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CONTEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION • The legislature cannot limit or restrict the power granted

• Are the constructions placed upon statutes at the time of, or to the courts by the constitution.
after their enactment by the executive, legislative or judicial
authorities, as well as by those who involve in the process of Legislative approval
legislation, knowledgeable of the intent and purpose of the law. • Legislative is presumed to have full knowledge of a
• Contemporary construction is strongest in law. contemporaneous or practical construction of a statute by
an administrative or executive officer charged with its
Executive construction, generally; kinds of enforcement.
• Is the construction placed upon the statute by an executive • The legislature may approve or ratify such
or administrative officer. Ex. for Labor: DOLE. contemporaneous construction.
• May also be showmen by the legislature appropriating
(3) Three types of interpretation: money for the officer designated to perform a task pursuant
1. Construction by an executive or administrative officer to interpretation of a statute.
directly called to implement the law. • Legislative ratification is equivalent to a mandate.
2. Construction by the secretary of justice in his capacity as
the chief legal adviser of the government. Reenactment
3. Handed down in an adversary proceeding in the form of a • Most common act of approval.
ruling by an executive officer exercising quasi-judicial power. • The re-enactment of a statute, previously given a
contemporaneous construction is persuasive indication of
Weight accorded to contemporaneous construction the adoption by the legislature of the prior construction.
• Where there is doubt as to the proper interpretation of a • Re-enactment if accorded greater weight and respect than
statute, the uniform construction placed upon it by the the contemporaneous construction of the statute before its
executive or administrative officer charged with its ratification.
enforcement will be adopted if necessary to resolve the doubt.
Stare decisis
• True expression of the legislative purpose, especially if the • Judicial interpretation of a statute is of greater weight than
construction is followed for a considerable period of time. that of an executive or administrative officer in the
construction of other statutes of similar import.
Nestle Philippines, Inc. v. CA • It is an invaluable aid in the construction or interpretation of
• Reasons why interpretation of an administrative agency is statutes of doubtful meaning.
generally accorded great respect
● Emergence of multifarious needs of a modernizing Stare decisis et non quieta movere – one should follow past
society precedents and should not disturb what has been settled. •
● Also relates to experience and growth of specialized Supreme Court has the constitutional duty not only of
capabilities by the administrative agency interpreting and applying the law in accordance with prior
● They have the competence, expertness, experience doctrines but also of protecting society from the improvidence
and informed judgment, and the fact that they and wantonness wrought by needless upheavals in such
frequently are the drafters of the law they interpret interpretations and applications
• In order that it will come within the doctrine of stare decisis,
Weight accorded to usage and practice must be categorically stated on an issue expressly raised by
• Common usage and practice under the statute, or a course the parties; it must be a direct ruling, not merely an obiter
of conduct indicating a particular undertaking of it, especially dictum
where the usage has been acquiesced in by all the parties
concerned and has extended over a long period of time Obiter dictum – opinion expressed by a court upon some
question of law which is not necessary to the decision of the
Optimus interpres rerum usus – the best interpretation of case before it; not binding as a precedent
the law is usage. • The principle presupposes that the facts of the precedent
and the case to which it is applied are substantially the same.
Construction of rules and regulations • Where the facts are dissimilar, then the principle of stare
• This rule-making power, authorities sustain the principle decisis does not apply.
that the interpretation by those charged with their • The rule of stare decisis is not absolute. It does not apply
enforcement is entitled to great weight by the court in the when there is a conflict between the precedent and the law. •
latter’s construction of such rules and regulations. The duty of the court is to forsake and abandon any doctrine
or rule found to be in violation of law in force
Reasons: It is entitled to great weight because it comes • Inferior courts as well as the legislature cannot abandon a
from the particular branch of government called upon to precedent enunciated by the SC except by way of repeal or
implement the law thus construed; They are presumed to amendment of the law itself
have familiarized themselves to the meaning and purpose
of the law, and to have formed an independent, CHAPTER FOUR: Adherence to, or departure from,
conscientious and competent expert opinion thereon. language of statute
When contemporaneous construction disregarded LITERAL INTERPRETATION
• When there is no ambiguity in the law.
• If it is clearly erroneous, the same must be declared null Literal meaning or plain-meaning rule
and void. General rule: Verba legis. if statute is clear, plain and free
from ambiguity, it must be given its literal meaning and applied
Erroneous contemporaneous construction does not without attempted interpretation.
preclude correction nor create rights; exceptions
• The doctrine of estoppel does not preclude correction of Index animi sermo – speech is the index of intention. Words
the erroneous construction by the officer himself by his employed by the legislature in a statute correctly express its
successor or by the court in an appropriate case. intent or will

• An erroneous contemporaneous construction creates no Verba legis non est recedendum – from the words of a
vested right on the part of those relied upon, and followed statute there should be no departure. Thus, what is not clearly
such construction. provided in the law cannot be extended to those matters
outside its scope.
Legislative interpretation
• Take the form of an implied acquiescence to, or approval Judicial legislation – an encroachment upon legislative
of an executive or judicial construction of a statute. prerogative to define the wisdom of the law. Courts must
administer the law as they find it without regard to Note: differentiate from judicial legislation.
Correcting clerical errors
Maledicta est exposition quae corrumpit textum – • As long as the meaning intended is apparent on the face
dangerous construction which is against the text of the whole enactment and no specific provision is
abrogated • This is not judicial legislation
Dura lex sed lex – the law may be harsh but it is the law.
Qualification of rule (of correcting clerical errors)
Absoluta sententia expositore non indigent – an • Only those which are clearly clerical errors or obvious
absolute judgment or sentence needs no expositor mistakes, omissions, and misprints; otherwise, is to rewrite
the law and invade the domain of the legislature, it is
➔ When the law is clear, it is not susceptible to judicial legislation in the guise of interpretation.
interpretation. It must be applied regardless of who
may be affected, even if it may be harsh or Construction to avoid absurdity
onerous language of the law is clear, no • Reason: it is always presumed that the legislature
explanation of it is required. intended exceptions to its language which would avoid
consequences of this character
Hoc quidem perquam durum est, sed ita lex scripta est • Thus, statutes may be extended to cover cases not within
– it is exceedingly hard but so the law is written. the literal meaning of the terms if their exact and literal
➔ A decent regard to the legislative will should inhibit import would lead to absurd or mischievous results
the court from engaging in judicial legislation to
change what it thinks are unrealistic statutes that Interpretation talis in ambiguous simper fienda est ut
do not conform with ordinary experience or evite tur inconvenients et absurdum – where there is
practice; ambiguity, such interpretation as will avoid inconvenience
➔ If there is a need to change the law, amend or and absurdity is to be adopted.
repeal it, remedy may be done through a • Courts test the law by its results – if law appears to be
legislative process, not by judicial decree; arbitrary, courts are not bound to apply it in slavish
➔ Where the law is clear, appeals to justice and disobedience to its language.
equity as justification to construe it differently are • Courts should construe a statute to effectuate, and not to
unavailing; defeat, its provisions; nor render compliance with its
➔ Philippines is governed by CIVIL LAW or provisions impossible to perform
POSITIVE LAW, not common law;
➔ Equity is available only in the absence of law and
not its replacement. Construction to avoid injustice
• Presumption – legislature did not intend to work a hardship
Aequitas nunquam contravenit legis – equity never acts or an oppressive result, a possible abuse of authority or act
in contravention of the law. of oppression, arming one person with a weapon to impose
hardship on the other
DEPARTURE FROM LITERAL INTERPRETATION Ea est accipienda interpretation quae vitio caret – that
interpretation is to be adopted which is free from evil or
Statute must be capable of interpretation, otherwise injustice
inoperative • If no judicial certainty can be had as to its
meaning, the court is not at liberty to supply nor to make Construction to avoid danger to public interest
Construction in favor of right and justice
What is within the spirit is within the law • Art. 10 CC: In case of doubt in the interpretation or
• Don’t literally construe the law if it will render it meaningless, application of laws, it is presumed that the law-making body
lead to ambiguity, injustice or contradiction intended right and justice to prevail
• The spirit of the law controls its letter
• Ratio legis – interpretation according to the spirit or reason • Art. 9 CC: The fact that a statute is silent, obscure, or
of the law. insufficient with respect to a question before the court will not
• Spirit or intention of a statute prevails over the letter • A law justify the latter from declining to render judgment thereon
should accordingly be so construed as to be in accordance
with, and not repugnant to, the spirit of the law. • In balancing conflicting solutions, that one is perceived to tip
• Presumption: undesirable consequences were never the scales which the court believes will best promote the public
intended by a legislative measure. welfare is its probable operation as a general rule or principle

Literal import must yield to intent Salvacion v. BSP

• Verba intentioni, non e contra, debent inservire – words Greg Bartelli raped his alleged niece 10 times and detained
ought to be more subservient to the intent and not the intent to her in his apartment for 4 days. Court gave a favorable
the words. judgment of more than 1M Php. BSP rejected the writ of
• Guide in ascertaining intent – conscience and equity attachment alleging Sec 113 of the Central Bank Circular No.
• So it is possible that a statute may be extended to cases not 960 (applicable to transient foreigners). BSP did not honor the
within the literal meaning of its terms, so long as they come writ of attachment pursuant to RA6426
within its spirit or intent. Sec 8 – “foreign currency deposits shall be exempt from
attachment, garnishment, or any other order or process of any
Construction to accomplish purpose court, legislative body, government agency or any
• Purpose or Reason which induced the enactment of the administrative body whatsoever”
statute – key to open the brain of the legislature/legislative
intent! ISSUE: Whether the dollar bank deposit in a Philippine bank of
• Statutes should be construed in the light of the object to be a foreign tourist can be attached to satisfy the moral damages
achieved and the evil or mischief to be suppressed awarded in favor of the latter’s 12-year-old rape victim
• As between two statutory interpretations, that which better
serves the purpose of the law should prevail HELD: Court applied the principles of right and justice to
prevail over the strict and literal words of the statute.
Supplying legislative omission
• xxx if it is clearly ascertainable from the CONTEXT •The purpose of RA 6426 was to exempt such assets from
• May supply legislative omission to make the statute conform attachment: at the time the said law was enacted, the country’s
to obvious intent of the legislature or to prevent the act from economy was in shambles. But in the present time, the country
being absurd has recovered economically. No reason why such assets
cannot be attached especially if it would satisfy a judgment to Ubi jus, ibi remedium - where there is a right, there is a
award moral damages to a 12-year-old rape victim! remedy for violation thereof

Surplusage and superfluity disregarded Right → Obligation → Remedy

• Where a word, phrase or clause in a statute is devoid of • The fact that the statute is silent as to the remedy does
meaning in relation to the context or intent of the statute, or not preclude him from vindicating his right, for such remedy
where it suggests a meaning that nullifies the statute or is implied from such right
renders it without sense, the word, phrase or clause may be
• Once a right is established, the way must be cleared for
rejected as surplusage and entirely ignored
its enforcement, and technicalities in procedure, judicial as
well as administrative, must give way
Surplusagium non noceat – surplusage does not vitiate a • Where there is “wrong,” (deprivation or violation of a right)
statute there is a remedy
Utile per inutile non vitiatur – nor is the useful vitiated by the • If there’s no right, principle does not apply
Grant of jurisdiction
Obscure or missing word or false description may not
• Conferred only by the Constitution or by statute
preclude construction
• Cannot be conferred by the Rules of Court
• Cannot be implied from the language of a statute, in the
Falsa demonstratio non nocet, cum de corpore constat absence of clear legislative intent to that effect
– false description does not preclude construction nor
vitiate the meaning of the statute which is otherwise clear What may be implied from grant of jurisdiction
• The grant of jurisdiction to try actions carries with it all
Exemption from rigid application of law
necessary and incidental powers to employ all writs,
Ibi quid generaliter conceditur – every rule is not without processes and other means essential to make its
an exception jurisdiction effective.

