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Understanding the Basics of Communication

As we all know, communication is a part of out daily lives. Communicating

or interacting to some people can lead to a good relationships even though you
were just met. Also, communicating is one of the best way to express something
in your feelings. But there’s a technique to be better at communicating, for better
understanding, and to make conversation constantly. There are some of my
known techniques to have a better communication or conversation to who you
talking to.

This are the technique that I want to tell, these are “Listening Well, Letting
the Speaker to Finish to Talk, Think Before you say Something Back, and Try to
make any Facial Expression while the Speaker is talking Something.” And now
let’s talk about this technique that I wanted to tell you. First is “Listening very
Well”. Listening well can help to think of what have been the speaker was talking
about, you’ll have a time to think and make the conversation lively. And if you
listened well you’ll have a better understanding of the conversation. Now, about
“Letting the Speaker to Finish to Talk at Something”. Letting the speaker to finish
while you listened well can have a beautiful conversation and also giving a respect
to the speaker. Letting to finish the speaker at something you’ll be fully
understand to what the speaker was telling. Then now for the “Think Before You
Response”. Think carefully of words your using and make sure your answer is
connected to the topic of the conversation. Listening well, letting the speaker to
finish and thinking the answer before you response can be good at every
conversation or communicating. This techniques can help you to have a better
understanding at comminicating someone or somewhat. And this one, the last
one is “Making a Facial Expressions Like Nodding, etc.” This will help the speaker
to continue of he/she was telling at something, as if like you were agreeing to
his/her message. This will help the conversation more lively and not to break
apart. And this was the technique I want to share y’all, having respect and
understanding at conversation can lead to a great communicating.

For conclusion, these techniques “Listening Very Well, Letting the Speaker
to Finish Saying Something, Thinking Before You Response, and Making Some
Facial Expressions”. Having this for techniques or combining this four techniques
or applying this techniques can lead to a beautiful conversation and also you’ll be
having a better understanding at any conversation you’ll having. You can try this
at anyone even you Family, Friends, Neighbor, Classmates, Teachers, and many
more. You will see the result of all of this. And don’t forget to communicate always
at something that you want to talk about and understanding the conversation will
help this to be lively and will also have a greater bond. And now thank you all for
listening my speech, this is the only techniques I wanted to tell you to use in
every conversation you’ll having.

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