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Middle Years Programme

Academic Year 2023-24

Summative Assessment

Name: Shrija Mandilwar Grade: MYP5 Subject: Biology

Date: 7/2/2024 Unit 4: Ecology

Criterion details
A: Knowing and understanding

i. explain scientific knowledge

ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in familiar and unfamiliar situations
iii. Analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported judgments.

Criterion B: Inquiring and designing

i. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
ii. formulate a testable hypothesis and explain it using scientific reasoning
iii. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how data will be collected
iv. design scientific investigations.

Criterion C: Processing and evaluating

i. present collected and transformed data
ii. interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning
iii. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of the scientific investigation
iv. evaluate the validity of the method
v. explain improvements or extensions to the method.

ATL Skills:
Category: Thinking
Cluster: Critical thinking
(Analyzing and evaluating issues and ideas)
Indicators: Identify trends and forecast possibilities

Category: Thinking
Cluster: Transfer skills
(Using skills and knowledge in multiple contexts)
Indicator: Apply skills and knowledge in unfamiliar situations
Key concept: Change
Related concept: Functions, Environment
Global Context: Globalization and Sustainability
SOI: Changes in interconnected and sustainable functions of ecosystems are the result of human impact on the
Learner profile: Caring, Principled

Criterion A: Knowing and understanding

(25 Marks)

1. a) Observe the diagram and state the process X in the nitrogen cycle. Also suggest the organisms
involved in this process and the location in the plant where they are found. ( 3 Marks )
Nitrogen fixation is the process that is happening to convert nitrogen gas in the air to nitrogen compounds in
plants, this can be done through biological fixation which requires a lot of energy (16 ATP), lightning, human
activities using this nitrosomonas bacteria and rhizobium bacteria produce enzymes such as hydrogenase and
nitrogenase that break down the atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate ions, atmospheric nitrogen cannot directly be
used by plants because the strength of the triple bond in nitrogen is hard to break, these bacteria are found in
the root nodules of leguminous plants such as peas

b) The grassland is ploughed up and turned into farmland. Crops of maize are grown on it year after year.
Predict and explain the effect of this change on the nitrogen cycle and on the crop yield. (4 Marks)

The leguminous plants are uprooted that are the ones having nitrogen fixing bacteria in root nodules, therefore
atmosphering nitrogen will increase and the plants will start showing yellowing. There are also no decomposers
present to perform ammonification, which happens when a dead organism releases ammonium ions which are
then converted into nitrate, nitrite and ammonia compounds. The crop yield will therefore decrease because of
the excess nitrogen gas present in the air that is not usable for plants because of the uprooting of leguminous

c) Suggest one way in which the farmer could prevent the effect on crop yield. ( 1 Mark)

Using fertilizers such as ammonia

2. Rhinoceroses are routinely poached (hunted) in Africa, and many species of rhinos are now extinct.
Red foxes were an endangered species in the 1990s because they were hunted for their fur. Now, however,
they are much safer.
a) Suggest how humans may impact imbalance in an ecosystem. ( 2 Marks)

The fur trade drastically impacts the balance of the ecosystem as extinction causes the destruction of the food
chain and an excess amount of secondary carnivores will cause disruption in the system as there will be an
impact on the primary carnivores such as deer, mouse, etc. For rhinoceros that are amphibians, there may be a
surplus of fish and aquatic organisms in the water which may cause a decline in the populations of plankton,
zooplankton that fish feed on.

b) Suggest and explain preventive measures for this imbalance. ( 2 Marks)

Constructing national parks for the protection of wildlife which protects the delicate ecological balance, or
imposing penalties and penalizing the people who continuously poach the animals.
3. Carbon dioxide and methane are two important greenhouse gasses. The effect of human
activities in increasing the concentration of greenhouse gasses, such as carbon dioxide and
methane is known as the enhanced greenhouse effect.
Figure below shows the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere over
the past 1000 years.

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a) Using information in figure above, describe the trend in the concentrations of carbon dioxide and
methane over the past 1000 years. (3 Marks)

This is a result of rapid industrialization and the combustion of fossil fuels which release methane and other
harmful substances, both of the above graphs show a stark increase in the concentration of methane and
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a result of human activities, such as deforestation, industrialization, which
decreases the rate of photosynthesis since the plants have been uprooted and there is more carbon dioxide to

b) Suggest and explain reasons for the trend in the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane that you
described in (a). (4 Marks)