Inest haec exception, si non aliquid sit contras jus • Where a court has jurisdiction over the main cause of
basque – where anything is granted generally, this action, it can grant reliefs incidental thereto, even if they
exception is implied would otherwise be outside its jurisdiction e.g. forcible entry
and detainer is cognizable in MTC. MTC can order payment
• Compelling reasons may justify reading an exception to a of rentals even though the amount exceeds the
rule even where the latter does not provide any; otherwise jurisdictional amount cognizable by them, the same merely
the rigor of the law would become the highest injustice – incidental to the principal action
summum jus, summa injuria (extreme justice is extreme
injustice) • Statutes conferring jurisdiction to an administrative agency
must be liberally construed to enable the agency to
Law does not require the impossible discharge its assigned duties in accordance with the
Nemo tenetur ad impossibile – the law obliges no one to legislative purpose e.g. the power granted the NHA to hear
perform an impossibility. and decide claims involving refund and any other claims
Impossibilium nulla obligatio est – no obligation to do an filed xxx, include attorney’s fees and other damages
impossible thing.
• Impossible compliance versus substantial compliance (as Grant of power includes incidental power
required by law) • Where a general power is conferred or duty enjoined, every
particular power necessary for the exercise of one or the
Number and gender of words performance of the other is also conferred
• When the context of a statute so indicates, words in plural • The incidental powers are those which are necessarily
include the singular, and vice versa. included in, and are therefore of lesser degree than the power
• A plural word in a statute may thus apply to a singular person granted
or thing, just as a singular word may embrace two or more
persons or things  Power to establish an office includes authority to abolish it,
• Art. 996 CC – (law on succession) such article also applies to unless xxx
a situation where there is only one child because “children”  Warrant issued shall be made upon probable cause
includes “child” determined by the judge xxx implies the grant of power to the
• Election Code – “candidate” comprehends “some candidates” judge to conduct preliminary investigations
or “all candidates”  Power to approve a license includes by implication the
• On gender – the masculine, but not the feminine, includes all power to revoke it;
genders, unless the context in which the word is used in the  Power to revoke is limited by the authority to grant license,
statute indicates otherwise from which it is derived
 Power to deport includes the power to arrest undesirable
Doctrine of necessary implication aliens after investigation
• So-called gaps in the law develop as the law is enforced •  Power to appoint vested in the President includes the
StatCon rule: to fill in the gap is the doctrine of necessary power to make temporary appointments , unless xxx
implication  Power to appropriate money includes power to withdraw
• Doctrine states that what is implied in a statute is as much a unexpended money already appropriated
part thereof as that which is expressed  Etc… see page 171-172
• Ex necessitate legis – from the necessity of the law
• Every statutory grant of power, right or privilege is deemed to Grant of power excludes greater power
include all incidental power, right or privilege. • The principle that the grant of power includes all incidental
• In eo quod plus sit, simper inest et minus – greater powers necessary to make the exercise thereof effective
includes the lesser implies the exclusion of those which are greater than that
Necessity – includes such inferences as may be logically be ➔ Power of supervision DOES NOT INCLUDE power to
drawn from the purpose or object of the statute, from what the suspend or removal
legislature must be presumed to have intended, and from the ➔ Power to reorganize DOES NOT INCLUDE the
necessity of making the statute effective and operative; authority to deprive the courts certain jurisdiction and
excludes what is merely plausible, beneficial, or desirable; to transfer it to a quasi-judicial tribunal
must be consistent with the Constitution or to existing laws ➔ Power to regulate business DOES NOT INCLUDE
• An implication which is violative of the law is power to prohibit
unjustified or unwarranted
What is implied should not be against the law Lex prospicit, non respicit – the law looks forward, not
• Power to appoint includes power to suspend or remove backward
– Constitutional restriction of CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES, Lex de future, judex de praeterito – the law provides for the
that it must be a cause provided for by law precludes such future, the judge for the past.
implication (unless the appointment was made outside the civil • If the law is silent as to the date of its application and that it is
service law); couched in the past tense does not necessarily imply that it
should have retroactive effect.
• Power to appoint a public officer by the President includes Nova constitutio futuris formam imponere debet non
power to remove praeteritis – A new statute should affect the future, not the
– Provided that such removal is made with just cause o Except past.
is such statute provides that term of office to be at the pleasure
of the appointing officer, power to appoint carries with it power • Prospectivity applies to:
to remove anytime; o Statutes
o Administrative rulings and circulars
• Power to investigate officials DOES NOT INCLUDE the o Judicial decisions
power to delegate the authority to take testimony of witnesses
whose appearance may be required by the compulsory • The principle of prospectivity of statutes, original or
process of subpoena. Nor does such power to investigate amendatory, has been applied in many cases. These include:
include the power to delegate the authority to administer oath.
*Presumption against retroactivity
• Presumption is that all laws operate prospectively, unless
Illegality of act implied from prohibition the contrary clearly appears or is clearly, plainly and
In pari delicto potior est conditio defendentis - In equal unequivocally expressed or necessarily implied.
• where a statute prohibits the doing of an act, the act done
• In case of doubt: resolved against the retroactive
in violation thereof is by implication null and void
operation of laws
➔ Prohibited acts cannot serve as the foundation of
a cause of action for relief.
• If a statute is susceptible of construction other than that of
Ex dolo malo non oritur actio – no right of action can
retroactivity or will render it unconstitutional- the statute will
have its origin in fraud
be given prospective effect and operation.
•no man can be allowed to found a claim upon his own
wrongdoing or inequity
• Presumption is strong against substantive laws affecting
Nullus commodum capere potest de injuria sua propria
pending actions or proceedings. No substantive statute
– no man should be allowed to take advantage of his own
shall be so construed retroactively as to affect pending
• Public policy requires that parties to an act prohibited by
statute be left where they are, to make the statute effective Words or phrases indicating prospectivity
and to accomplish its object
• Indicating prospective operation:
➔ A statute is to apply “hereafter” or “thereafter”
➔ Party to an illegal contract cannot come to court of
➔ “from and after the passing of this Act”
law and ask that his illegal object be carried out
➔ “shall have been made”
➔ A citizen who sold his land to an alien in violation ➔ “from and after” a designated date
of the constitutional restriction cannot annul the
•“Shall” implies that the law intends the enactment to be
same and recover the land, for both seller and
effective only in future.
buyer are guilty of having violated the Constitution.
•Statutes have no retroactive but prospective
Two (2) Exceptions to the rule
➔ “It shall take effect upon its approval”
• Pari delicto doctrine will not apply when its enforcement ➔ Shall take effect on the date the President shall
or application will violate an avowed fundamental policy have issued a proclamation or E.O., as provided in
or public interest. the statute

Quando aliquid prohibetur ex directo, prohibetur et per *Retroactive statutes, generally

obliquum – what cannot, by law, be done directly cannot
be done indirectly • The Constitution does not prohibit the enactment of
retroactive statutes which do not impair the obligation of
contract, deprive persons of property without due process of
law, or divest rights which have become vested, or which
PROSPECTIVE & RETROACTIVE are not in the nature of ex post facto laws.
• Statutes by nature which are retroactive:
• Prospective – operates upon facts or transactions that occur ➔ Remedial or curative statutes
after the statute takes effect; looks and applies to the future. ➔ Statutes which create new rights
➔ Statute expressly provides that it shall apply
• Retroactive – law which creates a new obligation, imposes a retroactively
new duty or attaches a new disability in respect to a ➔ Where it uses words which clearly indicate its intent
transaction already past; A statute is not made retroactive
because it draws on antecedent facts for its operation, or part • Problem in construction is when it is applied retroactively, to
of the requirements for its action and application is drawn avoid a frontal clash with the Constitution and save the law
from a time antedating its passage. from being declared unconstitutional.

*Laws operate prospectively, generally *STATUTES GIVEN PROSPECTIVE EFFECT

• It is a settled rule in statutory construction that statutes are to
be construed as having only prospective operation, unless the Penal statutes, generally
intendment of the legislature is to give them a retroactive • Penal laws operate prospectively.
effect, expressly declared or necessarily implied from the • Art. 21 of the RPC provides that “no felony shall be
language used. punishable by any penalty not prescribed by law prior to its
• No court will hold a statute to be retroactive when the commission.
legislature has not said so. • Provision is recognition to the universally accepted principle
• Art. 4 of the Civil Code which provides that “Laws shall have that no penal law can have a retroactive effect, no act or
no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided.” omission shall be held a crime, nor its author punished, except
by virtue of a law in force at the time the act was committed.
Nullum crimen sine poena, nulla poena sine lege – there is to pay the civil liability
no crime without a penalty, there is no penalty without a law.  prescription of the offense

Ex post facto law C-A-P-E-R-P • such statute will be applied retroactively and the trial court
• The Constitution provides that no ex post facto law shall be before the finality of judgment or the appellate court on
enacted. It also prohibits the retroactive application of penal appeal from such judgment should take such statute in
laws which are in the nature of ex post facto laws. consideration.

2. Enacted during or after the trial of the criminal action

Test if ex post facto clause is violated: Does the law sought
to be applied retroactively take from an accused any right vital
for protection of life and liberty? • When there is already a final judgment & accused is
• Scope: applies only to criminal or penal matters serving sentence, remedy is to file petition of habeas
• It does NOT apply to laws concerning civil proceedings corpus, alleging that his continued imprisonment is illegal
generally, or which affect or regulate civil or private rights or pursuant to said statute & praying that he be forthwith
political privilege released.

