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My Pride Sample

I am proud of myself for accomplishing finishing highschool with good grades and
going to a university after high school. I will be the first in my family to go to college, so
it's a big deal that I am going there. I’m also proud of myself for getting good grades all
of my 4 years in high school because it took a lot of hard work and time. My hard work
over the past years has gotten me accepted into every college I applied to and I'm very
happy that I did and it paid off all the time I put into school. I hope to get a degree in
business at Fullerton or Long Beach State in the next 3-4 years. After I get my degree in
business I plan on working for a business and helping them for the next 2-3 years to see
how a business works and to save up money to soon after start my own business of
some sort in the future.
I am also proud to have my family in my life because they are always there for
me no matter what. Without my mom I probably wouldn’t have been able to have done
most things like, kept my grades up or applying to colleges. I’m proud of my little sister
and having her in my life because she’s one of my favorite people to see and be
around. Without my step mom and sister I would probably be in a totally different place
right now because my step mom adopted me to become hers when no one was there
for me.

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