● Deforestation, caused by human activities, which lead to a decrease in the rates of photosynthesis which
absorb carbon dioxide
● Overpopulation, the increase in population has caused a rapid increase in the carbon dioxide emitted by
animals during respiration
● Overirrigation of crops, when crops are over irrigated, an example is Haryana, the remaining sieve is
combusted into the air releasing poisonous gasses
● Automobile revolution, the use of automobiles has caused an increase in the carbon dioxide, carbon
monoxide, methane, etc released by vehicles, this is mostly because of the combustion of fossil fuels,
which themselves are carbon sinks, but the moment they are combusted, they release a lot of emissions

c) Explain how such gasses contribute to the greenhouse effect. (4 Marks)

The toxic gasses (greenhouse gasses) being released into the atmosphere, such as methane, carbon dioxide,
chlorofluorocarbons cause global warming as these harmful gasses cannot escape from the atmosphere and are
trapped inside of it, which cause an increase in temperatures, leading to global warming, melting of glaciers,
climate change, irregular and an increase in climate-associated disasters, acid rain, air pollution, which cause
diseases such as bronchitis and lung infections, pulmonary edema and death.

4. The grass in a meadow habitat converts light energy into carbohydrates at a rate of 17500 kJ m-2 yr-1. The
grass releases 14000 kJ m-2 yr-1 of that energy during respiration. Predict the net primary productivity of
the grass in the meadow habitat. ( 2 Marks)

Net primary productivity is the total amount of radiant energy absorbed by the plant, which is lesser than 50%
from the sun, which is subtracted from the productivity that measures the relative biomass, subtracted by the
respiratory losses of the plant

17500-14000=3500 joules kJ m-2 yr-1

3500 is the net primary productivity

Criterion B: Inquiring and Designing

(25 Marks)

Background information: The tropical forest is crucial for maintaining the world’s most diverse plant
communities and controlling the earth’s climate and biodiversity. It has a tremendous influence on the ecological
and economic balance, but the forest’s biodiversity is currently endangered. Industrialization, agricultural
expansion, land grabbing, tree plantations (including invasive species), lack of management, and unauthorized
logging contribute to its rapid extinction.

Industrial activities have various effects on biodiversity, posing significant threats to forest ecosystems. A study on
the species composition and taxonomic diversity at Bhawal Sal forest, Gazipur, Bangladesh was carried out to see
if they were affected by industrialization. This study highlighted that plant ecosystems and tree population
structure have declined tremendously due to industrialization in this area.
Task: Design an investigation to study the effect of industrialization on population density of plant species in a
forest as you move closer to a developed industrial area.

1. Frame a research question for the above experiment and explain it. ( 2 Marks )

How does the rate of emission of harmful gasses from fossil fuels such as sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides (parts
per million) , affect the plant population in a particular area (population density=plant species (pinyon
tree)/number of quadrats)?

2. State and scientifically explain the hypothesis for your investigation. ( 4 Marks )

I hypothesize that as the plants get closer to the industrial area, the more deforestation occurs, and the
uprooting of plants results in lesser photosynthetically active radiation that results in the absorption of carbon
dioxide to make glucose and water, the more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses will get accumulated
in the atmosphere, proving that deforestation is occurring. The less there are plants, the more carbon dioxide is
present in the environment, which is evidence that deforestation is occurring.

3. State the variables for your investigation. ( 3 Marks )

Independent variable-Release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere as we get closer to the industrial area
Dependent variable-Population of plant species in a quadrat
Controlled variable-The species of plants(pinyon trees), the type of industry being studied (oil factory), water
given to seeds, dimension of quadrat

4. Explain how you would : ( 3 Marks )

a) manipulate the independent variables.

By using different concentration of fossil fuels that are released into the atmosphere (100 ppm, 1000 ppm,
10,000 ppm, 100,000 parts per million, 1,000,000 parts per billion)

b) measure the dependent variable.

Using quadrats, which measure the population of a species per unit area

c) keep the controlled variables constant.

By ensuring that the same species is being studied, and the same location of the factory is consistent.
5. Outline the materials required to conduct the investigation. ( 3 Marks )

Pinyon tree seeds (100 seeds spread uniformly across a set area ,5X2 meter squares)
Carbon dioxide counter
Measuring tape

6. State the safety measures to be followed during the investigation. ( 2 Marks)

Ensure sanitizing materials before use

Ensure wearing an N95 mask, lab goggles, gloves and lab apron while performing the investigation

7. Design a complete and logical method for the investigation. ( 8 Marks )

1. Measure the complete area of the location

2. Divide it into 5 quadrats that progressively get closer to the industry
3. Using a measuring tape ensure the dimension of the quadrat remains the same
4. Consistently water the seeds using a sprinkler
5. After 1 week, measure the population of the plants in each quadrat and divide it by 5 (number of
quadrats) to get the population density
6. Compile findings in a tabular format.