Bill of attainder Exceptions to the rule:

➔ When accused is habitual delinquent
How to spot a bill of attainder [PJ - BRIM] ➔ When statute provides that it shall not apply to
Singling out of a definite minority existing actions or pending cases
Imposition of a burden on it ➔ Where accused disregards the later law & invokes
A legislative intent the prior statute under which he was prosecuted.
Retroactive application to past conduct suffice to stigmatize
• Bill of Attainder is objectionable because of its ex post General rule: An amendatory statute rendering an illegal act
facto feature prior to its enactment no longer illegal is given retroactive
effect does not apply when the amendatory act specifically
• Accordingly, if a statute is a Bill of Attainder, it is also an provides that it shall only apply prospectively.
ex post facto law.
• The Constitution provides that no bill of attainder shall be *Statutes substantive in nature
• Bill of attainder – legislative act which inflicts punishment • Substantive law
without judicial trial ➔ creates, defines or regulates rights concerning life,
• Essence: substitution of a legislative for a judicial liberty or property, or the powers of agencies or
determination of guilt instrumentalities for administration of public affairs.
• Serves to implement the principle of separation of powers ➔ that part of law which creates, defines & regulates
by confining the legislature to rule-making & thereby rights, or which regulates rights or duties which give
forestalling legislative usurpation of judicial functions. rise to a cause of action.
• History: Bill of Attainder was employed to suppress ➔ that part of law which courts are established to
unpopular causes & political minorities, and this is the evil administer
sought to be suppressed by the Constitution. ➔ when applied to criminal law: that which declares
which acts are crimes and prescribe the punishment
for committing them.
*When penal laws applied retroactively ➔ Cannot be construed retroactively as it might affect
RULE: Penal laws cannot be given retroactive effect. previous or past rights or obligations
XPN: When they are favorable to the accused.
Substantive rights
XPN:XPN: ➔ One which includes those rights which one enjoys
• When the accused is a habitual delinquent under the legal system prior to the disturbance of
• When a statute provides that it shall not apply to existing normal relations.
actions or pending cases
• Where the accused disregard the later law and invokes Cases with substantive statutes:
the prior statute under which he was prosecuted. Tolentino v. Azalte
• In the absence of a contrary intent, statutes which lays down
• Art.22 of RPC “penal laws shall have a retroactive effect certain requirements to be complied with before a case can be
insofar as they favor the person guilty of a felony, who is not brought to court.
a habitual criminal, as this term is defined in Rule 5 Art 62
of the Code , although at the time of the application of such Spouses Tirona v. Alejo
laws a final sentence has been pronounced and the convict • Law: Comprehensive Land Reform Law granting
is serving the same. complainants tenancy rights to fishponds and pursuant to
• This is not an ex post facto law. which they filed actions to assert rights which subsequently
• Exception to the general rule that all laws operate amended to exempt fishponds from coverage of statute
prospectively. • Held: Amendatory law is substantive in nature as it exempts
• Rule is founded on the principle that: the right of the state fishponds from its coverage.
to punish and impose penalty is based on the principles of
justice. • Test for procedural laws:
➔ if rule really regulates procedure, the judicial process
for enforcing rights and duties recognized by
Favorabilia sunt amplianda, adios a restrigenda – substantive law & for justly administering remedy and
Conscience and good law justify this exception. redress for a disregard or infraction of them.
• Exception was inspired by sentiments of humanity and ➔ If it operates as a means of implementing an existing
accepted by science. right.

Two (2) laws affecting the liability of accused: • Test for substantive laws:
➔ If it takes away a vested right
1. In force at the time of the commission of the crime – ➔ If rule creates a right such as right to appeal
during the pendency of the criminal action, a statute is
passed Generally, procedural rules are retroactive and are
 reducing the degree of penalty applicable to actions pending and undermined at the time of
 eliminating the offense itself the passage of the procedural law, while substantive laws
 removing subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency are prospective
*Effects on pending actions ➔ by arbitrarily creating a new right or liability already
• Statutes affecting substantive rights may not be given extinguished by operation of law
retroactive operation so as to govern pending proceedings.
• Law creating a new right in favor of a class of persons may
Iburan v. Labes not be so applied if the new right collides with or impairs any
• Where a court originally obtains and exercises jurisdiction, vested right acquired before the establishment of the new right
a later statute restricting such jurisdiction or transferring it to nor, by the terms of which is retroactive, be so applied if:
another tribunal will not affect pending action, unless statute ➔ it adversely affects vested rights
provides & unless prohibitory words are used. ➔ unsettles matter already done as required by existing
RULE: Jurisdiction stays until the case is decided ➔ works injustice to those affected thereby
XPN: Unless the law explicitly provides. People v. Patalin
• The abolition of the death penalty and its subsequent re
Lagardo v. Masagana imposition. Those accused of crimes prior to the re imposition
• Where court has no jurisdiction over a certain case but of the death penalty have acquired vested rights under the law
nevertheless decides it, from which appeal is taken, a abolishing it.
statute enacted during the pendency of the appeal vesting • Courts have thus given statutes strict construction to prevent
jurisdiction upon such trial court over the subject matter or their retroactive operation in order that the statutes would not
such case may not be given retroactive effect so as to impair or interfere with vested or existing rights. Accused
validate the judgment of the court a quo, in the absence of appellant ‘s rights to be benefited by the abolition of the death
a saving clause. penalty accrued or attached by virtue of Article 22 of the
Revised Penal Code. This benefit cannot be taken away from
*At the time of filing, the court a quo really has no them.
jurisdiction, then a law was passed vesting the court a quo,
jurisdiction. Thus, it can't be given retroactive effect. *Statutes affecting obligations of contract
➔ Any contract entered into must be in accordance with,
Republic v. Prieto and not repugnant to, the applicable law at the time of
• Where a complaint pending in court is defective because it execution. Such law forms part of, and is read into,
did not allege sufficient action, it may not be validated by a the contract even without the parties expressly saying
subsequent law which affects substantive rights and not so.
merely procedural matters. ➔ Laws existing at the time of the execution of contracts
are the ones applicable to such transactions and not
later statutes, unless the latter provide that they shall
• Rule against the retroactive operation of statutes in
have retroactive effect.
general applies more strongly with respect to substantive
➔ Later statutes will not, however, be given retroactive
laws that affect pending actions or proceedings.
effect if to do so will impair the obligation of contracts,
for the Constitution prohibits the enactment of a law
Qualification of rule
impairing the obligations of contracts.
• A substantive law will be construed as applicable to
➔ Any law which enlarges, abridges, or in any manner
pending actions if such is the clear intent of the law.
changes the intention of the parties necessarily
impairs the contract itself
• To promote social justice or in the exercise of police ➔ A statute which authorizes any deviation from the
power, is intended to apply to pending actions terms of the contract by postponing or accelerating
the period of performance which it prescribes,
• As a rule, a case must be decided in the light of the law as imposing conditions not expressed in the contract,
it exists at the time of the decision of the appellate court, or dispensing with those which are however
where the statute changing the law is intended to be minute or apparently immaterial in their effect upon
retroactive and to apply to pending litigations or is the contract, impairs the obligation, and such
retroactive in effect statute should not therefore be applied
• This rule is true though it may result in the reversal of a ➔ As between two feasible interpretations of a
judgment which was correct at the time it was rendered by statute, the court should adopt that which will
the trial court. The rule is subject to the limitation avoid the impairment of the contract.
concerning constitutional restrictions against impairment of ➔ If the contract is legal at it inception, it cannot be
vested rights rendered illegal by a subsequent legislation.
➔ A law by the terms of which a transaction or
Statutes affecting vested rights agreement would be illegal cannot be given
• A vested right or interest may be said to mean some right retroactive effect so as to nullify such transactions
or interest in property that has become fixed or established or agreement executed before said law took effect.
and is no longer open to doubt or controversy
• Rights are vested when the right to enjoyment, present or *STATUTES GIVEN RETROACTIVE EFFECT
prospective, has become the property of some particular
person or persons, as a present interest Procedural laws
• The right must be absolute, complete and unconditional, RULE: the law has no retroactive effect.
independent of a contingency XPNs: procedural laws; curative laws which are given
• A mere expectancy of future benefit or a contingent retroactive operation
interest in property founded on anticipated continuance of
existing laws does not constitute a vested right • Procedural laws
• Inchoate rights which have not been acted on are not ➔ adjective laws which prescribe rules and forms of
vested procedure of enforcing rights or obtaining redress for
their invasion
• A statute may not be construed and applied retroactively ➔ they refer to rules of procedure by which courts
under the following circumstances: applying laws of all kinds can properly administer
➔ if it impairs substantive right that has become injustice
vested; ➔ They include rules of pleadings, practice and
➔ as disturbing or destroying existing right embodied in evidence.
a judgment; ➔ Applied to criminal law, they provide or regulate
➔ creating new substantive right to fundamental cause the steps by which one who commits a crime is to
of action where none existed before and be punished.
➔ making such right retroactive; ➔ Remedial statutes or statutes relating to modes of
procedure- which do not create new or take away
vested rights, but only operate in furtherance of the ➔ only administrative or curative features of the statute
remedy or confirmation of the rights already as will not adversely affect existing rights will be given
existing, do not come within the legal conception of retroactive operation
a retroactive law, or the general rule against the ➔ the exception to the foregoing limitations of the rule is
retroactive operation of statutes. a remedial or curative statute which is enacted as a
➔ A new statute which deals with procedure only is police power measure
presumptively applicable to all actions – those ➔ Statutes of this type may be given retroactive effect
which have accrued or are pending. even though they impair vested rights or the
➔ Statutes regulating the procedure of the courts will obligations of contract, if the legislative intent is to
be construed as applicable to actions pending and give them retrospective operation
undetermined at the time of their passage.
Rationale: The constitutional restriction against impairment
• The retroactive application of procedural laws is not: against obligations of contract or vested rights does not
➔ violative of any right of a person who may feel that preclude the legislature from enacting statutes in the exercise
he is adversely affected; of its police power
➔ nor constitutionally objectionable.
*Police power legislations
• as a rule, statutes which are enacted in the exercise of police
Rationale: no vested right may attach to, nor arise from,
power to regulate certain activities, are applicable not only to
procedural laws.
those activities or transactions coming into being after their
passage, but also to those already in existence
• A person has no vested right in any particular remedy, and
a litigant cannot insist on the application to the trial of his
case, whether civil or criminal, of any other than the existing Rationale: the non-impairment of the obligations of contract or
rules of procedure of vested rights must yield to the legitimate exercise of power,
by the legislature, to prescribe regulations to promote the
XPN: The rule does not apply where: health, morals, peace, education, good order, safety and
• The statute itself expressly or by necessary implication general welfare of the people
provides that pending actions are exempted from its
operation, or where to apply it to pending proceedings • Any right acquired under a statute or under a contract is
would impair vested rights. subject to the condition that it may be impaired by the state in
the legitimate exercise of its police power, since the
• Courts may deny the retroactive application of procedural reservation of the essential attributes of sovereign power is
laws in the event that to do so would not be feasible or deemed read into every statute or contract as a postulate of
would work injustice. the legal order

