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On Business

Class 1


To work as

To work

To have one’s own Business

To be unemployed

To be Out of Jobs/Work

To be in Between Jobs

To be without a job



Analyst Customer Support






Digital marketing analyst



Civil engineer
Chemical engineer

Mechanical engineer


IT Manager

IT Professional

IT Manager

Lawyer / Advocate




Policeman/ Policewoman


Sales Rep (Representative)


Software Developer



Veterinary Doctor (Vet)

Waiter/ Waitress

Questions to be used.

What do you do?

What do you do for a living?

I’m a/an_____ (Sales Rep).

I Work as a/an_______ (Web designer)

I work in a hotel as a/an________ (Receptionist).

I have my own business

I’m Currently unemployed.

How long have you been doing that?

I’ve been doing that for_______ (Period Of Time)

I’ve been doing that since_________ (started point)

What did you do before?

I was a/an__________ (Profession)

Do you enjoy what you do?

Yeah, I Love what I Do / No, I don’t like it very Much.

What’s your job Like?

Oh, It’s great! I Love My Job.

Activities 1 – Mark the correct answer.

1- What do you do for…?

a) - before?
b) - a living?
c) – you do?

2- What did you do…?

a)- like?
b)- a living?
c)- before?

3- What’s your job…?

a)- before?
b)- like?
c)- a living?

4- I have my…
a)- Like?
b)- in a hotel.
c)- own business

5- I’m an…
a)- software designer
b)- IT manager
c)- in a hotel

6- I was a Receptionist…
a)- in a hotel
b)- like?
c)- own Business
7- How Long have you been…
a)- you do?
b)- doing that?
c)- a living?

Activity 2 – Listen to the teacher and Circle the correct answer.

1- a) Software designer developer / Teacher

2- a) lawyer /i am a Sales Rep
3- a) I Hate it /yes, I love it
4- a)-i’ve been that for 6 years / I’ve never done it.


1) Change the verbs into -ing form:

a) to go - ________going_________ k) to get - _____________________
b) to eat - _____________________ l) to fix- _____________________
c) to drink - _____________________ m) to sleep - _____________________
d) to work - _____________________ n) to dance - _____________________
f) to read - _____________________ o) to play - _____________________
g) to walk - _____________________ p) to take - _____________________
h) to write - _____________________ q) to speak - _____________________
i) to run - _____________________ r) to drive - _____________________
j) to type - _____________________ s) to repair - _____________________

2) Fill in the blanks with Present Continuous:

a) I _________________________ now. (work)
b) The secretary _________________________ a letter now. (type)
c) ___________ the baby ___________________ now? (sleep)
d) It _________________________ at the moment. (rain)
e) The boys _________________________ at the moment. (play)
f) She _________________________ breakfast now. (not / eat)
g) ___________ Mary and John ___________________ now? (dance)
h) The students _________________________ now. (study)
i) We _________________________ Portuguese now. (not / speak)
j) The cat _________________________ milk now. (drink)
k) I _________________________ a book at the moment. (read)
l) ___________ the mechanic ___________________ the car now? (repair)
m) My father _________________________ in the park now. (not / run)
n) The children _________________________ TV now. (watch)

3) Match the columns:

a) Are you studying now? ( ) Yes, it is.
b) Is Mary taking a shower now? ( ) Yes, you are.
c) Is Paul playing soccer now? ( ) Yes, I am.
d) Are Peter and Ann dancing now? ( ) Yes, she is.
e) Is the dog eating now? ( ) Yes, they are.
f) Are we studying English now? ( ) Yes, he is.

4) Change into negative and interrogative:

a) The mechanic is fixing the car.



b) The bus driver is driving now.



c) The secretary is talking on the phone.

d) The architect is working now.



e) The singer is singing at the moment.



f) The children are swimming now.



g) The dogs are playing now.



h) It is raining now.



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