Criterion C: Processing and Evaluating

(25 Marks)

The data obtained for the study of population density for 3 species is as follows:
8. Transform the above table correctly to find the population density of each species. ( 4 Marks)

9. Interpret the species with highest and lowest population density ( 2 Marks)

Species A has the highest population density whereas species C has the lowest population density

Background Information:

10. Figure below shows a choice chamber. This apparatus can be used to study the behavior of small

invertebrates, such as woodlice, in different conditions. 60 woodlice were introduced through the central

hole. The four sections of the choice chamber had different conditions as shown in figure below.

- dark and dry

- dark and moist
- light and dry
- light and moist
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● The choice chamber was left undisturbed for 10 minutes.

● The numbers of woodlice in each section were counted.
● The numbers were recorded in the table given below.
● These woodlice were released into their natural environment.
● The investigation was repeated with three more samples of woodlice.

Sample lots of Dark and dry Dark and moist Light and dry Light and moist

1st 8 47 1 4

2nd 4 56 0 0

3rd 5 52 1 2

4th 7 49 2 2

Total 24 204 4 8

Average 6 51 1 2.

a) Complete the table given above. The calculations for the light and moist section have been completed for
you. (5 Marks)
b) Plot the average number of woodlice in each condition on a graph.

(6 Marks)
d) State and explain which condition the woodlice prefer. (2 Marks)

They prefer dark and moist areas as their population density is highest there

e) Suggest how this behavior might help the woodlice to survive in their natural habitat. (3 Marks)

These conditions allow them to reproduce better, overcome competition, camouflage and increase
their population, nutrition, and allow them to reproduce more.

f) Suggest how you could improve this investigation to make the results more reliable. (3 Marks)

This investigation could be made more reliable through using different species of plants, other
parameters, and the unit of measurement mentioned for the

Self Assessment

Criterion- A Criterion- B Criterion- C


Student’s reflection :

● Share how this unit made you more responsible towards the environment ?

Assessment by facilitator
Criterion A: Knowing and Understanding


1-2 The student is able to:

i. state scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to suggest solutions to
problems set in familiar situations
iii. interpret information to make judgments.

3-4 The student is able to:

i. outline scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in
familiar situations
iii. interpret information to make scientifically supported judgments.

5-6 The student is able to:

i. describe scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in
familiar situations and suggest solutions to problems set in unfamiliar
iii. analyze information to make scientifically supported judgments.

7-8 The student is able to:

i. explain scientific knowledge
ii. apply scientific knowledge and understanding to solve problems set in
familiar and unfamiliar situations
iii. analyze and evaluate information to make scientifically supported

Criterion B: Inquiring and designing

Achievement Level descriptor


1-2 The student is able to:

i. state a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
ii. outline a testable hypothesis
iii. outline the variables
iv. design a method, with limited success.

3-4 The student is able to:

i. outline a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
ii. formulate a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
iii. outline how to manipulate the variables, and outline how relevant data will
be collected
iv. design a safe method in which he or she selects materials and equipment.

5-6 The student is able to:

i. describe a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
ii. formulate and explain a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
iii. describe how to manipulate the variables, and describe how sufficient,
relevant data will be collected
iv. design a complete and safe method in which he or she selects appropriate
materials and equipment.

7-8 The student is able to:

i. explain a problem or question to be tested by a scientific investigation
ii. formulate and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scientific
iii. explain how to manipulate the variables, and explain how sufficient,
relevant data will be collected
iv. design a logical, complete and safe method in which he or she selects
appropriate materials and equipment.

Criterion C: Processing and evaluating


1-2 The student is able to:

i. collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
ii. interpret data
iii. state the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. state the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. state improvements or extensions to the method.

3-4 The student is able to:

i. correctly collect and present data in numerical and/or visual forms

ii. accurately interpret data and explain results
iii. outline the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. outline the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. outline improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the
scientific investigation.

5-6 The student is able to:

i. correctly collect, organize and present data in numerical and/or visual forms
ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using scientific reasoning
iii. discuss the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. discuss the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. describe improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the
scientific investigation.

7-8 The student is able to:

i. correctly collect, organize, transform and present data in numerical and/

or visual forms
ii. accurately interpret data and explain results using correct scientific
iii. evaluate the validity of a hypothesis based on the outcome of a scientific
iv. evaluate the validity of the method based on the outcome of a scientific
v. explain improvements or extensions to the method that would benefit the
scientific investigation.

Internal Standardization:

Examiner 1 Examiner 2 Final

Criteria Marks Marks Marks Achievement



Facilitator comments.

Facilitator’s signature - _______________ Parent’s Signature - _______________

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