Curative statutes *Statutes relating to prescription

➔ curative remedial statutes are healing acts • General rule: a statute relating to prescription of action,
➔ they are remedial by curing defects and adding to being procedural in nature, applies to all actions filed after its
the means of enforcing existing obligations effectivity. In other words, such a statute is both:
➔ the rule to curative statutes is that if the thing omitted ➔ prospective in the sense that it applies to causes
or failed to be done, and which constitutes the defect that accrued and will accrue after it took effect, and
sought to be removed or made harmless, is ➔ retroactive in the sense that it applies to causes that
something which the legislature might have accrued before its passage
dispensed with by a previous statute, it may do so by
a subsequent one • However, a statute of limitations will not be given retroactive
➔ curative statutes are intended to supply defects, operation to causes of action that accrued prior to its
abridge superfluities in existing laws, and curb certain enactment if to do so will remove a bar of limitation which has
evils. They are designed and intended, but have become complete or disturb existing claims without allowing a
failed to meet expected legal consequences by reasonable time to bring actions thereon
reason of some statutory disability or irregularity in
their own action. They make valid that which, before *Statutes relating to appeals
the enactment of the statute, was invalid. ➔ The right to appeal from an adverse judgment, other
➔ Their purpose is to give validity to acts done that than that which the Constitution grants, is statutory
would have been invalid under existing laws, as if and may be restricted or taken away
existing laws have been complied with ➔ A statute relating to appeals is remedial or procedural
➔ Curative statutes are forms of retroactive legislations in nature and applies to pending actions in which no
which reach back on past events to correct errors or judgment has yet been promulgated at the time the
irregularities and to render valid and effective statute took effect.
attempted acts which would be otherwise ineffective ➔ Such statute, like other statutes, may not however be
for the purpose the parties intended. construed retroactively so as to impair vested rights.
Hence, a statute which eliminates the right to appeal
Adong v. Cheong Seng Gee and considers the judgment rendered in a case final
• Statutes intended to validate what otherwise void or and unappealable, destroys the right to appeal a
invalid marriages, being curative, will be given decision rendered after the statute went into effect,
retroactive effect. but NOT the right to prosecute an appeal that has
been perfected before the passage of the law, for in
Legarda v. Masaganda the latter case, the right of the appellant to appeal
• Where a curative statute is enacted after the court has become vested under the old law and may not
has rendered judgment, which judgment is naturally therefore be impaired.
➔ Stature shortening the period for taking appeals is
void as the court has at the time no jurisdiction over
to be given prospective effect and may not be
the subject of the action, the enactment of the statute
applies to pending proceedings in which judgment
conferring jurisdiction to the court does not validate the has already been rendered at the time of its
void judgment for the legislature has no power to make enactment except if there’s clear legislative intent
a judgment rendered without jurisdiction of a valid
judgment. CHAPTER ELEVEN: Constitutional Construction
Limitations of rule Constitution defined
➔ remedial statutes will not be given retroactive effect if ➔ fundamental law which sets up a form of government
to do so would impair the obligations of contract or and defines and delimits the powers thereof and
disturb vested rights those of its officers, reserving to the people
themselves plenary sovereignty 4. Do not construe the constitution in such a way that
➔ written charter enacted and adopted by the people by its meaning would Change
which a government for them is established 5. The words that are used are Broad because it
➔ permanent in nature thus it does not only apply to aims to cover all contingencies;
existing conditions but also to future needs
➔ basically it is the fundamental laws for the Aids to construction, generally
governance and administration of a nation • apart from its language courts may refer to the following in
➔ absolute and unalterable except by amendments construing the constitution:
➔ all other laws are expected to conform to it
1. history
Origin and history of the Philippine Constitutions 2. proceedings of the convention
3. prior laws and judicial decisions
• 1935 Constitution (People v. Linsangan – explained as to 4. contemporaneous constructions
how this Constitution came about)
• Tydings-Mcduffie Law- allowed the Filipinos to adopt a • These aids are called extraneous aids because though their
constitution but subject to the conditions prescribed in the Act.
effect is not in precise rules their influence describes the
essentials of the process.
Required 3 steps:
 drafting and approval of the constitution must be authorized
1. HISTORY: Realities existing at time of adoption; object
 it must be certified by the President of the US
to be accomplished
 it must be ratified by the people of the Philippines at a
plebiscite • History basically helps in making one understand as to how
and why certain laws were incorporated into the constitution.
• 1973 Constitution • In construing constitutional law, the history must be taken into
adopted in response to popular clamor to meat the problems consideration because there are certain considerations rooted
of the country in the historical background of the environment at the time of
March 16, 1967: Congress passed Resolution No.2, which its adoption (Legaspi v. Minister of Finance)
was amended by Resolution No. 4, calling a convention to
2. Proceedings of the convention
propose amendments to the Constitution
RULE: If the language of the constitutional provision is
• 1987 Constitution plain it is not necessary to resort to extrinsic aids
after EDSA Revolution XPN: When the intent of the framer doesn’t appear in the
also known as the 1987 Charter text or it has more than one construction.

Primary purpose of constitutional construction • Intent of a constitutional convention member doesn’t

• primary task of constitutional construction is to ascertain the necessarily mean it is also the people’s intent
intent or purpose of the framers of the constitution as • The proceedings of the convention are usually inquired
expressed in its language into because it sheds light into what the framers of the
constitution had in mind at that time. (refers to the debates,
interpretations and opinions concerning particular
• purpose of our Constitution: to protect and enhance the
people’s interests
3.Contemporaneous construction and writings
Constitution construed as enduring for ages
• May be used to resolve but not to create ambiguities • In
• Constitution is not merely for a few years but it also needs to
construing statutes, contemporaneous constructions are
endure through a long lapse of ages
entitled to great weight however when it comes to the
constitution it has no weight and will not be allowed to
WHY? Because it governs the life of the people not only at the change in any way its meaning.
time of its framing but far into the indefinite future • it must be
adaptable to various crisis of human affairs but it must also be • Writings of delegates – has persuasive force but it
solid permanent and substantial depends on two things:
if opinions are based on fact known to them and
• Its stability protects the rights, liberty, and property of the not established it is immaterial
people (rich or poor) on legal hermeneutics, their conclusions may
• It must be construed as a dynamic process intended to not
stand for a great length of time to be progressive and not be a shade better in the eyes of the law.
4. Previous laws and judicial rulings
What it is NOT: • Framers of the constitution are presumed to be aware of
 It should NOT change with emergencies or conditions prevailing judicial doctrines concerning the subject of
 It should NOT be inflexible constitutional provisions. THUS when courts adopt principles
 It should NOT be interpreted narrowly different from prior decisions it is presumed that they did so to
overrule said principle
• Words employed should not be construed to yield fixed
and rigid answers because its meaning is applied to meet Changes in phraseology
new or changed conditions as they arise • Before a constitution is ratified it undergoes a lot of revisions
and changes in phraseology (ex. deletion of words) and these
changes may be inquired into to ascertain the intent or
• Courts should construe the constitution so that it would be
purpose of the provision as approved
consistent with reason, justice and the public interest
• HOWEVER mere deletion, as negative guides, cannot prevail
How language of constitution construed [GLOC-B] over the positive provisions nor is it determinative of any
1. If the words used have both general and restricted • Certain provisions in our constitution (from 1935 to the
meaning, General prevails over the restricted present) are mere reenactments of prior constitutions thus
unless the contrary is indicated. these changes may indicate an intent to modify or change the
2. Primary source in order to ascertain the meaning of the old provisions.
constitution is the LANGUAGE itself;
3. Words must be understood in their common or Consequences of alternative constructions
Ordinary meaning except when technical terms • consequences that may follow from alternative construction
are employed. Because the fundamental law is of doubtful constitutional provisions constitute an important
essentially a document of the people. factor to consider in construing them.
• if a provision has more than one interpretation, that The fundamental principle of constitutional construction is to
construction which would lead to absurd, impossible or give effect to the intent of the framers of the organic law and of
mischievous consequences must be rejected. the people adopting it. The intention to which force is to be
• e.g. directory and mandatory interpretation: Art. 8 Sec 15(1) given is that which is embodied and expressed in the
requires judges to render decision within specific periods from constitutional provisions themselves. The Court will thus
date of submission for decision of cases (construed as construe the applicable constitutional provisions, not in
directory because if otherwise it will cause greater injury to the accordance with how the executive or the legislative
public) department may want them construed, but in accordance with
what they say and provide.
Constitution construed as a whole
• provision should not be construed separately from the rest it COMPARISON OF THE CASES: #22, #23, #24
should be interpreted as a whole and be harmonized with #22:In Perfecto vs Meer, SC ruled in favor of Perfecto Art. 8
conflicting provisions so as to give them all force and effect. Sec. 9 1935 of the 1935 Constitution

• sections in the constitution with a particular subject should be #23: In Endencia vs David, SC ruled in favor of Endencia
interpreted together to effectuate the whole purpose of the based on the Perfecto case even though Art 8 Sec. 9 1935 –
Constitution. repealed by Sec. 13 of RA950 & Art. 15 Sec. 6 1973 of the
1973 constitution. SC ruled that it was unconstitutional.
Mandatory or directory #24: In the Nitafan vs CIR case, SC ruled against Nitfan.
RULE: constitutional provisions are to be construed as During the 1986 Constitutional Commission, the framers have
mandatory unless a different intention is manifested. expressed in clear and unmistakable terms the meaning and
importance of Section 10, Article VIII, of the 1987 Consti that
Why? Because in a constitution, the sovereign itself speaks the burden of general income taxation applies to ALL citizens -
and is laying down rules which for the time being at least are Judiciary is of no exemption.
to control alike the government and the governed

#25. Arturo M. De Castro vs. JBC (GR 191002, 3/17/ 2010)

