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BSN - YA - 7 Course Task CU14

The person being nursed is thought to be unique and necessitates creative and
imaginative ways of being cared for. Today’s technologies have created
innovative ways to care for such people. Locsin does not define a human being
as being purely natural, but references those who have implanted devices such
as cardiac pacemakers, insulin pumps and artificial limbs as also being whole
(Locsin R. , 2010).

As a nurse what is the importance of technology in nursing practice? How does

it affect the daily living of human being either a nurse or patient? Give
scenario that will focus on the technology aspects to nursing

The incorporation of technology into nursing practice has resulted in

significant advances in patient care that are more efficient, precise, and
patient-centered. As nurses, we are all aware that the availability of modern
technologies in our country or around the world is increasing in order to speed
up and simplify our daily lives.
Think about a patient with a chronic condition, such as diabetes, who uses
an insulin pump as an example of the importance of technology in nursing care.
The technology allows for continuous monitoring and adjustment of insulin
levels, resulting in better blood glucose control. This not only improves the
patient's health outcomes but also their overall quality of life. We now have
patient monitors that measure, record, and display various patient parameters
such as heart rate and rhythm, SPO2, blood pressure, temperature, respiratory
rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation in the blood. Having this in the
medical field makes the work of the medical staff in hospitals faster and
easier, and it is more to keep track of the patient's health and provide them
with high-quality health care.
We now have electronic health records (EHRs) to help with the documentation
process. Nurses can quickly access patient information, track medications, and
update records, reducing errors and ensuring that care plans are up to date. We
also have the (CPR) computer-based patient record electronic patient record,
which is housed in a system that was developed specifically to help users
through offering access to complete and accurate data, alerts, reminders,
clinical decision support systems,3 links to medical knowledge, and other aids.
Smart bed technology is also being used in nursing practices, giving nurses a
continuous in-room monitor that communicates and updates them on a patient's
activities on a frequent basis. They may be able to recognize patterns with its
assistance, which may result in a revised diagnosis or comprehension of a
To sum up, technology has become an essential component of nursing
practice, improving patient care quality, accuracy, and efficiency. It is also
still changing, with new discoveries indicating that healthcare delivery will
go much further.

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