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 Cast Iron Composition:

 Iron (Fe): The primary constituent.

 Carbon (C): Generally in the range of 2% to 4%. Higher carbon content contributes to the brittleness of cast

 Silicon (Si): Typically in the range of 1% to 3%. Silicon influences the formation of graphite.

 Manganese (Mn): Present in varying amounts, typically in the range of 0.1% to 1%.

 Phosphorus (P): Present in trace amounts, usually less than 0.1%.

 Sulfur (S): Present in trace amounts, usually less than 0.1%.

 Trace Elements: Small amounts of other elements may be present, depending on the specific grade and

 It's important to note that these compositions are general guidelines, and actual compositions can vary
based on the specific grade of the alloy and the manufacturing process. Additionally, there are various
standards (such as ASTM and ISO) that specify the requirements for different grades of SG Iron and Cast Iron.

 Mild Steel (MS) and SG Iron (Spheroidal Graphite Iron), also known as ductile iron, are two distinct materials
with different compositions, microstructures, and properties. Here are the key differences between MS and
SG Iron:
 Mild Steel (MS):
 Composition:
 Iron (Fe): Constitutes the majority of the alloy.
 Carbon (C): Generally in the range of 0.05% to 0.25%. MS is low in carbon compared to cast iron.
 Manganese (Mn): Present in varying amounts, typically in the range of 0.3% to 0.6%.
 Other Elements: Trace amounts of other elements.
 Microstructure:
 MS has a ferritic microstructure, which consists of a body-centered cubic crystal lattice. It does not contain
the distinctive graphite structures found in cast iron.
 Properties:
 MS is characterized by its malleability, ductility, and weldability.
 It has a relatively low tensile strength compared to cast iron and ductile iron.
 MS is commonly used in construction, manufacturing, and general engineering applications.
 SG Iron (Ductile Iron):
 Composition:
 Iron (Fe): The primary constituent.
 Carbon (C): Typically in the range of 3.2% to 3.9%. Controlled levels of carbon contribute to the formation of
nodular graphite.
 Silicon (Si): Usually in the range of 2.2% to 2.8%. Silicon promotes the nodularization of graphite.
 Manganese (Mn): Typically in the range of 0.1% to 0.4%. Manganese aids in the nodularization process.
 Magnesium (Mg): Added intentionally to promote the formation of nodular graphite.
 Microstructure:
 SG Iron has a nodular or spheroidal graphite microstructure. The graphite is in the form of spherical nodules,
providing ductility and toughness to the material.
 Properties:

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