CASE DISCUSSIONS The compulsory retirement of CJ Reynato S. Puno by May 17,
2010 which occurred just days after the coming presidential
E. Subjects of Construction elections on May 10, 2010 which fall during the election
appointment ban under Article VII, Section 15 of the Consti.
• The Constitution
(a) How should the Constitution be construed? ISSUE: WON the Court has erred in applying the basic
principles of Statutory construction in interpreting Article VII,
#21. Sarmiento vs. Mison (GR L-79974, 17 December 1987) Section 15 and Sections 4 and 9 of Article 8 of the 1987
In 1987, then Pres. Corazon Aquino appointed Salvador Mison Constitution.
as Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs without submitting
his nomination to the CoA. Sarmiento et al filed the instant HELD: NO. To apply Section 15, Article VII to Section 4(1) and
petition for prohibition on the ground that the appointment Section 9, Article VIII is to amend the Constitution. Section 14,
violated Section 16, Art. VII of the 1987 Constitution. They Section 15, and Section 16 are obviously of the same
argued that the appointment of a bureau head should be character, in that they affect the power of the President to
subject to the approval of the CoA. appoint. The fact that Section 14 and Section 16 refer only to
appointments within the Executive Department renders
ISSUE: WON the appointment of bureau heads should be conclusive that Section 15 also applies only to the Executive
subject to the approval of the Commission on Appointments. Department.
HELD: NO. construing Section 16, Art. VII of the 1987 This conclusion is consistent with the rule that every part of the
Constitution would show that the Pres. is well within her statute must be interpreted with reference to the context, i.e.
authority to appoint bureau heads without submitting such that every part must be considered together with the other
nominations before the CoA. The SC traced the history of the parts, and kept subservient to the general intent of the whole
confirmatory powers of the CoA (which is part of the legislative enactment.
department) vis-a-vis the appointment powers of the President.
Applied verba legis; stare decisis et non quieta movere
1935 Constitution - Sec. 10, Art. VII, almost all presidential (Stand by the decisions and disturb not what is settled) -
appointments required the consent or confirmation of the CoA. abandoned the Valenzuela doctrine in this case.
As a result, the Commission became very powerful, eventually
transforming into a venue for horse-trading and similar #26. Chaves vs. JBC
malpractices. The unexpected departure of former CJ Renato C. Corona on
May 29, 2012, and the nomination of Chaves, as his potential
1973 Constitution - (Marcos regime) Consistent with the successor. Chavez seeks judicial intervention with regard to
authoritarian pattern, placed the absolute power of JBC composition as mandated in Article VIII, Sec. 8 of the
appointment in the Pres. with hardly any check on the part of 1987 Constitution.
the legislature.
In compliance, Congress, from the moment of JBC creation,
1987 Constitution - the Court held that the framers intended had only 1 representative (the HR and Senate would send
to strike a "middle ground" in order to reconcile the extreme alternate representatives to the JBC).
set-ups in both the 1935 and 1973 Constitutions. As such,
while the Pres. may make appointments to positions that Subsequently, in 1994, the composition of the JBC was
require confirmation by the CoA, the 1987 Constitution also substantially altered. Instead of having only 7 members, an 8th
grants her the power to make appointments on her own without member was added to the JBC as two (2) representatives from
the need for confirmation by the legislature. Section 16, Art. VII Congress began sitting in the JBC (one from the HR and one
of the 1987 Constitution, although this was enacted in 1935 from the Senate)), with each having one-half (1/2) of a vote.
(requires consent), It should now be construed in harmony with Then, curiously, the JBC En Banc decided to allow the
the 1987 Constitution. representatives from the Senate and the House of
Representatives one full vote each.
Expressio unius est exclusio alterius: the express
enumeration of subjects excludes others not enumerated. ISSUE: WON the current practice of the JBC to perform its
functions with eight (8) members, two (2) of whom are
•it would follow that only those appointments to positions members of Congress, runs counter to the letter and spirit of
expressly stated in the first group require the consent the 1987 Constitution.
(confirmation) of the CoA.
HELD: YES. The use of the singular letter "a" preceding
"representative of Congress" is unequivocal and leaves no bid to acquire 51% of the shares of the Manila Hotel
room for any other construction. Congress may designate only Corporation (MHC) which owns the historic Manila Hotel.
(1) rep to the JBC. Had it been the intention that more than (1) Opposing, respondents maintain that the provision is not
rep from the legislature would sit in the JBC, the Framers of self-executing but requires an implementing legislation for its
the Constitution could have, in no uncertain terms, so provided. enforcement. Corollarily, they ask whether the 51% shares
form part of the national economy and patrimony covered by
Reason: practical purpose in case of stalemate in voting the protective mantle of the Constitution.
(tie-breaker); congress is bicameral and therefore, they are
co-equal otherwise, it would "negate the principle of equality HELD:
among the three branches of government which is enshrined in (1) YES. A provision which is complete in itself and becomes
the Constitution." operative without the aid of supplementary or enabling
legislation, or that which supplies sufficient rule by means of
The language used in the Constitution must be taken to have which the right it grants may be enjoyed or protected, is
been deliberately chosen for a definite purpose. Every word self-executing. Thus a constitutional provision is self-executing
employed in the Constitution must be interpreted to exude its if the nature and extent of the right conferred and the liability
deliberate intent which must be maintained inviolate against imposed are fixed by the constitution itself, so that they can be
disobedience and defiance. What the Constitution clearly says, determined by an examination and construction of its terms,
according to its text, compels acceptance and bars and there is no language indicating that the subject is referred
modification even by the branch tasked to interpret it. to the legislature for action. The prevailing view is that, in case
of doubt, the Constitution should be considered self-executing
As a general rule, an unconstitutional act is not a law; it rather than non-self-executing, unless the contrary is clearly
CrIdApCoI. This rule, however, is not absolute. Under the intended, the provisions of the Constitution should be
doctrine of operative facts, actions previous to the declaration considered self-executing, as a contrary rule would give the
of unconstitutionality are legally recognized. They are not legislature discretion to determine when, or whether, they shall
nullified; only applies as a matter of equity and fair play. be effective. These provisions would be subordinated to the
will of the lawmaking body, which could make them entirely
(b) May the Preamble be referred to in the construction of meaningless by simply refusing to pass the needed
constitutional Provisions? implementing statute.
#27. Aglipay vs. Ruiz (GR 45459, 13 March 1937)
The government had authorized a special stamp issue on the (2) In its plain and ordinary meaning, when the Constitution
occasion of the observance in Manila of the 33rd International speaks of national patrimony, it refers not only to the natural
Eucharistic Congress under the sponsorship of the Catholic resources of the Philippines but also to the cultural heritage of
Church. The petitioner, as head of the Philippine Independent the Filipinos. Manila Hotel has become a landmark — a living
Church, assailed the measure, contending that it violated the testimonial of Philippine heritage. Built as a first-class hotel in
Constitution because it benefited a particular religion; thus he 1912, it has since then become the venue of various
sought to prohibit the issuance and selling of the stamps significant events which have shaped Philippine history. It was
commemorative of the event. called the Cultural Center of the 1930's. It was the site of
many festivities, it plays host to dignitaries and official visitors
ISSUE: WON the authorized stamp issue be declared invalid who are accorded the traditional Philippine hospitality. The
for violating the provisions of section 23, subsection 3, Article history of the hotel has been chronicled in the book The
VI, of the Constitution of the Philippines (Principle of separation Manila Hotel: The Heart and Memory of a City. For more than
of Church and State) eight (8) decades Manila Hotel has bore mute witness to the
triumphs and failures, loves and frustrations of the Filipinos; its
RULING: The stamp was NOT INVALID. Although the original existence is impressed with public interest; its own historicity
design of the stamp featured a Catholic chalice, this was later associated with our struggle for sovereignty, independence
rejected in favor of the map of the Philippines under which and nationhood. Verily, Manila Hotel has become part of our
appeared the caption, “”Seat XXXIII International Eucharistic national economy and patrimony.
Congress, Feb. 3-7,1937.” What was emphasized, therefore, is
not the Eucharistic Congress itself but Manila, as the seat of For sure, 51% of the equity of the MHC comes within the
that congress. The issuance of the postage stamps in question purview of the constitutional shelter for it comprises the
was not inspired by any sectarian denomination. The only majority and controlling stock, so that anyone who acquires or
purpose was “to advertise the Philippines and attract more owns the 51% will have actual control and management of the
tourists to this country.” The stamps were not issued and sold hotel. In this instance, 51% of the MHC cannot be
for the benefit of the Church. Nor was money derived from the disassociated from the hotel and the land on which the hotel
sale of the stamps given to the church. The officials concerned edifice stands. Consequently, we cannot sustain respondents'
merely took advantage of an event considered of international claim that the Filipino First Policy provision is not applicable
importance “to give publicity to the Philippines and its people”. since what is being sold is only 51% of the outstanding shares
of the corporation, not the Hotel building nor the land upon
STATCON: The terms "judicial" and "ministerial" used with which the building stands. The term qualified Filipinos as used
reference to "functions" in the statute are undoubtedly in Our Constitution also includes corporations at least 60% of
comprehensive and include the challenged act of the which are owned by Filipinos. This is very clear from the
respondent Director of Posts in the present case, which act proceedings of the 1986 Constitutional Commission.
because alleged to be violative of the Constitution is a fortiori
"without or in excess of . . . jurisdiction." The statutory rule, #29. Tañada v. Tuvera (Publication of Laws Requirement)
therefore, in the jurisdiction is that the writ of prohibition is not • ARTICLE 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following
confined exclusively to courts or tribunals to keep them within the completion of their publication either in the Official Gazette
the limits of their own jurisdiction and to prevent them from or in a newspaper of general circulation in the Philippines,
encroaching upon the jurisdiction of other tribunals, but will unless it is otherwise provided.
issue, in appropriate cases, to an officer or person whose acts • Statcon: one should understand that if the phrase refers to
are without or in excess of his authority. Not infrequently, "the the publication itself it would violate the constitution (since all
writ is granted, where it is necessary for the orderly laws should be made public).
administration of justice, or to prevent the use of the strong
arm of the law in an oppressive or vindictive manner, or a
multiplicity of actions." Ordinances
(i) Rule on Construction of Ordinaces visà-vis Statute
(c) Are the provisions of the Constitution self-executing?
#30 Primicias vs. Urdaneta (GR L-26702, 28 Oct 1979)
#28. Manila Prince Hotel vs. GSIS (GR 122156, 3 Feb 1997) The main issue in this appeal is the validity of Ordinance No.
The Filipino First Policy enshrined in the 1987 Constitution, 3, Series of 1964 by the Municipal Council of Urdaneta,
i.e., in the grant of rights, privileges, and concessions covering Pangasinan, which was declared null and void by the CFI.
the national economy and patrimony, the State shall give
preference to qualified Filipinos, is invoked by petitioner in its Augusto B. Primicias, plaintiff-appellee, was apprehended for
violation of Municipal Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1964, for made for a secret agent. As such he is not exempt.
overspeeding "and more particularly, for overtaking a truck.". The first and fundamental duty of courts is to apply the law.
Appellants contend that the Ordinance is valid, being "Construction and interpretation come only after it has been
"patterned after and based on Section 53, 5 par. 4 of Act No. demonstrated that application is impossible or inadequate
3992, as amended (Revised Motor Vehicle Law). But Act No. without them.
3992 has been superseded/repealed by Republic Act No.
4136, the Land Transportation and Traffic Code, which #33: People v. Jabinal (1974) EX-POST FACTO
became effective on June 20, 1964, about three months after (Judgement was reversed and he is ACQUITTED)
the questioned ordinance was approved by Urdaneta’s
Municipal Council. The explicit repeal of the aforesaid Act is
embodied in Section 63, Republic Act No. 4136. •Appointed Secret Agent by the Prov Govt in 1962, and
Confidential Agent by the Prov Comm in 1964, the prevailing
doctrine on the matter was laid down by SC in People v.
HELD: The Supreme Court AFFIRMED the decision. Macarandang (1959) and People v. Lucero (1958). SC’s
decision in People v. Mapa reversing the aforesaid doctrine
An essential requisite for a valid ordinance is, among others, came only in 1967.
that is "must not contravene . . . the statute," for it is a
"fundamental principle that municipal ordinances are inferior in • The case was arraigned while the Macarandang Doctrine
status and subordinate to the laws of the state." Following this was still prevailing, however, the decision was promulgated
general rule, whenever there is a conflict between an when the Mapa doctrine was in place. SC reversed the
ordinance and a statute, the ordinance "must give way." judgement and Jabinal was Acquitted. New doctrine should be
applied prospectively, and should not apply to parties who had
F. Particular Latin Rules relied on the old doctrine and acted on the faith thereof
• Mens Legislatoris
#31 Matabuena vs. Cervantes (GR L-28771, 31 Mar 1971) Article 8 of the New Civil Code "Judicial decisions applying or
Mens Legislatoris/Mischief Rule - It is a principle of statutory interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the
construction that what is within the spirit of the law is as much legal system.
a part of it as what is written. (Mischief: Mabuybuyan)
#34 People vs. Santayana (GR L-22291, 15 Nov 1976)
Art. 133 of the Civil Code considers as void a "donation Santayana, was appointed as "Special Agent" by then Col.
between the spouses during the marriage," in rel Art. 900 (if Jose C. Maristela, Chief of the CIS which ordered not to
only the wife is the surviving heir of the intestate, only entitled register a pistol since its a gov’t property and that he’s
to half, and half to the collateral relative unless there are authorized to carry it. Oct 29, 1962, he was found in Plaza
surviving children). Miranda in possession of firearm without a license to possess
