limitations
10. Define key terms operationally/ conceptually

Perform Task 1. Special Instructions:

by group 1. Use short bondpaper.
2. Use arial 12 in your final copy, double space between lines; 1.5
between paragraphs and side headings
3. Margins- Left 1 ½ inches; 1 inch in other sides
4. Follow the APA format in citing references.
5. Submit on or before the schedule to your research Research Class
Adviser and Thesis content adviser
Title Not more than 14 words in declarative form

Rationale 3-5 pages

Theory 2-3 pages
Legal Basis 1 page
Related Literature/ Studies 15-20 pages
Conceptual Framework 1page
Statement Of The Problem/ Questions 1-2 pages

Significance Of The Study 1-2 pages
Scope And Limitations
Definition Of Terms 1-2 pages

Holy Name University

College of Health Sciences
Tagbilaran City


November , 2017

Mrs. Ruvih Joy P. Garrote. RN, MN

Dean, College of Health Sciences

Dear Ma’am,


Submitting the proposed research topics/ titles for your approval. Thank you

Topics/ Titles: Dean’s Remarks

1. “

Respectfully yours,

Group Leader


Content Adviser

CC: Mrs. Rose Marie E. Sing/ Dr. Lourdes P. Aparicio

Holy Name University

College of Health Sciences

Tagbilaran City

November , 2017

Faculty, ___________________________

You are hereby appointed as the thesis content adviser, technical adviser,
statistician of





The research topic/ title is__________________________________________




Dean, College of Health Sciences

Cc: Mrs. Rose Marie E. Sing

Dr. Lourdes P. Aparicio

Sample Conceptual Framework

Theory: Legal Bases:

RA 9173 “ The Philippine
Emotional IntelligenceNursing
by of 2002
Dan Goleman RA 7305 “ The Magna Carta Of
Public Health Workers

Staff Nurses and Patients

Nurses’ Emotional Intelligence and Patients’ Outcomes

Emotional Intelligence: Patient Outcomes

1. Self-Awareness
2. Self-Management 1. Patient
3. Social –Awareness satisfaction
4. RelationshipManage 2. Quality life


Figure 1.
The Conceptual Framework of the Study

Holy Name University

College of Health Sciences
Tagbilaran City

Name of Student and Signature________________________Level 3 Sec___Date______

Assessment Methods Scores Prelim Exam Score

Q1 Q2 Q3 Total

Written tests
Evidence Written output of
Plan Performance task 1


Criteria YES NO Self- Remarks

Did I... Rating
1. Select a topic for research
2. State the rationale :
» Global situational analysis of the problem
» Local situational analysis of the problem
» Gap in the literature that the study intends to
» Differentness of the study from other previous
» Compelling reasons of the writer for choosing the
3. Cite the theory you are using and its concepts
including its legal basis. Also include at least 10
related studies
4. Construct the conceptual framework
5. Formulate the Statement of Problem and
research questions
6. State the hypotheses
7. Cite the significance of the study
8. State the scope and limitations
9. Define terms operationally/ conceptually?
Average self-rating

____________ ______________________
Name & Signature of Research Class Adviser


Title Page ........................................ I
Approval Sheet . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii
Acknowledgments ........................................ Iv
Abstract ........................................ v

Table of Contents ..... .................................. Vi

List of Tables . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vii
List of Figure . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viii
Chapter PAGE
Rationale Of The Study ..... ....... ..... 1
Theoretical Background . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Statement Of The Problem ...... ...... ..... 24
Statement Of Hypotheses ...... ...... ..... 25
Significance Of The Study ...... ...... ..... 26
Research Design ............ ..... 27
Research Locale ............ ..... 27
Research Respondents ............ ..... 28
Research Instrument . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Scope And Limitations ..... ....... ..... 29
Research Procedures
Gathering Of Data ....... .... 29
Treatment Of Data ....... .... 30
DEFINITION OF TERMS ..... ........ .... 31
REFERENCES .............. ... 32
APPENDICES .............. ... 33
A- Transmittal Letters .............. ... 34

B- The Instrument .................. 35



Cochrane Reviews:

Effective Healths Care Bulletins:
Evidence-based Medicine. London:The Royal Society of Medicine Press.
Evidence-based Medicine:
Foundation of Nursing Studies:
Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice.Philidelphia,PA:LippincottWilliams andWilkin
Grove, S. & Cipher, D., (2017). Statistics for Nursing Research. 2nd edition.Elsevier Inc.
Hunt, J. (1981) ‘Indicators for nursing practice: the use of research findings’, Journal
Khan, K., Kunz, R., Kleijnen, J. and Antes, G. (2003) Systematic Reviews to Support
Kirby, S. (2004) ‘A historical perspective on the contrasting experiences of nurses
Mantzoukas, S. (2008) ‘A review of evidence-based practice, nursing research
Melnyk, B. and Fineout-Overholt, E. (2005) Evidence-based Practice in Nursing
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE):
NHS Centre for Clinical Reviews and Dissemination:
Polit , D. & Beck, C. 2008. Nursing Research. Lippincot Williams and Wilkins, 8th
Polit , D. & Beck, C. 2012. Nursing Research. Lippincot Williams and Wilkins, 9th
RPS Introduction to Research in the Health Sciences, 1st edition by Salustiano, 2009
UK Clinical Research Collaboration:
Mahmoud F. Fathalla (2004)A Practical Guide forHealth Researchers.World Health
Organization Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean Cairo,
Watkins, L., (2014). Foundations of Clinical Research. Applications to Practice, 3rd
edition, Pearson Education Limited.

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