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I am very proud to come from different experiences and accomplishments

in ways that make my parents and family proud of me. As I grew up I enjoyed
trying out new things. I played many sports, soccer, basketball, volleyball and a
little bit of softball. Sports was really a thing I loved and something I never
wanted to stop until I got injured on my right knee that made it harder for me to
run with much pain. However, I decided once in middle school to try something
else which was to try out for Band and explore an instrument. I was in 7th grade
playing the clarinet and even performing in front of families with different song
rhythms. I enjoyed just the experience of trying out something new and being
able to perform in front of many faces. I later was still able to do sports because I
had not messed up my knee as badly as I injured it my last time which was my
freshman year in highschool. The sport I enjoyed doing the most was Soccer
which did have a lot of cons to it with injuries and different temporary pain within
my body. I love to make my family proud and from graduating middle school it
was something big to me and my family because I was the first child,
granddaughter, niece, and first cousin. As I was graduating middle school my
siblings were still growing up in elementary school still being little kids. For my
mom it is really important to her to have her oldest set a good example and play
a good role model to my little siblings that are looking up to me. So it made me
very proud that all the struggles and hard work paid off and that I got to graduate,
motivating my siblings to work hard through all the struggles and keep pushing
through. I am also grateful for being the first in my family to attend college!

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