them. At the time of appellant’s apprehension, the doctrine
Cornelia Matabuena, a sister to the deceased Felix then prevailing doctrine is the case of PP v. Macarandang
Matabuena, maintains that a donation made while he was wherein the SC held that the appointment of a civilian as
living maritally without benefit of marriage to Petronila "secret agent to assist in the maintenance of peace and order
Cervantes, was void. campaigns and detection of crimes sufficiently puts him within
the category of a ‘peace officer’ equivalent even to a member
of the municipal police expressly covered by Section 879."
The lower court ruled adverse to Cornelia. It reasoned out
The case of PP v. Mapa revoked the doctrine in the
thus: "A donation under the terms of Article 133 of the Civil
Macarandang case only on August 30, 1967. Under the
Code is void if made between the spouses during the
Macarandang rule therefore obtaining at the time of
marriage. When the donation was made by Felix Matabuena
appellant’s appointment as secret agent, he incurred no
in favor of the defendant on February 20, 1956, Petronila
criminal liability for possession of the pistol in question.
Cervantes and Felix Matabuena were not yet married. At that
time they were not spouses. They became spouses only when
they married on March 28, 1962, six years after the deed of
donation had been executed. • Expressio unius est exclusion alterius
#35 People vs. Estenzo (GR L-35376, 11 Sep 1980)
SC held: The lack of validity of the donation made by the The express mention of one or more things of a particular
deceased to defendant Petronila Cervantes does not class may be regarded as impliedly excluding others.
necessarily result in the plaintiff having exclusive right to the
disputed property. Prior to the death of Felix Matabuena, the RA 6236: AN ACT EXTENDING THE TIME LIMIT FOR THE
relationship between him and the defendant was legitimized FILING OF APPLICATIONS FOR FREE PATENTS AND FOR
by their marriage on March 28, 1962. She is therefore his THE JUDICIAL CONFIRMATION OF IMPERFECT OR
widow. As provided for in the Civil Code, she is entitled to INCOMPLETE TITLES.
one-half of the inheritance and the plaintiff, as the surviving
sister, to the other half. RA 931: AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE FILING IN THE
If there is ever any occasion where the principle of statutory CERTAIN CLAIMS OF TITLE TO PARCELS OF LAND THAT
construction is that what is within the spirit of the law is as HAVE BEEN DECLARED PUBLIC LAND, BY VIRTUE OF
much a part of it as what is written, this is it. Otherwise the JUDICIAL DECISIONS RENDERED WITHIN THE FORTY
basic purpose discernible in such codal provision would not be YEARS NEXT PRECEDING THE APPROVAL OF THIS ACT
attained. Whatever omission may be apparent in an
interpretation purely literal of the language used must be RA 2061: AN ACT SETTING A NEW TIME LIMIT FOR THE
remedied by an adherence to its avowed objective. FILING OF APPLICATIONS FOR FREE PATENTS, FOR THE
The law is harsh but it is the law. JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS ON CERTAIN LANDS WHICH
People v Macarandang (1959) ACQUITTED In 1940 the Cadastral Court rendered a decision declaring, Lot
Section 879 of the Revised Administrative Code provides, as 4273 a public land (the Aoetes failed to appear on the date of
shown at least by the subject matter therefore, that "peace the hearing because of ignorance and excusable neglect).
officers" are exempted from the requirements relating to the They filed a petition to reopen the decision invoking RA 931 as
issuance of license to possess firearms. amended by RA 6236. The Aotes claimed that since the time
limit for filing applications for free patents and applications for
judicial confirmation of incomplete and imperfect titles have
#32: People vs Mapa (1967)
been extended up to December 31, 1980, the reopening of
FACTS: Defendant Mario Mapa, was accused of illegal cadastral cases is also extended until December 31, 1980.
possession of firearms. THE LAW IS CLEAR.: No provision is
The lower court affirmed and On July 22, 1972 adjudicating ISSUE: Whether a justice of the peace is included in the
said lot in favor of the private respondents in undivided interest prohibition of Section 54 of the Revised Election Code?
in equal share of one-fourth (1/4) each.
HELD: On law, reason and public policy, Manantan’s
ISSUE: Whether the extension provided for under RA 6263 contention that justices of the peace are not covered by the
also applies to Re-opening of Cadastral Proceedings. injunction of Section 54 must be REJECTED. To accept it is to
render ineffective a policy so clearly and emphatically laid
HELD: NO. The Supreme Court reiterated that RA 6236 does down by the legislature. Justice of peace was not omitted,
not apply to the reopening of cadastral proceedings and as a rather it is now referred to the broader term “judges”.
consequence, the respondent Judge has no jurisdiction over
the petition of the Aotes to reopen the cadastral proceedings. Our law-making body has consistently prohibited justices of
The extension as provided for by the RA 6236 makes no the peace from participating in partisan politics. They were
reference to reopening of cadastral cases as the earlier law, prohibited under the old Election Law since 1907 (Act No.
RA 2061, expressly did. 1582 and Act No. 1709). Likewise, they were so enjoined by
the Revised Administrative Code. Another which expressed
Under the legal maxim of statutory construction, expressio the prohibition to them was Act No. 3387, and later,
unius est exclusio alterius (Express Mention is Implied Commonwealth Act No. 357.
Exclusion), the express mention of one thing in a law, as a
general rule, means the exclusion of others not expressly The rule of "expressio unius, est exclusion alterius" in arriving
mentioned. This rule, as a guide to probable legislative intent, at the conclusion that justices of the peace are not covered by
is based upon the rules of logic and the natural workings of the Section 54. The rule has no application. If the legislature had
human mind. If RA 6236 had intended that the extension it intended to exclude a justice of the peace from the purview of
provided for applies also to reopening of cadastral cases, it Section 54, neither the trial court nor the Court of Appeals has
would have so provided in the same way that it provided the given the reason for the exclusion. Indeed, there appears no
extension of time to file applications for free patent and for reason for the alleged change. Hence, it has been erroneously
judicial confirmation of imperfect or incomplete title. The applied.
intention to exclude the reopening of cadastral proceedings or
certain lands which were declared public land in RA 6236 is Where a statute appears on its face to limit the operation of its
made clearer by reference to RA 2061 which includes the provisions to particular persons or things by enumerating
reopening of cadastral cases, but not so included in RA 6236. them, but no reason exists why other persons or things not so
enumerated should not have been included, and manifest
• Ejusdem Generis injustice will follow by not so including them, the maxim
Of the same kind." When a law lists classes of persons or expressio unius est exclusion alterius, should not be invoked.
things, this concept is used to clarify such a list.
FOR THE ABOVE REASONS, the order of dismissal entered
(i) When do we apply this rule? by the trial court should be set aside and this case is
remanded for trial on the merits.
#36. Mutuc vs. Comelec (GR L-32717, 26 November 1970)
Petitioner Amelito Mutuc, a candidate for the delegate to the
Constitutional Convention, was prohibited by respondent, (ii) Permissive Rule
Comelec, from using tape jingles in his mobile units equipped #38 Lopez vs. CTA (GR L-9274, 1 February 1957)
with sound systems and loud speakers. The justification for FACTS: Lopez & Sons imported hexagonal wire netting from
the prohibition was premised on a provision of the Germany. The Manila Collector of Customs assessed the
Constitutional Convention Act, which made it unlawful for corresponding customs duties on the importation on the basis
candidates "to purchase, produce, request or distribute of consular and supplies invoices. Said customs duties were
sample ballots, or electoral propaganda gadgets such as paid and the shipments were released. However, after
pens, lighters, fans (of whatever nature), flashlights, athletic reassessment (freight) additional customs duties were levied
goods or materials, wallets, bandanas, shirts, hats, matches, and imposed in the amount of P1,966.59. Failing to secure a
cigarettes, and the like, whether of domestic or foreign origin." reconsideration of the reassessment and levy of additional
customs duties, Lopez & Sons appealed to the CTA. Acting
ISSUE: Whether the taped jingles can be categorized under upon a motion to dismiss the appeal, filed by the SolGen on
the phrase “and the like” the ground of lack of jurisdiction, the CTA, by its resolution of
. May 23, 1955, dismissed the appeal on the ground that it had
no jurisdiction to review decisions of the Collector of Customs
HELD: NO. The Court cannot give merit to the justification of
of Manila, citing section 7 of RA 1125, creating said tax court.
the COMELEC under the well-known principle of ejusdem
Lopez & Sons appealed to the Supreme Court.
generis, the general words following any enumeration being
applicable only to things of the same kind or class as those
specifically referred to. It is quite apparent that what was Petitioner contends that the literal meaning of Section 11 of
contemplated in the Act was the distribution of gadgets of the RA 1125 should be adopted in the sense that the CTA has
kind –being made of that kind–referred to as a means of concurrent jurisdiction with the Commissioner of Customs over
inducement to obtain a favorable vote for the candidate Appeals from decisions of Collectors of Customs, so that a
responsible for its distribution. Furthermore, the respondent person adversely affected by a decision of a Collector of
Commission cannot exercise any authority in conflict with or Customs is given the choice of appealing the said decision
outside of the law, and there is no higher law than the either to the Commissioner of Customs or to the CTA.
Constitution. The Court could not adhere to a ruling which
would nullify a constitutional right as free speech. Thus, the ISSUE: Whether the literal meaning of Section 11 of RA 1125
respondent Commission is permanently restrained and should be adopted and that the CTA has concurrent
prohibited from enforcing or implementing or demanding jurisdiction over the decisions of the Collector of Custom.
compliance with its aforesaid order banning the use of political
taped jingles. HELD: NO. Section 7 of RA 1125 specifically provides that the
(CTA) has appellate jurisdiction to review decisions of the
• Casus Omissus (case omitted) Commissioner of Customs. On the other hand, Section 11 of
(i) Casus omissus pro omisso habendus est (restrictive the same Act in lifting the enumerating the persons and
rule) entities who may appeal mentions among others, those
#37 People vs. Manantan (GR L-14129, 31 July 1962) affected by a decision or ruling of the Collector of Customs,
and fails to mention the Commissioner of Customs. The court
This is an appeal of the Solicitor General from the order of the
ruled that a clerical error was committed in Section 11,
CFI dismissing the information against Manantan (defendant).
mentioning therein the Collector of Customs. It is more
CA and RTC has erroneously applied the rule of "expressio
reasonable and logical to hold that in Section 11 of the Act, the
unius, est exclusion alterius" in arriving at the conclusion that
Legislature meant and intended to say, the Commissioner of
justices of the peace are not covered by Section 54.
Customs, instead of Collector of Customs. The two remedies
suggested by petitioners are entirely different, one from the
other; an appeal to the Commissioner of Customs is purely Ocampo, a resident of Naga City. The contract-agreement
administrative, whereas, appeal to the (CTA) is manifestly stipulated that construction must be completed before June 5
judicial. And it is a sound rule that before one resorts to the 1967, and that all actions arising out, or relating to this
Courts, the administrative remedy provided by law should first contract may be instituted in the CFI of the City of Naga.
be exhausted. Under the rules of statutory construction, it is
not the letter but rather the spirit of the law and intention of the Ocampo (defendant) finished the construction only on June
Legislature that is important and which matters. When the 20, 1967 thus plaintiff filed in the CFI of Pampanga an action
interpretation of a statute according to the exact and literal for recovery of consequential damages. Ocampo then filed a
import of its words would lead to absurd or mischievous motion to dismiss the complaint on the ground that the venue
results, or would contravene the clear purposes of the of action was improperly laid but Plaintiff filed an opposition to
Legislature, it should be construed according to its spirit and the motion, claiming that their agreement to hold the venue in
reason, disregarding as far as necessary, the latter the CFI of Naga City was merely optional to both contracting
of the law. parties. In support thereof, plaintiff cited the use of the word
"may " in relation with the institution of any action arising out of
• Noscitur a sociis the contract.
#39 Sanciangco vs. Rono (GR L-68709, 19 July 1985)
FACTS: Petitioner was elected Brgy. Captain of Brgy. Sta. The lower court, in resolving the motion to dismiss, ruled that
Cruz, Ozamiz City. Later, he was elected President of the "there was no sense in providing the aforequoted stipulation,
Association of Barangay Councils (ABC) of Ozamiz City by the pursuant to Sec. 3 of Rule 4 of the Revised Rules of Court, if
Board of Directors of and was appointed by the President of after all, the parties are given the discretion or option of filing
the Philippines as a member of the City's Sangguniang the action in their respective residences," and thereby ordered
Panlungsod. Petitioner filed his Certificate of Candidacy for the the dismissal of the complaint. Hence, the appeal.
May 14, 1984 Batasan Pambansa elections for Misamis
Occidental but was not successful. Petitioner informed ISSUE: Whether the CFI erred in its decision to dismiss the
respondent Vice-Mayor Benjamin A. Fuentes, Presiding complaint of the Ocampo.
Officer of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, that he was resuming
his duties as member of that body Invoking Section 13(2), HELD: NO. The Court ruled that the stipulation as to venue in
Article 5 of BP 697: the contract in question is simply permissive. By the said
stipulation, the parties did not agree to file their suits solely
Sec. 13. Effects of filing of certificate of candidacy. and exclusively with the CFI of Naga. They merely agreed to
(1) Any person holding a public appointive office or position, submit their disputes to the said court, without waiving their
including active officers and members of the Armed Forces of right to seek recourse in the court. Since the complaint has
the Philippines and the Integrated National Police, as well as been filed in the CFI of Pampanga, where the plaintiff resides,
the venue of action is properly laid in accordance with Section
officials and employees of government-owned and GCCO and
2 (b), Rule 4 of the Rules of Court. It is well settled that the
their subsidiaries, shall ipso facto cease in office or position as
word "may" is merely permissive and operates to confer
of the time he filed his certificate of candidacy: Provided,
discretion upon a party. Under ordinary circumstances, the
however, that the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister,
term "may be'' connotes possibility; it does not connote
the Members of the Cabinet, and the Deputy Ministers shall
certainty. "May" is an auxiliary verb indicating liberty,
continue in the offices they presently hold notwithstanding the
opportunity, permission or possibility.
filing of their certificates of candidacy.

(2) Governors, mayors, members of the various sangguniang

• “Of” and “May”
or barangay officials shall, upon filing certificate of candidacy #42. GMRC vs. Bell Telecommunications, 271 SCRA 790
be considered on forced leave of absence from office. FACTS: On 19 October 1993, Bell Telecommunication
(Emphasis supplied) Philippines, Inc. (BellTel) filed with the (NTC) an Application for
a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Procure,
Install, Operate and Maintain Nationwide Integrated
Although it may be that Section 13(2), B.P. Blg. 697, admits of
Telecommunications Services and to Charge Rates Therefor
more than one construction, taking into consideration the
and with Further Request for the Issuance of Provisional
nature of the positions of the officials enumerated therein,
Authority (NTC Case 93-481). At the time of the filing of this
namely, governors, mayors, members of the various
application, BellTel had not been granted a legislative
sanggunians or barangay officials, the legislative intent to
franchise to engage in the business of telecoms service.
distinguish between elective positions in section 13(2), as
Hence, it was excluded in the deliberations for service area
contrasted to appointive positions in section 13(l) under the
assignments for local exchange carrier service Only GMCR,
all-encompassing clause reading "any person holding public
Inc., Smart Communications, Inc., Isla Communications Co.,
appointive office or position," is clear. It is a rule of statutory
Inc. and International Communications Corporation, among
construction that "when the language of a particular section of
others, were beneficiaries of formal awards of service area
a statute admits of more than one construction, that
assignments. On 25 March 1994, RA 7692 was enacted
construction which gives effect to the evident purpose and
granting BellTel a congressional franchise which gave private
object sought to be attained by the enactment of the statute as
respondent BellTel the right, privilege and authority to carry on
a whole, must be followed."
the business of providing telecoms services. BellTel filed with
the NTC a second application and proposed to install 2.6M
A statute's clauses and phrases should not be taken as telephone lines in 10 years using the most modern and latest
detached and isolated expressions, but the whole and every state-of-the-art facilities and equipment and to provide a 100%
part thereof must be considered in fixing the meaning of any of digital local exchange telephone network. BellTel’s second
its parts. application was opposed by GMCR et al. In December 1994,
BellTel completed the presentation of its evidence-in-chief
#40 Caltex Phil. Vs. Palomar, 18 SCRA 247 together with all the technical, financial and legal documents in
The well-known principle of legal hermeneutics noscitur a support of its application. It was referred to (CCAD) for study
sociis — it is only logical that the term under a construction and recommendation. The finding proved that the project is
should be accorded no other meaning than that which is feasible and BellTell has financial capacity to support it. The
consistent with the nature of the word associated therewith. Legal Department prepared a working draft of the order
granting provisional authority to BellTel. However, it was not
G. Construction of words and phrases signed by Commissioner Simeon Kintanar. The inaction
caused BellTell to file the petitions for Certiorari, Mandamus
and Prohibition.
“May” and “Shall”
#41Capati v. Ocampo, GR L-28742, April 30, 1982) Statutory Construction: “And” construed. The conjunctive word
Virgilio Capati (plaintiff), a contractor of the Feati Bank for the ‘and’ is not without any legal significance. It is not, by any
construction of its building in Iriga, Camarines Sur, on May 23, chance, a surplusage in the law. It means ‘in addition to’. The
1967, entered into a sub-contract with the defendant Dr. Jesus word ‘and’, whether it is used to connect words, phrases or full
sentence[s], must be accepted as binding together and as ISSUE: Whether the petitioner is disqualified for probation.
relating to one another. From the context of Section 16 of HELD: NO. The court ruled that when he applied for probation
Executive Order 546, the Commission is composed of a he had no previous conviction by final judgment and the only
Commissioner and 2 deputy commissioners; not the conviction against him was the judgment which was the
commissioner alone. (“May” is permissive) subject of his application. The statute relates "previous" to the
date of conviction, not to the date of the commission of the
Every part of statute should be given effect in interpreting a Crime. Thus, the petition is granted and the respondent judge
statute, every part thereof should be given effect on the theory is directed to give due course to the petitioner's application for
that it was enacted as an integrated law and not as a probation.
combination of dissonant provisions. As the aphorism goes,
“that the thing may rather have effect than be destroyed.” • “Every”
#45. NHA vs. Juco , 134 SCRA 172
• “Principally” and “Exclusively” Petitioner Benjamin C. Juco ,a project engineer of respondent
#43. Alfon vs. Republic (GR L-51201, 29 May 1980) National Housing Corporation (NHC), was separated from the
FACTS: Petitioner Maria Estrella Veronica Primitiva Duterte service for having been implicated in a crime of theft and/or
filed a petition praying that her name be changed from Maria malversation of public funds. Juro filed a complaint for illegal
Estrella Veronica Primitiva Duterte to Estrella S. Alfon for the dismissal against the NHC with DOLE. In September 1977,
following reasons: the Labor Arbiter rendered a decision dismissing the complaint
on the ground that the NLRC had no jurisdiction over the case.
1. She has been using the name Estrella Alfon since her Juro then elevated the case to the NLRC which reversed the
childhood; decision of the Labor Arbiter. Dissatisfied with the decision of
2. She has been enrolled in the grade school and in college the NLRC, they appealed before the Court and rendered a
using the same name; decision reinstating the Labor Arbiter’s. Juro filed with the
CSC a complaint for illegal dismissal, with preliminary
3. She has continuously used the name Estrella S. Alfon since
mandatory injunction. NHC moved for the dismissal of the
her infancy and all her friends and acquaintances know her by
complaint on the ground that the CSC has no jurisdiction over
this name;
the case. On April 11, 1989, the CSC issued an order
4. She has exercised her right of suffrage under the same dismissing the complaint for lack of jurisdiction. It ratiocinated
name. that: The Board finds the comment and/or motion to dismiss
meritorious. It was not disputed that NHC is a government
ISSUE: Whether a legitimate or legitimated children are corporation without an original charter but organized/created
required to use the surname of their father. under the Corporate Code.

HELD: NO, the word "principally" as used in Art. 364 of the Section 1, Article XII-B of the Constitution specifically
Civil Code is not equivalent to "exclusively" so that there is no provides: The Civil Service embraces every branch, agency,
legal obstacle if a legitimate or legitimated child should choose subdivision, and instrumentality of the Government, including
to use the surname of its mother to which it is equally entitled. every government-owned or controlled corporation. ...
Moreover, this Court held in Haw Liong vs. Republic. The
following may be considered, among others, as proper or The 1935 Constitution had a similar provision in its Section 1,
reasonable causes that may warrant the grant of a petitioner Article XI I which stated: A Civil Service embracing all
for change of name; branches and subdivisions of the Government shall be
(1) when the name is ridiculous, tainted with dishonor, or is provided by law.
extremely difficult to write or pronounce;
(2) when the request for change is a consequence of a change Section I of Article XII-B, Constitution uses the word "every" to
of' status, such as when a natural child is acknowledged or modify the phrase "government-owned or controlled
legitimated; and corporation."
(3) when the change is necessary to avoid confusion
"Every" means each one of a group, without exception It
It has been shown that petitioner has, since childhood, borne means all possible and all taken one by one. Of course, our
the name Estrella S. Alfon although her birth records and decision in this case refers to a corporation created as a
baptismal certificate show otherwise; she was enrolled in the government-owned or controlled entity. It does not cover
schools from the grades up to college under the name Estrella cases involving private firms taken over by the government in
S. Alfon; all her friends call her by this name; she finished her foreclosure or similar proceedings. We reserve judgment on
course in Nursing in college and was graduated and given a these latter cases when the appropriate controversy is brought
diploma under this name; and she exercised the right of to this Court.
suffrage likewise under this name. There is therefore ample
justification to grant fully her petition which is not whimsical but
on the contrary is based on a solid and reasonable ground, i.e.
• Suplusages
to avoid confusion. #46. Demafiles vs. Comelec, GR L-28396, 29 Dec 1987
The new municipality of Sebaste in Antique province held its
first election of officers November 14, 1967, with the petitioner
• “Previously” Agripino Demafiles and the respondent Benito B. Galido vying
#44. Rura vs. Lopena (GR L-69810-414, 19 June 1985) for the mayoralty. On November 21 the respondent Galido
FACTS: Petitioner Teodulo Rura was accused, tried and asked the provincial board, acting as municipal board of
convicted of five (5) counts of estafa committed on different canvassers pursuant to section 167 (b) of the Revised
dates in the Municipal Circuit Trial Court of Tubigon-Clarin, Election Code, to disregard, as "obviously manufactured", the
Tubigon, Bohol. The five cases were jointly tried and a single election return from precinct 7 on the ground that the said
decision was rendered. Rura applied for probation. The return shows that 195 voters were registered (of whom 188
application was opposed by a probation officer of Bohol on the voted), when, according to a certificate of the municipal
ground that petitioner is disqualified for probation under Sec. election registrar only 182 had registered in that precinct as of
9(c) of the Probation law thereof which disqualifies from
October 30, 1997.
probation those persons:
At its session on the following day, the board, over the
(c) who have previously been convicted by final judgment of
objection of one member, voted to reject the return from
an offense punished by imprisonment of not less than one precinct 7 and then proceeded with the canvass of the returns
month and one day and or a fine of not less than 200 Pesos. from the other precincts. The resulting tally gave Galido 888
votes as opposed to 844 for Demafiles. Accordingly, Galido
The court denied the application for probation. A motion for was proclaimed mayor-elect of the municipality of Sebaste.
reconsideration was likewise denied. Hence the instant Petitioner, challenged the right of the two board members to sit
petition. considering that they are re-electionist. Respondent
Commission ruled in favor of Petitioner. However, Galido
asked for reconsideration, stating that the said board members applies only to municipalities and not to chartered cities; the
in question were disqualified only when the board was acting obligation of the City of Dipolog to refund the sum collected
as a provincial but not as municipal and that the COMELEC under the void provisions of an ordinance enacted while it was
resolution annulling the canvass and proclamation of officials still a municipality, is not open to doubt. The court ruled that
was issued without giving him an opportunity to be heard.In the legality of an ordinance depends upon the power of the
light of this, Respondent Commission reversed its previous municipality at the time of the enactment of the challenged
decision. Galido was proclaimed and the respondent ordinance. The right of the Arabay, Inc. to a refund of the local
Commission held "that the canvas and proclamation already sales taxes it had paid under the questioned ordinance may
made by the local officials . . . stands". Demafiles, after failing not, however, include those levied on its gasoline sales. The
to secure a reconsideration of the latter resolution, filed a relevant proviso of Section 2 of the Local Autonomy Act
petition. Hence the case. Galido, argued that the case is moot states: ... Provided, That municipalities and municipal districts
because he had taken his oath and assumed office on shall, in no case, impose any percentage tax on sales or other
November 22, pursuant to Republic Act 4870 section 2 of the taxes on articles subject to specific tax, except gasoline, under
statute which reads: the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code: The
“The first mayor, vice-mayor and councilors of the Municipality reasonable and practical interpretation of the terms of the
of Sebaste shall be elected in the next general elections for proviso in question resulted in the conclusion that Congress, in
local officials and shall have qualified” excluding gasoline, deliberately and intentionally meant to put
it within the power of such local governments to impose
"and shall have qualified" — is devoid of any meaning, is whatever type or form of taxes.
unmitigated jargon in or out of context, and does not warrant
the respondent's reading that the term of office of the first • Other Examples
municipal officials of Sebaste begins immediately after their #48. People vs. Mejia, 275 SCRA 127
proclamation. It is quite probable that that is what the In the evening of 10 March 1994, several persons on board a
legislature meant. But here is a clear case of a failure to passenger jeepney driven by Teofilo Landingin attacked the
express a meaning, and a becoming sense of judicial modesty latter and a passenger, Virgilio Catugas, thereby inflicting upon
forbids the courts from assuming and, consequently, from them multiple stab wounds. Landingin was pulled out from his
supplying. A judge must not rewrite a statute, neither to seat and dumped on the shoulder of the road. One of the
enlarge nor to contract it. Whatever temptations the attackers took the wheel of the jeepney and drove away.
statesmanship of policy-making might wisely suggest, Catugas was thrown out to the middle of the road when the
construction must eschew interpolation and evisceration. jeepney started to move away. Landingin died as a
Accordingly, we have to go by the general rule that the term of consequence of the injuries he sustained. Catugas survived.
office of municipal officials shall begin on the first day of
January following their election,3 and so the assumption of Held to account for the above acts were Gregorio Mejia, Edwin
office by the respondent Galido in no way affected the basic Benito, Pedro Paraan, Joseph Fabito, Romulo Calimquim, one
issues in this case, which we need not reach and resolve. alias Dennis, Alex Mamaril, one alias Mondragon, and another
unidentified person. Mejia and Benito were taken into police
• Punctuations custody a few hours after the incident; Paraan, the following
#47. Arabay vs. CFI of Zamboanga del Norte, 66 SCRA 617 day; and Fabito, five days after. Calimquim was found dead 3
FACTS: The Municipality of Dipolog enacted Ordinance No. days after the incident in question, while the others have
19 that charged tax for the selling and distribution of gasoline, remained at large. 3 separate criminal complaints for murder,
lubricating oils, diesel fuel oils, and petroleum based products. frustrated murder, and violation of RA 6539 (Anti Carnapping
Arabay Inc., distributor of gas, oil and other petroleum Act of 1992, as amended) were filed against them with the
products, filed with the CFI of Zamboanga del Norte a MTC of Sta. Barbara, Pangasinan. Despite service on their
complaint against the City of Dipolog, contesting the validity of subpoenas requiring submission of counter- affidavits,
such on the ground that the tax is beyond the power of a accused Mejia, Benito, Paraan, and Fabito did comply.
municipality to levy under Sec. 2 of RA No. 2264, which
provides that municipalities may not impose tax on articles On 9 May 1994, Judge Lilia C. Espanol issued an order
subject to specific tax except gasoline. The court a quo declaring the accused "to have waived their right to be heard
rendered judgment upholding the validity of the questioned in preliminary investigation"; finding a prima facie case against
provision of Ordinance No. 53, as amended, essentially on the the accused; recommending that they be charged with and
grounds that the Arabay, Inc. failed to present evidence that prosecuted for the crimes of murder, frustrated murder, and
the tax provision in question imposed a sales tax, and the tax violation of RA 6539, as amended; and ordering that the
prescribed therein was, moreover, not a specific tax on the records of the cases be forwarded to the Office of the
products themselves but on the privilege of selling them. Provincial Prosecutor for appropriate action. After appropriate
proceedings, the OPP filed with the RTC of Dagupan City
ISSUE: three separate informations for murder, frustrated murder, and
(1) Whether the questioned tax provision imposes a sales tax. violation of the Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972, as amended,
against the aforenamed persons.
(2) Whether the Arabay, Inc. is entitled to a tax refund.

HELD: The LARON court gave credence to the version of the

prosecution and even took the incident as an offer of
(1) Yes. Dipolog levies a sales tax, not only because the
compromise, which may be considered an implied admission
character of the ordinance as a sales tax ordinance was
of guilt. Said court misapplied Section 27 of Rule 130 of the
admitted by the parties below, but as well because the
Rules of Court. There is no evidence whatsoever that any of
phraseology of the said provision reveals in clear terms
the appellants authorized his parents to approach Catugas or
the intention to impose a tax on the sale of oil, gasoline and knew the matter of payment of P80K. Moreover, if one were to
other petroleum products. Thus, the ordinance provides: believe the explanation of Catugas that the amount of P80K
"There shall be charged for the selling and distribution of represented the expenses he incurred for his hospitalization
refined and manufactured oils ... based on the monthly and medical bills, then the offer to reimburse it is not
allocation actually delivered and distributed and intended for admissible in evidence as proof of criminal liability pursuant to
sale … by the Company or supplier to any person ... whether the last paragraph of Section 27 of Rule 130. On the whole
as dealer ... or as operator of any station ... the following tax then we entertain, unavoidably, serious doubt on the
payable monthly: ..." It is quite evident from these terms that participation of the appellants in the commission of the crimes
the amount of the tax that may be collected is directly charged.
dependent upon or bears a direct relationship to the volume of
sales which the owner or supplier of the itemized products
WHEREFORE, the challenged decisions in Criminal Case for
generates every month. The ordinance in question therefore
murder, frustrated murder, and violation of Anti-Carnapping
exacts a tax based on sales; it follows that the Municipality of
Act of 1972 are REVERSED. Accused-appellants Gregorio
Dipolog was not authorized to enact such an ordinance under
Mejia, Edwin Benito, Pedro Paraan, and Joseph Fabito are
the local Autonomy Act.
ACQUITTED on the ground that their guilt has not been
proved beyond reasonable doubt or with moral certainty. Their
(2) Even if the prohibition contained in section 2 of RA 2264 immediate release from detention is hereby ordered, unless
other lawful and valid grounds for their further detention exist.

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